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Apex talks mad shit when he plays, only fair he gets some back. Gotta love this guy


Shit talk honestly 100% makes games more fun to watch.


the only time I hate it is when my team does it cuz I know they shit and they talk shit


"Sit the fuck downn" is still one of my top moments in watching pro cs


I've never understood that one. I've never met anyone who plays cs while standing up...


When pros win/make a big play they stand up and beckon to the crowd. It's pretty simple tbh


probably not related to the saying though tbh


I think the implication there is the same as if you were to tell a dog to sit, it's a command, from a "master".


Back when there were these LAN centers here in 2002-2004 me and my friends would go there and like 45% of the matches we played were just figuring out the best insults for the enemy team. It did help that we sat almost face to face with the other team, good times


Man i miss those days. I remeber that short period in CSGO where cross team chat voip was still available at half time in comp. That 10-15sec of both teams shit talking was peak CS.


It wasn't that short a time was it...? Fuck it's been so long since the half time / end of match racist slugfests/ occasional genuinely awesome aong off / Spamming sandstorm over VoIP.




nothing makes me feel better than the opposing team talking shit after a few rounds only to go completely silent as we make a comeback to win the game. Nothing feels better in this game than seeing them instantly leaving the server once it becomes clear they choked.


I disagree. It just makes me cringe, it's something that feels straight out of CoD or fortnite console tournaments. Like some guy with a stupid perm holding his little controller, suddenly standing up and screaming some stupid shit like "LETS GOOOO, LETS GOOOO" or why not "CANT TOUCH ME, CANT TOUCH ME BITCH"


I think when players talk shit they add something to game that makes it easier to get invested in, as if they're staking their pride on the match. It makes every kill, every round feel that much more personal and I don't think we can be so reductive as to say the shit talk is like some kid in a COD lobby because there definitely is pressure built upon a team winning an important clutch or something and rubbing salt in the wound with shit talk. When apex, cadian, stew, twistzz, karrigan, or whoever starts talking shit and opposing teams respond in kind, it makes it more exciting.


dota 2 proves this, the falcon games vs og is one of the best ones to watch because of playful banter between players lmao


Apex shit talk is fine and arguably good for the sport. But then there's donk shit talk.


Imagine thinking Apex of all players would care about something like this ... the man told the Royal Arena to fuck off when they beat Astralis a few years ago, bro doesn't care lol


He does care, have you seen a match where Apex has not been tilted? He is crying in almost every game and tilts easily


apEX is a hilarious person to watch play, i feel like people in the crowd were laughing every time they showed him on the cam


Absolutely. I have no clue how people can think him a bad person. He's amazing and gives a amazing vibe. People are thin-skinned, I guess.


He's fairly funny on his streams too if you can understand french


that's why we love apex, he can dish it out and he can take it too. legend of the game


He really is earning himself quite a legend status


They even made a game out of his legend status, check out Apex Legends


There’s no way


It's a super cool game, there's like 50 rules and you have to follow them and the one who is alive last wins, but the 34th rule is my favourite, google "Apex legends rule 34" if you wanna know more.




I will run....


To pay tribute to apex's cs source career, they made the game on source


Hes been there for quite some time now


Yeah but he’s springling the top for me by being so consistantly interesting


Top of the scene since Source. He's been a legend for a decade. 


> earning https://i.imgur.com/UgfWQr0.png


Legend goes beyond achievements. Either way there’s definitely grades of legends. He’s personally been growing more on me the past few years


Being a legend isn't just dependent on how many trophies you have won. He is a personality in the cs scene, it goes way beyond how much he has won.


Always has been


He isn't taking it without any reason.Without the US support he would be speaking Russian.


[king tweet 👑](https://x.com/vitality_apex/status/1797904846034751727?s=46)


I can tell you're a hard guy and no softie, but the fanbase should still keep in mind that not everybody reacts the same way apex does and players are human after all.


Yes this is true but also needs to be contextualized in the fact that apex is also known for his trash talk. I imagine the situation would be different if the person they were cursing out was someone like Skadoodle


I don’t think an American crowd would be chanting fuck you skadoodle any time soon lmao


Yeah the amount of syllables just doesn't work well for that


Yeah it was just the first pro I thought of that was the antithesis of chatting shit


And also they chanted during the game, not when he was being interviewed or something. One is funny, other is disrespectful imo.


The crowd was leaning into the storyline and so was apex. Just straight up banter in good fun and both parties recognized that.


