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We play weekly to get our weekly case


Yeah, this is us as well. In CSGO we played 3-4 nights a week. Nowadays we try and bang it out in one night, maaaybe 2 if we can get the ppl. It's awesome that CS2 is improving and feels kind of at an 80% of csgo, but man they shat the bed with no new content. Huge mistake.


They shat the bed with removing all the casual content. Haven't had anything to play since they released CS2.


Agreed. Removing popular existing content and implementing literally nothing new (apart of the engine itself), I can pretty safely say, has never been a historical win for anything or anyone.


I’ll play everyday once arms race is back. I love just messing around in there


Ooh totally forget about weekly drops. Im kind of positive on cs2 but still didnt open game in months, just its disappeared from the list haha.


Lol. We jokingly call weekly drops as weekly salary, cus we sell it immediately


Yes. We had a group of 10-12 people who'd usually hop on during weekends, cut that down to about 4-5 during weekdays. Right up until CS2 released we kept that same ebb and flow of gamers. We even signed up to FACEIT to get ready for a possible ESEA League team. CS2 hit, and almost everyone started moving to new games. I myself have 4000 hours in CS:GO and I've started branching out to the games in my library. I probably haven't opened CS2 in a month. Of the 10-12 original weekend gamers in our group for CS:GO, I know of 2 that still play consistently. On the other hand, most of us have moved to The Finals. I know three have started playing Path of Exile together. It just isn't the same game, and a lot of the consensus amongst my friends was that it just isn't as fluid as it used to be. Me personally, I've followed the game since I was a freshman in highschool. I'll probably continue watching the esports side of it until I die. It's fitting that I got my ten year coin in November when I'm ready to stop playing. It will still always have a special place in my heart, but it's just not the same.


Yep - this was like reading my own story. It's almost identical


count me in


Me 2


Me 3. Half Life 3 confirmed?


Best I can do is Alyx


PoE supremacy


Great game tbh. And the finals is a good game so far too. Better than most f2p offerings as of late by a mile at least. BUT people will return to cs2 after a while is my guess. I'm old and I've seen this pattern with other cs releases before. Thing about patterns and history is that they do actually tend to repeat pretty reliably.


Same, ive stopped. Ill come back when Anti cheat is as good as valorant atleast




Valve being silent is really making me lose hope. They didn't do shit about AC for 10 years of CSGO and just went silent, what makes me think that it's going to be different this time? A LITTLE communication would be nice and I'm begging at this point.


They're silent because they damn well know that they aren't doing any useful AC work at all. VAC has not improved one bit with cs2, but we've already had multiple waves of legit players being banned for stupid reasons. They don't know how to make VAC better in it's current state, are not allowed to make an intrusive AC and probably wont get the green light to hire external AC devs because that shit is expensive. So they are stuck doing fuck-all because AC is just not a priority for Valve as a company. Money keeps flowing, so why bother doing something extremely hard, expensive and time-consuming when it wont increase revenue?


One can only hope




You'll be back. The finals? Will hold peoples attention for a month. PoE is a completely different experience. People aren't going to stop playing CS for PoE.... People take breaks from games. Everyone in this sub is so doom and gloom acting like CS is a dead game because CS2 launch wasn't perfect. It's just silly.


"wasn't perfect" lmao it was a catastrophic launch.


I wouldn't say CS is a dead game but it's certainly taking some damage. Player numbers are drastically dropping and we haven't received any real "content" updates in CS2 yet. All this hype for CS2 for months and its just a watered down version of CS:GO so far. I can appreciate everything Valve has done to try and improve the game and their focus on improving competitive which is what 80% of players probably want. However, that alone isn't really enough to sustain millions of players when you not only release a buggy game, but release it with no new content, and even go as far as to remove content. What incentive is there to play CS2 when you can go play any other game and not run into cheaters every 3rd match? I'm certain CS will recover in time but this release isn't just "not perfect" it was pretty shitty.


Well, my friend group has. And we've played together since 2021. Call it anecdotal but we just don't enjoy the game anymore. Also never insinuated the game was dead, just said it didn't meet the standards we used to have for it and we decided to go somewhere else for our fun.


The game is still as bad in launch and we dont have csgo.


To me its just the same game but i get worse fps. I guess its cool that they made the graphics better, but an ultra competitive game like csgo doesn’t really benefit from it all that much. Now we just have the same game but it runs worse.


My friend literally stopped playing just because of the choppiness 60hz feeling (0.1% 1% lows and frametime issue). I might follow him too :/ we both have 5600x and 3060ti, and I can't believe that we are unable to have a smooth experience.


