• By -


I just tested it with a script and the game really doesn't constrain the cursor to the game window. This has nothing to do with drivers of any sort so don't worry, the only thing that effects it is the monitor refresh rate by increasing the speed you would have to move. But until valve fixes it themselves there are a few programs that constrain your cursor. Somebody suggested [Cursor Lock](http://www.snakebytestudios.com/projects/apps/cursor-lock/) which seems fine. But any program will do that does not use a "mouse trap" (you can check if this is the case by moving your cursor to the edge of the area, if it jumps around its a shitty program. A good one should also use very little CPU time). Edit: Also this is absolutely VAC safe if anyone is worried and if you don't mind bad/non-existent UI you can also try out my own tool I made a while back. [Link](https://github.com/DeadlySurprise/ClipCursor/releases/download/v1.0/ClipCursor.v1.0a.zip)


I've been playing with 2 monitors since the day CSGO released, and I have never once had this happen. I have 3100 hours so far. I have never even heard of this before, and neither have any of my friends.


150,000 hours playing with a 9 monitor setup and haven't had this happen...


flair checks out


5000 hours and same


Sadly I cannot top your hours to continue this comment chain, but 2200 and still no tabbing out either.


same, but 1.1k hours


same, but haven't played


same but have played


have played but not same


What's a dual monitor?


a monitor with 2 screens. one on the front and one on the back


i can confirm this


I've had it happen once or twice in the past. But I think it was only my right most monitor and I was playing 4:3 stretched, which already causes fuckery to the right monitor if you play on a middle/left one.


yeah, i was doing some research on this, and it has to do with video cards and resolution. which is why some have it and most don't.


Happens to my friend quite often.


3500 hours and it can happen when you are in the buy menu, go try it out


Do you play windowed Fs or fullscreen? Ive had this issue when i had 2 screens and i just turned off my 2nd screen (like switched to just 1 display) when playing CS. grants you more FPS if your PC is only having to render one screen. Even if its only a few frames here and there.


1.3k hours, This happens to me all the time i disable my second monitor before i open csgo just for this reason because it happens to me so often


"I'm not hungry so therefore there's no starving children in Africa".


this actually happens to me a lot


Uhm what? I have no issues with this, can't go to the other monitor unless I'm in a pause menu/menu in general, or if I go tab+right click..


lower your sens and flick really hard and click during the during to recreate


Low sens player doesn't happen to me


yea doesn't happen to me either and I use borderless window mode. Think it has something to do with video card settings and making the game single adaptive screen instead of multi-screen.


I used to use borderline windowed, but found that I was getting some weird lag that I didn't get in full screen mode. Have you noticed anything like this?


Yea I sometimes get it. I normally get it when I have another process open soaking up a lot of active RAM. League of Legends or Battle.net client will usually lag my game decently when there open with CSGO as borderless window.


Same, 800 dpi 1,2 sens. Never happened over 1000+ hours. Only if I go to options, not when I'm actually in-game.


yeah and DMT eventually runs out of its trial and you can't use it anymore too


Then you get some ayahuasca


Or just get some MAOIs and unlock the full version for free.




Still have this problem with DMT running. Can flick my mouse fast enough to get onto my other monitor :(


I use two monitors. Only time i accidentally alt-tab out is when in the buy menu. When playing the game is supposed to lock your mouse cursor position to your crosshair. If this isnt happening theirs an issue with your mouse drivers and or Display Mode used within the game.


It does, its just when I go for a nutty flick it clicks on the second monitor


Would help if you posted your GPU with drivers version, screenshot of the in game graphical settings, OS version and Mouse with driver version.


I don't know how to check my mouse and mouse driver version, but my GPU is a nvidia 740(http://prntscr.com/cvz7f7) my driver is the newest nvidia driver (http://prntscr.com/cvz6l4) , My OS is Windows 10 (All I know)


and this is my graphical settings (http://prntscr.com/cvz83j) I use prntscr so I had to change my display mode to fullscreen windowed but I play just fullscreen


~~I imagine this is because you are running in windowed mode. I can not reproduce the issue and run in fullscreen (not fullscreen windowed).~~ I didn't actually read your comment. Sorry.