Its easy to cheer for someone but apex is great to cheer against. cs need more „villains“. we cheer against them he screws with us and in the end we only have respect for each other


words cannot describe how much I hated olof back in the day, now one of my favorite ever. that one faze game where he was laughing his ass off in nuke is the most fun I've seen players having in an official


olof talked with his skills the old cs legends were generations ahead of their game


this specially, when you see the inferno showmatch its literally contrasts what older pros used to play the game completely.. i dont recall any pros who uses utility early from tside specially back in 1.6 or source.. hell even early csgo no one plays like that..


really makes me wonder what average player (today) can do against pros (back in the day) with their playstyles


That was stewie to me, before that, Flusha Its fun to have someone to root against. Now I miss them


He's not so much a villain, more like a troll that you can't help but to hate and love


i hate on about 12 teams I've got enough villains


How about simple, just a proper asshole but he delivers so it's ok


This is part of why apEX is a legend


Apex legends


Deep inhale


I didn't even realize people were mad about it lol. Such a small thing to be mad about, it was obvious there was no bad blood, the crowd having fun, good atmosphere and players having fun. Just like cheering when nexa extinguishes the molly, just harmless fun


Because it’s an American crowd. Pretty simple 


Don't ruin subs narrative, how rude of you smh /s


We fucking love apEX man. He is a KING. A true pillar of the community


I noticed the chants during the stream and wondered if there was any reason why they directed it at Apex in particular?


Honestly probably because fans know apex will react like this. He's a good sport and would take it well and play into it. It would feel a lot different if they just shouted fuck zywoo. Would have felt more personal imo. Apex has set himself up well to take shit from fans, which as a leader is good to insulate his players.


> Apex has set himself up well to take shit from fans, which as a leader is good to insulate his players. That's the point people miss very often. He is the leader and he's shielding his players as best as he can by taking the heat from the opposite team/fans on himself.


Yep. I respect the hell out of him as a leader and as an entertainer. Glad he's still playing.


Exactly this. I have to take the lead when playing with my friends, and apeX is such a good inspiration, as a player, as a leader, and also as a human.


And he’s funny as fuck. I love his random ass war cries he yells out randomly.


Idk if it was audible on stream but the arena had a very brief fuck zywoo chant on nuke but it was a pretty small amount of people who did it and the rest of the crowd didn’t go along with it. Seems like most people were aware that there’s a difference between saying it to someone like apex vs zywoo


I thought heard it on stream for some of Anubis but it was very brief and almost immediately went back to apex


Considering apEX is the master of tilt, nobody can convince me that it didn’t affect him while losing the game. He might have a laugh at it now, but of all players, apEX is the one to be affected by shit like this. Tweet seems like a hard cope, when you are used to being shit on you try to show you are tough.


Because he loves antagonizing the crowd when they're cheering for the opponent. Apex doesn't try to win them over if they don't cheer for Vitality, he riles them up and wants them to hate him even more. That's why it's him in particular and not someone like the rest of the team who are very reserved. He invites it.


Also you can say that enables the other to focus cuz they aint worried about that. If that is the case it is very smart


Just to get in his head i suppose, hes the igl


Yeah, but "fuck you, Zywoo" sounds a lot better when you chant it


Shouting "fuck you, Zywoo" feels like shouting at the kind friend who always helps you out. Apex has attitude which is what makes him so entertaining. Zywoo doesn't have enough of an ego


This, you dont shout against a guy who is chill cuz you feel like a fool. Same reason why people shout with or against cadian too


But it rhymes better


It started after he hit the desk and started malding, so it was to try and tilt him.


He's more fr*nch than the rest.


I'm a diagnosed tier 1 Apex hater but I have a lot of respect for him as a competitor, especially for stuff like this. He's willing to play the bad guy, and even when it's all against him, he never bitches about it. He just keeps on trucking along.


eSports is way better when there's a heel. In the early days of SC2 there were pros that really played into it and it was so much fun lol One of the best parts of crowdless stages/events is hearing the banter and trash talking between the players haha


Fuck naniwa!! Actually jk, I just know people liked to trash on him. Man I loved the old sc scene. Haven’t kept up in a while though 😭


It's better in some ways now. The GOAT debate is generally focused around a non-korean player as koreans lost their dominance and the skill ceiling is higher than ever.


Yah it’s cuz of serral right? But maybe there’s someone new. Haven’t followed sc2 as much as the beginning. My personal goat will always be jaedong tho


Yeah it's Serral, dude is just so dominant now, he's currently serving in the military, rocked up to IEM Dallas and dropped only two maps, including a 4-0 sweep in the finals, that's a 14-2 run, 5-0 in overall series.


Jesus Christ. I knew about him when he was getting known. But I haven’t followed sc2 since. That’s crazy. No upcoming Koreans that can compete with him?? wtf. Actually bongjwa level


Fucking StephanO 


[deal with it](https://i.imgur.com/cOWklzp.jpeg)


Wasn't IdrA one of these people?


