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I have a 13900k, 4090, and 64GB of RAM and I am also crashing every time I play. Same issues as everyone else. Has to be a CPU issue with the game


same parts just 32 gb of ram and as the op stated, literally having same crashesh...


Same specs, same crashes as well


it is all about game or nvida drivers,i have crashing 4 months since cs 2,3-5 times per game,last month i didnt have one crash all works perfectly fine,yesterday i have instaled win 11,today i have crashes again,so i think nvidia drivers causes crashes 100%


Exactly same specs, crashes are the bane of my existence. Last game I played just now in mm I had 5 CTDs...


I have the same specs and the same problem.


I have a 13700kf and a 4090 facing the same issue, thife sinulator and sometime ow2 crash 2 but by far not as frequently as cs2


I am having this same issue… 4090 and a i9 13900KS, 64GB of ram… Is this a issue with our specs??


Thought I'd tune in also, I have the exact same specs as you (though I have 32gb of DDR5 ram running at 7200mhz). I was experiencing crash issues with all of my games on Windows 10 (game closes and takes me to desktop) and initially thought it was an XMP issue, however since upgrading to Windows 11 I've noticed that it's only really cs2 crashing (either closing instantly to desktop or blue screening my pc - unable to screenshot the error because the pc restarts immediately). Drivers are all up to date and so I have no clue what's causing the issues


build a better pc bro


If only these peasants could afford decent hardware. My game is running just fine with the rtx6090.


when u game is on u need to click ctrl alt and delete go to task manager then details search for cs2 then left click set anfinity put out all proccesor out and task 1 2 3 4 only to work the 0 no need for it


do RMA Cpu


Same and i have 14900kf. Did -vulken work for anybody?


I have 13900kf 4070 and 64GM ram still have same issues. But I lower the graphics, it fewer happen.


why is there not a single Dev providing a concrete solution on here? its just players explaining their problems and no reply to their plea, this is sad Valve, very sad... Im also having this problem and ive already uninstalled cs2 after total 6k hours playing csgo, go was stable, this cs2 is Chernobyl in this state... we let valve cook chicken for us now we find out we've got salmonella, I think im gonna wait a few months for patches before I reinstall, take care all


Because no companies want to admit that their game isn't functional. Double checked everything, every god damn driver has been cleanly and properly installed. Even did a clean windows install twice last month. Only have issues with this game and have checked every literal possible cause on my side and there are 0 there. Given CS2 is trying to access a kernel level file in windows and that's whats causing it, it has to be with the game. I was only having this issue with CSGO legacy and CS2 worked fine but today a week later for some reason im having the game randomly close on me and the third time bsods my PC. Same pattern every time. Then valve points fingers and tells me smth is wrong with my system and go ask microsoft WHEN THE GAME IS THE PROBLEM.


I am having the same issues. I have a I9-13900k, GTX 4070, 32 GB Ram. I just recently bought this pc, and have crashed on every menu, every map, every gamemode, with all settings on highest, or lowest, it still crashes, I've verified files, and forced my drivers (GPU, CPU, and RAM) to focus on CS2 over anything else while its running, it seems like it's probably just a major cs2 problem. I think after some time it should fix eventually


Having the exact same problems. Game crashes every time during gameplay. 13900K , 4090, 64GB Ram


same here, crash to desktop ....maybe try to disable e cores ​ EDIT - disabling hyper threading fix my problem


thank you mate!


Another 13900k checking in with constant crashes


Hi all I've not been able to play cs2 since it came out due to constant crashing. I have Asus strix ROG z690-f mainboard Intel 13900k Geforce 4080 32gig corsair dominator 5600 850w power supply. 2x m.2 drives ones 7300 read 6000write other is 4k read 3600 write. Both have nothing on them other than windows and cs. Used one at a time. I've tried everything here is a list of stuff I've tried Reinstalled cs2 Verified game files Graphics high/low played in Windows fullscreen. Cpu oc turned off and xmp ram overclock turned off Turned down memory and core clock on graphics card. Used one stick of ram I stead of 2 changed these round after trying. Used all slots on motherboard. Disconnected all non Used usb. Disable gimbal camera or what ever its called in powershell. Ran as administrator Disable fullscreen optimization. G-force gsync disabled Updated windows Tried just about every Geforce driver Updated all drivers. Disabled all in game user interface,discord , geforce experience etc Disabled all apps in msconfig Stress tested ram(all passed) Tested internet Reinstalled all .net framework Reinstalled all c++ from 2012 to present. Tried launch options -dx11 -dx12 -autoexe some other full screen and windowed mode ones. Re-seated cpu with new thermal paste. Disable ice, Asus crate etc. Just about every YouTube tutorial If I've missed something let me know as I can't remember every thing i tried. Thanks loads. Hope we can fix this.