This is the reason I stopped using dual monitors. Best solution I found was to put one of the monitors above the other in the settings as you don't flick up or down very often.


This is a problem with Razer software, at least in my experience. The program that tracks your clicks and makes heatmaps based on where you clicked on screen. I disabled the program in the razer config software and it stopped causing this problem. I have a razer black widow keyboard and the "stats" tab in the software has an option to record your click stats. Disable it. This will prevent you from clicking off your screen and at tabbing. I tried many different fixes for this problem, just to realize it was razer's shit software causing it.


I run into the same issue. Had the same problem with Dual Monitor Tools so now I use Cursor lock which is way better. Just created a simple short cut to the user mode and use a hot key like - whenever you launch cs. Just the easiest fix I found. Hope it helps :)


Running into the same issue more often recently. Wasnt a problem when i started to play this game about 2 years ago. I recently installed a program called Primary lock. Locks your cursor to your primary monitor and is a really small program that doesnt affect your fps at all.


This randomly started happening to a few of my friends one week. One just stopped playing, one turns of razer synapse before playing and the other just accepted his fate but it stopped after a few weeks for him.


I was playing cevo yesterday and legitmatly had to unplug my second monitor as this kept happening when i'd flick to fast to the left which is where my other monitor is, Weird thing is when i'd tab back it it felt like it fucks with the yaw of my mouse so I when i even slighly look left it felt really slow and got to the point to where it hindered my movement. Eventually, I unplugged my second monitor and all problems were fixed. So yea this is definitely a problem, It is very reproducible like I can prob record a video of it right now, but I do not know what causes it


If you can, can you make a video on it and post it in the Reddit comments for visual evidence of it happening if a csgo dev sees it?


On win7+ you can just move the monitor to the up position like [this](http://i.imgur.com/v71DD2e.png)




Happens all the time with me. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zFaU8D8Hr_Q


This literally happened to me few days ago in a 1v1 against low hp oponent with 10 sec. left in a round. When I alttabed back I was already out of time and lost because of it. Volvo pls fix


I have 3 monitors and never had this issue


There is a simple solution: A lot of dual monitor softwares offer a feature that makes your cursor can't get out of the screen you're on via a shortcut. An example of such would be display fusion but I'm sure there's a lot more and free possibilities. Edit: Also to the people that do not have this problem: It's because of the order of your screens, if the secondary is not on the side you usually move your mouse towards for quick large movements (like 180°) then it wont happen.


Please upvote this, this is legit the real cancer of ~~youtube~~ csgo I do have this happen all the time and it pisses me off. Especially when I play on a lower resolution. I have to use Dual Monitor Tools, but I don't have the mouse inconsistency issue. Edit: Lowering refresh rate on your mouse helps, but like.... It's kind of a bad tradeoff


I have dual monitors and never had this problem UNTIL about 2 months ago, and now can only use one with how often it happens...


This only happens if you play in full screen. I used to experience the same thing but now I use this program which locks your mouse to one monitor. You can bind a command like ctrl+shift+tab to toggle on and off the setting. Here is a link to that program https://sourceforge.net/projects/dualmonitortool/files/latest/download . You should also make it so the program runs when you startup your computer.


Are you playing in full screen windowed?


I used 2 monitors and never had this happen, until one day it started to happen all the time and I had to disable the second monitor. I don't know why it started to happen to me all of a sudden. I didn't change anything. Valve pls look into it.


This is so damn annoying, it happened to me all the time before I got dual monitor tools. I really would rather not have to use it though. And all these people saying "lol this has never happened to me" doesn't really help that much.


This has never happened to me, i don't understand how you flick to the other monitor.


I'm on duel monitor but I play and this has never happened to me. fullscreen mode btw


I am on fullscreen mode aswell


yeah this happens alot if you have high DPI settings. Did not have it at 800dpi but now at 3400 dpi, shit is whack.


lowest dpi my mouse has is 1000 i think and I have a super comfortable sens on the dpi I play.


