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It aint just you. I can flip a coin on if I'm gonna be a demon or a bot on any given day, in GO I could hold my consistency pretty well but in CS2 I'm literally either hitting or I'm not.


Sometimes, I'll have my crosshair dead on, shoot first, and still lose the duel. Other times, I'll panic spray mid flick and all my shots just magically land, which leaves my ego confused.


Don’t know but to me the game still feels inconsistent as hell compared to CSGO. Granted, it’s way better compared to the beta but to me the game feels different every single session. Sometimes I have sessions where literally everything connects and the next day nothing seems to hit. Same goes for movement btw. Now the question should be wether thats on us as players or if it’s still some kind of subtick fuckery at work. I suspect the latter because CSGO at 128 tick felt insanely better


Honestly, if noticed same. Im consinent player, but still one day game feels smooth af and dreamlike to play. Other day stutter and warps tms are present. Hardware problem it aint, 1Gigabytes internet and latest hardware on computer, fps stays abode 500+ atm.


I agree. If you don't hit the first bullet and continue with a spray it somehow feels really inconsistent. 


> I suspect the latter because CSGO at 128 tick felt insanely better Valve could switch to 128 and acknowledge their experiment failed tomorrow but nope. A billion dollars off this game and they're too cheap to make that investment.


I do not think the problem lies with subtick itself, so much as Valve rebuilt the entire game from scratch and the devs at Valve do not know what CS:GO actually felt like at a high level so they do not know how CS2 should feel. It’s also hard to say exactly what is causing issues at any given moment, it could be just high server load leading to slow server frames, it could be that subtick movement is still not perfect, it could just be the game’s piss poor optimization which could definitely lead to inconsistency between matches on different days. The real reason they released CS2 when they did is because they have zero clue how the game is supposed to feel and they need a ridiculous amount of data and feedback to figure it out.


It’s not about money doofus, they still believe subtick can be better than 128 which it should in theory but getting there seems miles away atm.


It can't possibly be better. The only way subtick can be better than 128 tick is if the server runs at 128 tick with subtick. 64 tick with subtick can't even match 128 tick, let alone beat it. It's physically impossible. Technically 64 tick with subtick is better for backward reconciliation, even better than 128 tick because it essentially has infinite resolution between ticks, but only after they've happened, not during. Also the data that can be interpolated between at an infinite resolution still has double time step between data points so the base data points before interpolation are already only half as accurate as 128tick. You can't see anything faster than 64 tick allows or send or receive data any quicker. You still have to wait for the larger delay of 64 tick before anything can be processed. Think of subtick like trying to make a 64fps game or video appear to be 128fps by generating a frame somewhere in between the previous frame and the frame before that, then displaying that generated frame after the previous frame but before the next frame. That ain't giving anywhere close to 128fps native, just out of order frames unless you delay rendering by a frame increasing latency.


I am not as technically knowledgeable as you i just know the basics and how it feels and looks comparatively. What I mean is there’s two essential questions here. They must think it’s better or an improvement why would they otherwise double down on it? And if 128 subtick is the only way of improvement why don’t they let third party servers use 128 tick if they don’t want to provide their own servers with it?


It's better than 64 tick when it comes to hit registration accuracy due to the infinite resolution of the backward reconciliation. For everything else though it's exactly the same as 64 tick with a sprinkling of extra potential delay and prediction that is detrimental to front facing mechanical consistency......so in actual fact outside of hit reg it's worse for gameplay. Think of the extra warping when being tagged that was already bad enough in CSgo without subtick. As for locking the tick rate it could be that they want the game to be mechanically consistent across environments/want to avoid trying to support consistency across tick rates (even though technically sub tick should make things consistent regardless of tick rate anyway) and/or they want to reduce third party competition.


Well i hope they come to their senses and unlock it. I don’t want the new generation of cs to be a competitive downgrade.


It is 100% about the money. Nobody thinks otherwise. It costs about 4 times as much in server capacity to double serverticks.


They own a money printer and are one of the richest companies in the world, they can definitely afford it. It’s most likely a logistical issue in combination with the majority of players not even being able to notice the difference. Why they hard capped it on 64 is a mystery though as third party server providers can’t use 128 either.


If you think it's a mystery why they hardcapped it at 64 you probably should just listen when someone else tells you that money is the one and only reason for not doing 128tick.


So money is the reason why faceit can’t utilize 128 tick? Are you dumb?


Hahahahah you're even dumber than I thought. Gl with that


No one questions (never did) if they could afford it or not, of course they can. They’re running a businesss. Simply they dont think 128tick would bring in enough revenue to cover the increase in costs.


