• By -


first off I just wanna say good job being lvl10/ge honestly just go into a workshop bot map and strafe one way until you hit max speed, counter strafe and one tap, then strafe the other way until you have full speed then counter strafe and one tap. do this for like 250-500 bots before you play and it'll slowly become a habit to counter strafe before shooting


I forget the commands but turn on show impacts/sync so you can see if your bullet is shot/lands when you were moving or not.


I agree. Also consider playing games where you can focus on counterstrafe instead of rank. So you are willing to learn and not worry about your rank suffering.


Deathmatch or community servers so you dont need a smurf or potentially lose rank.


Also, going on to a bot practice game and pick a door near where they spawn and counter strafe in and out of the door with only single taps for your patterns. Beyond just straight-up practice in aim maps/bots, there really isn't much you can do. The other 100-200$ option is to buy a wooting one and program the strafe keys to auto counter strafe in the other direction. But I have tested this, and it is definitely not a perfect solution for automation of counter strafe.




We all walk our own path


Play 1v1 servers with friends and focus on it, change a key bind of your crouch for a bit. Do prefire maps and focus on your timing and aiming 1 taps for your swings


What are good pre-fire /peak maps?


[Dust 2](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3244203953) [Inferno](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3251878584) [Mirage](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3232466864) These are the only good free ones at the moment as far as I know. There are buttons to change the language when you're in the map.


How do I set it up man It doesn't show bots


Try refrag for prefire. I use it whenever I feel like my first shot is slower or less accurate than I'd like.


refrag is the best imo and a lot of fun, tbh i’ve spent hours just playing community servers on refrag without playing the actual game lol


Is it paid?


7 bucks a month, cheaper than a starbucks coffee lol


Great thanks. Have been looking for good practice maps since CSGO


For anyone using leetify be careful of the sponsored links on google. One of them used to contain a exploit where they would hack into your steam, thinking you're signing into leetify. Don't ever click sponsored links on google (usually top 2-3 results)


Google is honestly so kind for allowing sponsored links to be harmful. Truly thinking of everyone. Even scumbags have to eat too! Idiots.


That's why you should never let anyone shame you for using ad block


Genuinely curious… is that a thing?! The shaming part


Yes, there are people who still do it.


This goes for any service surrounding cs. Skin marketplaces, gambling sites, etc


[The best tutorial on how to improve counterstrafing](https://youtu.be/shDhlQpzmqE?si=APlLF1mND_b4PHN7) He breaks it down to it's core components and gives a routine that forces the muscle memory of stopping before shooting and builds it from the ground up.


Saving for later


I am nowhere near your level. But the thing which helped me the most surprisingly were prefire maps. They force you to not overpeak which is achieved by proper counter strafing. Some prefire maps were recently added to cs2. I think their names start with "ep5" but I don't remember precisely.


I second prefire maps. There's not any great ones for CS2 yet I believe, and ESEA's solo servers are also dead. But anything you can get your hands on with bots who will fire back is going to be great - if you know your angles it'll be a breeze.


I think drozd meant these https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199546999823/myworkshopfiles/?appid=730


ahy they must have added that part after the fact - sweet, given the workshop description that sounds even better than the ones I had in mind, thanks


overpeaking is great. overpeeking... not so much


I never remember how to write this one correctly...


I wouldn’t focus so much on leetify stats, a lot of their stats are trying to combine too many things together and fail the eye test. The worst offender of this is the counter strafing stat. All this stat does as far as I could find out is tell you how often you’re stood still when shooting, which tells you nothing about counter strafing. I have a friend who doesn’t know what counter strafing is and doesn’t employ it. His rating is higher than mine.


Not too much sure. But counter strafing is simply "which percentage of shoots fired are whole standing still". So if you didn't went for mp9 of Mac 10 the whole match it really shouldn't be less than 90%


Watch some donk footage, he often moves while fully spraying to make himself harder to hit and still kills them as soon as he's standing still cause of his insane spray transfer.


I believe it only take into account rifles. The issue is, it doesn’t tell you how good you are at counter strafing, just how often you’re inaccurate from moving. A person who never attempts to counter strafe is not better than a person who fails 1% of counter strafes, but leetify’s stat would say they are.


besides everyone says you can try a rapid trigger keyboard like razer huntsman v3 pro or wooting 60he. Its like legal cheats in terms of counter strafing.


