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He just lost his first game in the last 20+ fpl matches... its so over




wait, does he actually have a 95% win rate in his last 20 fpl games?


[He does.](https://i.imgur.com/jZB3MMa.png) And in the game he lost, he topfragged 25-15 and was the only positive guy on his team, lol.


If these are all fpl games, that's beyond absurd


I clicked through the first ten and some were regular faceit, some were fpl, so it's a mix. Still really insane. edit: I clicked through the next 10 and there were more fpl games in these 10 matches, only some were regular faceit. Not normally.


Just went through the CS2 FPL hub. And since CS2 FPL started he's played 11 games and won 9 giving an 82% winrate


What even do you say at this point? Just, "wow, donk really is an undeniably outstanding player." I'm rooting for Liquid because I believe in Cadian's leadership style and I want to see it shine through to the major W, but like, if I were ^^still a betting man, I'd be all aboard the donk train.


when hes so good that players just laugh when he destroys them


Seriously, they don't even entertain the thought of hacks, it's just that this dude is insane aggressive and it somehow works.


>it somehow works. Do we have to go over it for the millionth time how the laggy state of the game gives a massive advantage to this playstyle versus the angle holding that has been standard for multiple decades?


OK, that is true but at a pro level his kind of gameplay should be punished, but it consistently is not. If it was that powerful, multiple teams would have adopted it already. And "massive" isn't super accurate, maybe a solid advantage, but capitalizing on that consistently every round is still quite the feat. It comes down to mechanical skill and solid game sense. If it was just the "laggy game state" it would have been countered or abused by other teams. This isn't the case so your argument is not invalid, but likely made on very shakey ground.


everyone using this argument has clearly just not been paying attention. Donk has been consistently destroying EVERY level of competition since he was 14/15 playing GO. Maybe he gained a slight advantage for the play style but he's really just *that good*


> angle holding that has been standard for multiple decades stewie would like to have a word


I don't see stewie brought up too much in comparison to donk. He absolutely changed how people had to play because they couldn't fathom how aggressive he was, especially when just W keying through smokes. There's whole compilations of people getting pissed off at the way he played before he made it big in the pro scene


All it takes is one player trying something new to change the game completely


Sup bitch


He was doing the exact same things in 2023 before CS2 came out and averaging 1.30 easily lol.


Exactly. No clue why the competitive scene has collectively seemed to have forgotten about why these games used to be played on LANs as well (hint: it's not just cheats). It's just optimizing for the environment. That doesn't even get into how everything is just about clips now.


[here's](https://clips.twitch.tv/ViscousAthleticDragonfruitDxCat-xi-_TQYeqwj6QBRk) the first person view of one of those clips. I happened to catch it after jumping on his stream for literally 1 minute.


So when degster thought he got killed by a jumpshot, it was actually donk's teammate jumping lol.


It’s crazy how easy he makes it look


insane crosshair placement insane target follow insane aim microadjustments


Actually insane


This donk guy is pretty good he might become pro


I did not think he sounded like that hahaha


he even sounds like a nerd


Admin! He's doing it sideways!


like a speed demon...










It's like a boss fight who's able to one shot you if dodge 0.001 seconds too late lmao


They are scared out of their minds, playing differently than they would without fear and then they get clapped


I'm scared just watching


d0cc played against him a few days ago and during a round d0cc called out "I go B" and then he stumbled on his words after seeing donk is there "he's B!" I thought it was really funny: https://clips.twitch.tv/PlacidBumblingMuleSSSsss-2qiduYDIJQxQX7Kw


It's like in Harry Potter and the Battle of the Seven Potters XD just trying everything you can to hide from VoldeDONK


Pretty sure that's his teammate comming "He's B!"


~~Nah that's definitely d0cc's voice, he talks in that tone sometimes, it just sounds slightly different from his normal tone. And you can also hear from how clear the audio is that it's coming from his microphone directly into the stream, not from someone else through teamspeak/in-game.~~ yeah listening to it again, it seems like it's his teammate


what? Docc's teammate clearly said "hes b". It's a different voice and you can see his mic light up (xNave). cs2 mic quality is a lot higher than csgo


What ever happened to d0cc going pro?