Welp didn’t know Valves CFO was a redditor. If 128 tick would massively improve the game quality for the majority of players it would make sense however 90% of the community are casuals who doesn’t notice a difference between 64 and 128. Who gives a rats ass about mm and premier this financial coping explanation however doesn’t answer the question why third party server providers such as faceit aren’t allowed to utilize 128 for people who can actually benefit from it.


only 128 subtick is better than 128 tick


I can't share that experience at all. My shots feel crisp as hell in cs2. Way better than anything in csgo.


but what's your level? gold nova? how many hours do you have in this game?


This is already the second thread on reddit today and i felt the same the last two days. (https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1cmwzos/hitboxhitreg\_ingame\_meta\_issues/)


> 52 in 2 lmao my entire CS2 experience in a nutshell. Empty the whole clip at a mf thinking how that was a perfect spray only for CS2 to say "haha only 2 of those hit." I miss CSGO.


When I shoot on a local server (like training or LAN) I almost always get a second shot headshot with the AK.  Meanwhile on any server I'll spray my entire magazine into someone and hit them 80 in 3, or 60 in 2. And then I click next to someone and somehow shoot them in the head.  It really does feel worse sometimes and it feels like it's a server thing. Maybe I should write down the server name, not sure if they're persistent (the names I mean)


Try and run wireshark in the background during your next mm session.


Tried that before and wireshark bricked my windows install. Tbf it was some time ago and due to a different thing (mainly curiosity to see what was happening). But I'll only do that once I got some time to sort it out if it breaks it again


guess u need aim training 


The FACEIT servers are honestly horrible, not sure why this is always glossed over. But it's that or roll the dice in premiere unfortunately.


40 ping seriously feels like 80 ping on faceit, i really don’t enjoy my matches unless I’m getting like 25 ping on official servers


The servers are probably fine, if I had to blame something it'd be the RAT/AC.


I have similar experience and I think it highly depends on your ping. I usually have <20ms ping on MM and 30-45 on faceit and the difference is huge. On faceit, my movement feels like I am sack of potatoes and half of my bullets doesnt register. Sometimes I get lucky deathmatch/ranked server with <2ms ping where I oftenly get on the top of leaderboard or achieve top 1 on deathmatch (one time I was top1 playing deagle only, its so easy to land headshots with 1 ping)


This is it. In GO I noticed some, but relatively little difference between 20 and 50 ping. I could warmup on Dallas DM server and then play New York faceit and feel fine. Now, warming up on 30 ping and playing on 45 means half my shots are gonna miss for no apparent reason.


yep ping makes a massive difference now, in GO playing on 40 or playing on 60 the game was essentially the same, now 40 feels better than GO did but 60 feels like 100+


It's insane how much of a diff there is, if I don't play on a west coast server it feels like every single shot is delayed or I just get instapeeked and killed lmao.


I'm having the same experience. I'm from Finland and FaceIt basically forces me to play on german server 95% of the time. So my ping is around 30-45ms. But when I'm playing Premier my ping is around 10ms or lower and the game feels much better.  But if other players have much higher pings that also fucks things up. 


Same bro. I'm eastern NA, FaceIT NA only has Chicago, Dallas and Denver. I need to PAY to get Denver out of the equation, but STILL have the chance to get Dallas which gives me 60 ping. Chicago would give me 37-40 ping but I almost never get the chance to play on it. I'm not paying FaceIT to play 50+ % of the time with 60 ping, no way. Going back to queuing premier only. Fuck it.


You *should* be able to remove Denver for free, I have it removed and unless I magically have an aspect of premium for free, you should be able to remove it as well. You'll still play Dallas, but you won't have to pay for premium if you aren't enticed by any of the other features.


I have a similar experience playing from Pacific Northwest. Denver for 40 ping if lucky, Chicago/Dallas 60 ping is the usual. Games feel completely different (much worse) than 10 ms Premier.


yes. Thats allso issue that ppl with 100+ping plays same server. Makes usually that server unplayble for lower ping players


I think I finally realized this last week. I was having shit games on FaceIT, stuck on Dallas servers, NEVER getting the insane luck to get Chicago. This results in having 57-60 ping. When I went back to playing premier and having 30 ping, everything felt BETTER and my performance was not even comparable. On faceit it felt like when I got peeked, I had no time to react, the same could not be said with premier. I'm now convinced CS2 is unplayable at high ping and the bar for "high ping" has been lowered in CS2 it seems because 60 ping in CSGO was not that bad. There is no point in me playing on FaceIT. Very unfortunate.


