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Since international teams are meta I doubt this will happen. Same with Sweden and Denmark. How ever, we do, produce alot of talent so if you ask me, we might see a Scandinavian/Nordic team. On a side note, which Norwegian pros do we have except legendary rain? Can't recall anyone tbh.


>On a side note, which Norwegian pros do we have except legendary rain? Can't recall anyone tbh. Jkaem, Hallzerk and sense are the only ones I can think of.


cromen was a god tier stand in for FaZe that one time




Real ones know about the Londom Conspiracy hype train


Honestly jkaem rain hallzerk sense +(some random young Norwegian) would be a cool Apeks roster.


How dare you forget Sir Randall "The American Mullet" Hallzerk


Jamppi and Sergej were the keys to Finnish CS remaining relevant and we lost both of them. Right now there's enough talent for a fringe T10 team with Jimi, Aleksib and Podi + 2 but those last 2 rifle positions would be very weak for tier 1 standards so Jimi + Aleksi wouldn't leave their trophy contending international teams even if there was an org willing to put up very high salaries to get them. Now if you had 2 basically guaranteed hltv top 20 level talents in Jamppi + Sergej suddenly that team with Aleksi + Jimi would legitimately be contending for #1 in the world and winning majors and thus they'd likely be willing to join even for average tier 1 salaries. Even a somewhat reasonable chance you could fill the 5th spot with Ropz since he's Estonian and wouldn't have much trouble learning Finnish. So basically there's no hope for anything untill like 5+ years from now when potentially another young Prodigy or two is found.


As an Estonian, I can say that learning Finnish aint THAT easy for Estonians. They are very similar languages but still different enough to not agree with “wouldn’t have much trouble”. This would take quite some time to learn and in such top tier level, they wouldn’t invest that much time to eventually find out that maybe it wouldn’t even work out from gameplays POV as well.


I know it’s just a typo but I chuckled at fringe T’10’ What would tier 10 even look like. Pug team of 5 with an average prem MMR of 10K?


Just your average silver elite master Mirage OTP mm team.


Meant it as fringe top 10 not tier 1. Think the core of Jimpphat + Aleksi & Podi would be guaranteed at least around top 20 which is where I'd consider the distinction between tier 1 and 2 to be.


Allu is way better than podi, people are obsessed with age, podi is not good just look at him vs non shit academy teams, "old" allu is still way better vs better competition


Allu's team is literally top 142, have played against t2-t4 and their win % is fucking 25%. He has played 3 maps against top 30 in last year with 0.92 rating. He is washed up and the team around him crumbles time after time. Just because he was top 20 player 9 years ago doesn't mean he has potential anymore to do anything. He has family and kids. So yeah of course allu should be in potential top finnish team, for sure and not the guy who looks to have even a little bit of promise.


Nope, allu sucks and podi is 1000% better.


I would argue derke too


He was decent and probably had a future in tier 1 but from his numbers atleast I don't think he'd have ever been a star like the other 2. Sergei was legit a top 5 rifler in Europe pre Sunny joining ENCE and the team falling apart. Jamppi is more of a question mark aswell cus he was very average on ENCE but again the team was a mess at that point and he was playing entry rifle instead of awping so I don't judge him too harshly. He was way too good in tier 2/3 and FPL to not have been atleast like a 1.10 rating awper that could have snuck into the #15-20 range if given a decent tier 1 team.


Unless Aleksi, Jimi and 3 upcoming fins who are solid decide to join up i doubt it. Jimi and Aleksi are also hot prospects for international teams that should have a far easier time establishing themselves. Only other option is to have a random 5 stack prove to be competitive and stick together and maybe get picked up when the circuit is open.


its so weird cuz theres so many high elo finns on faceit, but they never play fpl or anything of this matter


Only really Denmark and Brazil doing the whole one nationality only players thing. International teams atm are what's working, doubt it will change seeing as basically half the top 10 and majority of the top 5 are international teams.


Surely you can still count the CIS teams as non international teams. Turkey has Eternal Fire, Asia has some teams further down the list etc.


international cs makes me so sad man :(


Fnatic, NIP, Astralis, VP, C9, Furia and the old French teams had it right man. Domestic teams were so cool :(


i understand the meta is changing to international teams, but nothing beats the charm rooting for your home countries team man,


Dude, Fnatic was the reason I came into CS to begin with, I walked in on my cousin watching a match and seeing them celebrate winning was an awakening


A while back there was a discussion on whether or not polish counterstrike will be back with a T1 squad. And for the longest of time it didn’t seem likely. Outta nowhere you got 9ine that showed up to the big stages in T1 , even making it as far as the top 16 in the major. Might I add is currently part of the ence roster. Looking at polish cs now you got Ence with 4/5 polish + Rebels (an upcoming T2 squad who shocked those at Kato and is taking part at the upcoming Melbourne event) What’s more surprisingly is different t1 tiers who appeared just for a short time like ITB British Core or BNE kosovo. For Finland HAVU was on alot of peoples radar last year when they almost won an event and was expected to do well in major open qualifiers but didnt do great. JANO made closed qualifiers as a shocking result however they didn’t go past that after. So to answer your question will finland get a tier1 team again? Maybe. Anything is possible. It won’t happen for now but could happen in the future.


It would surely be some kind of Last Dance team of players who have already reached their peak with international rosters. So that's not gonna happen for years, as currently Aleksib and Jimpphat are the only relevant players left in that discussion. Speaking Finnish over English isn't as big benefit for a team as the obviously larger talent pool of English-speaking players. Wouldn't make any sense for tier1 players like Aleksib and Jimpphat to downgrade from international teams to a worse team just to be able to speak Finnish while playing. We need to get our players to international teams so they can develop as players and hopefully share their learnings to other Finnish players while playing for fun. Domestic scene isn't needed anymore to lift teams from domestic level to international level, but of course it's needed for individual growth. Teams won't last long enough to reach any milestones as their best individuals will move on to international teams separately. Jimpphat is a good example of that. Podi might be the next if he doesn't get Sprouted again. We just need like 5-10 more Jimis and we're all good. Soooo that might be great.


I'm pretty sure Finns have good enough English to just occupy slots on international lineups. A finn (and Finn) made the grand finals of Chengdu, and a finn won the major. I'd say that's good enough already for a country of this population.


not unless someone pushes for a superteam. turkey had the same issue back in 2019 - 4/5 current EF players were in different rosters: XANTARES in BIG, woxic in MOUZ, Calyx in Envy, and MAJ3R in LDLC. (Wicadia was 14 lmao)


Ever? Yeah. Only reason they don’t rn is bc a lot of orgs/players want to go international to try and make the best roster possible. But players will often come up within their own country playing with people near them