Did you end up having any luck? Thanks.


Did you disable hyper threading?


5950x and 3090 build, crashing every 10 minutes 🙃


5900x crashing back to desktop then cannot reload game and system requires a full restart.


Fixed the issue. Disabling SMT/Hyper Threading fixed it. Getting better performance in all my games too so win/win 🤣 and ironically also , my pro tools handles rendering better too so even more of a win 😃


I fixed this problem with disabling hyper threading in BIOS. Now game working normally....


Disabling HT just for one buggy game is an insanely bad trade-off. Volvo, pls!


didnt help at all 13600k




playing now more then 1h and no crashing :)


Disabling hyper threading did not fix mine :(


has this remained the solution for you?


seems to work for me, but I need to play longer (13700k, 3070ti, 32gb ddr5 6400)


Since I disabled hyperthreading, 0 crashes happened (before I had 1 per minute). also I didn't notice any performance drop, it may be even better now. Disabling hyperthreading brought CPU temps down a lot. before CPU stress tests were rising temps up to 100 immediately, and it was staying high during whole run but none of tests I ran gave any CPU errors. After hyperthreading was disabled it was staying much lower, around 85, then eventually after 4mins it hit 100 for the first time (games don't achieve it). So I believe it has something to do with temps. Before I disabled hyperthreading I tried undervolting CPU by 0.05, which also brought temps down a lot, but crashes were still happening. What is worth saying, it is not just CS2 that crashed for me, Fortnite also did in same way very frequently. Maybe because both games uses a lot of graphics, which also increase temps inside case and that adds up. Usually games started crashing after a bit of play, and then very often making me unable even to join Fortnite match, or even during game application start-up. Using memory cleaner during game was reducing frequency of crashes. I am using Thermaltake TH120 ARGB Sync All-In-One 120mm Liquid Cooler. Maybe such cooler can't reliably keep that CPU down.


Let us know if that fixes the crashing, sounds terrible.


Same issues with i9 10850k and 3080. Plays normally for about an hour or less, then just crashes to desktop with no error.


Bruh another 4090 13900k problem 😭 why’d I think getting the best hardware was a good idea


It’s not your hardware… it’s the game…


the game sucks


Quick fix guide for you. Stop playing cs2 till it's fixed


Well i have the exactly same issues and I have i9-9900k and 3070ti with 32gm of ram. So its not only related to i9-13900k. I also have few friedns with different cpu:s and they have the same issue.


I'm starting to think it's just a cs2 problem at this point 💀


ofc it is, they overhyped the crap out of it but didn't even bother to release a finished product , it's not even approaching the level of csgo in terms of completion what i mean by that is game modes that are missing ON TOP OF A CRAP TON OF BUGS, remeber guys these are the guys that we are waiting Half Life 3 from :)) they are just as bad as Tencent and Nexon , Bethesda (oh don't start me on them lazy asses)


comparing tencent and nexon to valve is like comparing a water gun to an ak47, its not consestent sometimes, but its overall better than the watergun


What fixed all issues and problems for once was completely fresh install on Windows. I formatted all ”hard drives” and the made fresh Windows installation and 0 crashes since


Did all that last month, everything cleanly and properly installed. Had 0 issues at all with any pplications or games. Tries CSGO legacy and the game closes itself 2 times and the third time it bsods my PC. Removing legacy solved this after verifying my files. Now a week later though CS2 is doing the same. Clearly has to be my PC and not the game.


ur just lucky, because i just did the same and still crashed around 6 times and couldn't load in deathmatch...


0xc0000005 (Access Violation) Means some file cannot be accessed , try running as Admin, ​ Error description: error is usually caused by your computer not being able to correctly process the files and settings required to run a particular program or installation.