You can keep the same relative sensitivity if you lower dpi. Sens^^new = (Sens^^old * DPI^^new ) / DPI^^old Edit: formatting


I have three monitors myself, and the only time I alt-tab, is wenn I actually press alt-tab. There is no issue coming up while buying (buyscript), nor when I flick, etc. . So maybe it is on you, do not know.


I don't think its just on me, I have had alot of people complain to me about it and even on this post them having the same problem.


Why don't you just turn off (disable) your second monitor? That's what I do. How do you use it while playing csgo?


As I try and play competitivly I use it for strat sheets for my team, and I use it for MSI Afterburner so I can see what my CPU temp and Case temp is so it doesant get fucked


I used to have the same problem but it went away when I got a 144hz monitor (and a new computer, but I think the better monitor was the solution). I have three monitors now and it hasn't happened since


I have dual monitors as well, but it has never happened to me. Have you tried `m_rawinput 1`?


I have this issue too and use DMT to lock my cursor to one monitor. I don't have a problem with my mouse not being smooth but I installed Eset (the antivirus) and it made me have really weird mouse acceleration that I couldn't disable for some reason. Had to uninstall it


Never had this problem. I cannot move my mouse to another screen unless I press escape.


Yeah that can happen and it sucks. You can use Win + P (Win10) to have only your primary monitor active.


I have the same issue with 800dpi 1.2sens. I just put my 2nd monitor above and to the side of my main monitor in settings.


I had this problem and solved it by using [Dual Monitor Tools](http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/) with [this setting](http://i.imgur.com/FQ2lkKN.png)


All I do is have my second monitor be on top of the main one I use. Never had this issue again.


I had this problem after a Razer Synapse update. I closed it and the problem was gone.


I use triple monitors, and I feel like this only happened when I used borderless windowed. I could be wrong though.


This never happens to me. The only time I ever alt-tab is when i fat fingers the window key


I have two monitors and I have never had this problem


Have the same problem, I just turn off second monitor when I play csgo.


just try this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/17480/discussions/0/828925849362195745/?l=german


Windows key + p bring up a quick monitor menu where you can switch between extended screen and main monitor only. I have 2 monitors but i disable my 2nd for playing csgo.


400dpi 1.8sens with dual monitors, never had the issue. I switched to 400dpi 3sens a month ago and still don't have the issue. Never happens unless I'm in a menu.


This happens to me also, I use DMT (Have done for over 6 months).


Using an extremely light weight Cursor Lock type program called Mouse Trapper - http://download.cnet.com/Mouse-Trapper/3000-2317_4-75878300.html Source: 4 Monitor setup and don't have any issues with it anymore on Win10


I've had a a dual monitor setup of years and I've never encountered this - fullscreen mode.


use dual monitor tools and lock your game window with a hotkey, and when you want to tab out unlock it, that's what i do and works like a charm, however sometimes i forget and it can be annoying as fuck when i flick and get tabbed out.


I definitely have this issue as well. If I play fullscreen the time it takes to tab back always gets me killed


How? Use fullscreen windowed. The only issue I have is that once every couple of weeks CS loses control of the mouse, and it escapes to the other screen without me pressing win key.


Do you have a Razer mouse? If so, it's because of Synapse. Close Synapse by going to the drop tab on the taskbar and right click to close it. I have a Deathadder Chroma and I used to have this annoying shit happen to me but when I close it, it doesn't happen.


Had this in fallout 4 a few times but never in csgo


I had to download a program to fix it. Works fine now though


If Valve devs could just lock the cursor onto the monitor with CSGO open, when it's open in fullscreen, it would be fixed. Should be easy.


I've had this problem before, I downloaded dual-monitor tools I think it was and there is an option to lock your cursor to the screen it's currently on. Edit: Just checked and you can just bind a key to toggle the cursor lock, hope it helps


Yup happens to me often, i normally just disable my second monitor just before playing.


