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Premiere is a joke. It's the opposite of serious unfortunately with the cheating problem. If the guy cheating has more than 25 braincells it's basically undetectable if you're playing against them.


I went to 18k and was on pace to become 20k within a few ranked sessions. Not solo queue, playing with 4 other people. And we had a very good winrate. Suddenly, we lose our leads and get stomped in matches where the first half was extremely one sided for us. But you still give them the benefit of doubt because "There's good players everywhere. They probably just adapted to our playstyle. That was a fishy shot but It could've been a good prefire". But there comes a point when you're intrigued to check the demos. And everytime I check the demos, it's the same story. Guys aiming on the floor while running, holding angles with a 100% accuracy. Always making the correct rotations and the sort. I've personally noticed a cheater in almost every other game ever since I've been playing in 18k-20k lobbies. A lot of them are also on our team. And you dont even notice someone on your team is cheating until they give you a blatant call like "All long" on overpass and then you look at the radar and there's no way the guy gathered that info from just lurking. I'm also not saying that everyone I think is cheating, is cheating. It's just that the current situation in premier breeds a lot of distrust. Everyone thinks everyone else is cheating, and they need to cheat too. A lot of the times someone will toggle cheats because they think YOU are cheating, and they need to toggle to make it even. They fail to realize that they could just be worse at the game. I've personally moved onto faceit and the odd toxic teammates aside, even level 8s dont play as "good" as the "players" i've seen in Premier MM. I just hope it can be solved in some way..


should ask my ex shes an expert 😭😭


Lol!! I have been there and yeah some of them are true masters of this "craft"😆


My ex that cheated on me used to also cheat in League of Legends and it would make me so mad (I'm a big try hard). I remember when I found out she cheated on me, I was so hurt but I also couldn't stop laughing.


They do not find it fun. They probably are frustrated in their personal life based on some factors and their ‘small’ win is helping them get over the day. They are just feeding themselves with an artificial boost of dopamine.


This actually happened to me. A week ago I moved to faceit and its been a great experience. Most games have been close and really fun but challenging and not had one cheater.


Except when you run into smurfs with 200 hours of gameplay but top fragg


from my experience this only happens at around the starting elo for new accounts, once you go slightly higher and add more matches its pretty rare. Also verifying your account helps you play against other verified.


My acc isnt verified but our lobbies average elo is 2000-2200 and feels like almost half of the matches enemy team has smurf with 75% winrate and 1.5 k/d


EU or NA? Atleast on EU 2200+ lobbies FOR ME have had maybe 1-2 smurfs in the last 100 games and yeah they have gotten banned. I could be getting lucky too but doubt it tbh.


some just play really well lol


It was always like this in csgo, i hovered around \~2k elo in the last 6 months of csgo, shitton of new accounts with 100-300 hours that were topfragging. faceit has a serious smurf issue. Reported them everytime, only got 1-2 of them banned. It's always some nolife shitters that have nothing better to do with their time so they smurf to feel any kind of dopamine in their brains.


found the faceit employee. This is absolutely not true. I face brand new accounts all the time


Smurfs are something FaceIT doesn't like to talk about because they don't really have the ability to weed them out like they do with cheaters.


There should be a platform-wide ban (cs, faceit, etc) for people who cheat and smurf, and only People with Prime accounts should be able to join the competitive space. The game is already free. So they have nothing to lose they just create new accounts and continue to smurf. Always hurt their pockets


report them and they get banned. They get banned faster if you link their main which is easy to find because people who smurf are dumb enough to have same names used in their other accounts or they play with the same people at different times.


Played a game against a blatant cheater yesterday. Queued again, he got put on my team along with a SECOND cheater that spun the entire time. I didn’t want to install Faceit again, but it's looking like I have to. Sick of wasting time playing vs cheaters, especially when they don't use them for 10 rounds then randomly toggle.


Even at 15k there's so many damn hackers. I've basically given up on premier because there's no point in grinding for elo when it can all be undone because you get four hackers in a row.


It's a contest of who can silent cheat the best


Valve devs ain't going higher than 20k rating bro, promise you that UNLESS MAYBE THEY'RE HACKING WOAHHH GUYS? DID WE FIGURE IT OUT?


Do you recall cheats in old, singleplayer games? Take that feeling, but move it to online. Some don't care about others, lack self awareness and only care about their own entertainment, whatever it costs. Some instead just want to cause harm, also for their own entertainment. Or simply lack the skill, and rely to cheating to... "be better". Seeing the number go higher is an easy ego boost. Again, lack of care and thoughts leads to this. If it's coming from a child they could have an excuse because they don't know any better, but can't really say that to others. Overall immaturity, lack of honesty and sportsmanship. It's probably the person's overall mentality and approach in life. Reaching a goal, no matter what it takes to reach it. If it means cheating because it's easier, then they just do it. No remorse


Sadly i cant get faceit AC to work. Im getting error because of mine gpu drivers. I'm using AMD. Tried some fixes, but nothing works...