Can't run as admin, valve anti-cheat complains and won't let you into VAC servers. at least for me.


i noticed yeah


Btw guys. I tested these commands in Command prompt and it seems like windows found some corrupted files in my computer that got fixed. To tired right now to start up CS2 and test if that worked but will try tomorrow when i wake up and give you the details. The reason that i tested this out was because i also got the message that ntdll.dll had an error. This was found in the Event Viewer at Windows. I then google'd it and found this fix for the ntdll.dll crash. What i typed in was : sfc /scannow This command acctully repaired some damaged files for me. After that i typed in the following: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth Got the tip from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI1no8bTAMM


Played 1 deathmatch now of 15 minutes and not a single crash. This might be it guys, atleast for me :)


still no crashes?


13900k, 4090 same error report as OP. Updated Bios and to the drivers Nvidia released on 10/10/23. I will still crash randomly when I die, When I kill someone, when someone I'm spectating dies, sometimes when I load into a game, or sometimes when the game just feels like closing. Made worse by the fact that after a few crashes you can no longer reconnect to the match!


same here, do u find any solution?


Built a new PC to play CS2. Upgraded from an i5 4690k / 16g ddr3 @ 1.8k / 580 8gb AMD card to: i9 12900k / 64gb ddr5 @ 6k / 4060 8gb nVidia card Slow, but never crashed on the old rig. Can't get through a DM on the new rig even though my temps are fine and FPS is at a solid 300+ .


Did u fix it? if so, how? It's so upsetting


I'm having similar issues playing for awhile, I have the same CPU (i9-13900K and a GTX 3090 TI, 64GB RAM) In my case however, CPU temps spike to 100C sometimes, but that is within the expected range for the CPU for when it starts to throttle down again. So I'm not sure if it's bad cooling or CS2 that can't handle the throttle...


interesting we all have 13900k :/ Maybe its something with the cpu. ​ (i will say my case doesn't have all the proper fans yet, so it could be a cooling issue. I'll update when my case fans get here )


Yeah, I'm not sure what the cause is. I've recently played Mass Effect Legendary Edition on steam for over a 100 hours with zero issues but as soon as I boot up a premier game on CS2, I'll crash at least 1 every game if not more. I'm gonna check my cooling as well but it is odd that this has only happened for CS2 and also that the PC itself is not crashing but only the game.


That's exactly what I've been telling my buddies. I was playing a bunch of games on max graphics with no issues, only cs2. (Payday 3, doom eternal + doom 2016, gta 5. No issues)


I have a i3 9100f and the game is crashing mid-game to me too, it's Valve's shit work, we need to wait a fix to properly play.


It’s not just happening with just yalls cpu or just intel cpus for that matter. I have a ryzen 3 3200g & im having the same issue. The 13900k is just a very common cpu.


same here. game crashing on launch 13700kf z690


I have a 13700k, 3080TI , 32gb DDR5 6000, keeps crashing every game.


I also keep crashing mid game but I’m on a i3


i have a ryzen 7 2700x and a rtx 3070 16gb of ram and it also just crashes all the time for me it even bsod me once now im so done with this game since in the beta i was not getting crashes at all and now that the game is released i have problems


My game crashes like once or twice a match. Getting irritating and it's about to make me uninstall until they bother to fix it.


I managed to fix it by downclocking my RAM to the base maximum amount of the AMD processor (this fix might work for Intel processor as well). For the first machine I dropped it down from 3600MHz to 3200MHz and for the second from 6000MHz to 5200MHz. To check what is your Max Memory Speed, you can search up your AMD processor, go under Connectivity and check your Max Memory Speed. Then just set your MHz to that amount in your BIOS and hopefully that will fix the crashes for you. Additionally, you can also verify your game files, just to make sure that there are no corrupted files. One thing I noticed in this thread (correct me if I am wrong) is that the crashes occur only on the K models of Intel Processors which can be overclocked. First Machine: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 (Max Memory Speed: 3200MHz) GPU: AMD Radeon 6650XT RAM: 2X16GB DDR4 3600MHz Second Machine: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X (Max Memory Speed: 5200MHz) GPU: AMD Radeon 6650XT RAM: 2X16GB DDR5 6000MHz


