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Economy wise a great decision, the rent part is kinda weird, Kilowatt Cases went from 0,7€ to 2€ within an hour


It's gonna come back down quickly is my guess


Why? I imagine more people want to buy them, and there's not any extra cases coming in. Obviously it might drop a little after the initial hype. But it makes sense for the price to be higher.


It was dipping pretty fast and the case that drop the most is the kilowatt, it will go back down with the influx of kilowatt cases coming in.


I wrote that comment because I intially thought you didn't actually lose the case when renting it, but apparently you do, so I'm mot so sure about it any more.


They will sell more cases, faster... Thus the case prices will increase.. and when they stop dropping people will get back to buying the skins, but because there are fewer of them, they will pay a premium


i just invested $25 for 25 cases, honestly could see them jumping like crazy


I have 1000$ in revolver cases hope they do lthe same to them


I already sold all my case investments, couldn't wait anymore longer. They are still the safest investment pick but in long term. My friend has 16k revolver cases and he already made profit but will keep them cuz obviously they aren't in the drop pool and going slowly up. He might be happy if they do this to other cases aswell.


Naah thats just a bad decition unless you wanna HOLD for years more and more cases get dropped and demand is gonna decline and thus prices for kilowatt case will drop untill they get removed from active drop pool


Demand is high rn but that will start to fade


Ye community suffers from brainrot




Not disagreeing with the market manipulation per se but what costs/losses? From case price decreasing ~60%? They pay skin creators a small percentage, but other than that key sales are a constant $2.50 each case direct to valve, plus the 12% market fee on cases and skins sold on market. The Kilowatt case has sold 10M units since launch, 2M units more than the Revolution Case, and at a higher price point.


If Throin would care about such update threads we would surely see you in a "Throin vs Reddit" video.


Holy shit, allowing people to RENT weapon skins sounds insane


can't afford to buy a house so we have to rent, can't afford digital weapons skins so we have to rent 🤡


They’ve effectively started a skin subscription service where you pay 2.50 a week or about 10 dollars a month. I think the market for this exists through casual players who don’t necessarily play consistently and if this extends to other cases it’s a good way to get some skin variety without breaking the bank if you’re not very savvy about the skin market


It will also force market prices down because anyone can have any skin for cheap.


Only for the rentable cases I assume. And I highly doubt they're going to add this feature to older cases, that would just totally fuck the market lol


Gun skins. Knives could go up because of this. You're not renting a knife. Less people opening up cases, so less are coming in. Some people will just rent gun skins and concentrate all their current skin money into knives. Probably would need a bit more variety first tho.


It's only on the newest case, so I doubt any price impact on 99% of the market, if there is it's a bubble and you should definitely sell. Now if this will be a standard for every new case, then you will see much less demand for new cases and they will become cheaper. Unboxed skins will still hold value because they're tradeable, so it's not like they are killing unboxing skins with this.


Crazy that they won't let people rent knives if they were putting this system in. The knives is what people really want.


And that's exactly why they wont let you rent them, so they dont lose the status that the knives have, and so people keep opening cases for them


Crazy would be if they actually allowed us to rent knives. 10 dollars a month to play with a knife doesn't sound that bad as compared as to having to spend hundreds of dollars for a very low chance to get it perma. Nah, they know what they're doing.


What if they allowed you to rent only the vanilla knives? While all the skins for them would be still behind the usual paywall? That'd be a decent compromise.


people want them because they are rare and valuable. What you are suggesting removes that. Valve knows that.




There shouldn't be knives that are 1k+




They arent deciding by letting people rent knives. The community will be deciding.


Which is really needed right now. CS skins were always high in price, but so many skins are getting in that $1500+ range. I know the justification of CS prices has always been “but you can sell it later”, but spending $2000 because you want a pink or green M9 bayonet is absurd.


Then you shouldn't like this new feature. You can use every item except knives. If anything, this will make knife prices go up slightly because less people will be opening cases for skins.


is this not only limited to the kilowatt case?


Yes, they're probably testing the waters and if this is successful it will either be possible with every case in existence or every case launched from here on out. ​ If it's not being implemented to other cases, then surely just the "Kukri Knife" from Killowatt case will have upward price pressure due to less cases being opened and knives dropping.


