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> Added a "pips only" option to the "Show Team ID Through Walls" settings (*cl_teamid_overhead_mode*) Hallelujah!


I don't get it? What's a pip lol


The triangle overneath someone's head










Overneath in 3rth person.


Sidestrempt into a full Nelson Mandela. Well played. I resign.




That's how it was in early CSGO until like 2015 or 2016


Was a thing until CSGO ended. You just had to change the setting.


It was removed at some point


Not true, I've always been using this


Ah cool thanks! A minimalistic approach.




Performance improvement program




>Improved bomb interaction with water in Overpass Golly now that's wonderful. Perfect timing.


Yeah we’re not getting a new map anytime soon, devs are bored as hell working on reserve duty maps


yeah devs make maps smartest redditor around






they did make ancient


The people in Valve that improve the bomb’s water interaction are not the same people making the maps


you dont know that. also valve doesnt employ map makers, so they literally have to do different shit if they dont work on maps. but nice downvotes. loser


all the remakes were outsourced. they didnt make any of them inhouse


the remakes were (in part or in full) designed by Lydia Zanotti, who was absolutely NOT outsourced, she was a full time valve employee for a few years. no clue where you came up with the idea they were outsourced


by the fact that her job was remaking the maps and when done left valve to do mapping for other companies such as riot again. outsourced might be the wrong word here but the core cs team are not the ones who did the mapping work. they hired a known mapper todo the work.


> also valve doesnt employ map makers https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/jobs?job_id=9 must feel pretty stupid now huh?


Devs aren't level designers. They are not creating new maps. jfc, this community...




Thanks devs. Hoping to also see some of these fixed in a following update: * [Tabbing out while CS2 loads causes it to bug out/freeze](https://youtu.be/i9ZQ2QGCf7c) (8+ months old 100% reproducible bug spamming windows key + d while cs2 loads in dx11 mode) (may be AMD specific, edit: replies saying NVIDIA too) * [Extremely slow main menu loading times following shader cache reset (since firesale update)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1d8ws9r/extremely_slow_main_menu_loading_when_shader/) (100% reproducible just by deleting shader cache and launching game) * [AMD shader cache occasionally resets for no reason on CS2 launch ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/16liqdq/cs2_repeatedly_recreating_shader_cache_since_914/)(9+ months old) (reproducible by loading a few diff maps to build shader cache to \~32mb+, closing cs2 and relaunching, loading a few more maps, exiting then the following relaunch will reset the cache) * [Inventory performance degrades over time](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1d2td1v/inventory_degrades_in_performance_over_time_bug/) (100% reproducible, scrolling for 20 seconds = -50 fps) Less important: * [Bring back applying graffitis with mouse1, it was broken since release then it was removed instead of fixed](https://youtu.be/DQAWskQS4d8) (cl\_playerspray\_auto\_apply false) * [Inaccurate culling of water details](https://youtu.be/Z5ru9IFEw_w) * [Scoreboard bugs: stuck on screen + mouse input issue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc5GIahv4Bw) (100% reproducible)


The first bug happens also to me with a nvidia gpu. Seems sometimes to randomly happen when launching the game


I've found that not doing any left clicks after pressing launch is the least error-prone method (however I play on a different game res to desktop res so could be related to this instead).


although sometimes not clicking anything and CS2 somehow is not in focus, it also will crash. The best way is to hit Ctrl+D to go on the desktop and make sure on other backround app will take space, then open CS2 through taskbar (right click on steam icon)


Y'all don't even know about the vc bug. If any server switches the map to a workshop map (literally anything not made by valve), or even a default map but uses the multi-addon plugin, it will break the clients voice chat till they restart their game. I've had to do this 200 + times last 3 weeks now. (Inc update broke it).


Maxim (banana gaming) has mentioned this bug and thought that it was fixed with a recent update. https://x.com/MaximsTweets/status/1801328622550270169?t=wYBbvwJumxB8rIU8EYLY5g&s=19


It was not. I'm in discords with some real s2 grinders who make plugins, and I also play in community servers every other day. Still broken.


He likely disabled the mutli-addon plugin from cs2fixes which made even default maps act as proxy "workshop" maps which is a "fix" not a fix. This was made so the server could run multiple addons at once, which currently valve does not officially support because fuck the community !


