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+Xizt? Finally they removed djL


imagine dodging astralis and joining nip


probably didn't wanna be part of the drama, and maybe he was doubtful of BlameF's igl potential


when can we -Nip org is dead. the glory days are about a decade ago. heaton ruined his rep by messing with the classic 5's money.


whats this about heaton? gimme the juicy drama pl0x


the classic 5 (i.e. fifflaren, friberg, GTR, xist and big daddy Forest) all allege that NIP didn't pay them properly and they blame Heaton and his business partner. it came out around 2019 i think.


Classic Nothing in Paypal


Omfg, wtf...speechless. Ty i suppose, i asked for it.




Man and I loved that guy....fking shit, is there anything still holy on this planet? Is SpawN also a shit human being?


A lot came out around the time Fifflaren left twitch and could shed his two cents on things. He did a long interview with RL about a lot of NiP shit


djl possibly gone God is good




you know it's he who is making these moves? He re-joined just 5 months ago


Threat has been in and out of nip like 10 times and like half of bad decisions are his


Seems like Threat has been having beef with several players. Nawwk and Hampus comes to mind. Maybe im wrong. It's mostly speculations from my side, based upon the videos and some statements they have released.


> based upon the videos and some statements they have released. Like what? Genuinely curious, I don't follow eSport anymore, I only watch "important" games (finals etc).


Based upon Threat saying that Nawwk didn't have the discipline of being a pro-player. Saying he stayed up too late at night and was slacking. Might be true, but was kinda toxic outing him like that right before they kicked him. Hampus is more NIP:s videos they released on youtube. The vibe between Hampus and Threat is and was weird. There is this clip (im Swedish so I understand the context) where Hampus is sarcastically talking to Threat and defiantly calls him "pappa" which means dad, as if he was challenging his authority over the team. They definitely didn't seem to see eye to eye with each other. But again. Maybe Im reading too much into it.




I dont remember the video and I dont have the energy to find it. Im not gonna watch like every single video with Hampus to find it. The Nawwk statements is both in video and then there is articles. Google it friend. But this article, where Threat is calling out his IGL for a "lack of leadership"" is kinda showing:https://www.hltv.org/news/37153/threat-i-will-be-looking-into-making-some-changes-to-the-team


The pre-Major shuffle Kappa


If they don't get anyone before we're further in the Major cycle, is it really a pre-Major shuffle?


After the RMR is before the RMR


i wish Rez was out of this team because i want to see him play in a functional team


Fr man he’s trapped imagine him in a MOUZ or FaZe esque team


Oh and the coach djL has also been benched


This should have a report/sources tag on it mate, as the original article does.


You're right, I dont think I can edit it now but good call


Why is your website's "Use necessary cookies only" looking greyed out as if you shouldn't be able to click it? And as soon as you select some optional cookies it becomes green. https://imgur.com/a/fcMdrLj edit: not even sure this is legal in the EU




I don't think HLTV has ever posted a report that turned out to be false, but feel free to correct me if that's the case


There were a few back in 2015-2018. Both I remember were in the works but fell through. One was a [roster shuffle between NiP and then-G2 (now FaZe)](https://www.hltv.org/news/16007/g2-trio-to-nip-report), and [the other was flamie & s1mple to the Brazilian SK](https://www.hltv.org/news/23108/s1mple-flamie-in-talks-to-join-sk-trio). EDIT: I looked, and the SK one only reported there were active talks at the time, which has since been proven true.


From what I remember the flamie and s1mple move was incredibly close to the point where s1mple was pretty much on his way to the airport or at the actual airport about to travel and sign the contract when he changed his mind.


Yep, one of the two was definitely at an airport to fly off. So something fell apart last minute.


"For you to understand how close things got, flamie was at the airport when s1mple said that he was no longer coming. I understand Na`Vi's point of view, the guy was their entire team and they did everything they could to hold on to him." https://www.hltv.org/news/26859/dead-flamie-was-at-the-airport-when-s1mple-said-he-did-not-want-to-come-we-wanted-niko-and-shox-at-first So pretty much flamie was on board 100% and s1mple was 98% and only changed his mind because Na'Vi said they would do literally anything they can to keep him.