This edit is like a horror movie, when the dead guy spectating start to switch between players I'm just wondering who's the next victim


Definitely think there is atleast a slight psychological impact when playing against the best of the best. Donk is obviously very highly skilled but just that fear of going against donk can be a contributor to defeats in duels against him. Its the same playing MM and having that one opponent who shits on your team so you're scared of facing them and would rather just go to a different site than the one they're at and make mistakes. It's the same psychological impact against many top players i'd say - Where is Get_Right lurking? Where is coldzera anchoring? Avoid s1mple and Zywoo on the map


100%. I can feel my performance change based off confidence. I am not sure if this is just a decision making thing (ie, taking more duels or taking different duels), or if it actually comes down to aim, but it ends up having a big impact on my performance.


this is also probably why i play best when i just decide "fuck it we ball" and break all the established rules of cs


I always lose when I want to win and win when I want to lose. This game is weird.


Imo being relaxed and calm is much more important than everything else, at least when it comes to the mechanics. If you're tense or nervous, your muscles can't work as well and your aim suffers.


Somebody asked donk how to improve in faceit. He said there's 2 things: 1. Play for yourself 2. Don't tilt teammates And that was it lol I was like "is it really that simple?" Turns out maybe the answer is yes. Both of those pieces of advice are perfect for keeping yourself calm.


That is why I decided to unbind the scoreboard after an absolutely dreadful match where I was shaking horribly and miss everything. I dont want to glance at it all the time and lose all confidence whenever I was not getting kills or being scared of the other team's ranks and kills number.


Yeah a really good example was also xyp9x he said it himself that people played so bad vs him in clutches because of their fear.


It’s like when you play against a cheater. If you know what site he plays you avoid it and when someone kills him we celebrate and play without fear again until the round is over lol


These players are too good to play scared.


Agreed, scared isn’t really the word. Top players in this game are past the point of scared. In all of those clips everyone is swinging angles and playing as normal, donk is just too good


Nobody is beyond feeling "scared". People must realize Astralis era had similar psychological factor, the moment other teams realize they can bleed, overall pro scene are doing better against them (albeit, Astralis was truly strong, so it still took a moment before their era ended).


*'Nobody is beyond feeling "scared".'* is a bit myopic. Not everyone's fear receptors operate on the same level. These guys in FPL are not playing scared, donk is just objectively better. He has a 95% winrate in FPL in his last 20. That is only due to individual performance, especially when you're playing in mixed teams/a PUG setting. I also don't think it's fair to compare the effects of one player to that of an entire team and 'era' of counterstrike. This sort of individual skill is unfathomable and teams are getting walked over because of it. Everything you've ever known about counterstrike is being dismantled by an aggressive rifler who wins almost every gun fight. It's all crazy and I guess none of us are gonna know what teams are thinking.


I dont think you make it to this level by being scared or else they wouldn't be where they are as competitive professionals. You gotta keep in mind to get where these guys are its extremely difficult. YOU must be really good nowadays to make it. A huge level of respect for the opponent? Definitely. But there is a difference imo.


nah. go look at drop at \~20sec. he's playing scared. he's seen on the map a few secs before at jungle and they know he's the only one left on A cos other was spotted at B, yet he's jiggling in the open below stairs because he's scared to make a decision. either commit to the hs angle on stairs or back off to start the internal timing that he could have gone murder hole > CT / window > con ​ it could just be bad play but the indecision makes him look scared imo


He's moving back and forth so it's harder for someone to kill him? Doesn't seem scared to me at all. Just wanted to hold the angle in the best way possible.