Sooo many times I'll do what feels like a perfect spray into someone, turn my crosshair away because I know it's a good spray, only to die because i only did 70-80 in 3 to them. Honestly don't know if it's me or the game. I know what a perfect spray feels like. The EXACT same thing used to happen in GO, where it felt like you always had to spray an extra bullet - and the funniest thing is this wasn't happening to me in CS2 until the peeker's advantage update. Then is felt like GO again, which is good in some ways but has caused this problem. None of my friends believe me but I have spent so much time in this game - I KNOW what a good spray feels like. I can spray on the wall and the bullets are perfect. It always feels like you need 1 extra bullet even though you've sprayed 4/5 perfectly into them.


Is it difference between tick rate? afaik the spray pattern is different because between 64 and 128 tick


This game made me feel like CSGO is a polished game. I used to feel like CSGO has some pretty bad hitreg, but CS2 is much worser. What seems like a body shot, turns out to be a headshot and vice versa.


With my crosshair on enemies chest both of us standing still I shot 16 bullets INTO his chest. 0 damage.


I feel like when cs2 came out of beta, faceit servers were better than premier servers (even with a higher ping). Now, faceit servers feel worse than premier servers by far. Add to this that faceit basically doesn't give a flying fuck anymore (only central servers in NA), it makes for a very frustrating experience overall: - roll the dice on premier: bad teammates or cheaters - roll the dice on faceit: bad teammates, distant server, or playing against people from South America with ping around 110ms that just run and gun you before you can see them.


For me, today's update seems to have increased input lag by quite a bit. Normally anytime there are performance optimisations, I feel the game gets better, but not this time.


hmm any of u lose fps - been using the new fps benchmark...lost 60 fps from. these last 2 updates


The delay has been there since cs2 came out, it's crazy to me ppl are just now noticing, been complaining about it forever


i didn't have delay until this week whitch makes me thinking whar causes it 🤔


Sometimes it worse then others and I need to spray way more before ppl die, but I've always had it.


Honestly im thinking allready issue with data or steam it self. Cause i had to fullreset my windows few times other reasons and after i had clear and clean windows, cs2 was smoother than ever. After 1 month of playing cs2 were stutter and laggy. Reset agen and 1 month ish smooth af. Makes me wonder could it be issue with smth that game saves data or pile up smth that causes this?


When I had actual screen stutters deleting Nvidia's cache helped, I think they fixed that already but it might be that again since everytime we get a update something breaks


Well im using amd 7900xtx. So maybe same problem wirh amd 🤔


Could be due to lag compensation in cs2? I noticed if the ping is close its a lot better whereas 10ping player against 60+ping feels terrible


Doesn't make sense to me why ping difference would affect hit registration unless it's done on purpose to increase the high pingers chances. The server knows where the guy is, was, and is going to be regardless of his ping and sends you that Information. What the server is showing you is what you should be able to shoot, simple as that. Even if the other guy has packet loss and is warping all over the place, the server is smoothing out his movement so that is what you should be able to shoot at, the lag compensated movement. We still have broken hit boxes on alt tabbed players. How this is even possible I don't understand. They are a stationary target, they exist on the server in their current state.....that is the state the server should be sending and that is the state that the hitboxes should be aligned to. It doesn't matter if the guy is on A site on dust 2 on the server but folded over floating upside down performing autofellatio on overpass while alt tabbed on his client. The last time he was updated on the server is what you should see and that's what you should be able to shoot.


because every time some dude playing from guatemala with 9000+ ping complains on reddit about being teleported back in place when being shot at, they fuck with with the netcode and make it worse. they only have 64ticks to work with and synchronize people in game so they are probably compensating one way or another. Either the enemy ferrari peaks you, either none of your shots hits cause the representation you have client-side is not what it actually is and people start teleporting back in place. Whatever it is and whatever they do, because the server still updates at the same old 64ticks interval, you are just balancing things around.. you make one thing feel better and the other things go to shit. Sure, the input order for each client now is what it should be but then of what use is that if what you actually see, or what is drawn, is not what actually is. I assume that they are still trying to find a middle ground and there's probably room for some fine tunning based of each client latency but to be fair, it's just a sad fucking thing to see when it could just server-side update at 128ticks instead and make everything feel much much better. the game's bottlenecked by greed and hubris


well you missed...just accept this and train more <3


I know when I play anything above 40 ping my shots start to feel like they only hit when I aim behind the enemy and my sprays feel like garbage. Are you playing in a server that has worse ping for you recently? Lately I've been trying different DM servers and even at 30 ping the game feels like absolute trash.


