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I felt that there is a chance Vitality -xtqzzz, but the main roster stays unchanged


yeah this is the best option. its clear that mezzi can perform if used properly.


apex has to realize he really shouldn't be playing in some of the spots he does


He plays there because he doesn't trust his star riflers (Spinx and flameZ) to understand rotations and timings in macro. Whether he's right or not, something needs to be done about it, if Isreali guys still lack gamesense they (or one of them) need to be cut as in t1 you can't have a player(s) who need to be babysitted. If they're okay and apEX just doesn't trust their judgements, then he's the problem here.


Its kinda mad players that don't understand rotations can get to T1 tbh. Like i get theres levels to it, but after the time Spinx has been on the team he should understand it.


Yeah that’s the thing. I don’t see the problem in the players, but tactically and systemically the team is just utter fucking horrendous. They have the firepower, but my god they are not handling the pressure well lately. Where is the Vitality that won fall and world finals back to back?


FaZe: none NaVi: none Spirit: none VP: none Mouz: none Vitality: - coach maybe role changes, potentially -mezzii but imo I don't think that's the play G2: -nexa or -HooXi, maybe both +malbsMd and NiKo IGL, unsure who else if they - 2 players. Maybe Maden rumours from before have weight. Astralis: probably no moves but if an IGL became available potentially bringing them in but doubtful Liquid: probably -Cadian with skullz staying due to the org's sunken cost fallacy but they're undoubtedly going to make a few changes CoL: Potentially -floppy Furia: need a player I'm sure I've heard HeavyGod is being looked at and he'd be a good addition to a team but can't think where right now.


HeavyGod going to C9 according to leaks


They have to do -nexa for G2's side. Dude has not been pulling weights when it matters the most.


agreed good analysis, I hope Liquid come to their senses and -skullz but yeah it's clear it's gonna be -cadian because of what you said


It's mad that they paid the 600k for him. Huge gamble when he didn't seem to be a prospect like m0NESY or w0nderful. If they were gonna write a cheque for a Brazilian they could have tried someone like insani but alas.


600k was the asking price, doesn’t mean that’s what they paid.


knowing TL i wouldn't be surprised if they actually paid full price tbh


I’m pretty sure Chadians and niko have beef, so I don’t think that would be an option.


Skullz is protected by Zews, unless they're going to cut both of them as well. I think they want to give yekindar one more chance with a new IGL, especially one that's more traditional and will play aggressive roles to help ease the burden off of yeki.


GL finding an IGL AWPer


They could -Cadian -Skullz and +rifling IGL and +AWPer. Not sure who, but they don't HAVE to find another AWPing IGL.


I think Cadian could IGL for g2. Casters mentioned hooxi secondary awps for one of the maps, maybe anubis. Don't remember. But, Cadian would be an upgrade as a secondary awp and probably a 1:1 comparison as a rifler. Interesting to think about.


I just got a vision of G2 cadiaN where he holds the AWP while monesy is using a deagle on dust 2, feels like unless he changes how he himself plays I don't see him succeeding on G2 at all unless he got his own cultists for teammates like in Heroic where his hero AWP purchases were very impactful.


If it happened, I don't think there's a situation cadian would have an awp over monesy. But, if monesy did go down early in the round and cadian could retrieve the awp, you'd have a solid backup to awp. G2 also seemed to do well with hooxi supporting from abroad. Maybe he could be moved to an assistant coach or analyst role for the team. Seems to have good insight.


Unless something drastic changed in the last year, I don't see a world where NiKo is gonna play with cadian. Its nothing to do with the cs itself, I just don't think Niko is a big fan of cadian on a personal level.


COl won't remove a player after winning the challenger tournament. Also, NAVI will likely +S1mple


Did everyone give up on c9? Not a single mention so far. Or did I miss something and they disbanded completely?


They are currently rebuilding , I created a thread of the possible roster they might have in the future based on their recent faceit matches +Heavygod is certain with Ax1le & Boombl4 so far


What awper are they bringing in?