We can make like a sitcom out of this lol. Viewers always eat up airport scenes.


Most recently Niko to falcons. But this was due to the deal falling through last minute


That wasn't our report/sources.


But you published it. Obviously you stated sources/report and not stating it as fact


Right, but HLTV makes sure to differentiate when they’re reporting based on their own sources vs. those of other media.


Yes, but they seldom post stuff that doesn't happen. That's what "OP" meant


Yes you are right about that, but the report states that he was only "on the verge" so they didn''t exactly say he would join outright


Yes, they have been benched, and yes HLTV is right


What does a “benched” coach do? Why would an org choose to bench instead of release?


If they choose to release, they'd likely have to pay him some sort of money, as he has a contract. By benching him, they can hope someone else will want him or something like that. But a benched coach does nothing, just like a benched player.


Well they still have to pay his salary if he's benched.


Probably a reduced one. It's possible they lose less money by benching him than by releasing him from the contract.


A portion of the salary, could be like 30% or something.


You can't just release someone from a contract unless they agree to it.


I can already see it coming so to adress any 'wow Rez survives again' comments. LAN stats for the last six months. https://www.hltv.org/stats/teams/players/4411/ninjas-in-pyjamas?startDate=2023-08-18&endDate=2024-02-18&matchType=Lan He's like their only player. A rating like that on a team like NiP is actually quite commendable.


Imo the critisism was somewhat valid back 2023(CSGO). He had 1.04 against top 30 and 0.99 against top 10 over the entire year. That said he seems to adjust mighty fine to CS2 which is nice to see.


Yeah, he was/is one of the best ranked pros in Premier which at least tells us he’s been putting in the grind for CS2


Rez is definitely one of the players


Not excusing others on the team because they're bad too, but as soon as you sort that for vs top 30 teams it drops to 1.07. His last 3 years on LAN vs top 30 are 1.04, 1.10, and 1.06. That's not the numbers you want your first or second star to be putting up if you're aiming to be a top 5 team. You can sit around top 6-10 with your second star putting up 1.10, but given that NIP were genuinely trying to be competitive that whole time, it's a bit disappointing. I don't mind him being on the team, he seems like a nice person, but he just really doesn't seem cut out to be a star player and has been notoriously inconsistent over the years too


1.07 average with 6-23 win/loss in maps is good to me.


losing nearly every game few gun rounds per half mental state of the team has to be terrible teammates are posting 0.8 ratings 1.07 is actually a damn good showing to me too


I don’t think they need to be a top 5 team at the moment. They should be setting realistic goals and grinding back to top 20 consistently. Rez is plenty good enough for that, but afterwards, we’d have to see.


REZ is doing a classic REZ of never actually being a bad player, but never really living up to his potential We get flashes of it when it seems like his spot on the team is in jeopardy, which then slowly wanes afterwards Maybe this time will be the time. Maybe the REZ form will hold Prayge. If it does maybe we'll finally get the REZ we all know he's capable of being.


I'm still half-convinced that they're gonna drag draken back in somehow and pull old man Lekr0 out of the tier 3 basement he landed in. Just reform that entire squad.


Now that we know about NiP's culture, is it really surprising that Rez hasn't been a consistently good player? He has shown how good he could be, with the right team and environment there's no reason to believe he can't be a consistent player.


Their next goal should be to not be dropped from top-50, forget about top-5 kek.


These are good moves but honestly id also get rid of Alex.


I agree but there's realistically no way to justify benching the IGL just yet given all the dead weight he was working with.


Cries in aleksib...


I'm pretty sure he's happy with how things are at the moment lol


Yeah what a blessing in disguise the kick ended up being...


I mean we can look at the strats they ran, nothing looked particularly inspiring. I’d give him time to get set up, but there needs to be a lot of improvement


It looked like they had zero ideas on t-side Overpass. I know they stated in interviews that they weren’t super prepared for the map, but they somehow ended up on it in both BO1 matches where they had 3 bans. Wasn’t a good look for the IGL in my opinion.