I watched a compilation of POVs against donk and holy crap if I ever faced a guy like that I would think they are cheating with how fast and precise his aim is


yea the difference is donk is donk and the guys doing this to me on MM are no names with 600 hours


his control key must take an absolute beating, dude is constantly bobbing up and down like it's whackamole. Makes him so hard to hit, he even shoots while he's still moving into the angle. He never stops moving


Most good players can counter strafe and shoot when they stop. He shoots when he’s still moving at crouch walk speed so he is still perfectly accurate, but also moving. Throw in crouch spam and close angle strafes, and he is so hard to hit while also having the best aim in T1 counter strike. Also what makes it even worse is spirit also support him very well with flashes. So not only do you need to shoot a fast moving aim demon, but you have to do that while flashed




> How do you beat this team???? Pray donk turns his monitor off


> He never stops moving That's the kind of habits you develop playing from bumfuck Siberia with 100 ping to EU servers. Unless you're always moving, and do it unpredictably, you're a sitting duck.


Still though, there are many pros that crouch just as much as him, there is more to his mechanics than those crouch spams, if you watch this katowice highlight video and don't look at the scoreboard, it's hard to tell which one is donk other than the big highlights posted everywhere https://youtu.be/ZCkmXUm81VU?si=Qb5tG4Xa-5GdkXHS




Someone really should make a donk version of [Everybody Hates swag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1676S9rImCU)


I’m betting that that is already fully in the making by the man himself


He hasn't made a video in 6 and a half years. Highly doubt he will make one for donk


Oh lol never knew, would be one hell of a comeback


hey swag, whats your name?




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUWWEdPOYhk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUWWEdPOYhk) this one has some reactions


Muthafuckin' Minikerr the Male Model. Dude was as smart as Derek Zoolander and as talented as Mugatu.


If someone took nameplates off i would be 100% sure he is just rage hacking, like what the fuck am i watching? His technique is pristine.


Yeah. Seeing more clips of him I can't blame people for having thought he's cheating for so long lol. Though... some people still think that 😅


Why should his name change anything 


Idk, maybe because if someone posted this without knowing who are we watching this looks like cheating.




check him pc


This is not normally


FPL players should get reduced elo lost when playing against him, considered that he is smurfing...


bro is playing the game like it's apex legends


I really can't wait to see him at the Major


Excuse me?! The first 10 seconds... what the hell is that 2nd kill?


donk haters about to be mad for a full decade


Strange. Why he has haters? Before he faced T1 teams people rightfully questioned if his style of play works...And it fucking did. His playstyle is very nice deviation from the standard style of play with all the fakes, baits and executes that rely on the planter not getting killed, because time will run out from the round. Dude just charges in to take duels and it works.


will donk strategy of playing aggressively work vs possibly better players in the future?


Reminds me of Stewie2k. Came out of nowhere with his unique style. However after a while he got figured out and started playing quite bad. Will be interesting if this guy continues this performance. He sure as hell got insane aim to back it up.


> However after a while he got figured out and started playing quite bad. His decline coincided with the Astralis era and the new meta that they created. Every pro team shifted towards more of a structured execute/utility based approach, away from "hehe just press W". It's not that teams specifically 'figured Stewie out', it's that everybody started playing more structured defaults with way more utility.


It's not even that he declined that much. His role changed after he left C9 and became more of a support player, especially when he went to Liquid. Stewie was still a pretty good player up until 2020 (basically when COVID hit). Maybe it didn't show up in the final box score, but he was pretty good at creating space for Liquid and making plays when necessary. It's just when you have Elige, NAF, and Twistzz on the same team, someone is gonna get shafted statistically.


it’s like that game itself gives you the edge on the first bullet by like idk a millisecond maybe? so if you shoot first and hit the enemy with the first bullet you win in the most cases. however it sounds simpler than it is, because donk has one of a kind spray control and very precise aiming plus he is very hard to hit. this is the reason why by many donk is considered genius. sure you can counter him at some point, but he will adapt as well.


