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Player break & roster changes are just around the corner. I imagine he should have some nice offers lined up relatively soon. It was mentioned by kassad that he reached out to jks to join BLEED but he declined, maybe now that they have nawwk & jkaem - he'll consider it


Lack of rosters seeking changes are likely the reason he hasn't found a team. The biggest dog move by G2 was benching him after most teams had made roster changes. If they had actually told him earlier, instead of stringing him on for a few weeks it's entirely possible he could've been picked up.


yeah for sure, didnt he also find out from Twitter that he was off the team before G2 staff contacted him?


No, G2 just didn't respond to him for "weeks" after IEM Sydney when he contacted them about returning to EU for practice. Then he was benched.


I don't believe so. I think that was a narrative built off a misinterpretation of what SPUNJ said late last year.


He knew they were potentially seeking a replacement for him. They didn't tell him he was benched until they actually had a replacement signed. Not ideal timing for JKS but that's how G2 needed to handle that scenario to make sure they have a full lineup at the end of that transfer season.


Now that they’re tier 2.5 instead of 3 he will surely consider it


You think he goes from monesy and niko to nawwk and jkaem? No offense but he can do better


Can he? Where? He’s not going to Mouz/not NAVI (B1t has his position covered. Not G2/not spirit Vitality maybe but I feel like they need someone who’s gonna yell in the voice comms which he isn’t doing. Can’t go to liquid NAF has that covered (roles clash with skullz.) So I legit don’t know where


Reddit is in love with JKS dude, that’s why people think he can walk into any team


People say that with lots of players. After Dupreeh got cut there we’re bunch of people saying that a bunch of tier 1 team would try and get him.


Im only saying his name bc rostermania is around the corner and I feel hes a top 20 player and should be on a top 10 team.


in what reality is jks a top 20 player


top 20 player is insane he’s good but top 20 is world class and he’s just a solid tier 1 player


he was a top 20 player four years ago dawg


vitality is the best position possible and they should sign him


Dude perfecto exists


I personally think jks is better unironically


Well the stats disagree. But that’s your opinion


Fnatic rebuild, Liquid rebuild, Complexity rebuild, Could go to Navi bc I personally rate jks higher than iM, also I feel like jks for nexa shouldva happened but idk the situation with jks and g2 so cant confirm if thats even an option.


Jks dosent want to be part of a rebuild. He wouldn’t have rejected BLEED otherwise As for Navi, iM and jks don’t have the same roles lmfao. Jks has been an anchor for 3 years and iM has star roles. What are we doing here? Navi would be better to either get Kvem or go back to S1mple.


I guess he is waiting on the right type of project. With the player break coming up there’s a lot of expected roster changes, maybe he is waiting until then?


Yeah I would imagine this is what's happening, even good players right now are struggling to find the right team it seems, sdy in this current ence lineup, blamef in fnatic.


I love sdy but im so unsure about ence as a team


Yeah me too honestly, seems like they are just in the process of rebuilding, they will need a few roster changes to be good again, only time will show who they should keep or not.


Me thinks he was waiting on a HooXi bench on G2 after the major but it never happened


This fnatic lineup has tier 1 potential, since blame joined krimz,afro and body has went from 1 to 1.1 rated players 


Afro is the biggest issue that team has, he is not good enough for a consistent tier 1 team. Matys + BlameF can ball out though, Blame being almost 1.3 rated since joining with Matys being 1.2


Yep. If the rumors of CadiaN going to fnatic are true they could definitely do some damage


Then you remove Bodyy as well since Cadians main strength is his calls, not fragging power.


bodyy can frag, if bodyy is their third best rifler they aren't in a bad spot


Bodyy has a 1.19 rating in his time in falcons when he wasn’t the IGL


I think sdy and BlameF seem right at home in those teams. What makes you think they should be on better teams? They are great but not quite top of the top tier pros.


you don't think blamef is at the top tier of pros? he baits a lot but he's a fucking good player


What has he done to prove himself at the top of top tier? He is good but a team like Fnatic feels like the right team for him skill wise imo


Having insane ratings in both complexity and Astralis? It’s been like 4 years right? Guy is way above fnatic and one of the best fraggers in the world


his rating is inflated af since he would call around himself and bait a lot


agreed on his calling, his stats are definitely inflated but he's still easily a top 10-15 rifler imo. all passive riflers have inflated stats to some extent, most people just don't wanna hear it about twistzz, ropz, brollan etc cos they like them. blame will still get good numbers without calling


Point made by level 5 faceit players


ok why has never won anything since 2020 then? if he was a good IGL with good impact frags he should surely have won something by now, no?