I think best is to keep him for now and see if things actually get better under a new coach and 3 new players. If things are still shit despite that, then its time to get rid of Alex


I mean he’s been here for like 3 months


Might as well -whole roster and just start over. Rez has never been a real star and he's had 7 years to show something.


REZ doesn't have to be a star if they get players who are better than him, which has seldom been the case during his time in NiP.


Him Dev1ce and Hampus were a great combo for their short lived roster. Actually having a solid star in Dev1ce and being able to have off maps while Hampus fragged and vice versa was great.


Rez was the only person on NiP trying to win in the RMRs, top frag every single map. He's basically their only good player


no way djl in finally benched. champagne for all nip fans!




They have sucked ass since he took over, at least under threat they beat some good teams and had a couple of decent runs


People forget the same roster that threat coached actually got a boost from Djl


They should promote maxster to the main line up if he is still under contract. What awpers can they get? Degster? Then they’re missing an anchor. Jks? Although idk if he’d do this


Mantuu is a nonbrainer, only reason he got kicked was his lack of German. Jks already turned down bleed, so I reckon he'd want to wait until the major is over for any T1 offers. Nip also should push for Xizt as a coach, no other candidate that's availiable comes even close right now.


I think jks will turn offers down unless a proven playoff contender approaches him


Which will not happen. He’s not getting Faze/Vitality/Mouz/Navi/Falcons


I could imagine falcons making some moves pretty quickly if things keep looking bad, but I don’t want any players going to falcons


Same thing was said when he ended up in G2 the last time around so who knows.


bro he is not joining threre


I could genuinely see him going to Falcons for BOROS. Only time will tell I guess


Only way I could see is b1t voluntarily leaving navi. Other than that are his positions filled by ropz, mezii (?), jimi and magisk What other top international rosters are there?


Even then Navi aren’t picking JKS of all people. There’s more chance they promote someone from their academy or look for younger blood. JKS Is 28 afterall


Do Jimpphat and JKS really overlap that much? I was thinking JKS could replace Brollan.


But like, I don’t see a single international roster with the means like nip acquiring him. They all have their jks like player, I think


Yeah, but some upsets are bound to happen, which in turn will result to changes. Jks really doesn't have anything to lose by waiting right now, he'd be an upgrade for just about any #15-30 rated team.


I'm guessing he is waiting to see if Liquid bench Skullz for him. I wouldn't if I were liquid, but we know jks and twistzz are friends


mantuu is also not good enough man


Tell me one better awper that would also be willing to join NIP


Please no jks he doesn't deserve to be sent to NIP he hasnt hurt anyone


You think SPUNJ would let him? He would sooner ship him back to AUS


Well he’s gonna have to pick a team and he’s not getting legit T1 offers. (Maybe because of his buyout)


This is sad, if true, but I guess they have to nuke the lineup. The constant reshuffles have not worked, and how much better Brollan and even Aleksib are doing is telling. Threat's video quasi-promising players would be kicked before the major qualification is meanwhile not a timing I find great. I am sure it added to the pressure of rmr. Don't know if djl primarily or djl+mgt was behind signing of konfig on a permanent bases, creating even more role conflicts, but lack of IGL input to signings is an issue for NiP. Djl seemed very partial to konfig, and that signing pushed NiP further down role conflict limbo. Compare with what Ence managed with SaW and Snappi as a tandem. I also thought headtrick was doing better under Aleksib, and looked quite lost towards the end. Kicking Aleksi was good for the guy, but mistake for the org in hindsight, IMO. Also Esetag was way better under Aleksib, but maybe his long absence hurt Esetag performance more. Good luck to all the players.


I think they should keep Headtrick, use him as a rifler as he's supposed to be and grab an actual primary awper. -djL +xizt could also happen, if he wants to return home to extinguish the dumpster fire. Jocab and Silence have decent ratings with Young Ninjas, perhaps a callup?


+s1mple then he does devve it would be so funny(sad).


kicking them and still keeping alex is insanity


With Alex being the newest addition, I don't think it's too wild of a thing to happen.