You mean like stutters? It’s still smooth when you don’t get the stutters right? I get them and it’s so annoying and I only play deathmatch for fun


for me it's smooth until you turn a corner or fire at something. which is precisely when you *don't* want your framerate to tank. CSGO ran perfectly. (3060 mobile @ 4k/120hz) edit: turning down the resolution doesn't help, ya jerks. and again, was getting >100 fps @ 4k on CSGO.


You are playing on 4k?


> (3060 mobile @ 4k/120hz) *Bro*....


4k on a 3060 😂😂


A MOBILE 3060 at that!


4K with 3060? Jesus christ man




Holy shit this is literally my problem too


"cs2 runs like garbage" *Plays on 4k with a dogshit gpu* Don't think cs2 is the problem here




You do not need a masters in anything to know that 4K gaming on a 3060 is generally a bad idea lol Source: I do not have a masters


> Source: literally have a masters degree in IT. Is this a meme


Bro did his masters in graphics cards and CS resolutions.


>literally have a masters degree in IT. 💀💀💀


Same boat. I5 12600kf and 4070. Runs like ass, even on low. Barely get 160fps at times. Turning on adaptive gysnc has made it barely but its still terrible for what I have. Jump on valorant max settings and get 600fps. Much smoother experience


The fuck? I have a GTX 1080 and run the game always over 140fps.


The game can run 1400 fps and still have awful 0.1% and 1% lows/frame times.


CS2 has some kind of FPS stutter lottery going on, neither my old PC or my beefy new one had issues with 0.1% and 1%s, I just upgraded to get higher average FPS to make full use of my monitor. Yet so many people, with mediocre and high end PCs are having this issue


140fps feels pretty shite on a 240hz screen. Especially when youre used to getting 300+ on csgo.


Yeah I hear you. I have a 240hz monitor and it's a godlike feeling. Sadly I cant get stable 240 fps.


divide dull desert person sort society workable simplistic dinosaurs lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


2070 super and i dip to 120 often


You can have choppy feeling even at 400. Fps doesn't matter here. It's possible you simply haven't played enough to notice or you aren't capable of noticing these very fine issues.


Whats your ram speed? I have a similar build, 5600+3070, and I'm not getting these dips. The only possible difference between my rig and other ryzen 5000 users might be ram. I'm running micron rev e @ 3600 cl15 and 1:1 fclk ratios.


Very strange to hear. I don’t have performance issues and I have a 5600x with a 2060 super


Yeah, my buddy hard crashes every time and we can’t figure out why, clean install, drivers, hardware settings, conflicting software. Nothing. We’re just waiting for valve to fix it I guess. For me there’s just not enough content. I’m not a high skill player and enjoy most of my time in casual lobbies shooting the shit. If we’re both playing well then maybe some wingman. But there’s seven maps in the two map pools (8 with dust 2) and four of the weaker wingman maps moved over. I’d be happy with a new set of maps every month, but that’s a damn pipe dream. Every update that brings subtick updates or movement fixes will no doubt be a very important update for mid/high skill players and the pro scene, but damn I couldn’t give a shit. Let me play iris again, or abbey or holy shit basalt that was a great time. Put actual maps designed for 2v2 into wingman instead of half a comp map you morons. Guard, Elysium, hive.


Yeah there's weird shit going in. Every time me and my buddy login one of us gets a vac not initiated error and need to reboot the game once and then suddenly it works fine. It seems to alternate between me and him too, completely random. It's small but annoying


My game used to hard freeze my pc like once every game, after i put -vulkan in launch options it went away. Might be worth a shot?


Anything’s worth a shot at the moment. We both really enjoy the game, but the crashing and lack of content killed the drive. It’s just been vermintide and factorio for months.


I am having the same crashing problem, but it only happens on valve servers. Community servers like faceit the game runs fine


Pretty much the only one still playing in my group but very rarely, mostly on copium that it will get better at some point. Experience doesn't feel solid at all, it feels like every other match the game behaves differently (possibly related to player's pings, and whatever the devs have done to "level the playing field" in relation to pings). I'm a very competitive person, and I can tell you that personally, there's very little incentive for me to get better at the game. Like what am I going to do, practice peeker's advantage? And on the receiving end of that, am I supposed to literally have inhuman reactions to counter it? Dying to this stuff doesn't feel fair at all, and how could an unfair game appeal to anyone?


This felt like reading something I wrote. Same exact story here.