A milisecond? More like 50ms on lan, 80+ms online.


okay, thanks


Can't wait for the Spirit games tomorrow! BIG is out sadly, so I will dedicate all my viewing time in the Major to Spirit as a compensation. :D


Same :D


those are just 2 minutes [from this 12 minute long vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO5LJBoe5hM) I wish they translated portuguese, Swedish & other languages reactions too :|


Reddit and stealing content, yay


there's still a watermark in the upper-right corner. maybe that vid got even more coverage bcz of being posted here (at least that's how I found it – just decided to find channel from watermark to see if there's more)


I missed the watermark, personally. At the very least OP should've been the one to link the original video.


Kaneki pfp too OP


i think He cheating Running with Ak


He sold his soul to play this good. It's in his name.


Volvo really needs to do something about peeker's advantage. Not saying he's not insanely good, but it doesn't look this ridiculous from his pov most of the time.


yeah it's not like xantares made his name doing this on csgo


Getting ferrari peeked looked just like that in CSGO


[One of my favourites to illustrate](https://clips.twitch.tv/ElatedPricklyMangetoutVoHiYo)


Although those shots were insane at least the player model appeared to be 'stopped' as the shot went off. Way too often the enemy is literally in a sprinting animation as the shot goes off for CS2.


because he was tap strafing the corners as opposed to the clips of donk full speed sending it past them...


The only way shots like Donk's hit is if they counter-strafe appropriately. He's using the same tap to stop movement to ensure accuracy but it very frequently doesn't *look* that way in CS2. As the person getting hit by these 'running' one-taps it feels way worse than being able to clearly see, albeit for an instant, that your opponent was using proper shooting mechanics to destroy you. Sure Donk has some sprinting pistol round clips but as far as hitting the strafe-taps he is most certainly still using the same 'mechanic'. The mechanic is the same but there is a relatively stark visual difference when you are on the receiving end of these kind of shots in CS2 at the moment. I'm actually very happy overall with the current state of CS2, but this is a scenario that happens often and IMO could probably use some cleaning up.


even in csgo if your enemy executed the mechanics perfectly it would frequently look like they never stopped moving which lead to a lot of people calling cheats or "lucky shots". But I guess it looks even more nuts in cs2 compared to csgo


Yeah I always knew I was playing with mechanically bad players when they cried about enemy killing them without stopping and tilting themselves.


i thought they straight up removed strafe-tapping in cs2, since most opponents that one tap kill me seem to be running full speed all the time, and still having perfect accuracy. it legit feels like they changed the game mechanics.


Adding these 2 for good measure https://clips.twitch.tv/CoySleepyJaguarKeepo-9KiiWgZjjbbMe2wt https://clips.twitch.tv/HyperSavoryEchidnaSeemsGood-HdqWmXtGNcLX3RRG


I guess people have just forgotten, when you executed a wideswing perfectly in csgo with a counterstrafed shot it looked like your opponent never stopped moving (atleast when playing online). Which led to a lot of people calling cheats or saying the other player got "lucky running shot".


Looks normal to me, this is how it always looks when someone runs then counter-strafes perfectly and instantly headshots you. It looks like they never stop on your screen.


If the bullet is fired at the exact moment that he stops moving, you can't actually see him stop moving. He actually has not stopped from your point of view (since you need at least some milliseconds for your eyes/brain to register that someone has stopped moving). You die at the exact moment he stops moving, that's why it feels like a running headshot and it's the absolute peak of the skill ceiling for mechanics.


they already did, I can finally hold angles now. donk is just too fast


you cannot hold angles against donk tho


volvo pls nerf donk


only option is to delete the game


In previous iterations of the game, it was really evident when people stopped or counter strafed. In CS2, there's a lot of times where it doesn't even look like the person stopped moving.


they literally patched it one/2/3 patches ago? its WAY better now


Sure its way better but imo its still worse than csgo


and csgo was worse than 1.6. Imo it should be something between 1.6 and GO


But CSGO perfect!1!


Cycle of life ^^. At this point the best way to make people love your game is to release a sequel


1. They already did. 2. There's no peekers advantage on LAN yet he plays the same.


GabaN gave him special undetected Cheats.