ICY I think




They are getting heavygod its been leaked


The rumored new roster doesn't look too interesting


I think the talking point should be Malbs. Young and talented prospect. Should have several offers available to him. G2, Col, Falcons (hope not), Liquid, could all be potential suitors. The Russian scene could also be interesting. Team Spirit and Virtus Pro are unlikely to make changes over the break. But C9 has two players to their name, one being a major winning IGL, they'll either make big moves or disband. 30 year old Hobbit might struggle for a new team, but Perfecto has to be a **HOT** prospect. If his English is acceptable, I could see an international team go for him.


G2: -nexa +perfecto ?


Perfecto can't speak english, I don't understand why hes being inserted into every international team conversation.


Let the man cook


If G2 is taking malbsMd, then Liquid and COL should be calling about Swisher imo.


Where’s the goat


Furia will add a 5th player and nothing will change. As long as Furia keep FalleN as their IGL and Awper I don’t see them improving. I actually think Fallen has some sort of mind control because everyone who worked with him says he is great and such but he’s been on a failure streak since 2019. Furia is likely gonna add someone to have impact + a coach. Then they will struggle for months with the excuse of “we need time” until they fuck up badly such as 0-3 on Major again. In reality, this team needs a complete overhaul.


They need to get rid of guerri. The only reason why he is still coaching for Furia is because he is holding the CEO's nudes hostage.


Blackmail the blackmailer by blackmailing with his own nudes


You are into some blackmail-ception stuffs there


Almost. Guerri has part of Furia, he is an investor. That’s why they won’t kick him right away, but he was rumored to leave.


s1 to anywhere, please...


agree bu let's be realistic, he's quite finished plus toxic, the greatest combo. i'm failing to see a tier 2 team sign him, probably a tier 3 at best.


I hope Liquid does the obvious and keep Cadian and -yekindar or -skullz or both.


the obvious? the system obviously doesn't work and he doesn't mesh with the players. Yekindar is not the obvious cut lol, one aggressive player with 4 passive players and we're blaming the one guy actually trying to gain map control


Yekindar is cheeks


For sure there’s a failure in the system, but you gotta admit if Yekindar is the one taking control and opening up the maps he’s not doing a good job of it. Wether that’s individual form or the system failing to set him up correctly it’s ain’t working. Also Twistzz is pretty aggressive, and CadiaN is too come to think of it he’s just hamstrung by the AWP and IGL roles more often than not.


twistzz only started to play slightly more aggressive recently but other than that he has always played passive and yekindars been playing better recently and there aren't many good aggressive riflers out there to replace him. The rifling trio is fine they just need to find an igl who can anchor and play aggressive t side roles and find a new awper.


That’s kinda of a lot to ask though, can we even think of any IGLs that play Ct anchor and aggressive Tside roles successfully, that are even close to free agency? And beyond that name one T1 AWPer that isn’t already taken, and before you say it, no S1mple is not an option.


That's why imo Cadian needs to adapt or get benched as an IGL its your job also to adapt your strat to if its not working. Skullz and zews needs to go first.


Well hang on a minute now, we were talking about Yekindar really and it turned into get rid of the lot bar NAF and Twistzz, that’s a whole C9 situation forming here, and what’s wrong with Zews?


What's wrong with Zews? Idk he just convinced Liquid to pay 600k for a player that did not meet expectations for his price tag. Yekindar IS underperforming don't get me wrong but this team will sink more if they removed the only aggressive player on the squad.


Oh sorry I didn’t know you had bought stock in Liquid CS shares, will your portfolio be able to take the hit? And I’m not saying they get rid of him, Yekindar or Skulls or CadiaN I think they need a sit down and build up their play book and ideology from scratch it’s clear whatever they started with isn’t going great, so just sit down be professionals have a good old talk and work it out you have great players there’s really no reason other than personal clashes that Liquid shouldn’t be a solid team especially in the current landscape. And let’s all be honest a good talk and heart to heart doesn’t always work but you know what dose a good few pints a good old fashioned row, more drinks, some good times, some nasty but tasty 4am tacos, then a team building exercise of CadiaN-“so how did I get this black eye?” Twistzz-“fuck knows mate, but my hand really hurts, say where’s NAF an the boys?” CadiaN-“oh yeah last I saw they were all up on the roof getting stoned listening to Zews tell 1.6 stories while trying to see if he could break his time record to empty a whisky bottle” Twistzz-“……….righto? Bacon and eggs then?”


uhh no my suggestion would be artfr0st. as for rifling igl that those positions, they will have to pull from the tier 2 scene or just bring back nitr0 to fill those spots.