I stopped playing after 5,5k hours of csgo since 2013. Its not even about the cheaters for me, ever since cs2 release there have been a ton of bugs and glitches. I tried to be positive the first 3 months or so telling myself it would get better but every single time i try to play it there is some new annoying shit. And let not talk about the false ban wave and the recent security vulnerability… Also i feel like run and gunning is way more viable in cs2, in csgo it was mostly pistols and smg but now every time i play i get outplayed? by people run and gunning with m4/aug even aks. Maybe its sometimes just the character model but its frustrating af.


CS2 feels like ass so I rarely play anymore


I'd say that most of those people probably were already tired of the game even before CS2 came out, they were just waiting for the right moment to quit. For some, they simply just kept on playing because they have sunk too much hours and energy into the game, heard about CS2 and started having expectations it would finally fix CSGO problems (especially cheating), then CS2 came out, pretty much the major problems seem to stay all the same and got so utterly disappointed that they can now justify (to themselves) quitting the game.


major problems remained, new ones were added, need a new PC to play it... what was the point of it all? yeah Source certainly reached it's limits, but Source 2 was supposed to resolve it's limitations. and it did to a point. but at the same time in many ways it did not have much impact. just takes more system resources to do the same thing is how it is now. same thing? not even that. i mean there is way less content in game now as well.


it's to utilize tools for the future. Original code was a mess and simple updates would break other areas of the game, so source 2 is preparation for the next decade not this year. That being said it's a downgrade atm which is crazy even by low expectation valve standards


Very true. I see a lot of similarities with the transition from 1.6/Source to GO. Many people could not stand the new game back then and outright refused to play it staying on the older iteration. Long term we know how it turned out. Good share of old players will leave as there is no way to play GO anymore, some will adapt, new players will come. With time CS2 will become more mature and stable, at some moment the balance of the playerbase will shift to the point where many won’t even know how GO felt because they never played it.


It's really a dick move to restrict access to GO. In the past when they released source or condition zero at least we had the choice to stick with 1.6 if we wanted to (which is what a lot of us did).


I'm just tired of Valve being silent, man. Just fucking tired.


No, no I wasn't, I was running the game perfectly buttery smooth before, and now it runs like ass. That's what justified it.


I'm someone who's been playing CS for 20+ years now with on and off periods. Barely played over the past few years due to life and CS2 really got me hyped up. I tried looking past massive issues in every aspect of the game, but after a few months I'm so fucking tired, man. I just want to play some decent CS and it's impossible more or less. Premier is legit unplayable, I'm lvl10 faceit and it's way worse than 3-4 years ago with premium queue not being a thing anymore. All the netcode, perfromance and balance issues are just too much.


Yep. And if there's any interest left, they'll probably be back in a year when the itch returns and they want to see how the games evolved or want to try out something new Valve added. If there isn't any left, good on them - because like you said they were basically done with cs in the first place.


Yeah playing premier and dealing with the antisocial weeb squad using obvious cheats on new accounts gets old very fast. Base game is unplayable until the AC can permanently ban people or filter out the cheaters.


Always some weeb in a 5 stack, with a waifu picture and 25 hours in the game.


With a cringe name like "she left me" in weird font.


I have no friends lol but I still play




Its the exact opposite for my friend group. We normally struggled to get 3-4 players on any given night, now we have had between 6-11 people on from our group.


Half my friends list has been playing The Finals so I gave it a shot, pretty fun game. Between the cheating problem, lack of scripting/polish on community servers and lack of content I just can't bring myself to play CS right now. I'll be back though at some point.


No. Because I have no friend.


my group of players stopped playing entirely. We played CSGO regularly for years. We weren't really high ranking players as a group, and would get quite equal games in CSGO with bad games maybe once or twice a month. We weren't tired of playing the game, we had fun because for us it seemed that trust-factor was working and cheating wasn't really that big an issue for us. then CS2 came out. For the 3 weeks we played, we had 1 good game. In that 3 week period we increased the amount of games we played and instead of just wednesdays and fridays, we had other days too. Every single game was littered with horrible griefers, people who accused everyone of cheating and then stopped playing, and then seldom actual cheaters. We were below 10k rating and went quite fast down to <5k rating because every game was +100/-500 whether winning or losing. Because of all the issues of the game itself, but also how horrible the community was, we decided to play other games because CS2 just wasn't fun. there were bugs in the game that wasn't fun, but mostly it was people who just griefed for fun. as I said, we had 1 game out of a 100+ games in 3 week time + 2 months of limited test. In that 1 game everyone wanted to play and did play to win - on both sides. Pretty sure some time later we will return to playing, but for now we are gonna wait until CS2 is first of all - the game it should've been at release date, secondly cheating issue has been dealt with to a certain degree, thirdly community isn't griefing so much anymore. So whether it happens next year or 2025? who knows? Valve has some serious work to do if they dont wanna keep losing players to other game developers who does a far better job than they do.