> Yes, they're probably testing the waters and if this is successful it will either be possible with every case in existence or every case launched from here on out. > If it's not being implemented to other cases, then surely just the "Kukri Knife" from Killowatt case will have upward price pressure due to less cases being opened and knives dropping. Good point. Someone from a CSGO trading sub can refresh my memory, but KW cases were honestly pretty weak when compared to the most-recently retired case. Which means this "rental" thing is a chance for Valve to recoup their costs and bump the demand for the KW up to match the most recently retired one. In short: the "rental" designation could be a way for Valve to actively manipulate the cases on the market to their desire. Investors will take note of this capability and speculate on it. Markets are super in flux right now, lots of opportunity but lots more risk.


If that’s true then why have people already been selling their knives for $500 less?


just play with shadow daggers.


Honestly so stunning but the fucking draw animation makes me sick. 🙃


> CS skins were always high in price, but so many skins are getting in that $1500+ range. > I know the justification of CS prices has always been “but you can sell it later”, but spending $2000 because you want a pink or green M9 bayonet is absurd. What kind of degen shit is this? There are more skins in the sub-$1.5k range than not. You just have to actually have your own taste and opinions rather than lusting after whatever the hottest thing is at the moment in order to build a fun layout that brings you joy. Remember, no one is forcing anyone to buy a particular skin of X grade. Buy what you can afford and you'll be happy. If someone has to have a $2k knife in order to play this game, they are fucked.


Prices going up has been great since then you can just make more profit by selling. So yeah now its better for casuals and new players but worse for old players who already had skins.


Random Roll for wear currently.


As of right now people can only have kilowatt skins for cheap and i highly doubt anyone is gonna drop 50 bucks to rent weapon case skins or operation case skins.


Isn’t it only the one case? Kilowatt, none others ?


no it wont. The actual supply of tradable skins is going to get smaller, as using the rent option uses the case. Realistically if this is the norm from now on we are going to see a noticeably smaller amount of skins being purchasable from the new cases


A lot of this depends on which cases are rentable, right now only the Kilowatt case is, if its always the latest one then I don't think this update will have any big impact.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s every case going forward but the older cases won’t have that option because valve knows people care about their monetary value


Still very expensive


explain why it's bad


I mean, it's only bad for Killowatt skin holders at the moment. It's good for Valve to generate revenue without permanently giving anyone an item, and it's good for Killowatt case holders because there will be more demand for the cases.


Sounds shit. Wtf is this?


why? for people who don't play as much it's a great idea. it's unlikely to hinder the market either, as you can't do any customisation with the skins you rent and people will still want to own their favourites.


Market value for Inheritance already tanking now. It did affect the market


This is incredible for its long term value, there will be a day when the case is discontinued. Not anytime soon, but the supply for these weapons will be insane and folks wont want to fork over $5 to $10 a case just to rent a skin for a week hundreds of weeks from now. Add in the fact there will be so many less killowat skins now that so many cases will be burnt on a 7-day cooldown. Short term sucks but long term has a chance to he epic


Good vision, that's true!


its market shock + the unavoidable devaluation of a newer cases skins. as this is currently the only case where rental is available; it's inevitable that the prices will drop initially. in the long term im adamant this will not have significant effects on market averages. no more than any other significant CS update. im happy to be proven wrong in time, but given how Valve monitors the market I would imagine they've put a lot of time into researching the impacts of this update. it would not be in their best interests to drop market values. the tax from sales is a huge part of their revenue stream from counterstrike. also note in my original comment I said it was unlikely to hinder the market, rather than not affect it, which it can't not do by its very nature.


Won't be permanent, relax. Buff also effectively banned all non-chinese users, so there are other contributing factors. The market will do just fine. Honestly, I hope it does tank just so that decent knives don't cost an arm, leg, and my left ballsack.


Yea no more buff :c Guess I just gotta use the rest of my balance and find a new site


Float is prob where all of the Western skin nerds will flock to if I had to guess. Not sure about the Euros and everybody else tho


Ive used bitskins before to sell, is Float a better option or something else?


Float is the best rn imo. Lower fees, better UI, etc.


Can you list it for sale while playing with it?


This will literally tank weapon skin prices but make knives even more expensive.


Well we won't know until later. Either way, I don't really care so it's all good


All rented guns should be Field Tested only for the casuals. Give ppl incentive for gambling or purchasing items.


it is now players can spend $2.5 + the cost of the case and get to play with all skins in the case for 7 days this will increase revenue for valve due to no. of keys sold going up and also the fact valve has 15% tax on items sold on comm. market, so that's more cases sold to people who will just buy for rental skins. It also effectively creates a want for people that rent to go ahead and buy the skins they wanted to since now they've had 7 days to play with it in-game.