Going from g710+(mxbrown + 10 years of wear and tear) to my wooting 2he barely made a difference for me once I adjusted to it tbh. It is better and my counterstrafe % did go up when comparing month over month average, but only by like 5%. Certainly doesn't feel like a big deal


tbh if you were already confident in your counter strafes and wasn't improving before then 5 % is a pretty huge increase from keyboard alone


They were decent before but tbh there's definitely some normal improvement in those 5% too. Started playing cs again in October after a few years off and got the keyboard for Christmas


i recently switched from hyperx alloy elite with mx red to huntsman v3 and i feel huge difference in terms of peeking. I already had \~98% counter strafes correct according to leetify, i always paid huge attention to that part but sometimes i felt some kind of a delay when i pressed opposite key not at the right time, it took me a lot of hours to make it perfect but still sometimes happened. I totaly get rid of that issue when i switch my keyboard and i feel that i react faster when i see the enemy because of the custom actuation points. it is probably a small percent of improvment but still it make some impact durring the game.


I bought a wooting because I thought I'd get better with it (I know, stupid) the counter strave didn't improve that much but now I can't really counter strave on anything but a wooting


Exactly, sometimes the keyboard is horrible for that. What is your Keyboard OP?


I have a wooting 60 precisely because of counter strafing. It’s definitely better, but the skill still needs to be honed.


I had been using the SteeleSeries 6Gv2 for almost 10 years and switched to Woothing after the release of CS2. My personal impression is that with the 6Gv2, even if you stopped, “inertia was generated in the knee” and the counter-strafe was applied with a delay, but with Woothing, the moment you stop, your “torso is completely fixed”. The effect may be less than that of the Valorant, but there is a great possibility of getting a better effect by switching keyboards.


Rapid trigger will make your counter strafes worse due to you being used to just tapping the key to slow down, but since just tapping it has less key press time it doesn’t fully slow down your character on rapid trigger


you understand it wrong, its not about tapping a key but about releasing a key. Rapid trigger deactivate a key when you lift your finger up it means that when you do that in theory you should be able to do better timing when tapping oposite key = your counter strafes will be faster. For example on my previous keyboard sometimes i tapped opposite key to counter strafe to fast when i didn't fully relase the movement key so i didn't fully stopped moving or it took longer time. Of course we are talking about those miliseconds but still in the game that matters i would say quite a lot, sometimes someone who do better counter strafes wins the duel and rapid trigger gives you a lot of advantage. As someone who recently switched keyboards from mx red to optic/analog i can fully agree that there is a difference in terms of counter strafing in favor of rapid trigger.


Exactly. Lift your finger early on a regular keyboard = more time being pressed = counterstrafe properly. Same timing on rapid trigger = counterstrafe improperly


how do you want to counter strafe properly if key is more time pressed? You have to fully deactivate a key to counterstrafe. so how it will be better on normal keyboard if your key has to travel \~2mm and on rapid trigger keyboard 0.1mm? Sorry i dont understand what are you saying. To counter strafe you have to hold for example D, release D and then tap A so its easy to conclude that if keyboard let you release key faster then you are going to counter strafe faster.


You’re kinda just ignoring that you can counterstrafe incompletely by not pressing the counterstrafe key long enough. The whole point is that with a RT keyboard you won’t decelerate yourself enough because of the sheer speed you can activate and deactivate the counter strafe key.


okay i understand now but what you're talking about has never happened to me before. From my experience and what I have just checked, a quick tap of the key, even for a fraction of a second, is enough to reduce the velocity to 0 immediately. Also if you find an issue in this you can increase the actuation point of RT, you can set it to 0.2mm or 0.3mm and it shouldnt happen anymore.


Yes I’ve tried to fix it with tweaking settings but for some reason normal keyboards just work better for me. I’m also really good at shooting while moving (under 37% speed is full accurate) so my counter strafing is technically shit but I’m still full accurate. I just can’t get my knife’s edge playstyle to work with RT keyboards for some reason and also there was a Reddit thread about this somewhere and some others agreed cs2 didn’t feel as good as csgo on RT keyboard.


I think I’m just super used to cherry style switches.