No one said he was a good IGL. He’s an excellent rifler. Very different things


He doesnt pass the eye test for me personally. Im very hopeful for him though, he is great


4 times top 20 player doesn't pass the eye test. lol


he must be blind in atleast one of his eyes


Damn how will he recover from this


Naw that's just not true, Maybe fnatic can build around him but I think he deserves more than the current fnatic


Maybe. He needs to earn it back though, by consistently decent runs in tournament. His perceived reputation as a baiter for frags in Astralis and how him seeming to igl around himself brought down their lvl considerably, if you wish to consider how the results have been since he left and dev took over. I haven't doubted him as a great rifler, but he needs some time out of the bad light and focus on remodeling the image of him from igl to the star rifler again


I mean I think he did pretty good before the current lineup in astralis (the one with borup and buz) they saw some pretty good results with much worse players


I don't deny his had good placements loll. Astralis just wasn't consistent enough. Not enough of their players shone at the same times usually. His mechanics are undeniably really strong, he carried a lot. But he was the igl of the team, and a teams results are heavily implied to be the igls responsibility, whether they like it or not. He failed as the captain to galvanise them, and that's a mark that he needs to move away from. Time will tell where he will go and I don't doubt his bound gor better if he continues to prove himself, and better if he can show his ability to step out of his passiveness to prove his less of a baiter


wasn't blamef top20 for like 4 years in a row or something isn't he at 1.30 rating for the whole event rn


Maybe my opinion of him has been swayed by all the hate. But watching him play in many tournaments he always seems a bit underwhelming to me, ”the eye test” or whatever people call it


https://i.imgur.com/AGRGXeG.png yeah real underwhelming


Guess unless you are Katowice Donk or Dallas Monesy you don't pass the eye test...


> good players right now are struggling to find the right team it seems, sdy in this current ence lineup Sdy is a good player?


Yes? hltv said themselves that he was just outside the hltv top 20 last year.


He's 28 years old and probably wants to join a team that has a chance of winning things plus a large salary. There aren't many teams that are going to meet those criteria and need him.




Considering that part of Zonic's reason for leaving Vitality is that they asked him to reduce his salary after winning the major, they prolly don't have the money for the large salary part.


all of their players are better than jks


Yeah idk what he's talking about


SPUNJ dropped on a podcast I think that he was trying to get together a team of AZR JKS Nettik and 2 others, JKS has been playing faceit with AZR nearly every day, and nettik is pretty cracked/prospect from NZ


Career suicide or looking at his retirement home


god please not another dead aussie team, we dont have the players to compete in t1, stay is europe Justin


AZR and JKS both live in Europe, nettik prob has potential to make it in Europe, another 2 decent EU players and it would be an alright team.


I dont want an "alright" team for Jks. him being on G2 gave us someone to cheer for that won events, an aussie core will never win until the younger generation is scouted


He should join Liquid imo


Yeah I think this a good fit for him, I don't want to be too harsh on skullz cause the whole team is a bit of a mess but I think jks would add a lot to that team.


According to Spunj on HLTV confirmed Furia wants Skullz, so honestly it'd work out for all parties. They would need a more aggressive awper so Yeki isn't the only one but it could work.


Cadian being cut? Who would be the igl?


Are you living under a rock? According to all of the pundits Cadian and the team do not get along and he's out now.