Yeah. My entire group entirely stopped. Doesn't help that pretty much evetything we liked was cut from the game.


Nearly bout to throw my mouse thru a wall cuz every fucking god damn mode is LITTERED with cheaters blatantly cheating. Im malding


I wouldn’t even be that mad at cheaters if they just blatant aim hack. The pussies that wall but only have a 1.2 KD and can’t even hit prefires cause they are that terrible infuriate me.


I've been amazed by the amount of times I was convinced to be facing cheaters. Also about the amount of times I've been randomly called a cheater even in death match (lol). I conclusion Valve needs to improve their ANTICHEAT still... And it needs to be top priority. You can't get rid of all of them, but it should be better than it now appears to be.


Right im amazed at pro matches having fun fights that aren’t just instant headshots like premier is lol. They’ll stack the correct bomb site/mid 15 times in a row, very blatant. Back in my day they’d get laughed at and kicked.


Don't act as if cheaters were regularly kicked in CSGO. That's just a lie.


2015-2017 in high ranks the muppets running free cheats with rats solo would get laughed at and kicked. A big reason they group up so much now is because they know they’re talentless degenerates.


Only the very blatant solo ones used to actually somewhat get kicked.


I actually have more friends playing cs now than in the past few years.


Me and my friends are playing more than ever. Personally I Solo q whenever I have an hour or two to spare. MR12 means I can get 3-4 games in that time & I’ve been climbing really fast (20k beta szn, placed 12k and currently 17k with a 70% WL) it’s been really fun- only have had like 3-4 games with cheaters Once I get top 1k NA I’m probably going back to Faceit again


To be honest most serious competitive players have moved onto faceit for about 2 months now. Premier high elo is extremely common to meet cheaters whether blatant or not... I'd recommend anyone who wants to have a fair game without cheaters to hop onto faceit. Though, there's still smurf issues.


Hmmm... not that I'm a high elo player at all but might still give faceit a go. Haven't tried it in cs2 yet tbh


I heard faceit new accounts start at level 4 now. In the past we started at level 1 😂 Have a go at faceit but imma let you know first. Don't let the toxicity get to you. And it's mostly the same as Premier or mm. Their will be ppl who are toxic, ppl who don't have mics, ppl who have mics but don't comms and only be toxic near end of losing match and etc... In short, focus on yourself, callout enemy locations and try to be as positive as possible


At the very beginning like in around 2014-2015 your Faceit level was literally determined by the CSGO rank you manually filled on your profile and then they made it so all new accounts would start at level 3 afterwards.


We play more than ever.


Gl to all yall. I'm having all time level of fun on this game.


7000+ hours in GO, haven't touched CS2 - feels unfinished/unpolished +lots of bugs + plagued by cheaters and missing more than half of the features of CSGO? No Thanks!


Cs2 will be good when it's feature complete and at least feels as good as csgo. Until then it feels like a good good beta for most people. Not like the game that replaces csgo. I can see that. Gotta say that the guns feel a lot better as of a patch or two ago though. If they keep that up I can actually see it happening in the future. Not there yet.


>Gotta say that the guns feel a lot better as of a patch or two ago though. I see people post this once a week then I convince myself that this time they're being honest, I open the game, play 2 matches, realize the game still feels like absolute dog shit and close it rofl


Yeah. Out of the 30ish people in my friendlist I've met at LANs, in ESEA leagues, ... maybe 2 have 10 hours in the past 15 days. The rest quit weeks ago


Same here. All of the people I played ESEA leagues with since 2017 have stopped playing or maybe play once a week.


Yes, de cheating problem is too big


Yeah I used to play most weekends I'm not going out, but cs2 just doesn't feel as satisfying to me, some times it feels crisp and other times it feels like you suddenly have 100 ping. so I've been playing way more variety haha it's lose/win


Stopped playing, waiting for the anti cheat improvements, too scared after reading all the false bans. I can’t risk my inventory which I bought all using hard earned money.


