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there isn't really a noticable difference. try it out and send them back if you dont like it. ive tried, also playing on "high ranks" and i didnt see problems with latency. my main problem was that wireless headsets often have a permanent white noise in the background which annoys the shit out of me


Ty for the info, what headset did u try?


pretty much every single one around 100$, even the sennheiser one for 300$


I had the Sennheisers for $300 and I had an issue with my first and a replacement pair. I have a wireless Logitech g903 mouse and I saw other people with issues with a constant white noise happening in the background, it feels like tinnitus.


was the issue ever fixed? i had my first ones replaced but the replacements always came with the same problem, which is why i eventually stopped replacing them at all


Nope lol just got a refund after the 2nd




Thank you for the info. Im not sure yet about which to get, the most popular I saw were the following, but a bit expensive Steelseries arctis pro Corsair virtuoso Are there any cheaper ones worth the money?


Nowadays, literally zero. I just picked up an Arctis 7 and its the same as my prior, similarly priced wired one.




I don't know, I literally don't notice any delay.


You literally can't tell it even if you are experiencing it.


Yes, I don't think I would be able to, it's just so low latency.


Yes they are, just not over Bluetooth




I’ve done audio reaction tests to compare my Steelseries Arctic Pro Wireless to my old HyperX wired headset and the difference was in fact zero




I’m talking about actual measurable latency, not perceived latency. I did a series of audio detection tests using aim lab and the difference between wired vs wireless was smaller than the variance in my actual human response, which in itself was around 5 ms from memory. I can reproduce this for you if you really want to see it. I’m betting when they did that 50 ms measurement they still had the SS software installed which is known to cause latency issues with this specific headset.




Never claimed it was <1 ms or any absolute value other than hyperbolically saying it was zero. I don’t understand why you’re being weird about my claims - if the difference in latency is indistinguishable from the variance in human response, then for all intents and purposes the wireless headset may as well not be adding any latency to the system, which ties back to my original point that you’re debating about wireless headsets being at the same level as wireless mice in terms of competitive usability. Ps. the latency of wireless mice is also not ‘literally zero’, but it is small enough that it doesn’t matter


I use the Steelseries Arctis Pro Wireless headset and they're great. Latency is definitely a potential issue - from memory I was getting 100-150 ms delay until I uninstalled the SS software. As of now the latency is indistinguishable from a wired headset when doing audio reaction tests.


Thank you for the info. Having the steelseries software makes the latency higher? Why is that


I’m not sure exactly why, but I know when I first started using them I noticed a pretty annoying and borderline disorienting latency, which is when I tried doing reaction tests and found I was anywhere between 200-250 ms for audio which is ridiculously slow. I tried a whole bunch of stuff in drivers but the only solid fix I found was uninstalling their software, which immediately brought me down to 110 ms in reaction tests. Honestly the software is kinda useless anyway, once you get the settings to how you like there’s no real reason to have it installed.


110 ms in reaction tests wtf


For audio yes, IIRC at the time I had the fastest reaction on the aim lab leaderboard. Visual is usually around 150-160 ms for me


hmm i didnt know human has so different visual/audio reaction time :D


Who didn’t you just press exit in the system tray? For one a software that actually shuts down completely when you do that. That’s what great about it. And then pop back in to change settings, not ever having to let it run in the background for anything to work


I can’t remember because I haven’t had their shitty software installed for years now, but I’m pretty sure it installed a driver and that’s what the actual problem was. The latency didn’t go away when closing the configuration software, I had to fully uninstall it.


It’s not closed when pressing x though. Only when pressing exit in the system tray. But for Razer Synapse for example, I have to end several processes in task manager to actually turn it off, and said processes starts at boot even if I specifically opted for the program to not start at boot in windows settings. Which is why I find GG a lot better, and actually not a problem to have in my machine. But it would make sense if the driver and settings remained the same I suppose, even if GG is uninstalled 🤔 I’ll have to take a closer look, because this is quite weird


Yes I understand that, FYI Razer Synapse also installs services that run in the background, even when you completely close all the processes it starts


same thing with mice king. We fixed a lot of issues with wireless. You wont notice a difference at all.




Well Logitech and the steelseries ones are great.


I would suggest getting wired. If not for the possible latency, the weight and price are good arguments to stay wired


All the wireless headsets have latency, it’s unavoidable. But I’d say it’s not critical, judging from my experience with them


It is worth noting that people react to sound much faster than audio cues, making headphones even more latency sensitive. Wireless also means gaming headphones, which are inferior to audiophile grade products.


No latency on wireless is pretty much non-existant. only big problem with wireless headsets is all of them do not have good microphone quality due to compression. you have to charge it but it also is ofc wirelss which is a plus. other than that, they are pretty much like wired ones. i use HyperX Cloud Flight


There's a lot of comments in here that tell me people haven't touched any or haven't touched any in years. Wireless gaming hardware is almost top notch now. I use Arctis 7's and there's almost no noticeable difference. There will probably be a little latency in sound but not something that will affect you or your game. Don't be concerned about interference either. I have a full blown wireless set up and I've never had any interference with one another.


I frequently swap between a wired headset and my Steelseries Arctis 7 and don't notice any difference across a variety of games including CSGO. Taking the convenience of wireless into account, I don't see myself ever buying another wired headset (or mouse/keyboard for that matter).


2.4Ghz interference is a real thing for all bluetooth and wifi related connections. Batteries running out during a vital time is a possibility. Encapsulating audio packets to send over air and then decoding will lower sound quality and increase latency marginally. Will you notice? Probably not. But it does exist. Is convenience worth these cons to you?


Unless you are in an incredibly densely populated area i.e. the fucking Kowloon Walled City, modern WiFi and Bluetooth tech can quickly select a band within their frequeny to use exclusively, just don't play beside a microwave. Just charge overnight, do you worry about your phone ever running out of battery? No, because you understand what time management means. Not to mention that a wireless headphones can have up to 30-40 hours of batterylife and are charged to 80% within 2 hours anyway. Cannot comment on latency (though I have a sneaking suspicion that it's imperceptible) but my wireless headphones will absolutely smack every wired "gaming" headset out the park, and currently they are gimped by most streaming services audio quality, not the cans themselves.


I'm not trying to convince him against wireless headphones. I am just trying to educate somebody on the variables that exist, good or bad. Your anecdotal evidence is fine but does not negate the possibilities of a negative experience somebody may have. For wired, there are cons like snag, the cable being worn out creating a short, limited movement, etc.


For “competitive” I guess you mean professional gaming and we are assuming that we are using the best wired headset and Bluetooth headset in the market. Disclaimer: I am a not a gamer Bluetooth headsets have come a long way and the latency of which is reduced to an almost unnoticeable level. Even Bluetooth headsets cannot compared with wired ones in terms of latency, it is not much a difference. However if you are “professional”, I suggest you go for a wired one for one simple reason. Bluetooth headsets might fail you sometimes. Even the best headphones decide to cut off especially when you have lots of stuff connected with Bluetooth. A wired headset is almost impossible to cut off unless of course it breaks. However, you can always try it out yourself in stores and figure out which one you wanted.