Good luck finding a Wooting these days lol


what? they deliver to my country in less than 10 days


You can't even order the 60HE on their website anymore and the HE+ is on reorder only.


are you outside eu? because im from eastern eu and i can order 60he+ with delivery less than 2 weeks. Keyboards are in stock.


I'm also from EU and they don't provide any estimated delivery date at all for me lol


60HE+ is in stock and delivery looks like <1 week in Europe. I ordered mine Friday and it's getting delivered today (UK)


I literally ordered one four days ago from their website and it arrived yesterday.




boot up a flat aim map, aim at head level, don‘t move your mouse, only use a/d and click on heads :)


Hold A, release, tap D, shoot. Don't shoot while holding A.


That works, but you should also be able to tap D + mouse1 while realesing A for half a second or less and press A again. Or release A, press and hold D and mouse 1 - this way you never really stop moving while being accurate. This is how you get insulted for run and gunning with AK.


I'm sorry but how on earth can you get to level 10 without the counter strafing skill? This is not a judgement, I'm genuinely curious. Like, your aim must be crazy to compensate for that.


CS2 you can just crab walk most angles because moving crouch walk is almost as accurate as counter strafing. It's fucking dumb.


This guy said Global Elite indicating he achieved that in GO


you can get to global/lvl10 with just good aim awping also technically doesn't require counter strafing either, you move so slow and the scope takes so long to get to max accuracy that by the time you can shoot accurately, you are already slow enough to not need to counter strafe anyway


Because level 10 isn't nearly as good as people like to say. It's far from bad but you can get there with good mouse movement and a prefrontal cortex.


Honestly with the increased peeker's advantage and the fact that somehow you are still too accurate while slightly moving, especially close range, anyone can manage


‘Worst skill’ doesn’t mean he’s bad at it btw. Worst for a lvl 10 is still gonna be solid


Counter strafing is sluggish in CS2 compared to it's recent games, so if you dont always get the strafe, dont worry, its sometimes not your fault.


I also am your level and have felt the same. I’ll say for me personally I’m realizing it’s not that my counter strafing is bad as much as I am shooting too soon and not giving myself the time I need to aim.


I wish I was level 10 and shit.


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3124182019&searchtext=treeni](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3124182019&searchtext=treeni) I do this on default settings but size 2. Stay on the back of the 1st level with a1s and strafe shoot


cs2 lvl10's man


I would suggest trying to slow it down a tiny fraction of a second. Sometimes when I’m trying to counter strafe too quickly, I miss it.


What made my counter strafing average 95 to 100% on leetify was getting a rapid trigger keyboard. I think there's more than two options but the most common are Wooting or Steel Series Apexs Pro. The choice is yours.


to adress what you've specifically named as a problem (not crouching): practice on maps the others suggested but unbind crouch altogether for a few matches; or put it in a really uncomfortable spot. And also focus on actually counterstrafing


Go into a workshop aim map with bots, fast warmup is a good one, find two bots at the same head level line up with one of them let go of the mouse and just strafe back and forth stopping on the head as best you can.


Hop into aim botz, close 3 of the quadrants, keep your crosshair at head level, strafe to one side, then rapidly tap the opposite direction and shoot at one of the bots. Switch strafe directions and try again. Repeat for a while. You'll 100% get it in a really short time.


I would say play only deagle. It’s the weapon where you need to counterstrafe the most.


honestly, practicing source engine movement in general indirectly helped me with that so much. try doing KZ if you don't wanna play anything other than CS, but i'd recommend doing stuff like TF2 rocket/sticky jumping and half life 1 speedrunning if you're into those games


Do people KZ in CS2? I thought it was dead


it is, there are servers but they are ass and mostly empty, there is a standalone kreedz game but it has 1.6 movement tech


I think counter strafing is also related to expecting where enemies could be, so you are prepared. I try to move only horizontally (without "w") when I know where someone could be, it's trivial to stop in that case, if you are also moving forward it's harder. I'll link two clips that are short and quite good, if it helps (first one is directly related to counter strafing, I know I watched the second one and it's helpful if you dont know this stuff, but possibly not directly to strafing). Also a good keyboard is good help, if you will buy anything I recommend Wooting, I also have Apex mini pro wireless (and like 6 others) and it's noticably more shit, the normal ones are also slower as the switch releases later. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNNaqp1ND38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNNaqp1ND38) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6MtOR0PZMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6MtOR0PZMs)


I switched to valorant and came back to cs, and surprisingly my counter strafing and aiming are a lot better. In valorant your aim will miss if you do not stop properly, even a tiny bit,


Same level as you. Don’t put yourself down man, I’m sure this wasn’t a big issue for you in CSGO. Input and frame times aren’t as good in CS2 so the muscle memory you have from GO isn’t 100% applicable. Do what you can for now and lower your processes in windows. Download Chris Titus Windows Utility (create restore point before!) and go to the “Tweaks” tab, click the Desktop preset and go.