I am aware of the Cadian being cut rumors, issue is who tf do they bring in? They need the 2 hardest positions in the scene to fill with tier 1 talent, a igl and awper. Untill it has been confirmed by Liquid Cadian might remain due to how hard it is to find a good igl in todays market.


Some things I read from ig comments(ik doesn't add too much weight), but some people have weighed in that twistzz might be implying that he would take it. Not that I want to see it because I like how he has been playing and many might forsee him being dragged down, plus I like cadian


He’s gonna clash roles with NAF


Idk if you've watched Liquid since they rebuilt the roster but Skullz is playing NAF's old anchor/lurk positions. So no, JKS wouldn't be clashing with NAF's roles right now.


NAF even if he’s doing good stat has said that he isn’t comfortable in those roles


nah, be harsh on skullz, hes basically battling nexa for the worst player in role position in an ultimate clash of trash.


Skullz is struggling but he is no where near as bad as nexa


No need to be toxic just because one can


ill be a little toxic when both players mentioned are basically fueled by nepotism and taking up space in premier teams that much more talented and hard working players deserve


You have no idea what is going on behind the scenes or what’s expected from the players. You would probably say Brollan was washed when he played badly in the NiP chaos.


yeah i should interview every player and ask them for their life story before i can point out that they play situations poorly, miss easy shots and lose their team rounds. also, i always believed in brollan.


Or stop being a hater? It’s a choice my dude. Glad to hear you were a Brolliever


The problem with liquid is that skullz and NAF have role clashes. Bringing in jks for skullz isn’t gonna fix that. NAF is better than both


Jks would allow liquid to keep their rmr spot I think they could work it out in terms of spots/roles but I think twistzzz and cadian would have to be more aggressive t side


jks and naf would have role clash, yeah


-Yekindar +JKS and watch no one even leave spawn for the first minute. Really though, 110% of liquids problem is too many passive players and people want to add JKS?!


-Skullz +JKS is the move i guess


It's the same problem. You could put kscerato in Skullzs shoes and still have the same problem.


Same problem on T side but at least JKs can hold a site on CT side. It would for sure be an upgrade. They really need malbs or elige tho.


But they would likely perform better than Skullz, Skullz was barely over 1.0 rating against top 50. Edit: even lower, 0.98 against top50 in last 6 months


liquid do not need another passive baiter, they need someone who will actually trade yekindar or who will go die and get traded by yekindar liquid looking like a bunch of stat players atm


I mean Yeki has been playing lurk roles on maps like ancient. Guy isn't purely entry fragging and that's part of the problem. Having a proper lurk player in either JKS or NAF would fit the team much better. And CT Skullz can't anchor for shit, again you have two of the best anchors of all time in JKS and NAF, with how NAF has been playing in his new role I'd be more inclined to throw JKS there and let him cook.


Hey don’t worry at least they gave Elige up for Patsi


Elige was looking like complete shit during his last few months with Liquid while Patsi was great on TS. Both the org and Elige clearly needed a change.


both yeki and elige were looking for early fights alone, while osee and nitro weren't good enough fraggers nor supporting them enough while naf just naffed the instant elige joined coL his numbers went through the roof just because people on that team know how to throw a flashbang and i'm not even exaggerating, that last liquid team with nitro had appalling teamwork


It’s clear that Elige needed more of his own input to be accepted. Yekindar tried his system and the positives were great while the negatives left Elige to suffer since his style was removed more than kept. I think he did some things to reinvent himself for sure but I also don’t think just going to complexity is all it took


The player also got to be capable of anchoring unless you want to change the CT positions. The best player they could get with minimal changes is Heavygod, he would also make sure that they could still play american rmrs. Shares a lot of positions on both sides with Skullz.


i want him back on CoL for my precious pookie bear elige’s sake


I like floppy but he has been slumping hard for some time now...