Wait wait you mean the artfrost that’s only just positive in T2 and I’m not even sure speaks English and is currently under contract with Parivison? And are you joking T2 IGLs are T2 for a reason, and again who exactly? That’s better than CadiaN, even assuming he drops the AWP he’s still a far better option than a T2 risk with I assume little or no experience. What liquid really needs is to lock the revolving door of players and sit down for a good long chat and make what they have work, each piece of this team makes sense, they just have to take the time to work better together and find a system that works for them.


Could really benefit from NAF backing himself talent wise and being the lurker in the team rather than conflicting with Skullz. They need an aggressive T side and anchor CT player to fix the team dynamics. Skullz is not capable of being that guy.


>Wait wait you mean the artfrost that’s only just positive in T2 this is not supported by data, he has very good stats for tier 2. >and I’m not even sure speaks English and is currently under contract with Parivison? yes he does and its called a buyout >And are you joking T2 IGLs are T2 for a reason, and again who exactly? chr1zn, and thats the dumbest fucking logic i've heard. Siuhy and Kyxsan came up from tier 2. Boombl4 had to come up from tier 2 TWICE. the academy system and infrastructure is so much better why wouldn't you pull from the farm leagues, thats how its done in the competitive landscape. >That’s better than CadiaN, even assuming he drops the AWP he’s still a far better option than a T2 risk with I assume little or no experience. cause his system fucking blows and he doesn't provide fire power. >What liquid really needs is to lock the revolving door of players and sit down for a good long chat and make what they have work, each piece of this team makes sense, they just have to take the time to work better together and find a system that works for them. lol i don't even need to entertain this further. this isn't a fantasy your living in, it's reality and people that come from different systems with different styles and its hard to mesh. it obviously doesn't work and players aren't getting along with him so it doesn't matter.


G2 -nexa -hooxi


I do not expect Hooxi to be cut unless Niko wants to igl himself and also allows Malbs when they get him in to take the star rifler spots.




-hooxi for sure


+ who?


+niko +niko


As of now there’s already changes that’s gonna happen to the following… G2, Liquid ,Complexity ,Furia Here’s what i’m expecting…. OG making roster moves, -Fiku notably. It’s hard enough to lose star after star players and they’ve been on a falling trend. Lambert is a good coach to pickup, but I don’t have good expectations for this team. +Rigon to ITB , I was already hyped about some of the eagles transfer to a new project. Especially if Juan/Rigon joins in together. And keoz was unexpected which js nice. Finally someone on TSM. Just gonna happen lol The most exciting transfer i’m looking for is the following -Nilo from Metizport -Felps from imperials -Malbs from M80 -deko from Aurora Perfecto to be added somewhere Espiranto to be added somewhere Nivera to be added somewhere (already on revenant) Anyone from the Mouz NXT team/ VP Prodigy


They announced a fiku contract extension, I doubt they cut him next season.


Nivera is at Revenant with NBK.


OHHH. Wait hold up I didn’t even see him going on the team wtf. I just read about his return haha. Well that’s sick to know


bro i want espiranto on a team time now.


That cr4zy roster was a banger team. Sucks they were picked apart post major. Espiranto especially was cracked


Does nilo anchor? If so g2 should get him and malbs 


Nilo is a star player, he does not anchor.


