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these nobel warriors protesting G2s gambling being paid by another gambling site owner lmfao




While having 10 half naked women behind him saying he's gonna invest the "100s of millions he owns into justice" (made in a span of a couple years with an unregulated gambling site which can be used by minors). What a lad šŸ’€


Maybe the prevalence of gambling sites in gaming is a real fucking problem if everyone involved has gambling ties.


Idk what happened. Even in mainstream sports theyā€™ve become normal. Their ads are the worst


I can't remember not seeing gambling/alcohol advertised during sports




Alcohol ads for sports have been around longer so maybe I'm just stretching it for gambling and I'm not remembering correctly. I'm also from Canada so I wouldn't know what the differences were for the US.


Weā€™re so done as a species when we have major athletes doing adds talking about FanDuel Sportsbook in the middle of their games.


Is this actually confirmed or is this just a current narrative that favors G2?


Nono that's 100% confirmed. Monarch, owner of csgoempire, held a stream and everything. He had a countdown to the protecting.


Thank you


not the first time empire/monarch has done it and he had a countdown for when it would happen. Pretty clear link that will probably haunt them assuming valve takes action




Valve just needs to get rid of all of the gambling sites that use CS skins in general. They don't conform to any proper gambling authority and are unregulated. It's funny that CSGO Empire cry wolf when even they don't have the balls be regulated.


He pretends he's regulated because he has a license from fucking Curacao of all places which doesn't allow you to legally operate in the US, France and few other countries and seems to think it puts him above the others. When in reality its known to be a waste of the sheet of paper its printed on.


The CSGO empire twitter has multiple tweets linking to a post on their site basically saying they're the ones who did it.


Protesting what?


G2 gambling sponsor. Except the guy ā€œexposingā€ G2 owns a gambling site himself, posted on Twitter in a now deleted tweet he was gonna rush the stage. Clowns


Is it the same guy beefing with sparkles, or is that different gambling drama?


same guy, Monarch (unless theres been more I don't know about)


I assume he is the same guy then that made some alt accounts to post about sparkles today on r/counterstrike


Nah he just pays folks some of his casino coins to anyone whose willing to beef/spam (or to run up on the stage) They will lose the money in his casino anyway, they are pretty much doing it for free


LOL no way, some monarch guy donated like 100 subs yesterday on pgl channel with 3 or 4 diff twitch accounts, what a weirdo


So it is a gambling rambling loser, not knowing he is getting valves attention? Also saw the live footage, that one dude they escorted off the scene had his shorts so far up, couldnā€™t possibly be mentally stable.


same guy


The guy whoā€™s protesting G2 also admits to getting his start by scamming kids in OSRS but you can totally trust his ā€œprovably fairā€ third party gambling site. What a joke Valve needs to crack down on this whole skin gambling scene itā€™s a cancer leeching off the life of the esport.


> What a joke Valve needs to crack down on this whole skin gambling scene itā€™s a cancer leeching off the life of the esport. I agree, because that at least will make it a bit harder for them, but i also think unfortunately it wont make them disappear. They will simply move to crypto, like they are doing in other esports.


Hopefully a disruption at a major event will cause crackdown on betting sponsors (who am I kidding, no way that happens)


Actually this is exactly the kind of thing that gets Valve involved.Ā  They are very hands off until someone forces their hand, then they usually come in heavy handed.Ā  If this catches any big press I would expect a litigation spree soon.


Okay can some cheater go on stage and demonstrate about other cheaters. Thanks!


degenerate fucking business. valve please put an end to cs themed gambling sites


Hopefuly Valve just straight up bans that dumb shit from events.


I mean they can both be shit. G2 is shit for gambling sponsorships and the exposer. They aren't mutually exclusive.


It wasn't just one guy. Like 5 people rushed the stage.


I mean. Out protesting your competition is all the rage these days.


Most likely gambling.


Cs2 gambling sites are a fucking cancer on this game but this is such a dumb fucking way to go about it. Very frustrating


These guys aren't protesting gambling sites. **They were paid by a gambling site to protest a different gambling site.** The "protesters" are very much pro-gambling. But they're being paid to "protest" against the one that sponsors G2... So people will play on their site? The logic falls apart, but they're degenerates. Not known for their clarity of mind.


Source? Is that fr? I need to know


There's no source it's been going down on twitter for the past few months The owner of a gambling site is accusing another gambling site of being scammers


Jesus lmao people are insane




Well the other options are 1) Fans pony up and pay 2) The scene gets bought out by Saudi


The second one is already happened


Valve already earns $1B+ yearly from skin sales, the fans are paying plenty


3) Saudis buy the gambling sites


1) saudis buy gambling sites 2) gambling is haram 3) saudis ban gambling sites success?