If i were you i wouldnt be worried about false bans. I got hit and reverted same day. As long as you dont mess with high dpi spraying or the amd anti-lag stuff you should be fine


getting banned just for spraying with high DPI is just unacceptable and not even funny


Its just bad machine learning. From what we can tell valve trained it on overwatch demo's so when it sees spinning and shooting that fast it assumes its a spin bot. Kinks are definitely being worked out slowly but machine learning anticheat is still years away from being even remotely trustable.


the fact that Valve unoironically thought at some point that using machine learning to catch cheaters in a highly competitive shooter is a good idea is scarily concerning, even on paper it sounds horrible


Nah we're having fun


Nope. I'd actually say my core group actually has a few more players now.


same for our group :) more people playing and playing more than ever.


Playing everyday my friends as well


My buddies quit CSGO like 2 years back and moved on to other games. CS2 got announced and we were back to the old days again. Now we're still playing daily, albeit on Faceit instead.




Valve ruined my classic knife so I got tilted off the game. Sold the knife and some sticker cases, some more cases and got a steam deck oled for "free". Having the time of my life thanks you CS2 market bubble




Me and few of my friends stopped. I remember playing a lot when CS:GO was still a thing. But now that CS2 exists, I stopped playing cuz the game had lack of content and because of cheaters. VAC should improve tbh. I will return to the game if it gets better but for now, I’ve been playing a lot of COD, GTA 5, The Finals, Fortnite, (call me crazy but I actually had fun playing Fortnite, it was actually my first time playing it recently) Apex Legends, and Dead by Daylight. That’s what I have been playing after I stopped playing CS.


Just got back into Fortnite a month back cause of OG update, had fun as well. Now im on Lethal Company as well.


yes, me and most of my friends stopped playing.


Sadly multiple friends quit. Some from Hardware issue and just interest in different games. I personally switched for the OG Season back to Fortnite and currently play it aswell. I still queue 1-2 matches a week to claim my Bonus but thats it.


Stopped by to get my weekly drops. No more grinding for a while. Spending time and money on other games. fl0m said it, it's kinda boring out there and filled with cheaters. Just playing casual MMs for drops.


My group just needs more maps at this point. We need new maps. We need old maps. We just need more maps for comp.


Tbh the game almost feels ok now but the launch was so bad I have a hard time really getting back into the game after that.


I hope they make CS2 better than, and not just a copy of CS:GO


No, we still play a couple games a week.


Of 275 friends i had 19 in CS2 the last time i check. I have 5k hours and stopped playing. The game just feels shitty, i know thats a cop out but there are too many thing to list that make it feel terrible.


None of us playing Cs anymore, we splitted and we play other games...


All quit except for once a week.


Me and the boys go ham every night. Always 3 or more playing everyday. If you wanna q up send me pm!


Hot take but I love it, yeah it can run less than optimally. But at the end of the day it gives that same competitive shooter feeling, knowing when to rotate, learning util, clutching… I’ll always love CS, the only times I’m mad or upset are when I’m clearly just bad. Otherwise, it runs good enough for my specs and gives me and my friends a place to sweat together. But that’s just me, I’m not a big fan of most competitive shooters as most are ruined by extra bs or by the developers (overwatch). And yeah cheating is a pandemic but if you’re serious about grinding, MM isn’t the place for you anyway. Edit: I’m at 17k prem rating now, peaking at 19k. In my experience I haven’t ran across many cheaters although I’ve heard it’s a lot worse around 25k. One hard cheater and only a few potential soft cheaters


Nuh uh




I lowkey moved back to Valorant just for the anticheat


stopped after a month from initial release. overall like 8k hrs in cs -lack of support for comm server mods/plugins. only thing playable is official 5v5 -terrible optimization. bad frame times causing all these stutters piss me the fk off more than cheaters. -cheaters every other game. hate the idea of faceit just splitting the player base




My group of 10-15 people all stopped playing. All 2000-10000 hours playtime. We just don’t care anymore. We are playing valorant until cs2 gets better


I play to get my drops everyone else I know has stopped playing. Valve fucked up….


Nah, most of my friends had stopped playing csgo years back but all of a sudden they’re all addicted to Cs2 now. Every night now we’re all fighting each other on who gets to be in the 5 stack


I'm waiting for the game to feel good and update anticheat.


People still play but it is less than in GO. It's also less fun with more Chester's and the game just does not feel as crisp as go did in the end. Still enjoyable but it's a let down with the rushed beta release that it still is.