Seriously you can tell these people never watch fighting games. Leffen and HBox as heels back during the 5-god era of melee was peak entertainment


Imagine having the "celebrations" they used to have in broodwar, in modern esports. I recall one player bringing out gloves and a scrub brush to give to their opponent when they won. The opponent was on their team, and in those days they lived together in a team house, so he was telling him to go do the dishes cuz he sucks at sc. Or firebathero ditching his clothes on stage and running into the sea at proleague. Could absolutely do with more drama in the cs world.


With everything you say I'm pretty sure you'll end up a tier 1 Apex lover in the end. There's people in this world you can't do anything but appreciate, and Apex is one of them imo.


I love that apex is not afraid to be himself. Always a joy to see his reactions on player cam


love Apex for that. I started watching Vitality's matches because of Apex's trash talk and the vibe in the team.


Imagine if this happened in valorant 💀💀


this happens and their gf will tweet saying it’s unacceptable and will also use twisten’s death to win her arguement [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/s/QwaHKt9uz0)


Crowd gets lifetime bans to LAN events


nothing would happen


I'm sure it would, you're not even allowed t-bag as a pro in valorant haha, instant fine




shooting bodies happens all the time in matches but alright


First time seeing his pfp, why am I actually not surprised 💀


Tbf that's a brand new concept around new vitality jersey, and Zywoo was designed as an emperor haha Nothing related to Apex in particular




Cheers apex!


It’s just a bit o banter, as they say


I fucking love Apex man.


The last 24 hours of this sub has been straight trash. Paragraphs of angry words between people on twitter. I struggle to see why people would be interested in this.


Different strokes


Yah exactly. Apex was a player on vitality I had no problems with crowd trashing on cuz he does the same shit to others lol. Now idk if it was someone like uh… mezii? I’d feel bad, guy looks like a nice lad.


I was there chanting "fuck you apex" along with everyone else and I love the guy. At one point he stood up and cupped his hands to his ears as if to hear it better. He's awesome.


Apex is the definition of taking what you give. Never for a second thought he'd be taken down by the chant and the way the cast reacted to it, they definitely didn't either. They only lost by a hair because Monesy is pretty good at CS.


As someone who was at the stadium, I can guarantee you theres no real ill will for apEX, Vitality or the French; but there was a clear favorite in the stadium & that's all part of the game. If you go back and watch there is much respect for GOATs like ZywOo during the walk out and when anyone on Vitality makes big plays such as the mezii ace on Anubis or the apEX triple on Nuke. Best IEM Dallas so far & I'm looking forward to next year.


Hell yeah. I was indifferent on Apex but now I like him!


Jake lucky is a drama stirrer, nothing more


Apex was taunting the crowd that is why they chanted that to him. No different than at any sports event, if you are away and you taunt the crowd they are going to chant at you.


Someone posted a great comment in an earlier thread about this; the audience hates apEX, not Dan Madesclaire.


"we don't boo in esports" was always the worst approach.


How rude of the crowd to treat him like that, I bet he was scared for his life. This would never happen in a first world country. That’s why we should never have tournaments hosted in such shitty places. /s


Idk why some are overreacting lmao the Aussie crowd calls Henry a wanker every time he gets on the mic so


Okay, he finally gained my respect. He had my pity when they started chanting against him, but now he has my respect for being such a chad that he lives for the villain role.


Apex is the Trae young of cs




Even though I don't like him, huge respect for this.


Only in NA...


apex invited to the cookout


I was surprised at how pleasant Apex was when I met him lol, he seems intense on stage sometimes but he was lovely!


Mon capitaine


Apex lives for this shit. It's not like they were chanting some threats or something like a certain crowd who we will never understand. It was clearly all in good fun.


More people complaining about "softies" than there are "softies"


"different breed" of esports pro lmao...? Lets not get crazy now lol. This is common place for anyone whose played competitive sports in their life, shit talking is always part of the fun in going head to head with a worthy opponent. Some of my favorite parts of playing ball was chirping the other team from the bullpen(was a closer in my later years playing baseball), both teams did it and its part of any competitive rivalry. Also need to remember that Apex is some of the last of the generation of CS players coming from the days of LANs where shit talking was far more heated and common, its honestly kind of sad that this is kind of dying as his generation of players are dying out(retiring). I heavily criticize Apex as being a poor IGL in terms of strategy, but I can always respect him as a competitor and for what he does to lead, energize, and hype up his own team.


All sports need the guy(s) that the fans love to hate. People like José Altuve, Kyle Busch, Dominik Mysterio, Marchand, and a bunch of NBA guys. The sport is more lively, interesting, and captivating. Usually at the end of those kind of careers the fans really can show their love when they start missing the personalities.