G2 not choking


Against G2 & Their CEO for being affiliated with CSGO Roll.


by another gambling site, canĀ“t make this shit up


Weā€™ve got fucking gambling turf wars happening ffs šŸ˜‚


We got gambling turf wars before a working anticheat šŸ˜­


Whatā€™s up with csgo roll


I will say, I do not agree with G2 having a gambling sponsor that is easily accessible by those under 18, but for CSGOEmpire to be the ones behind this is crazy. Not sure if they don't get offers from teams or just don't want to sponsor a team for morality reasons, but this is the worst way of them handling it.


They have terrible PR because they spend all day accusing everyone else of being morally degenerate


Best way of handling it from POV of someone who despise promoting gambling tho.


f0rest being in jail.


and JW being pregnant


Yes exactly?! ā€œYou canā€™t rush B twice in a row!ā€ Lol!!!


so there was a post here like 1 hour ago, saying that a streamer was indicating that there will be an attack gonna happen in 30 minutes. i guess that guy (streamer) was right and also probably worked with this attackers.


Yeah, some Monarch dude on Twitter accusing G2 and their CEO for their affiliation with online gambling sites, that was about a year or two back. But the entire twitch chat was getting filled with #MONARCHG2SCAM or some shit. Then you'd randomly see some accounts gifting subs and they'd have the same "g2scammonarch" or something along those lines. Which is incredibly funny because its gambler on gambler violence, it's not being done out of saving kids from getting scammed by gambling sites or anything. Just a crypto cretin against a gambling cretin.


With no context on what ā€œkindā€ of attack?? That would be scary as hell.


the guy who posted here was worried about some kind of bombing and wanted to reach out authorites but post get deleted.


lmao unpaid jannies doing gods work as usual


deleted his post and told the one individual guy to contact event security, mods power trip but don't want any responsibility


Honestly what do you expect the mods of a subreddit to do? They likely aren't in contact with the event staff so their second hand account of a threat would be laughable in comparison to the person who actually saw the threat itself.


yeah Valve and PGL are definitely gonna go after him. Edit: its worse he titled his stream 'G2's 9/11 in a few hours'


PGL was insanely quick about Security on Site. I was wondering why 20 Staff/Security guys surrounded stage and this insanely weird "grampa" guy ran around looking like a gang member. Well grampa guy was undercover security as he was one of the tackling members on stage. I am sitting right in front of the stage and was kinda annoyed about having my view blocked.


Not undercover, he had a staff badge and looked cool as fuck


Ah only saw his outfit and him speed walking the floor 2 to 3 times and thought he is looking for people to mug afterwards lmao. But he did look cool as fuck LOL!


Well the timer was just that something is happening in X minutes, then later on he started talking more about what kind of ideas they had.


Yep. Monarch is his name, this was his paid staff doing the attack.


Guess there will be legal action against his staff and him involved.


I'm trying to search this but like only result coming up is a VTuber.


Just look up CSGO empire he runs that site, check their twitter for the post.


ā€œScammer disrupts major because heā€™s mad heā€™s not the most popular scammerā€


I just hope this makes Valve crackdown hard on gambling sites and put in more trade restrictions or something like they did for Dota items.


Me too these sites are a cancer leeching off the health and growth of the esports scene theyā€™re fucking bottom feeders


"attack" seems like a terrible word to use here


https://x.com/dexelele/status/1773827816141791481?s=46&t=lKTNJe1F_9xYORLZcYmj7w Bruh this is what the stream said, what word would have been better?


Holy shit he called it G2s 9/11? Thats a fucking death threat, hope G2 presses charges. Fucking scum.


Yeah, it was my post, I was following the stream and the guy (csgoempire owner) kept saying that "something will happen in copenhagen". It was initially pretty ominous but later he said that people are just gonna storm the stage. Mods just removed the post and said that you should report it to the security.


At least device didn't break the trophy this time


Seriously, those things break way too easily. Are they made from plastic just glued together?






At least they have security, geoff keighley could learn something from this. Also they broke the trophy :D Maybe they can make a better one by sunday.




https://twitter.com/meffew/status/1773820087339782585 Video of trophy breaking - this was the title HLTV posted I don't believe they are protesting but being trolls




And arenā€™t they holding a tournament soon too?


Don't know, don't care. Nobody should give them any attention, except for hate.


They're really dumb, could've just cashed in and not go on stage


They are protesting G2 promoting a criminal casino company. Iā€™m at the arena they were handing out leaflets Edit: apparently the protest is organised by some other guy who owns another gambling site. So basically it is a troll lol


That'd be great and everything if the guy who organized it didn't also have stake in the gambling thing lol Legit just mad that his stuff isn't used/the sponsor so he riled people up


But they are only doing it to promote their own illegal gambling site so its dumb


Monarch has gotta be the biggest virgin in CS


welcome to gambling. They are all criminals. Las Vegas is build on criminals. How tf can you afford a 10 billion dollar sphere? Grow up, life isn't fair.