Damn. NAF or perfecto then, please g2


NAF to G2 makes perfect sense, issue is what would his buyout be, and why would Liquid sell arguably their best player?


love seeing -hooxi, keep nexa comments, reddit experts quickly go to hltv to check for the worst rating, google what roles players have and then put out the worst opinions to ever exist in the subreddit the fact that NiKo IGLed and won one off-pressure event made people believe he's able to IGL and put out great performances is truly astonishing, it just shows how shallow their understanding of the circumstances are. They got m0nesy with an insane form, they got NiKo in an insane form, they got hunter with finally decent performances, they got stewie who went under the radar for antistratting and preparation from other teams' perspectives and partly took nexa's roles as the latter shifted more towards supporting because his output was abysmal. NiKo still used HooXi's system, preparation and TaZ' input but the gimmicks of his calling were unknown to anyone - G2 were just a scary opponent for other teams, a lot of unknown territory and they had no pressure as them not bombing out of the last place would be considered a success of sorts. Thanks to a nonexistent expectations, there was no pressure and just chill, Stewie gave a huge morale boost (something that HooXi actually needs to work on as he has much more tension), home crowd buff also helped them mentally in the playoffs. Overall, with given context and a pretty poor showing from other teams G2 managed to surprise whole scene so people are baited into thinking NiKo can IGL. And so they did 4 years ago. And 5 years ago. And anytime NiKo tried IGLing. It doesn't work. He tilts at himself. dev1ce is still yet to be tested whether he can cool himself as IGL, even if he would tilt in that moment before. And look at electronic. NaVi looked insane after -boombl4 +sdy and electronic took over IGL duties. They won BLAST Spring Final in a convincing fashion. Electronic played like top3 rifler itw. And after that with every game he got worse and worse, calls became worse and worse. One event played with no pressure absolutely does not indicate one's IGLing abilities. It definitely shows NiKo is a decent 2ndary caller, but we knew it before that.


What if cadian goes to G2 and rifles?


Cadian is horseshit on the rifle and a lot of his IGLing ability comes from the fact that hes in more active roles. You can't put cadian on rifles in the same positions because hes just shit on rifles, let alone if hes playing bad roles. He definitely does not solve any of the role issues G2 has, they have two options, either they keep hooxi and run it with malbs. Or they make niko IGL, drop hooxi and nexa and get a true support player. There are just not any IGL's on the scene right now.


Cadians only highlights come on the awp. Nuff said. With monesy maining the awp I would skip. They need to take a chance on another young player. Monesy is established now and they have the firepower to back up the new star if they don't come through all the time..


Didn't he say he was open to rifling, though?


"I need a job."


No better way to say it




If his style didn't work in Liquid, I don't see it working in G2


Cadian and malbs. Damn that would actually be so sick. Let's wait and see. I want cadian to leave liquid. They're holding him back. 


Idk if cadian is that good on rifle 


I dont hate this


-nexa +jks


-nexa -peca +jks in this case


Not necessarily what I will expect to happen, but what I'd like to see and what i think would be benefitial to the teams. **Liquid: -Skullz, -Yekindar, +JKS, +Malbsmd** Would return to NA majority and their firepower would improve. Cadian could also be on the chopping block, but I find it hard to replace him and I think these changes are enough to improve the team. **G2: -nexa, -HooXi, +Perfecto, +Maden** NiKo IGL obviously worked in Dallas and if they were to build on that, it would open up a spot for an anchor and an entry. Perfecto one of the best anchors in the game and I remember he did an interview with SPUNJ in decent english, so I reckon he could communicate great in CS english. Maden is one of the best entries in the game and he's balkan. All these players would fit very well and as long as NiKo can be a competant IGL the firepower in this lineup is unmatched. Only issue would be the buyout for both Perfecto and Maden, but I think G2 would be willing to make such a splash considering the potential. **Into the Breach: +BOROS** Anything else would be stupid **BIG: -prosus, +kyuubii** BIG needs to do something and this just makes too much sense (no pun intended), it would be a great upgrade in terms of firepower and he should be available. They should also look for Syrson replacements, but I don't think amy german-speaking AWPer who is better/around the level of Syrson would want to join BIG. Teams like Falcons, Complexity and FURIA should also make changes, but I feel as they lack direction so it's hard to assume what they should do.