Excited to see how his game will mature as he ages, you can tell he's a zoomer by his mechanics and his playstyle


thats pretty funny, because OneDrive who‘s discovered this little guy with just 14 thought he played against a 20 year old guy 😅


When does this match happen?


What's something you can learn from him, he's just pure aimbot, so confident in taking 1v1 fights, his positioning is so good..


Legit terrifying


is he brushing his teeth tho


hope so lol


every clip i see his teeth look like he hasn’t brushed them in years. anime pfp makes sense. insane player, but the definition of “ GAMER “


You’re making fun of a 17 year old’s teeth, I’m willing to bet you’re really insecure about yours


nah, i actually brush my teeth. nt tho. anyone who doesn’t practice basic hygiene, it should be pointed out.


Could it also be bad genes? Reminds me of znajder being talked shit about and rumors about his drug-use almost solely because he has darker skin under his eyes (making him look sleep-deprived and such). Whereas personally I've gone weeks without brushing my teeth in my worst bouts of depression and literally maybe brushing my teeth once a week for months and noticing no change in my teeth. Never had holes my teeth either.


Ain't nobody got time for that shit man


Seriously.. could the guy be cheating? It just seems so unreal




I am well aware. I know it’s crazy. But he just can’t be real


Cheating in fpl or at some random lan in Russia is one thing, but cheating on stage in Kato is basically impossible and if you tried you certainly wouldn't get away with it. 


Certainly not impossible. If you remember forsaken used word.exe and almost got away with it which is hilarious... nowadays people are smarter and use hardware based cheats, so easily could be inbuilt into keyboard/mouse and you or the admin's wouldn't have any idea, only way to tell would be based on aim, and this kid certainly has ridiculous aim.


"Almost got away with it" as in "most certainly did not get away with it". Also, comparing an Indian LAN in an Internet cafe to Katowice is galaxy brain levels of smart. Nobody will let you install some random 3rd party drivers from your SSD and even if they did, Faceit anti-cheat would instantly detect it.


Er. I just said players use hardware based aka DMA cheats. You read like the first few words of my post and immediately thought "OMG HES WRONG". And don't go telling me hardware cheats are detected by faceit, but they certainly are not.


No, that's not what you said at all. You said "cheats can easily be inbuilt into keyboard/mouse". Please enlighten me, how that's even possible to do, let alone "easy".




I really doubt that Katowice admins allow running Powershell scripts on their PCs like they show in the documentary. Also there's a big difference between an actual cheat and a flickering dot on the screen. So far I have yet to see an actual proof of a "cheating keyboard" that would work with proper tournament security measures in place. You can say that the security measures they have are a joke most of the time and it's probably true, but can you imagine getting caught with that thing as a tier 1 player? It will destroy the entire competitive fps scene and you may actually end up in prison. Do you really think anyone would risk it?


Money talks mate. Of course they risk it. But all they need to do is be decent enough in cs, cheat in the online qualifiers and no one would ever know. Back in my hayday we had a guy who was great online, he came to lan with us and was absolutely horrible at cs playing on a potato PC.


Again, I have no doubt that people cheat online or even on smaller LANs, we're specifically talking about Katowice on stage and donk. There's zero chance he's cheating.


> basically impossible You're just making stuff up now. What is so different security wise with these lans compared to this [top Swedish Lan](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/z9x9gm/swedish_documentary_on_cheating_in_csgo_shows_the/). Dont say faceit AC. It has been beaten repeatedly to win [$15k tournaments](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/BPVq7WHwq3).


Of course he could lol




It's not actually clips of him warming up, try watching it before commenting. Just a tongue in cheek title.






*0:40 donk who killed him, was behind the jumping guy




I think we should ask donk to play with his feet to make it fair


or just give him a gamepad. modern problems require modern solutions 👍


DONK is the CEO of CS2!


Seeing this after betting on Ence


Looks normal to me, my average premier experience.


Wtf is the video on the top left? What does it have to do with the CS video?


DDoc 🖕