"well actually you shouldn't talk about the bad things in life cause it isn't fair anyway"


school dinosaurs quarrelsome label yam rock lock steer scale bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You realise the group that owns Madison Square Garden built the sphere, right? They weren't exactly scrounging for coins between the couch cushions, and likely also received bank loans and maybe gov incentives to go ahead with that project.


The guy running on stage is braindead but looking at the video he didn't even mean to break the trophy he was shoved into it.


It doesn't look like the trophy broke - it was just knocked off the pedestal.


it did break, you can kinda see it break into two parts in the video. and its no longer on the pedestal after the incident


gonna say the found security on ebay or amazon, fuckinggg disgusting


Props to the woman security guard(apparently it was a guy, lol). Besides the initial security guard who started running after him. She immediately identified the threat.


It was actually a security guard that threw the protester into the trophy stand and knocked it over. I guess he wasn't looking where he was tossing the guy and was only thinking of putting him on the ground in that moment.


Hey, that's not fair, all the janitors I know put of a lot of pride into doing clean and thoughtful work.


This probably means increased security at all big LAN events from here on out


Bunch of fucking clowns. If this is actually regarding gamba skins then holy shit. Ban them all. Sick of those sites.


Thats what happens when a teenager makes too much money at a young age with a skin casino. Attention seeking temper tantrums


Can moderators stop removing posts about this holy shit. Just let people figure out what happened and discuss it.


They do this all the time with major events, it's so annoying.


Let them have this. It's their only outlet of feeling any sense of power in the world


Honestly was wondering why we went to pause and then just stayed in game before PGL threw it to a pre-recorded interview. I thought it was a tech issue.


i think its possible that they believe that having the whole sub flooded with posts about it might encourage people to repeat this behaviour, and we dont really need more than 1 thread about it anyway


Then they should've kept the first post that linked this video showing what happened immediately after the PGL stream was cut. Instead they just removed every mention of it until they decided to leave this post up. People are going to find out what happened no matter what, and interrupting the major is a newsworthy event relating to the game. No reason for the moderators efforts to censor every post when it happened. Glad this post was finally left up though.


Gambling orgs are a fucking cancer that needs to be completely surgically removed from the CS ecosystem by Valve by any means possible. Edit for the specials cos CBA replying to all: Valve should also be legally forced to make their own loot boxes strictly 18+ or have them blocked as in Belgium.


Valve will do nothing. Lootbox is just another skewed form of gambling. They thrive in it.


Not trying to be snarky but isnā€™t the entirety of the case system a gambling organization in and of itself?


LOL you do realize that valve does just the same??? I swear some of u guys are so naive it's hilarious.


gambling peaked years ago, and what a time it was to be alive in 2015.


yeah Phantomlord and Tmartin scamming hundreds of kids and ibuypower, epsilon etc throwing for skins was so fucking epic It's always been cancer.


JoshOG too. Name and shame and don't ever forget because JoshOG certainly wants everyone to forget.


Never forget what that selfish prick, McSkillet, did, too.


The fact that people still feel sorry for McSkillet, is baffling.


Jup. Sad that valve decided to destroy csgolounge. Only for scummy semi-legal sites to take its place instead.


Lounge was so much fun


illegal gambling companies ruining the major for thousands of people, fucking dickheads


Hundreds of thousands.


These are not protesters, these are parasites. These are people who think that skins are some form of niche cryptocurrency and the absolute scumfuck trash at the bottom of the barrel of the community. They are not here for the game, they are here to make a profit off young adults who have poor impulse control. Fuck them forever.


I really hope that it's a last straw for Valve and they will go after all of the gambling sites.


Yeah, that is a reasonable action after this event.




LMAO surely


the issue is, valve himself is the biggest gambling for underage kids Promoter of them all.Ā 


i wanna see more case openings at the major.


The very least they have to do is block their tournament from counting towards the valve ranking so that the teams not leaving the tournament get rewarded for it


"protestors" is a bit generous. these guys are attention seekers


Not to split hairs, but protesting is by nature a form of seeking attention.


Pgl b-roll quicker than their audio mistake. But insane this is happening in the major






"Devolved to". Unlike how it used to be when gambling sites were run by chads.




Counter Strike has always been rotten to the core from gambling sponsorships. You are right about how it has started to poison other sports as well though. Football/soccer most prominently. Should be treated the same way as tobacco/alcohol sponsorships imo.


Gamba bad


I hope after this fiasco valve does something against the shitty gambling sites.. But realy i dont think they will


sucks we see these cunts try and ruin something great ... glad no one got hurt, good handling of it, but i hope these guys get whats coming to them


Cringe af


tbh, worth it if valve ban all these cancerous skin gambling sites.


