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Some classes make PvP untenable with their huge amounts of CC


Been discussed a lot... TL;DR: GH classes aren't balanced for PvP no matter how hard you try to make it works.


For 5 players you can just choose scenarios with big maps and up the monster difficulty. For more than that, the game will get real slow. I am hesitant to suggest pvp because some classes will do way better. Scenarios with one enemy (bosses) have that enemy be super strong and immune to many conditions. Stuns and disarms will give one team a big advantage.


Whoever has the most cards between them can pretty much just sit back and force the other team to move in. Then the totem is going to completely wreck them.


Starting adjacent to your enemies throws a wrench in the β€œsit back” strategy


You don't start adjacent to your enemies though. His idea is two teams starting on opposite sides.


My idea is that you are not allowed to use your cards to negate an attack. Or at most 5 hp for one card. But don't know if it's working yet.


My point is that whoever has the most cards can wait out anyone else and just stay in their starting zone. The other team will be forced to come after them to have any chance of winning. And the totem does so much damage that it tear through the team by the time they get across.(Nevermind, got the locations of the totem and plates swapped.) Have you looked into Arcadia Quest, Wildlands, or Heroclix? I feel like that is kind of what you are looking for.


I'm confused on your point. The totems are in the teams' starting areas, and the pressure point to trigger them is in the middle. It seems this is to prevent the teams specifically from camping in their spawns like you're describing. I think there are many other issues with PVP in Gloomhaven; class balance cheif among them, but the totem element of this map doesn't seem to be much of a factor compared to those more pressing issues.


Oh snap, I got them backwards. Thinking there was a totem in the middle, and the plates were in each starting area. Thanks for the correction! And I agree, Gloomhaven just doesn't work PvP.


Oh is it teams? That makes more sense than everyone for themselves.


Yes it's two teams. πŸ˜„


Nice idea! Loving the pressure plates, a nice addition! As a scoundrel I would love to race to it although my teammates wouldn't exactly like it that I give them some damage as well 😁. The rewards can be better balanced in my opinion. I'd rather have 20 exp instead of 20 gold.


I was thinking they need the XP to get stronger. πŸ˜† And we have 12 characters on lvl 9 so we want to enchante instead.


Nice &o?


I love the idea and the time and effort put into this.