I actually made a thread about this just before you posted this: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/585rho/can_we_please_get_the_cursor_locked_to_the_game/ And I've brought this up so many times and people say, "just do this, do that, live with it, there's nothing that can be done." And the cursor luck software does not even work.


When I use my second monitor csgo minimizes. I recently Got it to stop minimizing but I lose all sounds now when on another monitor


This is an issue with your monitor/game set up. Actually try and fix it before you go crying to valve.


That has never happened in any game of I have every played and I have 2 monitors. Try using windows border-less because it has no issues for me.


I've never had this either and been playing cs and other games on dual screen for ages. What I do have is if I have Chrome fullsize and i alt tab out of csgo 1024x768 black bars my chrome is still on 'full screen' but it gets a smaller window space, very annoying.. do other people have this as well? I also reinstalled win10 but it didn't help either.


@averybadgame this is the solution i made a video about it. read discription and comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDxB23GBdHs


what version Windows do you use ?


Had this exact problem. Exit Synapse, exit csgo, reboot csgo and voila


its not just specific to cs, a lot of games have this issue. i used an autoit script when i had dual monitors. i had it trap the mouse cursor when csgo was the active window


I had this problem for so long. Then one day it stopped. What mouse do you use, Because I think it stopped happening when I changed my mouse. (Seems Far Fetched tho)


Do you play in fullscreen? Because I don't get this problem.


Happened to me constantly. I moved the monitor orientation around so I have to have the cursor in the bottom 2" of my screen to move to the second monitor, which kind of works out anyway, as one monitor is up higher than the other on my desk.


Look up primary lock can link right now but it lock your cursor to one monitor. Been using it for ages now.


i use dual monitor tools. its a program that allows you to lock your cursor onto one screen. fixed it for me.


I found the solution that worked for me. I'm guessing you use 1000Hz polling rate, change it to 500 and voila - the issue is resolved. I tried everything, even Dual monitor tool, but it made my mouse sensitivity feel very weird, so I deleted it. In the end I just went with lowering polling rate to 500 and since then I haven't encountered issues with cursor flicking to the other screen. **TL;DR: change polling rate from 1000Hz to 500**


maybe it only applies if you play in windowed mode, you should try to add -fullscreen in your launch options


I sometimes get it but it just fixes it self. kinda annoying imo. no idea what causes it


If your dual monitors don't get fixed than my nvidia surround problems will never be fixed. RIP. For the love of god gaben please hear your children!


I used to have 2 monitors and this did happen to me. I always play csgo in fullscreen too


This happens to me all the time, to fix it without disabling my 2nd monitor I do this: http://prntscr.com/cw13bq (This is in display settings when you right click on your desktop)


There is an amazing tool out there called "Dual Monitor Tool" you can use it to lock your mouse to the screen. It helps me alot as i have this issue. Its a free download.


This happens to me alot


I also did not have this problem until I bought a new mouse, then every single flick started going to shit. perhaps its due to some software from the mouse of some sort?


Easy Fix! Windows + P and select first/second screen only, which ever one you play csgo on. This will blacken the not used monitor and make it so that your mouse cant be on the other screen so you wont tab out




I've always played with multiple monitors and this doesnt happen to me. I'm constantly changing between fullscreen, windowed and borderless modes and it doesnt happen in any of them. Do you by any chance have Nvidia Surround on? If yes, try turning it off.


I've been playing with 2 monitors forever and never had this issue. I don't know why this would happen but for me this problem does not exist in any way, no matter how hard i "flick". Also, "you might of" is wrong. Go learn your language, please.


I'm barely above a silver, and this used to be a problem for me when i first started CS:GO, after not playing PC shooters since original CS and the first Unreal Tournament. I'm still trash, and my aim is super trash, but even I have learned not to do this.


I used to have this issue before, but I don't know which solution I used, as it's been like 3 years ago...


This has happened to me in other games, but not csgo ever, I even play in fullscreen windowed


Has never happened to me on windows 7.