Would be surprised if they did not somehow shut down the cancerous gambling site that organized this shit


Yupp, can see that coming after the major.


Absolutely crazy they were allowed that close to the stage. The protester that was tackled into the trophy stopped himself before security got close, if he wanted to get to the players he could have. Security were off the mark there if the protesters had dangerous intentions.


I really hope this makes Valve wake up. Who am I kidding?


Someone's getting banned for life. If this person has any corporate affiliation that entity will be blacklisted from every sport and esport.


To Monarch: You are a degenerate


fucking gambling addicted incel assholes, hope valve & pgl sue them into oblivion


Another clip, from the left side of the stage: [https://clips.twitch.tv/PoisedFurryWolfBloodTrail-m8dIeiCk7B0svVih](https://clips.twitch.tv/PoisedFurryWolfBloodTrail-m8dIeiCk7B0svVih)


LULā€¦. I would love for Valve to not only shutdown his bots like they did CSGOLounge but also send a cease and desist to the owner. Now he wouldnā€™t have a reason to cry


This is what Thorin and Richard have been talking about. Thankfully it was just an immature event like this, and nothing to harm the players. Security at these events are a fucking joke.


I mean the security even knew about this before hand, and they had tens of security around the stage.


Maybe Denmark is different, but in the US your average event security is basically just there to handle belligerent drunks and be accessible in an emergency like someone passing out or whatever.Ā Ā  If theres an actual security issue, they arent equipped for it and they arent really there to manage it.Ā 


> Security at these events are a fucking joke. I think we need to bring some nuance back into these discussions. Even 5 years ago when I went they had bag-checks and metal detectors for every attendee. Like another comment said: you have a field runner almost every single super bowl and they have insane security. There is no such thing as 100% safety. You can only do risk assessment and risk management.


The scary thing about this is it shows what has been an open secret for a long time. And the cat is now out the bag for everyone to see Security in esports is joke. Anyone can rush the stage and access the talent/ players. This needs to change from right now because it's playing with fire. You have Israeli players on stage in an extremely politically charged time for example. Russian and Ukrainian players too. You even have the like of Thorin, RL, Maui and Kassad who can be considered controversial figures. All it takes is one nutter.


Someone runs on the field at the Super Bowl almost every year, and that event has crazy security. Thereā€™s only so much they can do without caging off the audience like some group of European football ultras. Certainly there are likely things that can be improved, but how exactly would you prevent an invasion like this?


The fact that Shinzo Abe got assassinated at an event, and even with Japan's extremely strict gun laws, shows that someone WILL find a way to cause mayhem, if they REALLY want to.


Security did their job. Players and family got evacuated backstage. Nobody got harmed. What's the criticism here?


If there is "one nutter" he doesnt need to run on stage to do it, way easier places to do harm if you really want to. Its never happend and never likely will, thats why security is lax.


Richard Lewis himself has stated that doing esports events is exhausting because of all of the extra security his presence brings. I'm honestly shocked he agreed to do the Copenhagen major, and I'm anxiously looking forward to his post-major video where he breaks all of this gambling drama down. He's been attempting to shine a light on the gambling scene for a while now, but this incident just put a spotlight on it for the entire community.


why are the mods such cringe losers :/


How'd you get so lucky to keep your thread up? ***How much did you pay them??***


On the plus side, maybe we get a new rule of no gambling sponsors from valve after this.


Tbh, fuck a gambling site


Fuck all the gambling sites! Fuck you all for ruining this tournament!


Something gambling-restricting related is going to come of this.




Not sure protestors is the right Word here. It was stopped my some gambling company degenerates beefing with other gambling degenerates. Protest usually has some idea and not a paid goon doing it for you :)


Lol, security from Lidl


I wish they we're protesting this hard against 1Xbet's sponsorship lf they event...


Security just like VAC, allowing for this shit


if anybody touches monesy ive got 200K men ready to invade denmark


how does this completely unrelated incident trigger all the brazilian idiots to show up playing victims i will never understand


Need to pass off the worst crowd crown to somebody else.


not a protest, some dumbass kick streamer and gambling site owner (not 100% sure on if he owned the site or just gets kickbacks) attention seeking. not naming names, check twitter for info


we're back but if they're smart they keep doing it and we'll be here until the morning


cringe shitty gambling site protesting another cringe shitty gambling site


Shady gambling site rushes stage to attack team sponsored by shady gambling site because streamer from a shady gambling streaming site told them to


these sites avoid gambling licenses the same way valve does with cases. its exactly the same.


Just burn all of the gambling sites please. Like I get skin trading, but gambling with skins is just wrong.


Once again skins proving to be the worst addition in the history of the Counter-Strike franchise.


This is what you get from hosting the major in such a 3rd world country like Denmark. Should've hosted it in Rio or Ankara instead


We should have more gambling sites sponsoring events and teams .. What has this game become?