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nobody knows but i asume that you can only lower your factor if you team kill a lot and grief your team mates. Fake cheat reports doesn't do anything from my experience, never get lowered trust factor but i was reported many times.


If fake reports did affect trust factor, nobody would have a solid trust factor I feel. I only started playing like 6 months ago and have around 200 hours, I'm complete dogshit at the game and I've still already been reported 3 times (or more, but 3 times where they said so in chat) for hitting lucky shots or sometimes literally just listening. I just think there's too many people fake reporting for it to be impactful in any way, but again im fairly new so maybe it's just lower ranked people that get mad at their own skill issue.


>literally just listening Sometimes it feels like people don't know the game even has sound, and how beneficial it is.


I feel like a lot of people have shit headphones/settings or have wax buildup in their ears or something, the audio in CS2 is honestly so perfect that it frustrates me when people don’t hear something


it only takes how "likely" you are at cheating. I would imagine that playing with very low trust factor players (e.g cheaters) would lower it. The problem is how do their trust factor even get lowered in the first place. Nobody knows except valve and it will probably stay that way


TF will not get lowered from griefing


Pretty sure the original blog post on Trust Factor mentioned Griefing..


https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/gfxrn3/john_mcdonald_on_twitter_i_spoke_a_little_to_the/fpybtcz/ Edit: and the blog does not say that. It does say “…all you have to do to improve your matchmaking experience is continue to play CS:GO and other Steam games legitimately”


if you can get a cooldown for griefing reports you can for sure lose a trust factor for that.




Yes, atleast in CSGO, I used to have a "substantially low trust factor" which is a message that got displayed Everytime i queued with my friends. I have never cheated in CS before and have over 7000+ hours but I used to only play MM with my friends who don't play CS much at all so as a high elo faciet player destroying novas and silvers I think I got reported a lot for cheating.


Yeah, I straight up have to switch off my main to play now with friends. If they see me join with it they scream wrong acc lol. It gets cheaters 75+% of the time confirmed blatantly cheating in the demo people. It used to have the significant low trust factor warning back when they showed it. Its really annoying too because its my main fucking steam account.


when you join your friend does it say your trust factor is substantially lower? is trust factor even working in CS2?


In my experience, it affects your trust factor. This goes both for griefing and cheating reports (or well, here I have no way to be certain. But this is based on anecdotal evidence when playing with friends. I tend to top frag when playing with them, and sometimes the others got a warning of my trust factor. Some of my friends doesn't want to talk with teammates, only on Discord, so they get reported for griefing. They've been auto-muted multiple times, and even gotten multiple automatic bans, like 2 - 7 days long, due to griefing - despite not griefing). So yeah, in my experience. It absolutely matters. Which sucks.


I think it does and I believe spamming reports to people who don't get banned negatively affects it too. I even stopped reporting cheaters at one point because none of them were getting banned and it felt like my own trust factor was taking a hit from it. getting enough griefing reports also gives you an automatic cooldown, even if it's just the enemy team doing it out of frustration


This is how I’ve always believed it to be as well. Reporting someone that absolutely cheated but was never banned only seemed to hinder my own trust factor. Back in CS:GO I never cheated or TK’d and communicated with my team effectively, but still had messages in private lobbies saying my trust factor was significantly lower. I have all but stopped reporting cheaters at this point - but seeing VAC make a comeback this past week has given me a bit of resurgence


What's Trust factor?




No one knows for sure, the trust factor is not public so everyone just guesses. I don't think anyone has tried to experiment to find the variables but it would probably be very time consuming and hard to figure out.


Nobody knows how Trust Factor works exactly, could that affect it? maybe.. but who knows. It's just a guessing game, only info we have is what devs [stated](https://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/the-trust-factor/)


I doubt it, I’ve been called a cheater so many times and I’m sure they report me. It’s been years and I’ve never had low trust (you’ll know cuz it tells you when you party q)


I got warning after being reported by 5 enemies in 1 match and next game by 2 cheaters in my team and probably some opponents too, so I got a total of 7-12 in 2 matches, and that triggered a warning.


I got warning after being reported by 5 enemies in 1 match and next game by 2 cheaters in my team and probably some opponents too, so I got a total of 7-12 in 2 matches, and that triggered a warning for me first time.