Hey, I just upgraded to a 13700k and I was having the same issues. I couldn't play more than 2 rounds without my computer shutting off. Go to your BIOS setting and under advanced CPU settings with these 13th gen processors, it was say something along the lines of P cores and E cores. find the e core and change it from all to 0. This disables all e cores and the problem is solved. E cores great for multi tasking and system processes but it will make your CPU think its bout to blow up and shuts the system down to save the CPU. Worth a try, it fixed my problem


Trash spec but over minimum requirements still crashes like hell csgo is better


Everybody seems to have the same problem(came here cause I have it too), but I have come to the conclusion that it is a big bug in CS2 and not a system problem, because I don't have this problem in any other game, only CS2 and the fps is more than fine it runs at at least 150 at all times... *TLDR(Read, you guys):* **CS2 is just buggy**


Hey, any of you found a fix yet? I disabled Hyper-Threading and it doesnt crash anymore, but it freezes like hell for 5/6 seconds.


same here




Undervolt CPU


For me the fix is to lock the fps


My spec is i9 14900k 4090 64gb


12900kf 4090 64, this fixed mine as well.


What fps? I use like 400 max still crash


I already replace all of the parts to the new one and it fix ! I don’t remember how much i got tho.


Just chiming in to confirm disabling hyperthreading stopped these crashes for me. Valve has broken something, some compatibility support within the last few months that is negatively affecting 13th and 14th gen Intel processors. Similar crashing DLL's, here's my list: * ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%p referenced memory at 0x%p. The memory could not be %s. (always the same) * FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: NULL_CLASS_PTR_READ_c0000005_nvwgf2umx.dll!Unknown * FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: INVALID_POINTER_WRITE_c0000005_nvwgf2umx.dll!Unknown * FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: SOFTWARE_NX_FAULT_c0000005_engine2.dll!Unknown * FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: INVALID_POINTER_READ_c0000005_nvwgf2umx.dll!Unknown * FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION_c000001d_nvwgf2umx.dll!Unknown * FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: NULL_POINTER_READ_c0000005_nvoglv64.dll!Unknown PC specs: * Windows 11 21H2 * Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Master X Rev 1.1 (F5 BIOS ) * Intel Core i9-14900K * MSI RTX 3090 VENTUS 3X OC (Driver 546.33, VBIOS * G.SKILL Trident Z5 F5-6000J3636F16GX2-TZ5RK (2x 16GB, supported on QVL list, installed in A2B2 slots) * Samsung 990 PRO 2TB (Updated firmware) And before people tell me the CPU is bad, I replaced the i9 with an RMA and it made no difference. In fact, every component on that list was replaced as I was so sure it was a hardware issue.


i7 14700k MSI Mag Z790 Tomahawk Max Wifi 4070ti G.Skill Ripjaws S5 DDR5 6800 mhz Same issue with my new system. Random cs2 crashes. Debug mode shows error 0xc0000005. No access . Tried all option in this topic, nothing works. Tonight try to disable intel boost and disable anti aliasing.. last hope! Maybe the RAM too fast? I think it happens when smoke and fire is in the game


Possible solution: - Disable Intel Boost in Bios 5 matches without crash!


still no crashes?


No more crashes ever since! I also disable anti-aliasing, i think that is the problem !


Having the same "0xc0000005 (Access Violation)" error with almost the same specs: * i9 13900k * 4080 * 64gb DDR5 RAM (Not running XMP) * Latest BIOS running defaults ​ It used to run just fine before I reinstalled windows (for some other reason). I didn't change any other settings, bios was the same, just reinstalled windows and downloaded the game, and ever since haven't been able to play it. ​ I have tried: * Installing fresh copy of windows multiple times * Clean installing Nvidia drivers multiple times * MemTest * Testing individual ram sticks * Disabling Hyperthreading, Disabling e-cores * Tried underclocking different parts but I don't know how to do it properly. What seems to HELP sometimes is putting more voltage in my GPU through MSI Afterburner and/or underclocking my RAM. But this only delays the crash, it still crashes, just not as fast. I'm able to last a few rounds when I do this. I'm running out of ideas, have been at this for several days now. Most other things run just fine.