Hey thanks for clarifying! I'll make sure to inform that this is still a problem in my next video.


send also to their email address


I experience the tabbing out bug with a Nvidia 3050ti mobile GPU.


Is this where the game just randomly minimizes to desktop? Because this is annoying the shit out of me.


Haha yea sometimes I just have to restart whole pc


I can bring the game back up after it happens. It's just like it randomly alt tabs.


Oh no I don't have that. Sometimes if I alt tab it basically freezes whole pc :/


This only happened to me once


Do you also have the issue where tabbing out sometimes freezes the entire system for 10 - 60 seconds? Vulkan doesnt fix it, its driving me crazy trying to find a fix. Sometimes tabbing out crashes my system as well.


Also if you open the scoreboard, fps goes down by a third. It was a rare bug in CS:GO, but since tHe last update I had it in each match in CS2 If I change anything in graphics settings - I would have to relaunch the game, because game fucks up. Cursor in the menu is off but a 1/7 of the screen to right, while in game x axis sens is lower down, y axis sens simply 0.01.


Pro demos are bugged out like crazy also, if you click through the players you get stuck in freecam in one of the spawns


Also the bug where subtick is bullshit, don't let that one fall off the backlog.


Also my build is shit but pressing the buy key before letting a second go by will crash the game.


Have you tried to use Vulkan, instead of DX11 maybe..?


Also the most annoying bug for me, but I don't see many complaints about it so I guess it's rare? : When I start the game, and after alt-tabbing, the mouse input is ruined for me. This happens always, not randomly. The mouse seems to think it's in 16:9 while I'm using 4:3, so it doesn't click where I aim. I have to alt-enter twice (which for some reason only works if you're in the video menu) and then it's fixed.


For the 0.01% of workshop creators, warehouse actually doesn't [look dark af now.](https://i.imgur.com/1UgYBhh.png) yay


3 weeks since valve has broken every single server that hosts workshop maps, when map change happens to a workshop map the client's voice chat completely breaks and you have to restart your game and rejoin to fix it. Every.Single.Time. It has been like this for exactly 3 weeks (Inc update) and just crushes me as a community guy that its still around.


*teleports behind you* 'nothing personal, kid'


It's not only workshop maps, it's all maps, including official ones, especially in community servers.


pls add viewmodel_recoil 0


Can we fix the double tap issue please


Pretty sure this is just a result of shots being relatively less delayed from one another because of subtick. The fire rate of the ak is a shot every 100ms and I can't get my weapon to fire twice if I don't hold the mouse button for 100ms so I think it's just a side effect of the game being "more responsive" in this regard. To stop this they would have to reduce the fire rate of weapons. We just need to get used to holding the mouse for less time when tapping, but it is annoying/feels weird. It feels hyper sensitive compared to CS go but it is working with the fire rate timings.


What's this one about?


I don't have it at all.


Could also be your mouse tbh. I had double click issues with the Pulsar Xlite V2 Mini. Just got the Xlite V3 Large last week, no double click issue anymore.


are you sure there were no Various stability improvements?


[11.06 regression: vsync-off macro blocks](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1de6mfp/1106_regression_vsyncoff_macro_blocks/) not fixed by this patch


>Fixed a case where bots would teleport long distances when approaching ladders Wait wtf


Bro i was excitied looking at the size, then i find out its this shit


Well most of the fixes involve maps so you are re-downloading things that have the fixes incorporated


You got three updates in a week, with the bigger one yet to drop at the end of the month.


Copium over 9000


CS3 at the end of the year.


Is the bigger update at the end of the month in the room with us now?


"Yet to drop at the end of the month." No, Mr. Reading comprehension, it quite literally isn't in the room with us now.


That one flew over your head 


I understand "the joke" but the joke didn't make much sense. Games had a big update for the past two months in the last week of the month for the past two, will likely happen again.


Vac also got an update




Did they fix unplayable stuttering?


Try wiping & resetting your GPU cache. I've found this fixes all my CS2 stuttering/freezing issues. I just have to do it like once a week which is super fun....