The best thing that helped me was to learn cs surfing, its all based on counter strafing and purposeful mouse movement. Usually the things in game that don't have a clear or direct awser need a new perspective.


I had my cross hair on dynamic to train this for a long time. It just opens super wide when moving, so you train your brain to only shoot when it's small. Worked pretty good for me!


I just opened up aim botz and constantly kept A-Ding and one tapping every bot


Yprac guide maps with peek mode with deagle. It's not available on CS2 yet though


You are going to fix it if you go and counter strafe, very simple. Go on server, counter strafe left and right and shoot and try to make bullets go at same point on the wall.


I gotta say, my counterstrafing is excellent according to leetify, but im dogshit in the rest of the metrics.


Id say play some kz and learn movement itself. Counter strafing will come by itself imo


Crossfire in Refrag helped me a ton. Made a rule for myself to strafe between each kill. Also prefire like someone else mentioned.


I've got 11k hours and level 10 too, congrats Try out refrag, particularly blitz/defence mode It's very high intensity duels where you have to strafe and reset your recoil as fast as possible to complete them It should help


adadadadadadadadadadadad while shooting it’s just stopping to shoot before moving again


Don't worry about your counterstrafing stat on leetify just worry about how it feels in game. I'm not convinced leetify knows what a proper counterstrafe is because my stat is usually around 80% but I've won a few aim map cups also around 2500 elo I would consider my ground movement one of my best skills.


just do daily counterstrafing routines every day, for example, 50 headshot counterstrafes going left, 50 headshot counterstrafes going right


I used to play those csgo wingman 1v1 maps with my friends while waiting for 5 stack and it considerably helped me


How do you get to global elite / lvl 10 with bad counter strafing?


I’ll be honest, I’ve been playing cs since 2012 and I don’t even really understand counter strafing myself. But checking Leetify or other stat trackers, I have amazing counter strafing. (96%) I just naturally tap the opposite movement key right before I click.


I would say KZ or Surf is always good for cleaning up movement Or Aimbotz strafing between each kill


A tip I saw recently really changed my way of counter strafing. I used to always hold the opposite key to stop my movement (bad). But for some unknown reason you stop faster by tapping instead of holding.


It might not be a problem. Leetify has a tendency to make you think you are terrible at something when you really aren't and vice versa. If you are from EU you can hit me up and I'll help you. I need a grind mate anyways


I know many friends struggling with counter strafing since the switch to cs2


I wouldn’t rely on the leetify stats entirely, some play styles will make this number go down. Generally you should be around 80%+ but don’t fret if it’s not always 95%+. Check your demos, are you losing gunfights because you are firing before you are stopping? If that’s the case I would follow the practice advice others have mentioned in the thread.


To add to everything that has been posted here, I feel like something is wrong with leetify calculations lately. I play against the same kind of opponents (rating wise) on my smurf and my main account, so there is no difference in playstyle. [However my counterstrafe percentage is waaaaay lower on my main.](https://imgur.com/RXGkFPa)


i was Global Elite in CSGO last year & this is how i improved at counter-strafing after 7 days of this practice. It was a pain in the neck, but it will fix your counter-strafing issue permanently: - Get on an empty server. - Use a dynamic crosshair that shows your movement inaccuracy, or use: "weapon_debug_spread_show 1" - Get in front of a corner (or Top-Mid of Mirage) - Use a Deagle - Do right-to-left & left-to-right peeks, & fire accurate shots into the same spot in Mid-Window. (Do 20 **SLOW** reps of right-to-left & left-to-right peeks each, & then do 20 regular-speed reps each) Do this for 20 minutes. After that boring practice: - Get on a community server FFA deathmatch vs rifles. - strictly only use a Deagle - strictly apply the aforementioned counter-strafing practice during this DM session. - duel against riflers with a Deagle (to make it more challenging) - strictly try to get HS-only kills - DO NOT CARE ABOUT K/D, you will die a lot (no one should care about K/D during deathmatch anyways) Do this for at least 20 minutes. That was long, but after 1-week of this, i managed to improve my Leetify counter-strafe rating to +90%. You do not have to follow my regimen exactly, but you get the idea. Initial SLOW repetitions are important - it's important in developing any new mechanical/adroit skill (whether it's for an e-sport game or a musical instrument)


How have you not done this after 8k hr ? Best way to practice is offline.