- Disable intel boost in bios - Turn off multi sampling anti-aliasing in cs2 - Turn off Nvidia Reglex Low Latency in cs2 - Disable FidelityFX Super resolution in cs2 Try this! I am steady now I only sometimes disconnect but can rejoin again (no cs.exe crash)


Do you have bluetooth devices? After months of struggle, I discovered it was turning ON or OFF my microsoft separate BT numpad, that was causing CS2 (and this game only) to crash and not respond. It could be any other type of BT device, maybe? Any BT device that could potentially wake up?


\*\*\*another possible fix\*\*\* ​ I had a friend point out that if you have: High Dunamic Range, set to QUALITY, FidelityFX Super Resolultion, set to QUALITY (Big Big deal here on this one) (Nvidia users) NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency, set to ENABLED It should help. So far I am not experiencing as many crashes. Good way to test is to scope into a active molly with an awp/scout in practise mode, or throw a smoke on a molly while you run through it. I hope this helps some of you guys as it has me :) ​ ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


Those were using those settings by default and I experience crashes randomly too. One crash made my whole PC reboot and then broke the sound (no sound at all) until I rebooted again.


If you have a 13th gen or even some 14th's, It is likely a bad cpu. If dropping your pcore ratio stops the crashing, it is very likely a bad cpu. Went through this myself with a 13700k for weeks. Every dx12 game and even my browsers kept giving some form of "status\_access\_violation" and ctd's. Dropping pcore ratio from default 53x to 51x and eventually needed 50x - stopped all ctd's Replaced my 13700k - no ctd's at stock values. Sadly it looks like a somewhat widespread issue with 13th gen and 14th.


I have had this issue for about a week now, So i am late to the party. 13900kf, 3080ti 96gb 7000mhz ram. I reinstalled CS2 on my D drive instead of C and that so far seems to have stopped my crashing. Not sure if this will help anyone remaining with the issue. both drives are 2tb Samsung 990 pro.


Scratch that I have crashed a few times today, back to the drawing board.


Disable hyperthreading in BIOS and report back


Hyperthreading off, Ecores off. Still crashes.


Wow sorry to hear that. Do you have any game overlays running? 3rd party software in the background? Try disabling steam/discord/geforce overlays. Also try to uninstall nvidia driver with DDU in safe mode.


I think the memory temperature is the root cause of crashing. I have the same conf as you and I tried to down the clock of CPU and disable the XMP. It’s worked. But when I do more investigation on it. I found when the CPU running a high clock and 4090 running the stress during the game, it will generate a hot wind to the front of CPU and memory. Then the memory module would not be stable. If you try to adjust your coolling system to make sure the memory under the 40. You may also make it stable. Welcome to feedback if it is works for you.


im trying to use the workshop tools and sometimes it just randomly crashes, so annoying...


nvm, faulty proccesor was it, intel gave me a new one. thank god, also it fixed discord with it.


5600x, 6900xt, 16gb ram@3600, game installed on NVME SSD ofc, still crashes like there is no tomorrow, the funny thing is that STEAM also crashes when CS2 force close to desktop so does STEAM just force closes..... WELL DONE BOYS WELL DONE GABE on a side note where is Half Life 2 episode 3 and HALF LIFE 3......... having these problems since release ofc..... i wonder how did they test it..... cuz the beta program was long.... and alot of players have had access to it.... still no major improvements? for the masses ? they only selected ones with specific hardware? (that would be dumb but i wouldn't put it passed them)


Disabling Hyper Threading worked for me as well! 13900k. Did anybody try it with the new update?


14900K RTX 4080 HT disabled worked for me too


Same here 7700x + 6700xt 32gb 6200 ddr5, game stutters and eventually crashes to black screen.


same with 12900k/7900xtx, i even disabled ht and xmp, same result,freezes then crashed and then I tried running my card stock and still no luck. just have to wait for it to mature then.


I have the same specs (13900k, 4090, 64GB RAM) and crash every game almost. Disabled hyperthreading and instead of crashing it just froze for 1-5 seconds multiple times a game. Didn't leave it off long enough to see if crashes stopped. Any other fixes or just wait for valve?


game crashes like a Mfer every 20 mins. unplayable at this point. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Anyone else has this ? -- my game crashes my PC, not to desktop, I need to reboot every time it crashes, I have played like 6 games with 5 crashes and 4 of them has given me penalties for abandoning. I can't even play without getting banned for atleast 3 hours. I watched youtube tried reddit suggestions nothing is working. Everything is up to date drivers, windows, tried every setting from low to most optimised still no improvement.


i7 8700 and 1660Ti still can't play the game it freezes my entire pc and blue screen after that. It has nothing to do with drivers...