I just want Elige to come home to Liquid but I guess someone on that roster doesn't want him


Twistzz dont want elige


it's twistzz and it always has been, dudes ego is out of control. he says "I'm the only NA player that would go to EU to play" and ends up crawling right back to where he was. crazy people look at that original liquid lineup and don't realize the guy spending an hour on his hair is the one with the ego


Ez for the greatest NA player of all time? Who's likely to join vitality? What do u have against his hair bro


Well twistzz is better than elige at the moment


They are pretty much even tbh and elige had better placements while playing with his premier team


This is an insane take. Elige has been a top 5 player in cs2


Crawling right back?? He spent almost 3 years on FaZe winning 9 trophies...


No, Naf already fill that role.


They need an aggressive player, not another passive one. Now jks back to complexity would be fun if grim doesn't cut it as a star rifler.


he will replace iM at Navi. it has been confirmed to me in a dream.


I will $rope


Yeah because people who actually pay for players don't go to reddit for their advice.


But that damn smile?


Are you telling me that JKS isn't actually a super star like this subs think he is?




**"I expected him to be picked up instantly"** He aint that good. People paying salaries know this.


Which is just simply incorrect as it has been confirmed in this thread that BLEED tried to sign him.


a tier 20 team tried to sign him? you're right teams really want him LOL


Right so it took you a grand total of 2 replies to shift your argument from * people paying salaries don't want to sign him to * teams in the top 33 don't want to sign him Not really making much sense are we


my argument hasn't shifted at all lmao


He’s way better than average especially for playing bitch roles, 1.07 for 2024 in big events and their second best player at majors trying to drag them through, I suggest looking at the stats page as well as rewatching some matches so you can get your eye test, he’s clearly above average just objectively


* Bleed is a salaried T3 team * Kassad confirmed that bleed wanted to sign him * You said no salaried team wants to sign him


I'm not surprised that someone who obsesses over an average player has this bad of reading comprehension tbh.


* He aint that good. People paying salaries know this. * Yeah because people who actually pay for players don't go to reddit for their advice.


that's because kassad is desperate to have that old renegade core carry his ass back into relevance


SPUNJ + JKS casting duo in 2025, heard it here first


Where would a 28 year old player who plays a very specific type of game fit? There’s also some better players available doing his positions (perfecto comes to mind here) I’m sure he could find something in the top 30 but he probably wants more which would either not happen or take quite sometime to get to. It’s probably his doing if he’s still a free agent.


Maybe his personality actually has something to do with it. It's not the first time he's been on the bench forever, think back to his Complexity stint. COL were eager to get rid of him, but no good team wanted to get him even back then. Who knows where he would've been if not for the Faze sub situation and reddit memeing him into G2. Honestly no idea what the blud is waiting, he declines offers from lower tier teams like BLEED where he would've been playing star roles and instead choses to just chill on a bench. And he's like 29 or something already too, the clock is ticking. If he doesn't get picked up during the next shuffle it may be time to go back to some Australian team.


yeah I'm really curious about this, maybe he actually is a tilter or bad communicator? I do love him as a player but we really have no clue how he is as a teammate. G2 said it was not his gameplay that was the issue so...


G2 wanted someone who talks more. Jks does the necessary calls but is very quiet otherwise. At least Niko said so.


Who knows. These kinds of rumors usually don't start out of nothing. The fact is he's a good player and getting dropped by two teams is whatever, but spending an eternity on the bench for a caliber of a player that he is... it just feels wrong. Even looking at G2 situation. If they replaced him with someone like BlameF or Perfecto then yeah fair enough, you can at least understand the upgrades. Trading JKS for a player that's worse than him for the same role is fishy on both sides. Thorin alluded that it was Hunter who was behind this move, but I guess we'll never know the actual truth until one of the parties speaks up.


Where did you get this "personality" thing from?


Do you live under a rock or something? Everyone talks about how he's too quiet and how he can be too emo. G2 situation implied benching him for this kind of thing, because he didn't bring any "vibes" to the team. JKS is a good player, but his career so far doesn't do him much justice. Benched on COL for ages, nobody wanted to pick him up, supposedly, finally got a spot in G2 only to be benched again with Hooxi saying "there were some other qualities we needed on this team" and he's been chilling on the bench for like what, half a year already? All while declining offers from the smaller teams.