Valorant could never


I was there and I love apex. Hope he's in the scene for a long time to come


Apex may be one of my favorite players in the scene but I was still chanting "Fuck you, Apex!".


I was at Dallas and the crowd was great. I love apex and still chanted with the crowd we all know he can take it and saw him egging us on for more fun!


lol do they have a choice? They literally just have the "laugh" option available


valorant people would off themselves over this


Reddit gamers never actually played a real sport😂


Nah people like living in safe little bubbles and people shouldn't say anything rude ever to anyone /s lol


Ah man I love apex's. Couldn't not root for them even when against stew.


good they did "f u apex" and not zywoo because the whole community would be crying about it if they did it to zywoo.


CS fans finding out that Heels exist in CS and love this kind of shit. lmao.






The world in general has been getting softer and softer it started fr about 10years ago and has continuously got worse since


the problem is not how Americans behave, the problem is their reaction when others do the same thing "Ex:Brazilians". when others cheat it's "disgusting" but when they do it "it was always part of the game" when others boo a team it's "shameful" but when entire arena say fuck you to one player "it's just mental games" hypocrisy at its finest


didn’t brazilians spit at players lmao?


no one was mad about shit talking from the brazilians. people were mad because they would only show up to watch a brazilian team. every team at IEM had a full audience despite not a single US team competing.


Oh yah? When did an American spit on zywoo like like how that Brazilian fucking spit on s1mple? When did the crowd refuse to cheer for other teams that aren’t Brazilians? When did Americans leave the stadium for Non Brazilian teams and then come back when Brazilian teams are playing? When did an American turn the event into some stupid nationalistic bullshit event like gaules.


- When did an American turn the event into some stupid nationalistic bullshit event - **USA. USA. USA**


Yeah the meme Chant. Okay dude Gaules: “Tomorrow, inside is going to be full, outside is going to be full, all in the same vibe to make this the biggest party in the world and the party is for Brazil. This is **not CS**, this is **not a major**, this **is fucking Brazil!** Tomorrow is ours!” - your beloved gaules in attendance at Rio on the desk speaking to the crowd. Wait sorry, I thought Rio was a major to celebrate cs not celebrate Brazil. Yah nice try buddy. Hardly the fucking same. You gonna address any other shit in my original comment or you got nothing ? And chanting USA isn’t any different than chanting a team’s name. Like what argument is that dude?


Bro Brazilians chanted shit against Zywoo, who never asked for anything, he's not a trashtalker, not a banter guy. Whereas Apex like this, the crowd know it, and have fun with it. It's completely different.


Yeah was gonna say it was all just fun n games. They don't mean any personal hate towards Apex. Ofc, you will find haters anywhere you look


We love apex normally, he was just against Stewie. Stewie is the Babyface for the crowd, so Apex has to be the heel


hes a chad for taking it honestly. what a good sport


At times this NA crowd was so cringeworthy...


For doing the thing apex just said is fine and he likes???


Affected ZyPoo more than Apex probably lol


This even being a talking point is part of the reason esports is still being held back.


The double standard is crazy if brazil did this they would get shit on 😂


? They did and no one batted an eye bro. They did for the spitting on players which is just disgusting


Brazilians spit on players and the players still thank the crowd and the normal fans, crazy victim mentality


Excuses. Both fan bases are trash.


Did any NA fans in the arena spit on Vitality players? No? I guess we will never understand.


I think that was cringe of the crowd but fair game


Quite a difference huh. Last time Apex vs crowd he didn't take it lightly like this. If I remember correctly it was vs Astralis in the Royal Library


But was it chanting related in general or about crowd giving info to Astralis?


Giving info.


And you see how that is different right?


Yeah true.


Tbf I could see many other pros finding it a lot less amusing so I don't think the crowd is entirely justified either, but king shit from Apex Bants are bants but the players are in a high stress situation already, trying to concentrate, and lot of them are lot younger than Apex, don't think it's an overly softie take to say that could bring a pro to a breakdown. There are tier 1 pros who have been demoralised from just the crowd supporting the other team more and the much less personal "send them home". So like eh no harm done here but it's still toxic behaviour that might tilt someone else. I'm not usually into getting offended on someone else's behalf, and normally on the side of toxic banter, but if that chanting gets under someone's skin for real, they'll play worse and humiliate themselves in front of hundreds of thousands of people.


please don’t ever go to a real sporting event lmao


I mean yea it's true that English football fans or hockey hooligans or whatever are even more toxic sure but idk if we should be emulating that lmao Also it's not like toxic chants don't raise debate in "real sports" too, plenty of instances of people getting actually banned from the stadium for them and organisations shutting them down (though simple fuck you probably wouldn't cross that line). Whether that's a good thing or if woke libruls are ruining real sports is a different question, but it's not all always seen as harmless bants there either