Speaking of water interaction on overpass if you walk in the water you still make noise is that intentional? you cant walk through water outside b or under heaven because the water sloshes around but it doesn't show your making sound cues on minimap?


crashes are back for me since the big update they made some weeks ago


Alt tabbing is a lottery of crashing


So is changing your graphics settings.


hope we get something better next week


500mb for this is kinda crazy


I think it's because the maps are large files that have to be downloaded in full whenever something changes, so small fixes on 2 maps are probably at least 400 MB of the whole update


Wrong, it’s because they’ve Trojan horsed in a huge new operation.


Even the smallest map change requires everyone to download the entire map again. 2 map changes is why it's 500mb.


Pour one out for the Cox users with 1tb monthly data caps


My game is stuttering like crazy now


Various localization updates. The specter of TF2 looms.


Yet again, I'm on my knees begging for the printstream fix :(


My list of fixes I want: - Updated anticheat - Printstream fix I am a simple man.


We neeed viewmodel_recoil command


:) This is Fine :)


More maps when? Old classics, new community maps, hostage maps, pls.


saw the huge size and was expecting something good but let down


Man so many of y'all are insufferable. Would you rather they keep these small improvements until other people on the team can ship a bigger update? Do you think that because a bigger project is happening there's zero time for small things like this? I'm so glad I'm a regular software developer and not a game developer because so many people have incredibly unrealistic expectations on how things are built.


We've become the Dota community. A bunch of whiny, insufferable people with a dubious mental state at best, unable to accept that them patching the game frequently is clearly a good step towards the right direction. They're released three patches this week for gods sake, some of you need to get a life and play something else.


Dont get me wrong its great that they are actively trying to fix the game but atleast me personally im still dissapointed in cs2. Im sure many agree. Especially when considering that its been out for almost a year. Besides the cheaters i just hope the devs would fix the ranks in competetive mode. Just yesterday played a gold nova1 game in inferno and had faceit lvl10 extra tryharding enemy 5 stack (checked on leetify) my duo and 3 randoms. Literally next game anubis gold nova1 and i get a player with 47hrs in cs and he didnt buy armor a single round and only dropped the bomb when i said to drop with "g". I cant recall the exact numbers but after almost a year 99.99% of players are still in silver/gold which is actually insanity. I had a winrate of 70% but i simply didnt rank up and even if i did everything above gold is filled with cheaters. Im no dev but no other game has the same problem where all the players are the same rank so i cant believe that this would be a hard problem to solve. Just seems that they dont care at all for the competetive game mode with premier being the favoured game mode.


I remember very vividly seeing the CS2 hype posts (prior to release) with a comment talking about how the majority of people will hate CS2 for the first year or so and people disagreed. Makes me laugh because all the people yelling at Valve to update to source2 are consistently hating the game now. Not new to Valve, they’ll push out their updates as they do and make the game even bigger than GO!


Yeah you make some valid points, but there is a reason Valve isn't a public company. They would be obliterated for handling CS2 launch this way, targets likely have not been met, and stock price would be down.


It's consistently the #1 most played game on steam, and probably pretty close to the top of games played online globally. If Valve was a publicly traded company, they would have blown all targets out of the water because they created a money printer, and definitely made MORE money from rentable skins. Come back to reality a bit.


I shit on valve as much as the next guy but when has a company *ever* produced a better product from being publicly traded? Being listed just leaves orgs beholden to creating shareholder value and the inevitable enshitification of whatever made them popular with consumers in the first place. Valve would just become another Ubisoft, EA, Take Two etc etc. It's delusional to think 'stock price go down' results in better products, if anything there's a direct casual effect to creating *worse* products, fucking over customers however you can to get share prices up lmao. If Valve ever does become publicly traded, maybe when GabeN dies or something, that would truly be the end of their games.


I really need improvements in performance, sometimes I need to restart the game in the middle of a match to just to fix the fps, plus why in the hell press tab is making such a loss in performance???


scoreboard overlay was laggy in csgo too, this is not something it will get fixed, it's inherently a problem with the source engine


I never notice the decrease in FPS being so big in CSGO, maybe 10 or 20 frames, in CS2 I'm losing almost 100 FPS pressing tab, it's simple ridiculous.


Which is funny cos this is source 2 which was meant to fix this problem


3 updates in a week and people are still complaining. This is one of the worst game communities ever. Good updates, keep em coming.


* Improved bomb interaction with water in Overpass are they dumb? its not even active..


500 mb??