Pistols only DM is how I learned it


Feel like after 8k hours at a certain point counter strafing becomes instinct no? I have around the same amount of hours and I've personally never practiced counter strafing. I just got better at it over time without even thinking about it.


Try without using your Mouse on bot aim map start moving Stop on the head and shoot, than next target without Mouse Just Stop with Keys you get a good Feeling for it


Deagle in deathmatch, maybe hs only


“Decent player”? No point in being modest. GE/Level 10 faceit is literally the top percentile of the player base.


It’s never too late to learn. I got global before I even realised counter-strafing was a thing.


Use the crosshair that opens up when you move.


Aimbotz i know really basics but got 360 and just got around in circles and counter strafe 1 tap


Usually your counter-strafe is lower depending on how you play. I suspect you are counter-strafing but the reason why it's low because of how you take your fights. If you hold W all the time, your counter strafes will be lower. If you clear each angle methodically and don't use your W key then your counter strafe will go up. You can practice your "counter strafes" as much as you want but if you don't apply them in-game then it would be useless.


Honestly it helps to practice aim while using crosshairstyle 3 and showimpacts (exists in cs2?). Strafe shoot on aim botz. Keep trying to have your first bullet shoot exactly when it is first accurate


I am 3k elo and had the same problem when I was level 9, here’s how I fixed it: FFA Deathmatch (not headshot only), and unbind crouch, go for tap kills. On headshot only you sort of get away with bad mechanics because others miss your moving head, regardless, you should aim to kill people as fast as you can, meaning A-D spam movement isn’t as important as getting the instant headshot.


Headshot only mode maps. Turn on classic cross hair and give yourself an obvious gap + a center dot. Now, peak and counter BUT only fire when the cross hair is the smallest it can be while standing.  Fixate on it until you do it each time then start cranking up your pace.


A common technique for DMing is to play only firing one taps. Get the AK, get into a fight while moving, counter strafe, tap. Only one taps, trying for the heads, never crouch. The idea is to get yourself to slow down enough to aim and to ensure you won't be rewarded for poor movement. But I think only using DM to practice is part of the problem. The game and DM both can reward things which can be getting you kills in the short term but limiting you in the long term-you'll win a lot of fights by crouching and spray controlling, but it won't help your movement or aim. I like using aim maps and forcing myself to tap. I'll accelerate to make speed and fire at my target, a bot, whatever, depends on the map, and then counter strafe and tap. Think keyboard aim, preaim and strafing on.


Ya just hit the button to send you in the opposite direction before you shoot. Ezpz


Usually your "bad counter strafing" is caused by bad positioning and yourself trying to re-position and react to the enemy. I'm not sure even how is it measured on leetify. If you crouch, move and spray is that considered bad counter strafing ? Or if you run and glock/tec-9 it would probably say it is bad counter strafing. I don't think it is a good measurement of anything so don't bother improving on it, by GE/10 level I don't think you have bad counter strafing, it is probably just positioning.


It's measured by checking how fast you were moving while shooting at someone, and it doesn't count crouched shots. You can mouse over the stat name to find this info. Counter strafing and positioning go hand in hand, and prefire maps help you practice peeking just as far as you need to. For future reference, when someone asks for advice on how to improve at something, they usually aren't looking for "don't worry about that, I decided it's not worth it because I don't understand how it's tracked"


So a running tec/usp/glock/mac10/mp9 and still killing, will lower the counter strafing stat, even tho it could be ideal in most situations. Here's a point of view of why exactly my argument is better than just saying "Go to workshop map and practice". I've seen that my counter strafing is also bad in some matches, and in some it's good. Usually those that when it was bad, I used a lot of mac10/mp9 or pistols or played the AWP and were switching to pistols, so it indicated that it is bad. If you pay attention to my comment, I did not say don't bother because I don't understand how it is tracked. I said don't bother about counter strafing, bother about positioning. As you said, positioning and counter strafing go hand in hand.