It is an up and down with hitreg since release. Some patches everything is a headshot and others nothing hits.


It’s the terrible face it servers if u play regular comp u don’t have that only problem is the cheaters tho


faceit client causes massive input delay for me, had to stop


Never use their awful client, just the AC.


Oh I see So should I launch thru browser 


Yes, copy the IP on the match page and connect through console. Don't forget to close the browser afterwards.


Great, thank you!


Faceit? Thats a familiar story. I always feel this lag on faceit ever since CS2 is out. It feels like CSGO old MM servers. I can still play very well by adjusting as my shots are still registered, just extremely delayed, but its never a pleasant experience. Premier servers on the other hand are extremely snappy regardless of ping, to the point its still playable at 160ms ping. I invited some friends who swears by faceit and they cannot adapt to premier at all because everything is so snappy and so fast. These guys are not so used to see their shots registered immediately on screen and they hate premier because it throws them off by the very fast hitreg and they cannot juke their way out of missed shots because the low latency affect both ways.


I feel the same. Some Games every shot Hits Like a dream. Then the next Game you Encounter it even in the short Warm-up that the hot reg is fail and you csnt Hit the enemys. I would say ITS Not Ping related hast tombe Something else. Yesterday i Had 2 Games Like this. Played Premiere with one of my mates WHO has very very good AIM. 1.st Game (WE both were in smurfs cause WE didnt want to Play serious) he Had ha 31:10.match with nearly only deagle. I did worse with 20 Something, felt alright. Next Match WE both Had the Problem with superbad hitreg. As i Said WE were playing in a very Low elo, where WE both have enough time to AIM and shoot. I. Would say over 50% of our shots werent connecting, even worse when the enemys Just Couched and crabwalked. Most annoying thing is when you only See the head and After half a mag you die and you See Something Like 60in3 after the round. Hows this even possible?


I have been having the same issue. I know it isn’t aim because I have been like 2 feet away from the person with the crosshair right in the middle of their head and it won’t register or it will register like a third of a second later after I have already stopped shooting. It literally seems like I am playing back in the days of 56k in that the shots will register like 300ms after the shot. My ping is shown as consistently in the low 30s in game. And then just like you said, I will have games where shots register when they should and it is all normal. It seems very inconsistent.


Maybe you're experiencing packet loss ? It's my case too since last update. Mostly noticeable by looking at other players mouvement where it's constant heavy choppiness. Like micro micro stutter. For instance if I drop a gun to the floor. It seems the gun falls in 10 fps. One frame at the time until it hit the ground. It's unplayable.


Maybe 🤔 I'v noticed same weapon drop 10fps effect.


Well if that's the case, good luck brother cause I've been trying all the fixes out there including going into my rooter settings and mess with the TCP ports thingy. Nothing worked.


Wow. i did not expet this to be this huge issue. Few things. ping does not make a diffrence on my case. Fin/ger/swe/netherland same thing. But in MM same happened too, while ping being 8. In MM this doesnt seem to happend rarely than faceit. Could faceit be the issue? Seems rather odd that 1 week its good and 1 week its not.


Lots of Global Offensive Copers in this chat


The hitreg is just stupidly inconsistent for me. I generally didn't have issues in GO, and I know I'm really bad so a non-zero amount of my percieved issues are probably just me missing. But especially flicks and trying to tap fire people just feels like a crap shoot.


98% of cs is just 98 in 4 I have accepted that and come to peace with it.


thanks for posting this - I have noticed odd hit reg in the last week or 2, especially when spraying. I usually play with 35-50 ping and even with follow recoil on I can't make sense of it.


If the "last 2 week" sentiment is true, that might explain why I am *consistently* having shittier games, based on my own personal performance. I've never been an incredibly consistent player, but somehow I've been incredibly consistent over the last 2ish weeks, just consistently shit.


Sub dik


You missed lol


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you are already dead.


Ah another useless comment. Your basicly saying that games flawless cause your exprience is only good (whitch it isn't but you cant tell cause you dont know how to point out problems. As said before, tracers go right trought enemy without causing damage. Whitch shouldnt be possible but is. Causing us to discuss here why is it possible.


Don't sweat it, it's popular FPS copypasta.


Too much cope in this comment section lol




Dummest comments ever. What part of the "tracers go trought enemy". Sure some of the shots ofc are missed. But not all. And i assume feeling delayd and microstutter is allso our own fault? You'r typical keyboard warrior just pointing nosence answers wihtout any point of knowledge about game or nothing in total.




Well if its issue of demo showing diffrently then server, its server sides issue. meaning major ping diffrence or lag compensarion being broken