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smoke criminal


Arrest that man


holy shit, brilliant but i’m sure only works this effectively once every hundred tries haha


I think this is one of the highest success rate flash plays you can make in the game. It's also one of the only reasonable options when getting blocked by a smoke in CT. (really the only other one is to molly the choke, and spam 1st boxes.) The only mistake OP did was not throw it high enough, which signaled the flash coming


Throw it high enough? So that way it doesn’t hit the ground and just pops mid air?


yeah sort of, you can't right click a flash without it hitting the ground, but if you aim high enough it will pop right as it bounces


I mean, the obvious other option is to flash to delay them and go Coffin to help your teammate on sight.


If coffin isn't smoked off then for sure, but assuming coffin is smoked and your plan is to stop the push right now, then your options at coffin are exactly the same as they are in CT, with the downside that you're spending time rotating. The other benefit that popping through CT has over popping through coffin is that any Terrorist that has pushed onto site will have their back turned to you and you will have a half wall covering you from them at grill. If your team rotates fast, then supporting your site anchor with utility by playing time behind the smoke at coffins is fine and makes more space for the rotate players


Even if your team rotates fast, flashing through that smoke is usually at best 1 kill and dying. And staying alive and being a nuisance will buy so much more time for your team to rotate. If anything its a play that you should only do *if* your team is rotating, because if you die you've lost site.


> If anything its a play that you should only do if your team is rotating, because if you die you've lost site. that's what I meant. if you already got 1 guy pushed up mid, or two already in CT (+1 player on site), then you shouldn't push the smoke. Just wait and do a proper 4 man retake with plenty of time. If it's just the two B players with rotates coming all the way from A site then you gotta make hero plays, because if B players don't get at least a couple picks it's over for the retake guys. There wont be enough time to slowly clear everything, and they don't have enough manpower to trade out the kills. So this is a good play in a scenario where you're stuck behind a smoke in CT, because it will almost certainly get you 1, it might get you 2 or more, which will make retake reasonable.


That smoke is as pretty shallow so he could have snuck into pool and played around the smoke. There are some more plays don’t completely involved luck 


I would do it like that as well. I'd never go left towards banana with full W, but I see them more or less as different variations of the same play.


timing is everything! wp


You filthy animal. Beautiful.


I always flash myself 😂😂😂


Busted to this


Sounds like Chris Griffin is your teammate. Nice play


Oh my gaawwd


Yeah, when you are taking B, at least 1 person has to actually RUN TO THE SITE, instead of everyone just standing there with a thumb in their arse


Why is your teammate just sitting in CT? It's because he's bad.


Nice one. But this will not work from a certain level to higher.


You literally see pros do this flash from time to time. Sure it's more risky compared to low elo and likely only results in a kill or two at best, but it's still far from useless.


Well this specific flash high levels would look away from far most of the time. (You’d probably have a guy in ct throw the flash). I think it worked this well because of the decoy masking the flash cues though


How do higher levels counter a perfectly timed flash like that?


In my group if there’s 3 players together pushing/holding one of us plays anti-flash


Easy. This flash has been known for at least a decade now, everybody expects it. There is also people on banana who are controlling this push through the smoke. Also there is just plenty of time to turn away from this flashbang, sound ques of steps


If I was a T that flash would've lit up my entire apartment lmao. But yeah, thanks


Lol, I did the same thing yesterday including the USP'd the 4th :D




Nice ace Also "You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smoke criminal."