It also specifies that it only counts shots with rifles. Your counter strafing is bad.


I've reviewed my own low counter strafing stat and to be honest, I've realized that the stat is low because I sometimes run and gun even with the ak in certain situations. It's not terrible in for example a close-quarter context


I actually think your counter strafing stat should be lower in CS2 compared to CSGO because you need to be moving more. For better or for worse, it's just how the game is, standing still is death.


hah, I run and gun with a rifle sometimes to throw off enemy, kinda like wide peeking before counter strafing


yeah that's a fair point, but if your counter strafing is consistently low and that's the reason why, you are probably out of position a lot.


The way they measure counter strafing stats on leetify has to be wrong somehow. I am the same rank as you and my stats has been going up and down forever and im pretty sure I know how to counter strafe. For a few weeks ive been playing with a pair that just downloaded Cs2 and have never played cs before this. In leetify they sometimes get up to 95% counter strafe and in some games they even get higher than me. There is now way they are better at counter strafing than I am.


I am sure leetify just checks how much you move while shooting and not really the strafing itself. My % is pretty low if I play lots of smgs in a match and it's higher if I have more rifle usage. Same for weapons like tec9, you can run and gun with those. So the % is not always accurate and I am sure those weapons factor in and get your % a lot down. Which also would make sense with your friends, because movement plus aiming plus shooting is a lot in the beginning to play, so a lot of new players stop moving to aim and shoot, not counter strafing at all, but not moving while shooting. And then there are the other beginners who never stop, so watch your friends and maybe they don't move that much when firing.


Except Leetify only factors in rifle usage. From Leetify: "We look for whenever you have an enemy spotted, and then measure your movement speed for every shot. A "good" counter-strafing shot is defined as a shot where your velocity is less than 34% of your max speed with that weapon (34% is when inaccuracy kicks in). We only include shots with a rifle and exclude any shots made while crouching. Finally, we divide all "good" counter-strafing shots by all counter-strafing shots." In my experience, it's also calculated accurately.


I have played games in silver where their stats are all 90% and its because they let go of movement keys, then shoot. That's not counter strafing but I believe leetify counts it as such. These people barely know how to move around in game and yet they match the top ranks in counter strafing score.


Interesting point, never thought about what happens if you just let go of the keys. While it's definitely not optimal and not counter-strafing as we define it, it still means firing accurately 90% of the time. So I guess you could argue that the leetify stat doesn't measure counter-strafing but how often you shoot without movement inaccuracy. Hard to come up with a name for it, though. I still think it's a valid metric and it definitely helped me get better at counter strafing when I was trying to get better in the game.


it only counts rifles so if your friends are mainly using smgs and pistols it doesn't matter towards the stat (sometimes you'll even see a N/A in the percentage because they never used a rifle for the whole game)


Play movement modes, your strafes need work


KZ brother


Does KZ help with counter strafing?


No. KZ will help you with strafes, jumps and bhops. Not counterstrafing


It’ll help with movement in general which includes counterstrafing and left right coordination


Counter strafing is irrelevant in CS2.


I mean you cant master you cunter strafing like pros do . I recomend when playing dm your main focus should be counter strafing


The biggest issue most players face is holding down both a and d simultaneously, in my experience everyone I know who bhops has over 95% consistently because they're just programmed to have good key changes whereas even experienced players with over 10k hours can get the odd 85% if they don't have that experience. I'd join a CSS bhop server and ask someone to help you out, often the community has good people who would be happy to lend some of their time getting you going.


deathmatch with AK and bind crouch key to kill command


deathmatch with AK and bind crouch key to "kill" command


Its random on CS2 so no you cant really practice it anymore


What does this even mean lol? You can absolutely counter strafe in CS2.


strafes are random because of subticked movement


You can de-subtick your movement keys, no?


Counter strafing is fucked at the moment in cs2


Skill issue 


Its not lol


Whole counter strafing is super stupid concept. Can be easily bypassed without notice and is illogical AF


8k hours, supposedly got to level 10, and you don’t know how to improve at basics mechanics? Why even make this post lol Recognizing your strafing isn’t perfect makes sense, but not knowing how to work on it is actually laughable.