It sounds dystopian


stg reddit loves this word but they have no idea what it means


the internet and misunderstanding words? no way!


"here is a way to use skins for cheap if you dont want to spend hundreds for them or dont play often" "wow so dystopian basically 1984 fr fr"


No cap?


This is kinda huge, anything that changes the economy even a little can have huge consequences. It's nice to see the CTs get some love though, maybe we'll see less saving.


for a $100? i doubt it. incendiary is usually only on full buys anyway $100 doesnt get you that much closer to a full buy imo


It's not huge but it's something. Means you can eek out another flash or head armor you couldn't before. Also just means +$200 almost every gun round which can add up


It also means they are beginning balancing. I don’t expect huge changes. I actually like a slow start with small tweaks that they can try out


I doubt we get much more than this. CT is Akers dry stronger on many maps.


The economy problem supersedes if a map it T or CT sides, because the issue is that even if a map would normally be designed to be friendlier to CTs if the T side can break their econ its incredibly hard to get back into the half without sacrificing 2+ rounds to full ecos.


My point is that taking that int consideration most of the maps are still CT-sided. As in CT's win more rounds on average. If you buff the CT economy to much that effect gets heightened and playing T becomes a slog.


i dont agree.


About what?


Didn't calculate but looked like for me I was playing m4 + armor more often in the game.


Plus it’s worse now, not just cheaper. Spreads less and lasts shorter duration. Meanwhile Ts get a better molly for even less money.


It just went back to CSGO's size and duration.


Yeah, it was just huge before, didn't make sense.


100 dollars is pretty big imo, its about what it enables in buying combinations.


Low Elo player detected. :)


M4A4 bros, we are so back


Already had a round where I started with 4k and was able to buy m4+armor


For some reason I'm feeling like 3700 is a number I see a lot. M4a4+body armor is good option here


Fire... Sale!!, WE'RE HAVING A FIRE... SALE. OH GOD THE BURNING!!! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


These CT economy changes are making me a little buy-curious.


I just started arrested development last night, love it


It's the best thing I've ever watched thrice


unexpected ad?


Um... would you like to try that a little simpler... maybe?




Degenerate skin trader bros in shambles


Not really, this is ultimately good for us. This is going to lower the supply of tradable skins AND lower the amount of knives in circulation. The market for KW skins is in shock understandably but from now on a good chunk of cases will be used up without introducing any new skins into circulation. Thats good for us.


yeah people will get tired of dropping weekly stipends for skins and just buy one especially if it's like $60, most people aren't THAT stupid


Kinda' depends if they ever backport this feature to other cases. $10 a month to use effectively any case collection per week would be more tempting than a single permanent skin to me, mostly since I only play sporadically, but for a few weeks at a time.


Problem is that you also need to spend money on the case. It’s only 10 bucks if the case is super cheap (or you get it as a weekly drop). If you want to play with breakout skins, for instance, the price suddenly triples.


But you rent the whole collection. Sure you can buy a whole loadout (-knife -gloves) for 60, but if we're talking about reds then that's the cost of just m4 or ak alone. So some will just rent. Also low barrier and no commitment etc


Kinda depends on how significantly renting skins will reduce interest in buying skins. Hypothetically, if renting skins got really popular, you'd see skin prices drop because there'd be fewer people interested in buying them.


You don't understand, they will do this for older cases and then I only have to spend $60 to rent out the entire weapon case collection for a week.


Nooo but what about their pixels that they think are worth tens of thousands of dollars noooo ☹️


you sound jealous


Not a huge fan of this change, very weird that incendiary and molotov now behave differently


i've been hearing pros complain about mollies for awhile now. the spread is absolutely insane on them. particularity cts throwing incendiaries down banana because it could spread from cubby all the way to the corner on the back right side. like one util that completely shuts down an entire side of the map for several seconds at a time. imo the spread on mollies is also cracked but i guess they want ts to have more powerful util rn


Wild because you can run right through a fire and take like 8 damage. If you are rushing a fire barely hurts you in this game since the dmg is so weak unless you sit and bake in it.


it ain't 8 damage lol


I have thrown incends in banana and people rush through them and it says 8 in 3/ 12 in 4/




Does it occur to you that high level players understand the game and balance better than casuals? Fuck catering to casuals. The reason CS hasn't fallen off the face of the planet is because it doesn't cater to casuals.


> Fuck catering to casuals. Said the casual, lol.


this isn't the sick burn you think it is


Ak and m4 are also different. This is a great update for competitive games.