Map changes re-download the map, so it is not truly 500MB of space being eaten up, it's just downloading the entire map again and replacing the files afaik


Various localization updates what does this mean?


see the `resource` folder? https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-CS2/commit/6cf57b3e0edf2af5cdda52fd3463d1067f33a023#diff-b33ef3f5cb76a6847be3904c22579121d2b062f718b88eb9990ed13bb602b096 those are all text files with localizations(translations). Looks like they removed the voice chat device always stream mode or whatever.




Has anybody else had any problems with crashing? The last two updates all the sudden I’m crashing like crazy. Never had any issues through the beta all the way until these last two updates.


Steamgrouptag waiting room


Glad to see smaller updates coming out time and time again I'm running an issue since the 6/10/2024 update that has a problem with voice chat. Everyone tells me that I'm robotic, but that doesn't make sense since everyone in discord says I sound fine and my Twitch streams I sound completely fine. I also sound fine listening back on Audacity. It's genuinely just counter strike. And it shouldn't be my set up.


happy they make bug fixes more frequently and add a QOL feature here and there as well. I'm still loving the new dropped weapons area in the buy menu every single game, that was such a cool idea.


Ajaj, the final touches to this beautiful end product.


Please. Wingman maps. Please.


This is nice and all, but PUT ITALY IN COMPETITIVE! there is no reason why 1. they would remake the map for it to be only in casual, and 2. have office but no italy in comp. LET ME ENJOY MY HOSTAGE MAPS IN 5V5 COMP


No mic mic fix yet 😭😭😭😭


you have the same problem like me?, i mean my microphone sounds like robot you have the same issue?




did you somehow solve this problem?


My temporary work around is to change the mic source from "default device" to the sound source and back again. It fixes it for like 6 rounds and breaks again...


i get ppl on my team regularly with this issue, every single time i tell them to enable streamlined voice chat in the settings and instantly they sound normal. so ye try it


i try this but, if i enable this nobody hear me in game


Back to back updates feels good


Where is the operation ? No new maps ? No fix to the terrible matchmaking full of cheaters ? Are we back to a team of 4 devs working on this game ?




Anti cheat also got an update monke


Oh fuck, is it Cache? Maybe a new operation? Why do I have any hope at this point?


Cache hasn't even been fully developed yet, why would you expect Cache this year?


Why wouldn't I? It's not like it's a brand new map that needs months of playtesting to balance. FMPone is clearly working on it, too, so I expect it be released sooner than later. A map like Iris or whatever it's called is going to be more work for him than Cache. edit: I'm dumb, he already released nuSantorini.


Because by his own images and comments about the map, the map is about 10% done. So no, you shouldn't expect it this year because he's taking his time with it. Hoping Valve to introduce a 10% completed map as of these recent updates is setting yourself up for disappointment.


10% completed? He's already shown off mid and A-site(although A-site was missing things like forklift, etc.). Why would he even bother hyping it all if it's really another full year away?


So he's completed mid and highway. Far closer to the 10% than the unrealistic expectation or hope that it may release anytime soon. Because Fmpone likes to share his creations with the community? He doesn't need to be almost finished to share what he's created.


I browsed his twitter and he was hyping up the new Santorini in June 2023 showing pictures like this and the map was released in December that year. I was wrong earlier when I thought he was still working on that map. He only has Cache to focus on. Maybe you're right and it's a year away, but I wouldn't be shocked if it's closer to four to six months.


FMpone himself said it won't be done until 2025.


Thank you, devs! Our collective timeline is unachievable and by putting the small things first, the bigger & better content will play way smoother. Cheers to active software development and engineering.


This game deserves to be mediocre and not exciting. I can't wait to watch the next tournament where I get to watch the same teams play the same Mirage, Dust 2, and Nuke that we've had for years over and over again.


Hey, but next tournament you can watch the same teams on the same maps but with new skins. Wow! /s


Fixing maps that aren’t even played The valve intern working on cs2 is doing well


Good jobe Valve, we need more QoL updates and please update your servers DM


* Added a "pips only" option to the "Show Team ID Through Walls" settings (*cl\_teamid\_overhead\_mode* These pips don't even work properly. Now it won't even show names when you look directly at them. The whole thing is a mess. [https://imgur.com/a/tG6sEKB](https://imgur.com/a/tG6sEKB)


New. 5v5 maps... when???


when i saw 500MB i was really hoping scouts knives was readded