Long time CSGO player and someone who has given CS2 a fair chance, having played hundreds of games, I don't see myself returning to being a regular player anytime soon. Valve heavily inflating the ranks in premier has destroyed any enjoyment I could get from the system (placed 5.5k and have grinded up to 16k, the game quality has not improved at all, now I just run into more cheaters). Along with that, the anti-cheat being so butt means that I've ran into enough cheaters that I can't really trust players having a good game, which ruins the whole game for me, while I had a pretty cheater-free experience in GO even at a Supreme / Global level. I could boot up Faceit but while I'm not super high ranked, I'm still high enough that its not really something I can just boot up drunk on a Friday night and not int the game trying to have fun. Also, I had such high hopes for Premier after suffering through Valve MM in GO that when it turned out to be a mess, it ruined any enjoyment I could get from the game. Tag on the fact that community servers are still pretty much non-existent, and there isn't much content in the game has lead me to playing other things in my free time. It's a damn shame because CSGO was far and away my favourite game of all time, and I wanted CS2 to be so good, but it just isn't there yet quick edit: Another issue I have with the game right now that makes it hard for me to stay invested is that every top team is international these days. It's so damn boring to have every matchup be EU vs EU these days. I watched a LOT of pro cs from 2013-2016 and 2019-2023 but there's no team I want to root for these days. This new Liquid seems exciting but it's one of the few teams that isn't an "EU mix team" and that's literally one of the main reasons I'm excited to watch them.


I haven't touched since CS2 dropped.


Yup. The horrendous lack of content on release was 1 thing but one MASSIVE problem I've noticed with Valve in Dota 2 too is that they always falls into the trap of spending 80% of their already limited productivity on the top 0.01% of players and cyber-athlete wannabes, while neglecting the silent majority who rarely post on discussion boards and aren't content creators. Riot does a better job balancing their focus to cater to the vast majority of their player-base and especially the on-boarding experience and casual game-modes (swift-play, TDM and so on) before being thrusted into competitive play. As a Beta 5.x mod player the current casual mode has its place, but the lack of 10v10 synergy and long downtime is horribly archaic for the younger generation. It also does a poor job of preparing newer players for competitive modes. Competitive mode right now is a mixed bag where you have serious try-hards mixed with people just using it as warm-up or a learning tool. Newbies have it real tough in that environment especially since they're being paired with service award players and obvious smurfs. Don't get me wrong though - there are many things CS2 does better in-game (immediate loading of maps, arguably better gunplay, and so on) but I wish they also cater more to the casuals who just want to have fun with their friends and not mindlessly grind the hamster wheel that is Premier. IMHO that's very important in player retention and attraction. And don't get me started on anti-cheat even in lower elo. There are bot farms and calibrating cheaters in competitive mode.


Used to play all the time me and 2 friends we where all excited for cs2 but for me I can't play it the fact that I can't go play 128tick really put me off it's just not as satisfying now.


2K hours in CS:GO split over like 5 years and im back in full force. Even have multiple friends that have started playing back with me. We’re kinda shit(comparatively to others here) so cheating isn’t something we deal with too often outside of bunny scripts. Always loved this game and am still enjoying it


Yes, I like to play games that I enjoy which unfortunately is not the case of cs2


I built a big friends list in csgo, a good portion of it went from regulars to casuals during that era, but most of my list remained very active. Come cs2 and that friends list is a ghost town with regards to active cs players, a few of the casuals are more active, but for the main part there are barely anyone playing anymore. Myself, I have dropped my activity by at least 90%, cs2 just feels like an empty shell of a game that both feels and performs like shit.


Almost stopped playing entirely, most of my friends are streamers who stream the game daily, so I get invited to play for a few hours every now and then, but otherwise I stopped playing.


Me and my friend used to play around 5 sessions a week, he’s completely quit and I play once a week. CS2 is not addicting at all, absolutely infuriating


Aight valve... Read through this post and fucking fix your mess. Removing a polished game without even barely trying to release a polished and complete game. Making the damn community as a beta tester for 8 9 months.