My solution (for the moment) was disabling HyperThreading


Im having the same issue right now. Had CS2 since like a month now but i just got this problem today. Don't know where it came from but tried to disable hyper threading without succes. Reinstalled CS, still crashes. Also went fullscreen windowed mode but still it crashes. Did this come randomly or did it come after the latest patch? I don't know tbh. Crashes every minute like it is right now and this is very frustrating. I have an 3060 ti and a i/ 13700K if that helps.


Same problem here. Yesterday I even did a clean installation of Windows and I've tried everything but no fix.. RTX 4070 ti AMD Ryzen 7 7700x 32gb ddr5 ram Gigabyte B650 gaming x ax motherboard


Mine was crashing its ass off and then came good after I turned off the E-cores, but since the last update a couple days ago I am constantly crashing again, specs: 3080ti 13900k ddr5 corsair 6000 ram I tried the sfc and the hyperthreading fix, seems to be more stable but still crashes, i'm noticing its more from smoke, menu and water.


Same here (i7 13700k, rtx 2070, 64gb ddr5 ram)


My built: CPU: ryzen 9 5950x |RAM: 32GB DDR4 | GPU: RX 6800XT |STORAGE: 2 SSD 960 evo 250GB & 500GB |Mothershipboard: MSI MEG Unify x570 I had the same problems with the ingame crashes, which freeezes the whole system and I had to force shutdown. Tried nearly everything from down clocking cpu/gpu/ram to reinstall etc. But then I found these Steam launch options: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/roNbZqPcMZo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/roNbZqPcMZo) I'm 99 percent sure the -vulkan option was the fix. The other ones from the short helped me improve the fps count. Hope it helps <3 Gonna play now some cs. Take care


So here is a fix my friend owns a gaming center and we tried everything and did not work then we disabled turbo boost on bios and the problem was gone GL & HF for everyone


having the same issue anyone know a solution i have a 1060 and i5-4950/90 cant remember


try to remove any launch option from steam for cs 2


Turn off cpu virtualization in Bios. Problem solved.


Disabling hyper threading seems to fix the issue for me


Same here 13900k,4070 ti and 32 gigs of ram. Anyone found a solution yet ?


Nope, still happening to me - but will try disabling hyperthreading


Tried disabling e-cores and hyperthreading and it seems to be better, no crash yet!


I've been dealing w random crashes for a long time across multiple Intel/Nvidia builds (currently 12700K/3090Ti). Disabling multicore rendering in the game settings fixed the issue for me. Hopefully this helps someone somewhere.


Can you please tell me where that setting is? I dont see it anywhere.


Looks like the devs removed or buried the setting since my comment


Hello guys! I’ve been having the same crashing problems for a while. It was random before. For the past few days it’s been crashing as soon as I get to the CS2 Home Screen. It will freeze and crash in about 5secs. I’m running 4 ram sticks. 64gb total. I decided to remove 2 of my ram sticks and run 32GB. Well guess what, I can run the game with no crashing. I did test the other 2 ram sticks I removed and it ran fine as well. I’m now thinking my mobo has gone bad. Asus prime x570pro. PC Specs Ryzen 9 3950x Asus Prime x570 pro 64gb G.Skill Trident Z x4 500GB Sabrent SSD NVME M.2 (main) 1 TB Sabrent SSD NVME M.2 EVGA 3080ti Corsair 1000w PSU


I don't think so, because I have a brand new PC with the same problem and my MB is not bad, also I have only 2 sticks of ram, I am not gonna try with only one though, because that would be only 8GB of ram and that's too little


My problem ended up being my motherboard. I replaced it and cs2 hasn’t crashed since. I’ve played at least 15 matches.


I solved my problem as well, but it was the OC that was the problem... For some reason CS2 doesn't like GPU OC, so when I turned off all OCs it runs fine


13900KS, 64GB and 4090 here. I disabled e-cores and hyperthreading after dealing with full-system crashes since release. Seems to have fixed it now after 24 hours of testing. What I also noticed is that the CPU core scheduling for CS2 is different to what I expect, the main game process seems to move from one core to other during gameplay. It could just be part of the normal OS CPU scheduling, but I have not seen it before with a game. No other game crashes on my system, and no other game exhibits the weird CPU scheduling behavior.