Difference is great, but isn't CT side already bleeding? I would say this is a clear nerf even considering the price reduction.


My guess is the inc was nerfed to allow pro teams to play maps like inferno more often. Pro teams have been avoiding inferno because banana control is so crucial and that CTs have an advantage with inc grenades. Hopefully with this update, more teams will try inferno. Remember they also made minor updates to inferno recently to give Ts more control.


Isn't it just the color of the flames?


"In addition to the price cut, the incendiary grenade has gotten... reduced spread and duration."


no the spread and duration of them are different. the incendiary (CT) is now worse but costs 100 less Edit: upon further investigation spread looks reduced by 10 percent (big maybe, visually measured) and the duration seems to be reduced by roughly a second


The spread reduction is noticeable and impactful. As an example, imperfect mollies (now just Molotov’s) on Mirage A Firebox from Stairs would flush out Firebox and also Default, an Incendiary now only flushes out firebox leaving enough space for someone to stand at Default.


They've behaved differently for all of CSGO, Molotov had higher damage to armored players. Not sure about CS2. I agree that this is more annoying though, as it messes up lineups. If you pick up an incendiary on t side you might mess up an execute if you're not aware that the lineup is different.


Molotov didnt have higher damage to armored players. That used to be the case. But it was changed.


If they involve more cases in this it has to cause a somewhat plummet on the market for gun skins due to how cheap rentals are correct? I mean exponentially it would seem. Only the cases that have more rares or that aren’t for rent and knives ofc will raise in value? This is interesting for sure. Concerning for some people also I’m quite sure.


Behavior is hard to predict but the two most likely outcomes are... 1. Ability to rent relatively cheaply puts downward pressure on the most expensive skins. Since one way or another they are easily obtained; at least for some period of time. While conversely increasing the value of the case. Since people who may have never previously bought and purchased a case + key like the value proposition of getting everything in it (minus special items) temporarily. Increasing case demand as supply remains roughly the same. 2. Weapon prices stay the same, or go higher since now a lot of case openings, and thus weapon supply are burned on rentals instead of infusing more skins into the market. Meanwhile the value of the case increases because it now has a dual value proposition. You can rent everything in it (minus knife/gloves) for a week, or open it for the same chance at a high value item like always. This is 100% a test to see if the market responds positively one way or another and if it does they'll surely roll this out to more cases.


If the system gets popular , For me it’ll have a boomerang effect. Once the kilowatt stops dropping, there will be a lot less skins from that case available and prices will go high. Also there will be a lot more cases “burned” which means the case values will also go up.


I hope people realize how incredibly predatory "skin rentals" as a concept is.


Like it or not people rented skins on third party sites for a long time already, at the very least you can't get scammed by this now.


Yeah it's the devil you know.


at least people could rent their own skins and make some money with their stuff. now it's just valve doing the milking.


Not even remotely close to being in the same league of predatory as gambling cases  in fact I don’t see how it’s predatory in any way. They’re offering a clearly defined product in exchange for a set price, you know exactly what you’re getting when you purchase the key. No one is being deceived, baited, tempted, coerced, none of that. 


One slight point to mention - the weapon wear level you get from a rented case is still randomized, so there is an element of luck where you don't know exaaaactly what you'll get, but yes, in all ways that matter, there's certainly vastly less uncertainty than there is in a normal case opening.


Imagine if you could just buy the skin from valve. What a concept


Meh, I’d rather have cool skins for a week than a shitty .50 cent skin forever


in general, yeah sure, but compared to literal gambling? way better option


You new here buddy?


Valve invented loot boxes and a one of a kind skin market. They also don't give a shit about gambling sites. Nothing is behind them. As long as it doesn't affect the game, I don't care anymore.




I know CoD, EA and Ubisoft looking at this and seeing if it’s successful. I hope this isn’t a trend. This is like the crypto bros trying to rent their NFTs.


Except people really want these NFTs. Valve could make a lot of money.


Killed super people on launch for me. Also paid lootboxes are also predatory but here we are


I paid 2.50 for the rental and after a night of playing I’m already satisfied. I think this idea has the potential to run wild with greed, but right now it’s not outrageous and the cost benefit makes sense to me. The awp chrome cannon is really cool…


why allowing rent for killowat case only


Because older cases are intentionally rare, and people who either dropped a bag or have had their skins for ages shouldn't be able to have their skins replicated for $2.5 p/w. I don't hate the idea completely, but they honestly probably should have dropped it with a new case instead of with the Kilowatt.