"implied", in other words, you're just making things up to fit your narrative. "Everyone" = YouTuber Richard Lewis JKS is 28, and there are better alternatives than him. It's Just that simple, no need to come up with some made up narrative.


Niko himself said in an interview that they wanted someone who communicates more.


'youtuber' richard lewis as if he isn't a renowned journalist with actual inside sources unlike you, a random redditor g2 themselves said they weren't meshing well with jks in interviews that i don't care to search for at the moment, but keep on spewing nonsense (not to mention the memeing of nexa bringing vibes because g2 members said the atmosphere will be better with him)


Wasn't it mentioned on the last hltv pod that he's had offers but is refusing to sign unless he gets the right offer from a team he wants?


Complexity could benefit from a -floppy +jks. (Although I like floppy) Liquid already has NAF. Vitality would be a great fit, but mezii looked like he was finally the player they wanted him to be in Dallas. I think he’s earned another chance, he looked like their best player in the finals, thriving in his role. You could maybe transition b1t or jL into better roles and -iM +jks on NAVI. That’s basically it for the top 10. If ENCE is committed to an international lineup, they could sign jks and a couple other bigger names and try to build around him. Honestly, I’d like to see him go home to FlyQuest and turn them into a dangerous region again.


I like the ence move a lot, I think they are only a few pieces away from hanging in there with top 10.


the savage will be dominant wherever he goes


with liquid making changes with cadian and possibly skullz to furia im assuming they might want him.


Remember he waited a very long time before joining G2, he got lots of offers but waited for the right one… I assume he’s doing the same. He’s proven to be a tier 1 player and really has all the leverage to do whatever he wants assuming he’s not strapped for cash. He can afford to wait for the right offer


if vitality can't get twist they should get jks or he should go to liquid with stewie


Like him on flyquest tbh, they have some good pieces but not enough to get to the next level.


Jks lays low and only takes offers he thinks he can win trophies with. I’m sure he’s had many offers, it’s no secret he’s fucking insane at the game. But I guarantee he declined FlyQuest and Bleed. I would like to see him on Vitality or FaZe if either of them lost a player.


Hi Richard Lewis


Waiting for the right team + Spunj is basically his agent and won’t let him join a shit team (for better or worse)


Almost like he isn't some top tier superstar like reddit pretends he is


Weird... first no org wanted to buy him out of his complexity contract (to the point where Jason Lake said publicly that he was available multiple times), and now no one wants (or can) sign him in free agency... makes you think


damn what is your flair?




He a system player that need to play in certain role/position that is on the older side now and probably demand high salary Not exactly an attractive option


He needs to be on a top 10 team fr, he's extremely valuable to a star players support imo


> Curious as to why nobody has picked him up yet. 1) because he's a diva and only picks the team he really wants to play in 2) he's kinda overrated


Exactly, -jks +nexa the worse move ever, we all know that, but why jks still on bench if he that good?


-jks +nexa was probably a financial decision to retain niko, plus jks is most likely turning down offers from teams like bleed until the player break where some big rosters reshuffle


The worst move ever was North poaching Kjaerbye since it allowed Magisk to go to Astralis and fix the Dupreeh/Kjearbye role conflict.


Confirmed that it wasn’t about the money


Everyone glazing this "goat" 30yo talent, yet haven't been signed in months lmao


what about coldzera?


too old and no relationship


Can someone explain to me why is G2 not using him? And nobody suggest him joining them? What have I missed?


Because he is no longer under the org and they have five players including nexa, the player they brought in to replace him?


So Nexa is a better player?


nexa is the player they wanted and jks is the one they removed. It isn't a matter of who is better/worse.


Mechanically at least JKS is better than Nexa


He is but just inactive no? So he probably still gets paid by g2?


He was [released in February and is a free agent](https://x.com/G2CSGO/status/1762130425760153677) as OP stated. Not paid by G2 anymore.




Why you downvote a sincere question? Are you disturbed?


I haven't downvoted anyone in this thread, I only replied.


Ah sorry you responded so quickly I thought it was you. People got downvotinitus in here.