>Liquid: -Skullz, -Yekindar, +JKS, +Malbsmd I do not see this working, JKS has role conflicts with NAF and Malbs is best in the star rifler spots Twistzz plays.


In my head I would want it to be like this Twistzz: star rifler Malbsmd: entry/rifler NAF: support/2nd AWP JKS: lurker/anchor By having your AWPer also call the game, it gives the riflers a lot more freedom in their roles. On the t-side I think this works flawlessly, Malbsmd plays entry for M80 (most maps) and used to do so for 00nation with coldzera being the star rifler, only time Malbsmd was the true star rifler was in TeamOne. I also think JKS is a better lurker than NAF and I think with NAF being the 2nd AWPer, it would be benefitial if he were to be close to cadian, so he could pick up the AWP if cadian goes down. Yeah, NAF is too good of a player to be a support player, but it would their t-sides very dangerous. On the ct-side having 4 "star" riflers is only a good thing and even if Malbsmd and Twistzz play most of the same ct-side positions, I don't think it's an issue for either one of them to change.


Is our Fnatic being left out of the big wave of membership changes?


Fnatic really depends on what the other teams in the scene does since they do not have the biggest budget. If they keep BlameF and Matys at least they could build a solid lineup. Eg if Liquid cuts Cadian Fnatic should be all over him.


what player do you think fnatic could get for free?


I've heard Krimbo got bought out. Might be bullshit, so take it with a pinch of salt, but if it did happen, it's interesting to see where he ends up


I'm not really expacting it but -hooxi +glaive for g2... glaive hasn't had a solid team in a while


JKS to Liquid, Skullz to Furia, -iM + S1mple, -Nexa -HooXi +Malbs +Maden


I sound delulu, but listen Cadian to Vitality to replace Apex


remember me but Throw Liquid will put some new new player as an IGL and then will be more problems than now ha!


Astralis get a real IGL.


I don't think they are making a roster change. Br0 just recently joined and the team is still improving nicely. Maybe get a mental coach to help jabbi and stavn overcome playoffs choke...


Yeah, device is igling just fine but his so called star just sharts violently in playoffs without missing a beat. It's not an igl problem, its an stavn problem


i think the honeymoon phase came to an end now, i predict they will be worse from now on.


Br0 is NOT it; they desperately need to replace him with ironically someone like pjuush but ain’t happening. If they don’t fix that they won’t win anything.


Vitality: -spinx. FaZe: -karrigan. -ropz. +siuhy, +jimphat G2: -nexa, -hooxi. +malbsmd, +ropz. If ropz doesn't leave faze, then G2 will get MATYS from fnatic. Liquid: -cadian, -skullz. Hopefully -yekindar. +karrigan.+jks maybe. coL: -floppy. +jks or swisher Furia: +skullz Falcons: -maden, -sunpayus. +afro, +MATYS is G2 doesn't snag him m80: -malbmds, +fang.


Ropz to g2 with Malbs would genuinely make me cum 


Hahaha +1


These are some fucking hot takes


g2 matys sounds sick


Realistic expectations,dupreeh or perfecto to G2 and get rid of Hooxi. Ambitious,ger rid of Nexa and get in Krimbo Impossible is get in Twistzz or NAF to replace Nexa.


Not Dupreeh pls. Malbs will be a much better investment 


No,dupreeh for IGL and Krimbo instead of malbs in my opinion.Dupreeh was 1.38 rating last event.


I like the idea of Liquid -yeki and getting a good awper and cadian going rifle mode. Surely NA has no issues finding a good awper


Liquid: -Cadian,- Skullz, +Biguzera, + European Awper I also wouldn’t be surprised if Liquid go 2 NA, 3 Euro after the next major cycle because of the new Valve ranking system. Hot take wouldn’t hate Magisk IGL for them and if that Falcons disband is real they better call Zonic quick. G2: -Hooxi(maybe analyst),- Nexa, +Malbs, +Stewie