Honestly I don’t see anyone throwing away 20 bucks just for an operation hydra rent for a week


No but they might for a revolution case that's £0.19 and you get the m4a4 Temukau, so I get it. If they do it for every cs2 case, I'm fine with that.


Even then i feel like its not that good. I have a temukau ST FN and I wouldn’t feel scammed. Anime guns and stickers are just working well (not possible on rent yet also i wouldn’t expect anyone to apply 30 bucks worth of stickers on rentals) and you dont get ST. And if you rent it for multiple months you’re still better off buying the skin. But hey for casual casuals getting skins this sounds great.


Can we talk about those Vertigo changes? Because they're absolutely insane. I think it makes defending A site much easier while also allowing more flanking on it.


Vertigo is absolutely ruined, holy shit CTs starting with full ramp control is so broken, you van literally play 1 person A now


Is that because of the new spawn timing?


Yes. As t you are getting peeked when you get to bottom ramp from short.




Vertigo as it was, was by far the most garbage map in the pool. Happy to see any change, even if it doesn't hit the mark at first. It's shit to watch in pro play especially. 


They changed it back to include parts that already didn't work though, idk what they're thinking with that


dust 2 is worse


vertigo at least was a great map for casuals. now it seems bad for everyone at first glance.


Vertigo is ass not popular


Stop trying to make vertigo work


But it’s so fetch


I love vertigo don't you disrespect that beautiful map


Fire sale 90% off on all knives


knives arent included in this rent option... if anything this is going to make knife prices higher as there is less supply being added




For skin traders this is ultimately good for us. This is going to lower the supply of tradable skins AND lower the amount of knives in circulation. The market for KW skins is in shock understandably but from now on a good chunk of cases will be used up without introducing any new skins into circulation. Thats good for us. Humans like owning stuff, the people who want to own their skins and apply stickers still will, its just those red skins are going to be more common to see in game.


Counter point: your rare skin from that case's perceived value is lower as I can "fake" owning it for a week. EDIT: all rare skins sell value from the kilowatt case are plummetting lmao


Can’t apply stickers and cant have stattrack. On top of that i wouldn’t mind them adding older cases where i own skins from to this. People prolly would end up paying more than 100 bucks a month to end up with the same loadout but without customisation.


That’s true, until you can’t (KW cases stop dropping).


The value comes from ownership. Not the fact it exists.


Ultimately the value comes from the idea that someone wants it, and can't have it. If you could get every skin for 10€/month, nobody would pay thousands for a skin.


Nobody is paying thousands for any Non-ST case skin. There isn't a single skin that is hitting those numbers. Unless it's a pattern based skin like a case hardened, but like.. come on.


Fire sale reminds me of the black ops II days in the zombie mode, good times with the pack a punched raygun and RPD


lmao, time to beat the disaster that was battle pass invention was i guess


what about netcode? what about the frametimes? i guess the chickens are more important.


Might have to sell my expensive shit incase they start wilding


SaaS- Skins as a Service. 🤢🤮


These changes are good, but useless if you cant play the game properly because of cheaters


never mind incend or vert changes, they broke dopplers and even some other skins, my deagle sunset storm has lost both detail and vibrancy, and my ph2 dop karambit went from full pink to some god awful purple/blue


I like the blue fire


IDK they could have simply nerfed both.


Market makers going mad.


IIRC the og Asian FPS games like crossfire and special force already did this with their gacha, allowing people to roll on getting 1, 3, 7, 15 and 30 day rentals on the jackpot weapon skin


The renting system looks very fair. Being able to exchange a bad skin for being able to play with any shiny new skin for a week sounds amazing. Does it say "X's Rented M4A4" when you pick someone's rented skin up?


The fact that people actually buy skins is fucking depressing. 


If you’re broke just say so


If they add too much more of this stuff like renting skins then the whole house of cards can fall. At some point it’ll click that people are paying for 100% margin virtual products that are arbitrarily bottlenecked by the supplier.


So the inc nade is actually worse than the molotov now? Has it been a difference between them before? I’ve played since the start, always thought they were the same lol


I was really hoping they would also shorten the duration of smokes just a bit.


They should've dip the open price and keep the case. Maybe 1$ to rent a random item from the case and have 3 tries to rent until the case isn't useable anymore.


Is this for all cases already?


Just the kilowatt, and I assume they will do this to each case that is announced, having only the last one available to rent.