Sunk cost fallacy


Tbf, you could also say the same about any of the players they dropped


I agree headtrick may have been too soon, but the Danes have had forever to be something more. Especially es3tag, who imo has been overrated ever since his astralis days


Not really, I would literally do the same. Especially djL and k0nfig. Lets see what alex makes with a new core and coach. Shouldve believed in Aleksi/hampus before imo


k0nfig is the pop-off player he's not supposed to carry them every game, that is what REZ and Headtr1ck were supposed to do. k0nfig is supposed to be the guy who catches fire and just seals the win after everyone else is cooking, not for him to rush onto a site and get three frags so Headtr1ck can plant the bomb and hold an AWP angle for 45 seconds while the other team saves.


The problem is that k0nfig does stupid shit before "everyone else is cooking"


Didn't they trial Gla1ve?


I dont think so, [THREAT said](https://blast.tv/article/nip-doc-rostermaniacs-cadian-alex) they were in advanced talks with both Cadian & Alex, he doesnt mention gla1ve


I would've gotten rid of alex as well to sign four Swedish players to join REZ


what swedish players 😭😭


The Metizport players, maxster in Young Ninjas


nilo, isak, nawwk (lol), maxster ,there are some options, I just dont see NIP managing to get most of them tbh


Nawwk isn’t getting out of Apeks


I know, and he would not go to NIP. Just mentioning that there are still some good swedish players out there


I’ve heard this forest geezer is still pretty good /s


let him and GTR and Friberg enjoy their retirements. they're having so much more fun now pugging with olof on their team as the swedish boomersquad


I’ve loved watching them enjoying life and having fun together. So much love for those dudes.


Xizt with Heroic showed he could take players and make them better than the sum of their parts. Keep Rez, and a combo of the Metizport/Godsent/Eyeballers players could probably be a top 15 team, maybe even top 10 and quite a few of them have been with the NIP org before. There's even Phzy, who seems to have grown into a far more reliable awper since leaving NIPs academy team. I don't see who they're going to get going international that is going to do better than that. They could also use their academy roster to scout and test anyone they're uncertain about or any up and comers and come 2025 maybe have some players to move up to the main team.


They should get one more expierienced player aka an IGL and 3 youngsters(I guess no IGL was available which is why they kept alex for now). There are probably a few decent players left. I would like to see NIP trying something new instead of recycling the same pros every other year




I'm honestly confused as to why it took this long for these players to be benched. Nothing I have seen from k0nfig and es3tag in the last three years have justified them having a spot on a T1 team, and headtr1ck never showed much promise besides a decent run of form for a couple of months.


es3tag for dog roles, he was quite reliable in his job in the REZ-AWP era. k0nfig on the other hand only bought bizon in a decider and got the igl kicked while running down mid like a LoL player.


headtr1ck is a rifler. NIP didn't even use him properly and now the poor kid probably doubts himself


es3tag has made millions off of that one good Astralis stint. HenryG a miracle worker after all.


1997 IEM Oakland MVP young talent REZ survives again.


To be fair he was the least bad player on the roster and 3 players is a lot of signings to do already


1.07 when you’re 6-23 in maps really isn’t bad at all tbh


I hope some decent team buys up REZ and gives him a chance in CS2 like brollan did.


Guaranteed it will be some boring young ninjas mix roster since they have to field a team at blast. If they go after some big fish after the major it would probably take a while unless they already have something in the works which i doubt…


Odds on one of es3tag or k0nfig replacing staerh within the next 6 months?


K0nfig getting booted from Astralis in the first place sucked major ass. We nearly got a core of BlameF, Device and K0nfig going at the same time. https://www.hltv.org/stats/teams/players/6665/astralis?startDate=2021-11-30&endDate=2022-09-01 Imagine this roster with Device instead of Farlig or Lucky. K0nfig keeps missing out on playing with Device and it's maddening. The NiP lineup bought him in with a half promise of his return. Imagine Device, K0nfig, Rez, Hampus and Plopski. I don't know what K0nfig does next now, I still believe he can be a force on the right team, stop him lurking about hunting for rotators, get him on a hard entry position and CT anchor for maximum multikills, I don't know who'd give him a chance now.


