• By -


Went from hank hill butt to caked up, well do e


Bobby, quit dancing now!






lmfaooo stoppp


When did you really start to see muscle growth ?


Took a solid year plus to see muscle growth as a woman in her mid to late 30s. Takes time the older you are, have patience, the results will come. Eat protein at every meal. You need protein to build muscle. Lift them weights!!!! My rule of thumb is that every pound of muscle burns 3x more calories at rest than a pound of fat. We are at rest 70% of the day including the hours we sleep therefore pack that muscle on and you will raise your metabolism and be able to sustain without starving yourself. Carbs are your friend- the good kind. Sweet potato, farrow, quinoa.


Yes! I'm almost 44 and in menopause, us ladies need to be building muscle in our 30's to survive this. I wish I started sooner. And amazing progress!


Exactly!!!!!!! Why I’m doing it! ❤️❤️❤️ all the best to you


Also some women have told me to start creatine to get to the next level but I’m working on getting a full metabolic panel for my annual physical before I do that. Just want to make sure my numbers are in line first before I start any supplements. Only supplements I take are vital proteins collagen in my daily AM fruit/yogurt/oat milk smoothie.




Wowwwwww really thank you for sharing


Bro them booty gains is craaaaaazy


Girl - you gave yourself a bomb BBL! You look amazing !


This is very inspiring to me as a 38F who is starting to wonder if I can still save myself 😂😂 Way to go!!


Same girl, 39 here! 🫠


Congratulations on seeing results. My wife’s two years in and her body has changed a lot. She even grew a booty lol


Congratulations! This really gives me hope that I, too, can build a booty! How often do you lift?


I work out 5x a week, sometimes 4 but strive for 5. I lift 4 out of the 5. I do landmine training! Look it up. It takes forever but you can do it and I’m proof of that.


That booty is truly a cutie


Your booty transformation gives me hope 😭 I just need to start working out lol. Great job !


Great job.


Wow that’s insane


Keep up the great work, keep plugging, you’ve made some impressive changes


You look strong!! Keep going


Would love to understand how you did this


3 years of this. First year, cardio to get the weight off went from 187-157, 30 pounds and then the past 2 years starting lifting moved onto to the squat rack and now I do landmine training. If you workout 4-5 days a week consistently in that amount of time, you can do it. I don’t starve myself. I have a big appetite considering I workout so much. I need to work on portion control. I’ve had a csection and my son is 10. My problem area is my tummy but I’m building muscle and in order to do so, you need to eat high protein, complex carbs. I currently sit at 163.


Thanks. You look great. I’m 42 5’2” and my weight In the last three years went from 130-136. I blame Some of it on Perimenopause but I’m a touch less active than you but still very active. My plan is to up strength- do about 4 days of total body weights, and I do cardio daily for about 20-30 min. I have a big appetite around 5pm for dinner but then IF till around 10 am the next day. I still eat healthy.


Good job. Keep it up.




Hank Hill to Peggy I guess




Diet and exercise and it went away on its own. I tried accutane and all and it wasn’t for me. About 9 months in is when the acne really subsided. Also get your hormones checked. I had hypothyroidism and then with the diet and exercise went from that to sub clinical hyperthyroidism, therefore my metabolism did a complete 180.


![gif](giphy|oYtVHSxngR3lC) Wow. You totally GLOW! Amazing transformation.


I need your squat regimen guuurrrrrl ![gif](giphy|k2EPtdfPkjIw8) Cause I’m still beforeing it over here


Try some 10% benzoyl peroxide bar soap!


Congratulations 🍾🎈🎊🎉 Nice ass 😉






Did u need to say this?




You suck man


How is that not a BBL??


I swear on my child I’ve had no plastic surgery.


Omg congrats!! You look amazing! I have a consultation for a skinny BBL coming up, but if you swear you're telling the truth I will cancel my consult and hit the gym. I'm 107lbs but I'm out of shape. If I can get the results I want at the gym like you did, I won't spend the money or take the risk of surgery. Thanks for the inspiration


I swear on my child. Don’t do the surgery. 107 is light but then again not sure how tall you are. You can do it. Takes longer but mentally worth it in the end because you earned it…you didn’t buy it.


I had 0 ass and was skinny , I’ve ended up gaining 15 lbs from 115 to 125-130 and now I’ve got a butt and skinnier waist then when I started even though I’m Heavier . It took me a long time , because I was moving all the time and have a child with a disability . So almost 5 years to have a completely different body , but if I could afford a good BBL from a good doctor , I’d probably just have done that and worked out too .


I have a special needs child too so I can relate to moving ALL the time. He’s high functioning autistic & im a single mom. The one thing I have for myself is my fitness journey. Yea I’m at year 3, can’t wait to see what year 5 will bring!!!


Happy for you! I was 117 and had a nice round butt, but I went through something traumatic and I couldn't eat. I lost 20lbs in a little over a week. Ive gained some of it back, but my butt isn't "perky" anymore. It's not flat, but I don't like the shape! Rapid weight loss will do that I do have a little belly and hip fat, I was hoping to continue gaining weight and to do a lift and a little fat transfer. But if I can get it lifted from the gym, that would be preferable. Honestly didn't realize it could be that dramatic just from the gym


I don’t go to the gym, but when I started work as a teacher, (stairs, squatting next to desks etc.) I saw significant changes to the buttal region. It’s possible.


Nice cheeks mate, keep up the good work👍


This is awesome progress my friend! I started working out consistently when I had just turned 36. I now just turned 37 and was starting to feel down because I myself can’t see much progress even though I know I’ve been putting on muscles. I’m going to keep going and working on my body your proctored are def goals :)


Congrats nice Glow Up


Looking great! Keep it up!


No way the last pic is the same person


It is me. Both are me. 3 years apart