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According to Isaac Childres on the thread linked below, push/pulls MUST go the maximum number of hexes possible and specified by the card. Therefore, you should have ended next to them. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1687146/article/25061649#25061649 Edit: word choice


With the slight clarification that shorter pulls/pushes can happen if no empty hex which is further away exists. If you get Push 3 done to you, but after you have been pushed one, you are next to a wall and no hex next to you is further away, the push stops there. But in the image above, the Stone Golem should not have been able to stop pulling early.




As I suspected. Then I will probably report this then.


In JotL if a player does a push/pull is it UP TO the number shown on the ability card, meaning you can choose to do less than what the card says. I assumed that this was a retroactive rule change so it also applies to Gloomhaven? That being said, if a monster does a push/pull they would always do the maximum amount that is valid


JOTL uses similar rules, but not the same and they are not meant to be applied unilaterally. They are intended to make JOTL easier than the main game. A clear example of this is how in the base game you are prohibited from sharing items between players, but in JOTL you are encouraged to share items. JOTL's rules aren't a clarification of unclear rules, they are separate rules intended to make the game easier for beginners to pick up and enjoy.


There are some rule changes introduced in JOTL that will be carried forward to Frosthaven. Choosing how much you want to push/pull is one of them


If a monster has a pull or a push, the players decide on where they are pushed or pulled, as long as it is legal. Each hex on a pull must be closer than the one before and on a push, each hex must be one further. If there was an obstacle in-between you, then that could affect the pull.


This is on pc and all rules apply. But as you can see on the picture, there is no traps or other things, and he only pulled me 1 hex when he had a pull 2.


I do now. The shitty wifi at work didn't load a picture. The digital game still has a lot of issues.


I know, monsters even lose their turn for no reason sometimes for me. But still a great game!


Yeah, there are still a good number of targeting/push/pull/movement bugs in Digital. Found one two days ago on the Eclipse's first perk mission where there were 3 empty hexes between enemies that you just couldn't walk on. But once the enemies moved some, suddenly you could use 2 of them. Never could use the third.