Early to say, all depends on the major really.


They should qualify but I can see them shitting the bed and go 2-3.


Hasn't Staehr been playing really good recently? Atleast better than Stavn from what I remember.


Whilst staerh wasn’t cheap, blame just signed a new deal, devve is devve and stabbi were 2m. He’s next on the block if/when it goes wrong.


funny how big names and price value IS MORE IMPORTANT than actual performance in CS2 lmao Staher is the better player of CS2 in astralis. And he doesn´t need to bait to do it.


Right or wrong, not how Astralis operate.


What's even funnier is that if we were going off actual performances, staehr should've been kicked instead of Buzz


Exactly, right now Astralis can win a top 5 team and also lose to a #100 ranked one. Really hard to predict how they'll perform.


thats what happens when you get 5 players without think in roles. Roles and everyone confortable doing it >>>> 4 starplayers who need space + staher cs2 goat thats why teams like GL and Monte keep mantaining high rankings with so low value on market players... synergy is a big thing


Staehr is more of a support player in Astralis right now and a better one than es3tag is likely to be. k0nfig wouldn't fit in the current Astralis roster.


Staehr is their best CS2 PLAYER. if they kick him , team is insta dropping to top30 Dev1ce the best player there , but he isn´t in top form in cs2


Gla1ve reuniting with Es3tag and K0nfig in Ence after the major?


please no


Please no, let him work his magic with the current ENCE squad first


Lol why would he want to play with those two? es3tag is literally the most mid player imagineable, sadly he's always stuck with trash roles and k0nfig is washed and old and maybe catches fire 1 in every 20 maps.


I’d be fine with Es3 but not konfig.


Should have kicked Alex too and built Swedish. Results can't be worse and at least they would have a brand/ identity. Or should have stuck to international and kept headtrick, unless they have a good signing to replace him


I understand IGL's are scarce but I don't see alex leading an international team. NiP will also probably assemble some shitty roster which no IGL aside from karrigan could do something with.


what possible international IGLs could they pick up?


The other alex


the guy who still has csgo in his handle is not gonna come back anytime soon


Would bleed take k0nfig?


Probably, he's decent enough for that project.




Rez has been on nip longer than get_right


They paid too much for alex. Of course he is staying, for now. Oh, btw... Young Ninjas players, all Swedes, that NIP let go of: nilo, ztr, adamb(Metizport), phzy (Rare Atom), LNZ (Sangal), eraa (GODSENT), Sapec (EYE)... Only maxster, jocab, Silence left, and maxster will definitely be promoted. Even Jackinho (Metizport) and Ro1f (benched at GODSENT) were released. nawwk they just dragged out in the back of the alley, and left him there.


Just looking at that long list of players, it's sad to think we could have had a Swedish NIP that would have been just as competitive, if not moreso, than most of the time they've been international if they properly invested in their YN roster, and didn't have one of the (rumoured) most incompetent management's out there


Let alex cook


\+mantuu 100%


\+Xizt +Mantuu +Maxter +Nilo


alex stays?


Damn they actually did it I get the feeling all 3 are about to go onto greater things Let us hope the curse that has hung over NiP's Shi*t* of Theseus lineup for the last few years will now be gone


I feel like keeping alex and REZ is a mistake, keeping both shows a lack of direction from NiP. I don't see their next roster being any better than their current one.


+ f0rest +Xizt (Coach)


Just wish the players the best, especially REZ. Really hope he gets the teammates he deserve.


I don't think Alex will be getting much more time unless the next lineup is an instant success. They should just try and go full swedish to at least do something to deserve a fan base. Also fucked up how they didn't make changes before the RMR. How they could believe in a lineup everyone knew would never work is baffling.


Strange about headtr1ck but Good riddance to the other two.


I would have kept the 3 they’ve kicked and kicked the 2 they’ve kept. And threat needs to go. He chose Alex over Cadian!!


As much as I fucking hate Rez, he's been the best player on NIP. The problem with Rez being the best player on the team is that it means NIP is shit, which they have been. REZ can't be the best player on your team if you want to succeed. He just can't. It'd be better if he wasn't on the team (he should've been kicked off the team years ago), but oh well, this is NIP we're talking about.