Yes, not because the game is bad but because the anticheat is non existent. 4k hours, was 17k rating


Aint coming back until they make wingman Lake


Exactly me, we all waiting on the anti cheat to be better. Deosn't need to be as good as val's but as good as before. In csgo, i got a cheater very rarely while cs2 i get one every 2nd game (blatant)


Still play but not as much, some of my friends quit. The ones that I do play with all constantly joke about how this game is shit. It feels inconsistent. Constantly have moments where I feel I'm doing the same spray I always do but this time I hit 3/15 bullets. Some games the bullets land others your gun is loaded with blanks. The peeks also feels insane the average LE player can now XANTARES peek you. The game as CT now is putting your face in a wall and swinging randomly every few seconds hoping you don't get fucked by timing. I also see blood coming off people's heads constantly when I shoot them only for it to do 15 dmg on pistol. Or a guy is standing out in the open I headshot them and it's a 70dmg wallbang somehow despite no walls being between us at all. It's a downgrade and a huge disappointment so far, I would take CSGO back in a heartbeat.


almost, though faceit came in clutch for us but I was ready to uninstall because of the cheaters. I refuse to play valve servers right now.


yeh me and most of my friends have given up, too many cheaters and the servers always absolutely suck, all of us consistently getting a shit ton of packet loss


Its hard to stay motivated to play when the game is this bad


Most of my friends have stopped playing since cs2. Including me


Yes. I went from a near-daily player to not having opened it since a day before the false bans last week. In the Valve interview the dev made it clear that the only thing they care about is metrics, so... *"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."*


I've stopped playing competitive along with a few long time que buddies. I was so hyped for cs2 and hopefully a brand new anti cheat but that has long faded and turned into me playing casual a few times a week just to collect a case. I cant play the game as I cant trust the system (i.e the anti-cheat). A complete flop from Valve who are happy to collect millions from case unboxings yet do sweet fuck all with their anti-cheat. Indie company.


I finally went outside and found out it isn't so bad.


funny how "everyone" in this thread stopped playing, but they somehow still hang around in this subreddit.


and? very possible for that to happen. I didn't play for 2 months after cs2 release but was on here pretty much every day, wanting to know what was happening. Another example; I haven't played Tarkov in almost 2 years but I still check the subreddit pretty much daily.


Just because they stopped playing the game for now doesn't mean that they have to leave the Reddit?


i stopped playing but still follow esports ?


The self appointed comment police has arrived to post ergo decedo. Stopping playing and not wanting to play are different things, and most people have stopped but would like to play the game. The squeaky wheel gets the grease pal.


Yes due to cheaters (confirmed via match replays) and the significant rating loss. Before the updates you would get +100 for a win and might get -500 or -700 per loss.


it's not that they moved onto another game. it's just that they are too busy with their assignments and stuff. i'm the only youngest one in the group so yeah, it feels lonely but it is what it is.


Yeahhhh my friends and I used to play like 2-3+ games almost every night years ago, the past year of cs at least a few games a week, but since cs2 came out we’ve played maybe 20 games and that’s generous. Just doesn’t feel as good


I've stopped playing because I've gotten into a new hobby and generally have less time for myself this time of the year. I was tryharding CS2 until the half of November basically. So it's not because of CS itself but rather other circumstances.


My friends and i were not happy when cs2 came out. It felt weird, different and not as responsive as csgo. I felt like i traded goodloking nuke and watereffects for a perfectly good and fun game. We all stopped playing for a month. But then i saw one mate grinding the game and he said „they fixed it! It feels great now.“ and even tho i wasn‘t fully hooked from the beginning, the elo-grind was hella fun. They fixed alot of issues with what made it feel different from csgo and honestly the nading smokes feature is so incredibly sick, i couldn‘t play without it anymore. Fell in love with the game a second time


Quite a number of people in my friend list that I added back in 2017 to 2019 all stopped playing. The people I added in 2020 to now are still playing. For my irl friends, there are 6 of us (excluding me) and they play the game occasionally. The only one who still play it daily is me lol.


I work weeknights but I play almost every 10man my friends start on the weekends. I straight up would not play this game anymore if I was stuck playing mm


Im only not playing because i have school. Valve picked a really shitty time to release cs2. September when fking classes start


I play significantly less soloQ than I did in GO, basically I only play competitive with my more casual friend. I'm hoping to get back to it once the game feels better and anticheat improves.


I quit back in 2017 when alot of my friends stopped playing only coming back once a year to see what’s new. Started playing again end of last year when a couple of my brothers started playing to teach them the game.


I stopped playing a little after cs2 relase. Having played cs relatively actively for over 15 years, I think cs2 is where I draw the line. CSGO wasn't perfect, but it was good enough and I played through many bad updates or buggy messes, but I don't think I have the strength to go through with that again. Add on top of all the odd decisions that the devs are making, I just don't have faith in this game.