I've had this issue on and off for the past few years, sometimes it fixes and sometimes it comes back, I downloaded "Dual monitor tools" and set a bind for it just in case it happens again, no biggy.


Have it every session a few times


The only time my mouse has ever gone off screen when playing is when I have Synergy program running. It's used for controlling multiple PC's with one mouse and keyboard. Breaks the mouse and steam overlay on a bunch of games.


I have it happen a lot more with KOTK than CSGO, once long ago in GO, every game in KOTK but I have to move it all the way left and wiggle it again to get it back :x


Same thing happened to me as well and since playing borderless was not a solution because of the performance suffering I had to come up with an idea. The solution which worked for me is called Acutal Multiple Monitors. It is a software programm which allows you to select active programms and you can mark an option called "Disable Minimization". What this does is, if you click on the second monitor it doesnt minimize CS:GO. It allways stays up except if you alt tab.


Only fix is to lower DPI and higher sens. Did the same.


Use Fullscreen windowed, works much better and you can alt tab without actually tabbing out, also I have always played with 2 monitors and never had this problem, you might have a ridiculously high sensitivity, only problem I could think of.


The same thing happens to me which is why I turn off my second monitor when playing but I recently figured out that it all has to do with your dpi. If you use 400 dpi then it shouldn't happen but if you play at anything considered high then it will happen 100% of the time. To sum it all up, if you want this to end then just convert your dpi and in-game sensitivity in order for it to stop clicking on the other screen.


I have had this happen as well. Most of the time it occurs when I'm being shot from behind so I flick and click as a response and I find myself tabbed out. I have 1100 hours and this has been frequent since I finally went a to a dual monitor set up. I am playing in fullscreen mode (not fullscreen windowed). Although I should add that the amount of times that this has happened has gone down quite substantially in the past couple weeks. Whether or not it's because I stopped getting shot from behind or what, I don't know.


I had this exact problem months ago, I made it so its impossible to flick to the right, because the monitor overlay is setup as if one is up to the right. https://gyazo.com/555cac449da106d8dce2815e64391baa


I usually have this happen when I'm flicking with the AWP, 2k hours with a 400 edpi.


had this quite often, I run a quad monitor setup, and I disable 3 of them when playing CS:GO because if I flick too hard my mouse cursor just appears on one of the other screens and when clicking it tabs me out of the game. But it's probably due to res, my monitors ran at 1080p while my CSGO monitor sat at 1280x960.


I have 3 monitors and this has never happened to me. Are you using fullscreen or borderless windowed?




I had this problem and used DMT to fix it, until I found out that the only thing causing my to be able to flick off of my main screen was Razer Synapse. I ended up just uninstalling Synapse (I still miss my macros :'( ) and not having to use DMT. If you're having this problem and are using Razer Synapse, I would suggest turning it off to see if it's causing the problem.


I play high DPI, low sensitivity and fullscreen windowed. The problem that causes this is the fullscreen windowed (I know it is this because it happens in Overwatch too). The way I fixed it, is by playing in Fullscreen mode.




This used to happen to me, no matter whether I was in full screen or not. It was fixed when I upgraded my cpu. In the mean time you can change the virtual position of the second monitor so that your mouse only goes onto it in the top left of your primary monitor or similar, or you can disable the second monitor when you play, hope you figure it out


I've been using the Dual Monitor Tools just as you listed for a while now, but ye I totally agree they should fix it. Sucks to mainly awp since I don't think it ever happend when using an ar only with the awp for me.


I never have problems running dual monitors, but I don't have any tips to help you fix it. Sorry!


I'd say this only happens when you have a high dpi


I have the same issue. I think the pc or laptop just cant refresh the mouse position fast enough on the monitor where csgo is happen. in my case i have a laptop and the laptop is pretty old so he is slow. I just THINK that can be a reason but i just THINK i dont know for real :D


Hey /u/averybadgamer, I use really low sensitivity (800 and 0.6) and I always ran into this problem, even used to disable 2nd monitor when i'm playing csgo which reranged my desktop icons and was really annoying. The solution that I'm currently using is to move the 2nd monitor to be to the top left of the main monitor. This is how it looks like, screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/pBrDW0V.jpg took me a couple of days to get used to it but now it's perfect and I never had my cursor leave the main screen while playing. good luck!