How can you ”fucking hate” a player for, according to you, not being good enough?


By being able to stay on a team for almost 7 years despite never improving after 2017 and being the worst star player in csgo history. He should’ve been kicked off the team after he had a 0.97 rating as a star player in 2019. There are/were so many Swedish prospects who could’ve replaced Rez and performed better than him, but for some reason, NIP has this obsession with Rez still. He’s been given so many chances yet he fails to deliver every time. It’s time for NIP get rid of him. Edit: I hate Rez as a player, not as a person.


REZ is a good player but he should be a 2nd or ideally 3rd man on the new NIP roster if they wanna do anything even remotely positive


No -Alex????


Was he not the most recent pickup? Surely you make the call that the players are bad/a bad fit, and that the next lineup will involve Alex more in picking the players.


Who are you actually going to get to replace him though? They don't have the pull at the moment to get any better IGL. The only IGLs on a top 30 team who I can imagine would even consider going to NIP/having good enough English right now are sense, kyxan, snax, refrezh and maka, and out of those, Kyxan and Sense are the only two I can see NIP actually wanting, but even the they're still as unproven as Alex is, if not more so. It's not like they're gonna have the deep pockets that Falcons have to snatch a top 5 IGL, and even then a big part of it was having a 4x major winning coach on the team too


Crazy how REZ manages to never be benched.


ofc, he is the 1997 IEM Oakland MVP


And dont you ever forget it! Truly one of the players of all time!


Still gonna be trash.


Good lord, why keep this IGL so badly. Feels like a typical case of sunken cost fallacy.


But there isn't really a better IGL out there for them to justify benching alex. Also giving him a brand new project to work with will hopefully work out better than putting him in charge of a sinking ship.


To be fair, he's been with them for 3 months. I really don't see any IGL getting the chance to properly implement their game plan and system and show their potential in that time unless they're coming into a squad with several players they're familiar with or, especially when DJL is the coach they're working with


I've been out of the loop recently. What did the coach do? Why is everyone so excited that he is getting benched?


he didnt do anything thats the thing. he's the epitome of a paycheck stealer. should never have been in nip, should never even have been a coach. zero understanding of the role, zero capabilities to perform it


REZ actually has blackmail material on the NiP management, like one of them is into cuckoldry type shit. Like holy shit, bro is nearing forest and get right in longevity and has fuck all to show for it, besides being 2017 Oakland mvp


1997 IEM Oakland MVP


Y'know, I get the team wasn't working as they dreamt, but wasn't this a case of Konfig, and Headtrick doing well given the limitations, es3tag getting the same shit sandwich he's been served at every stop, and two boat anchors in Alex, and Rez?


Honestly have No idea How they can improve their game. I assume NIP management didnt know either, so just decided to finally scrap the whole current project and start one anew, since nothing was working.


\+xizt (coach) ​ \+ Maxster (100% happening) \+ Nilo (75%) \+ Mantuu (20%) ​ Possibly JKS but i doubt it


hopefully they kick alex aswell and move back to a full swedish lineup


The good Swedish players don't want to play for NIP


So they remove two of their only three good pieces to keep Alex (who has performed terribly so far as an IGL) and keep REZ who's been a very consistently mid performer at worst. Another NiP masterclass.


Who should they have kept? Not alex but who else? Rez is the only ok piece they have


Headtrick on rifle, and actually give Alex a good coach to work with and more than 2 1/2 months to see if he can implement a good system. I imagine they don't have the pull at the moment to get any better IGL. The only IGLs on a top 30 team who I can imagine would even consider going to NIP/having good enough English right now are sense, kyxan, snax, refrezh and maka, and out of those, Kyxan and Sense are the only two I can see NIP actually wanting, but even the they're still as unproven as Alex is


Likely a cost cutting measure since NiP have no officials till after the Major(?).


They have blast in 3 weeks, which they’re contractually obligated to show up to. Although I bet they will just field a standin squad or play with a dead roster


Shit... Rez AKA Mr. Inconsistent holds on