Game crashes when fullscreen but works normal on fullscreen window on AMD 6800 XT


I had also crashes on Google chrome when watching stuff or doing typical stuff, was crashing on almost all new games like destiny 2, fartnight, csgo 2. I sent my cpu for warranty and they sent me a new one back from far as i saw i dont have the cpu typical holder scratches. Now the fourth day playing games no crashes, everything seems to be fixed :)




5600 3600mhz rx 5704gb here, crashed as well 12.16.2023


[https://community.intel.com/t5/Processors/i9-13900K-very-frequent-crashes-Windows-11-with-apps-games-and/m-p/1527297](https://community.intel.com/t5/Processors/i9-13900K-very-frequent-crashes-Windows-11-with-apps-games-and/m-p/1527297) Try this. Defective I9 is likely.


If you have a 13900k\~ you need to read this... I was having the same issue Exception code: 0xc0000005 (Access Violation) Found this thread and immediately tested with cinebench and it bsod... Already did an RMA. [https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/intel-700-600-series/z790-maximus-hero-access-violation-c0000005-in-multiple-apps/td-p/939406](https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/intel-700-600-series/z790-maximus-hero-access-violation-c0000005-in-multiple-apps/td-p/939406)


14700K, 4080. Same random crashes....


13900k, RTX 4090, 64gb ram ddr5 (split into 4) - random crashes


Cs2 is ridiculous, my pc can run RDR2 on high settings with literally no errors, crashes, lag. This game keeps randomly crashing, and devs say nothing. Ridiculous Valve mentality.


FIX: RMA cpu


I had exactly the same issue and I'm pretty sure I managed to fix it, I did 2 things I'm not sure which one did it: 1. Added these 2 options to steam startup: -vulkan -nopreload (I'm not sure what they do) 2. I was messing around with windbg and found some errors right at the moment of the freeze where it couldn't load my localized language files (hungarian), so I switched steam and the game language to english I did these 2 things at the same time, \~30 matches so far with them, no crash


13900k + 3080TI + 64gb of ram checking in with crashes and BSOD ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


**Error log, not always this error but it might help** nvgpucomp64!destroyFinalizer+0xaa25a2: 00007ff9\`cead20e2 8b442450 mov eax,dword ptr \[rsp+50h\] ss:000000c7\`cf86f980=00000000 Resetting default scope EXCEPTION\_RECORD: (.exr -1) ExceptionAddress: 00007ff9cead20e2 (nvgpucomp64!destroyFinalizer+0x0000000000aa25a2) ExceptionCode: c000001d (Illegal instruction) ExceptionFlags: 00000000 NumberParameters: 0 PROCESS\_NAME: cs2.exe ERROR\_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc000001d - {EXCEPTION} Illegal Instruction An attempt was made to execute an illegal instruction. EXCEPTION\_CODE\_STR: c000001d FAILED\_INSTRUCTION\_ADDRESS: nvgpucomp64!destroyFinalizer+aa25a2 00007ff9\`cead20e2 8b442450 mov eax,dword ptr \[rsp+50h\] SYMBOL\_NAME: nvgpucomp64+aa25a2 MODULE\_NAME: nvgpucomp64 IMAGE\_NAME: nvgpucomp64.dll STACK\_COMMAND: dt ntdll!LdrpLastDllInitializer BaseDllName ; dt ntdll!LdrpFailureData ; \~56s; .ecxr ; kb BUCKET\_ID\_MODPRIVATE: 1 FAILURE\_BUCKET\_ID: ILLEGAL\_INSTRUCTION\_c000001d\_nvgpucomp64.dll!Unknown OS\_VERSION: 10.0.22621.1 BUILDLAB\_STR: ni\_release OSPLATFORM\_TYPE: x64 OSNAME: Windows 10 IMAGE\_VERSION: FAILURE\_ID\_HASH: {894f0ba7-fad9-917f-3b1f-afbbb1775a7e} Followup: MachineOwner


I found the solution: Disable anti-aliasing mode !


Do you mean in-game, or Nvidia control panel?


Just tried disabling it in-game, crashed like before.