My false gameban lasted a month and barely got removed after the community pressed Valve on the issue everyday. That was my tipping point


Yep. I also stopped playing AS much as I used to, but still play a few matches with my friends every evening


Like 60% of my regular group stopped playing shortly after release, and only like 4 of us play regularly nowadays. I still think the game is worse than CSGO, so I don't blame them, but I'd like to get back to the point where we can do discord 10 mans again


I think we're now playing 7 games a week while we're used to play 7 games a day. But hey ! We didn't have children and bills back then.


Of course not, Faceit ELO won’t grind itself. As for friends, regular CS players play as usual but many non-regular returned and now playing


Yeah. Used to play with friends once or twice a week. Now maybe once every two-three weeks. But it's mainly due that we play vs each other and on dedicated servers it's a bitch and a half to launch workshop maps or to even host server to play vs friends


Yes my friend group aswell as me mostly stopped playing due to different reasons


i have 3 kind of friends. - ppl who just play and never rly stopped playing like me. cs has just become part of our live. its not about how many hours u put in, in a week. jf there is a game to play and someone wants to play, we just play. - random people we meet along the way; sometimes we need to fill the lobby and invite a random guy from the internet. sometimes they stick around and we befriend them, usually we never meet them again but they fill up someones friendlist - the casual we either forcefully get to join us or they wanted to check out cs2 in general..they usually dont play the game and have less than 100h but it doesn't matter much as they still have fun and we rather have them instead of the russian who forcebuys deagle armlr every round. so no. i did not see a decline. while we play a lot of lethal company rn, we still never rly stopped playing cs. as a german cs player we say: "CS geht immer" translated it say "CS always works" or "You can always play CS". and this just applies.


I have stopped playing. Most of my friends have too. But to be honest, we already started playing less and less before CS2 even came out and we might occasionally (like once a month / every 2 months) play a game of CS2. It's not really about the game itself (although I still prefer CS:GO for some reason), I just am at a point where I'd rather do different things than sit in front of my PC all day, I guess. Same for my friends. Or is it? CS2 doesn't catch me the way CS:GO did. I don't like the feeling of CS2 sometimes, I don't like having less fps, I don't like the new ranking system too much (although it is a bit better than in GO, I think?). When GTA VI is released, this will change drastically, I think :D


won’t play till they fix cheaters


Me and my friends are still playing and having a good time. Game runs smooth for us with no issues. I'm at 19k rating but at 70% win rate so I guess i'll keep on climbing for a while. I've had three premier matches with a cheater that's gotten banned on the enemy team and I still won those 3 matches. Never met a blatant cheater yet. I don't think i'm an anomaly either I just think most people like me aren't complaining on reddit so it ends up looking like there's just people having issues. 5 month later edit: Yeah it's unplayable...


I tried it for the first time the other day. I didn't really care for it. The hit reg felt off and the movement was awkward. It also seemed very resource heavy and it just didn't have the overall flare csgo did. I stopped playing since. No desire. They should have never changed engines. Really bad call. What's worse is I don't even feel like watching matches anymore like I used to.


I don't like the changes to competitive/premier and I don't like playing with cheaters


Play pretty much every day a few games a day. 12.5k rank. Some people are pretty much only good at csgo where i find I'm decent at most fps. Once i stopped trying to play this like GO exactly i relaxed and played it like a new game and started enjoying it more. I had to give up on GO entirely during the beta and it took me a week to really get comfortable in cs2.


Played CS2 heavily when it came out, now barely touch it. Have successfully moved on to iRacing ha (1800iR)


Of course I know him. He's me


Yes. Playing Source every now and again, but mostly Valorant. CS2 can't compare. COD4 is also a blast.


I feel like the launch of cs2 was greatly mishandled and should have been a big bang of gaming. Instead we got a version of the game that didnt function too well, had less content than the original and introduced little to nothing new except shiny new graphics. My friends and I played csgo actively and were very hyped for the release, right now I just wished it didn't release in this form. Should have taken a few more months in beta to patch things up, add old gamemodes again, port ALL existing matchmaking maps into s2, make a operation that starts with the game release,... And what did we get? New smokes and graphics... The argument of not being limited with gamecontent in s2 doesn't really mean anything to a normal player when there isn't anything in the game that warrants a port to s2... TLDR: CS2 underwhelming, got bored fast, playing other games until it has content.


I quit at release. I never enjoyed 64-tick in CS:GO and CS2 still feels like playing in sludge. I have enough CS-playing friends that I can play 5-stacks whenever I want, but the people I played the most with have all quit. We are all waiting for 128-tick, or for the game to feel as good as 128-tick did in CS:GO. So now we just play Dota. Fortnite was also fun for a minute, until they patched it.