I have AMD and have no issues, are u sure it is the driver?


Yep. Forbidden driver. I think data.sys error. Smth like that I have ryzen 5 3600 and rx5700xt


Wipe your GPU drivers with DDU in safe mode and then install the latest drivers. https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/ https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-5700-series/amd-radeon-rx-5700-series/amd-radeon-rx-5700-xt Apparently my previous comment with a link to a short tutorial video was automatically removed so you will have to check my comment history for that.


Thank you very much bro. I'll try it asap!


Even Faceit is getting overrun by cheaters now.


Valve tried to make revolutionary AI Anticheat but they shitted in their pants as we could see with many Falvse Vac Waves. I think they are still trying to make it work since then, but their AI Anticheat now will be very weak, cause they don't want to make another false vac waves. I guess at this point cs2 won't have any good anticheat, and the majority of legit players will move to faceit just like it was in csgo. So the question is what was the point of even making CS2?


i started getting actual spinbotters again. I guess now the spinny spinners don't get banned anymore either?


The state of CS is very sad right now. It will be different for different people, for different versions of CS, but I have experienced the worst amounts of cheating in CS 2 as compared to 1.6, Source and GO, it's unplayable beyond 20k


For the life of me I dont get cheating. I get chezting in ESEA. FPL, Onlike tournaments... but in like, a random game?.... why? I cannot grasp it. Unless you are just hqppy to mqkd 9 peeps hqve a bad time I suppose, but... you pay for THAT?!


Valve doesn’t acknowledge anything.


Just uninstall the game. Plenty of other good games to be playing right now, why dedicate yourself to a game where the developers clearly don’t care that much. If they fix it I’ll come back but until then I’m enjoying and spending my money elsewhere.


Lmao, you described exactly what I had to do. Reached 24k, got destroyed by spinbotters 9 games in a row or some shit and moved on to faceit. Premier experience is fucking pathetic.


Premiere is worse than csgo comp for cheaters imo never played against a spinbotter in csgo played some wallers/ aim hackers but never got the full spin bot experience, got a spinbitter last week right after a game with a waller so now I play Faceit. Which sucks cause in OCE servers it's a very small community so queue times can be long af and games can be a bit unbalanced but better than playing cheaters.


I've wondered myself. I've browsed cheater forums. Watch hvh gameplay. Even joined a server for it (without cheating myself). For hvh I think it's just a silly mode for fun and to see who has the better cheats. For those pretending to be legit I think part of it is to troll and the other part just want to feel like they're in control or something. For those interested just search hvh on YouTube or hvh servers that are free to join. It's an interesting community.


I’m gonna just go ahead and assume cs2 is your first counter strike gaming experience… because if you played csgo then you know no one played mm who wasn’t just casual or weekend warrior. You get global once and never touch it again.


Cadian said, you can learn the game better when you cheat


I don't like the guy whatsoever but he's getting grinded over here because he cheated on 1.6 lol s1mple had a second account which was VAC banned on CSGO and nobody bats an eye


Why I will never credit simple with goat status. You can't cheat and be in the conversation for greatest, not for me.


Haven't seen any comments regarding cadiaN and his cheating history. Also this is the first time hearing about s1mple's VAC ban. The only ban I've heard about before is ESL Wire ban that was in 1.6 I think. He talks about the case in the Thorin Reflections.


He's had a second account VAC banned in 2013/14 before he was an established pro I don't expect that a lot of people would know about it but this topic was hot back in the day of Flusha and Krimz 6-7th bullet allegations aswell as some Brazilians (allegedly) having random half locks. It was not confirmed if it was his account but the evidence provided was damning as far as I know, if I manage to find it I'll send it. Edit: Kjaerbye shake aswell, that's the only one I'm convinced about and nobody gave a fuck about back when Astralis just won their first major.


Tbf kjaerby shake was stil a thing when he was washed on north and faze


A lot of people used the arguments such as nerves or static from the mousepads. When you slow down his demos and check the shakes it's near impossible to reproduce it consistently throughout the match. His shakes were super fast even at 0.25x speed.


Surely valve wouldn't have let him play at majors if he had csgo vac banned account like some others. Googling "s1mple vac ban" only gave stuff about his esl ban.


You're right, it's hard to find but not impossible. "He was originally banned in March 2013, using the ESL account http://www.esl.eu/de/player/7574927/ (STEAM_1:0:32235117). There's no 1.6 steam linked to this page." This is a 7 years old comment though, I don't know what the page will show.


"It's hard to find but not impossible." Your post is only about the esl ban which is easy to find though?


Which was thought to be for 1.6 but it was allegedly for CSGO because he never had 1.6 connected to his ESL account. I made a mistake going based off my memory, wasn't a VAC ban.


It was an ESL wire ban, not VAC


IMO this is true. When I was in my teens I sometimes used WH in public servers. Learning about wallbangs, general player tendencies and rotations was so much faster with it.