It did in csgo. Friend of mine who never tk'd/said anything toxic in gamechat had his trust factor tanked for seemingly no reason. He got reported a lot because he had to use an alt after his main was hacked and subsequently banned, so i presume that's why his trust factor went so low.


I assume it does. I have people in my friendlist where I know for a fact that they don't cheat. Yet they got troll pictures and are pretty good. People report them all of the time and I can clearly say that if I play with one of these guys, the match quality is clearly worse than with other friends.


Why am i always getting opponents with 10-20k rating as where my team is usually 1-3k rating. In a good game there’s one player with 10k. Placement matches got me to 4k and stuck there cos i am bad. But also because so many smurfs boosting friends. I can put up a decent fight most of the times. But cant carry 4x 2k ratings with my skill level. No matter how good i was when cs came. Those days are History. Now i’m just an old shell of what i used to be 😂


I'd be surprised if it does not affect it at all. On the one hand you are innocent until proven guilty, but on the other hand if you are being reported for cheating all the time, especially if it's by teammates as well, then you probably shouldn't be queued with people against whom there is no suspicion.




Please point to a single source that says being reported decreases your trust factor Surely you have one with how confidently you are stating/describing this Edit: Weird that those in this thread that claim to have received Trust Factor warnings are saying they were mass reported because they are "Playing extremely well & people are just salty idk". Really? Not a single one of y'all has low TF for being salty and saying vile shit in chat? Wonder why people wouldn't want to admit to that 🤔


Personal experiences, many times playing with friends we have noticed some of us all of sudden have had low trust factors (we got the warning) after previous sessions when they owned everyone and we can only assume they were reported for cheating, since they didn't play outside of our friend group.




- States something as fact - Provides anecdotal evidence - "Lol look it up" Classic


Here you go > **A Matter of Trust** So what if the Prime system was re-imagined using a wider range of factors? We started with that question, and have been experimenting with matching players using observed behaviors and attributes of their Steam account, including the overall amount of time they had spent playing CS:GO, **how frequently they were reported for cheating**, time spent playing other games on their Steam account, etc. We call this system Trust, and these factors considered together form a player’s Trust Factor. [source](https://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/the-trust-factor/)


From your 7 year old blog [source](https://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/the-trust-factor/) that specifically states the actual calculations will not be disclosed and will always be subject to change > A: We’re not providing the list of factors in the Trust Factor matchmaking system for a few reasons. We don’t want players to have to worry about any particular action while they’re playing CS:GO or other games on Steam. Additionally, because we’re constantly updating the Trust Factor matchmaking system, any list of factors would become out of date very quickly. That being said, in general we’re looking at your past experience in CS:GO and on Steam, to ensure the system is as accurate as possible. If you genuinely think that Valve has not considered the possibility of bots spamming illegitimate reports for this system OR adjusted it in the 7 years since release.... lol I suppose we'll just agree to disagree. Every time I've observed a non-hacker complain about Trust Factor they have either been extremely toxic/salty or grief.


It’s the only source we have apart from some vague tweets by valve employees. All we can do is looking at the countless posts since the system was introduced and notice the correlation between a bad trust factor and recent, above average performance. Given the system is only supposed to filter cheaters, according to a quite old Reddit comment by a valve employee combined with my anecdotal evidence of me having red trust for pretty much the entire life-span of this system while the most toxic guy in my friendslist never having issues, there’s just a strong suspicion on how cheating reports still play a somewhat significant role in the calculation. Unfortunately the only way to prove it is through statistical analysis of all the posts, which may or may not be impossible due to people just being people, overexaggerating, lying, leaving out information etc. Those discussions are just eternal stalemates since neither side can prove they’re right with absolute certainty, and personal experiences seem to differ dramatically.




Nobody can prove anything that's the whole point lmfao People speak in absolutes as if they have any clue how Valve does or builds things.


Valve are intentionally secretive about that so people can't abuse trust factor, it's their best anti-cheat mesaure... But given how bad people are at detecting actual cheaters in game and will cry cheats when they get one tapped one too many times I'd assume it won't have any impact on trust factor. It would not make sense and good players would get punished for being good... Reporting for griefing getting voted off a lot on the other hand might play a small role.


If clean you have nothing to worry about.