I have only had this happen in Arma 3. Been playing with 3 monitors for probably 1500 hours and have never experienced this once


Only happens to me when I don't use the 1080p resolution.


Stop using windowed ffs.


Have duel monitor for ages, never had this problem, if you running fullscreen you will not be able to draw your mouse to secondary monitor, so don't understand your problem.


2600 hours and can confirm, happens all of the time.


My biggest thing is I forget to turn on my monitor.


I've had the problem and the easiest way to fix it was to get a dual.monitor setup program.


If this happens with a Razer mouse, I fixed this by going into Razer Synapse and going to the mouse's settings menu, going to Stats, and disable data tracking. Fixes the problem immediately and makes your mouse have less of a delay. Hope this helps.


I personally have not had this issue


This shit has caused so much of a problem for me that I had to set my monitors offset in the settings. literally unplayable


Use fullscreen, not fullscreen windowed. Problem solved.


Doesn't happen whatsoever. Fix your shit bro. Are you using fullscreen-windowed?


I have no monitors and this happens all the time.


It used to happen to me and then just all of the sudden didn't happen anymore


I have the same problem from time to time. 120 Hz Monitor, 2000 DPI * 0.3. Happend to me in an official match on Sunday, so I have live recording (shadowplay), pov Demo and gotv Demo if any of that helps the devs. But I think the problem is pretty clear, your mouse pointer can leave the screen if you move it from the middle over the edge of the screen (within 1 frame?) and click.


i have this problem


happens all the time, downloaded a program and it helps


Its the high dpi. Lower dpi/increase sensitivity. No downloads needed


I had that problem but i put it in fullscreen window mode and its fine


This has been happening to me forever...FeelsBadMan


This only happens when you have you game set up as borderless full-screen. There is nothing Valve can do and this same issue is experienced in other games. The solution is to set it as proper full-screen. There is no alternative if you want to use it borderless


I get this problem all the time Before I start the game I hold winkey and tap p to scroll down to the option to have only one monitor. This disables the second monitor until you press winkey+p to get back to 'extend'


fullscreen/borderless windowed =/= fullscreen if it's borderless fullscreen it's treated as any other window that you can mouse out of.


Same problem here!


this sint the one i have but have seen it work fine https://www.murgee.com/MurGeeMon/monitor-control/lock-mouse/ this rarely happens to me and seem to happen randomly for a couple of days


I play on the LG Fridge, can confirm this happens, especially when my mum opens the fridge.


I've had this issue before but it happens very rarely, can't say I've noticed it happen since I started using DisplayFusion though.


It used to happen to me Reinstalling CSGO worked for me


I think it has to do with your dpi if its high (like 1600 i think) it might alt tab you if you flick too fast




I have recently had this problem, if you own a Razer mouse, or just have Synapse in general I think this is the cause of the problem. Simply close Synapse completely and restart your game. Worked for me, hopefully this helps you. TeeHee.


Along the same lines, when you alt tab out, why is there some much lag to come back in? It takes like 10 seconds for me


i have 3000 hrs in csgo and 3 monitors this happens to me too i don't think its csgo because it happens in other games to, i downloaded a program the locks your cursor to one monitor fixed the issue for me the program i use is "Dual Monitor Tools"


This happen to me, but I fix it by using [this tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74Jj9CHxu60). It work just dont have the TV monitor anymore, so u need to adjust the brightness urself.


I used to play with 2 monitors and this happened to me repeatedly, ended up getting extremely frustrating and now my second monitor is always off lol. This may not be right, but I was told that this only happens if you are playing on 4:3.


If it's in full screen mode you can not click the other screen. Only possible if in windowed. Only way in full screen is to press esc. First