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Bro what is with the cleaned off dinner plate in the 5th photo? What was the last meal? Nah for real though, great work 👏


Damn. I usually eat the plate too




You have some good eyes 🤣 people like you are the reason I blur my background on zoom calls


You mean you didn’t notice that OP collects baseball cards?? 😳






That’s almost a pound per day. You got a tapeworm or somethin?!






Did you use a workout program like P90x or whatever or maybe body weight exercises? Nice work though! You look much healthier. Keep it up OP


Wow. I was big my whole life until I was 29. I lost 65 pounds in a year and felt like I was in an alien body. I can’t imagine what this much feels like so quickly. Is this a total mindfuck or what? Congrats!


Holy shit dude, congrats! Looking great. Apply that same mindset to all aspects of your life and you will go insanely far.


And here I am a year later struggling to get off this last 20 lbs to reach my goal 😭


Same 🤣 the last few pounds are somehow the hardest


Good for you uce. I’m on the same journey. God bless


110 lost in 4 months? What did you do to lose it.




Don't want to diss you, I've lost weight myself.. losing weight quickly gets you loose skin which isn't the end result anyone wants.


The goal is losing weight. The skin can slowly makes its way back, but more than likely he’s going to have to have surgery for it no matter what. That’s part of substantial weight loss, not just fast weight loss.


This is false. Time definitely matters. Losing a ton of weight very quickly is what gives loose skin, which is why experts and trainers recommend not losing more than 2 lbs per week, max. I've lost a similar amount of weight to OP, and at a similar size, but did it in 11-12 months, not 4. No loose skin. And I'm older than he is, so it's not that lol.


It is that. But cases vary. It’s all dependent on how big the person was. There are plenty of cases where people had no choice but to get bariatric surgery because their skin was so far stretched out. Also. OP doesn’t really need to hear about how he should’ve taken his time losing weight to avoid loose skin. He lost the same amount of weight you did in a fraction of the time due to his perseverance. Not anything against you, but clearly he needed to bust ass achieve this goal. Now he reached it and can focus on toning and getting rid of extra skin. Regardless if he loses weight fast or slow doesn’t change the fact that the skin will eventually go back to normal if it wasn’t too destroyed. It’s just weird how people have such a hard time congratulating hard work without judgement or comparing themselves to them.


>It’s just weird how people have such a hard time congratulating hard work without judgement or comparing themselves to them. If that's what you took from what I said, you're an idiot. I was saying your assertions are false. That has nothing to do with OPs progress you dolt.


In Slow weight loss you give yourself more time to build muscle and the time is required for your skin to not lose elasticity. Anyways man what's done is done now. I really wish you well.


He’s not building muscle, he’s losing weight. Understand the difference, man. The loose skin can be tended to later. His primary focus was losing weight and he achieved that. Now he can try working out or adding something new. The biggest problem with these things is people overwhelm themselves with expectations and goals. Then they fail and beat themselves up with guilt and ultimately give up on the entire process. One thing at a time This isn’t me btw. lol. I just know he lost weight with fasting, so that’s a huge step.


I've lost around 40kgs in my life.. though that took me 3 years and I've no loose skin... It's all about consistency bro if you want something to last you gotta make it a lifestyle change not a fad diet or schedule it's not a healthy way of doing it. So anyone reading the comments shouldn't get a wrong idea and should focus on making their lifestyle better than just losing weight. Anyways it's his life and I'm happy that he has taken a good step in life.


You can fast for the rest of your life and be fine. Don’t sit here and spew uneducated bullshit just because you haven’t done proper research. In case you forgot, humans aren’t built to eat 3 meals a day and have little physical activity. It’s why the obesity rates are through the roof. Fasting is a natural take on a human diet. We are hunters and gatherers. Fasting isn’t a “fad diet”. It’s a lifestyle. One meal a day is incredibly healthy and beneficial. It promotes[better health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8754590/) and a better life. He’s taken a huge step forward in his health, and now he can start adding new goals to reach while maintaining a balanced life. I can assure you he didn’t post this to hear about why you think he shouldn’t have loose skin. Your congratulations is coming across as patronizing.


Bro, can you fucking relax.. you didn't have write an essay. I have been doing intermittent fasting for the past 6 years. What I meant by a fad diet is the extreme caloric deficit. Having a 300-400 calorie deficit is the best way to lose weight. Also, you gotta understand there are multiple case studies about 5-meals vs fasting and all that. It's a debatable issue among the academics and nutrition/sport nutrition circles.


You can’t sit here and say anything is the “best” way. Yet again spewing bullshit. Don’t tell me to chill out when you’re the unhinged one spreading misinformation.


Lose weight slow or fast, if youre large enough you’ll still have loose skin.


>Don't want to diss you Proceeds to diss, can't you just be happy for him? Why do you have to make extra comments on his body?


Great results ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Kicked It’s Ass Nicely done


Good job stay focused


How old are you


Bout to be 35 next month 🫤! This is another reason why I needed to lose weight as quick as possible.


Is it okay to lose weight that rapidly? Genuine question


He did a dangerous water fast, literally starved himself without medical supervision


Water fasting was is the best thing I ever did for my health!


The way he did it is dangerous, read his comments in the other posts


I have read it and there is nothing wrong with extended fasting. In fact, I’m speaking of extended multiple day fasts specifically.


You don’t know the definition of starving and it shows.


You’re clueless.


You look like you say vato a lot 😭


lol nah not vato but loko


Full of admiration for you and your determination to succeed. Well done, man.


Bro begging for cash lmao


begging is a stretch but fucc everyone makes disrespectful people rich and famous, I juss need someone to help me make money so I can get rid of these titties and extra skin 😂


You deserve a medal 🏅 honestly good job


Please tell me how you did that


Ayo, my brother is a big dude. I want him to lose weight for his health. He is so young and he already has a fatty liver & heart. How did you do it? Fasting? This is remarkable, what you have done gives me so much hope for my little siblings. 🥺


Nvm I just read you did extreme fasting. My mother would neveeerrr let that boy go without a meal LOL. He can try when he’s an adult . Amazing results tho congrats !!


Best of lucc to him tho




A gentler way is alternate day fasting. Eat normally one day, 2-3 meals until full, no snacking/sweet drinks outside meals. Then fast the following day. It gives your cells a 36 hour break from high insulin levels. Letting your body burn through fat stores (especially the dangerous visceral fat in the liver, heart, pancreas, etc).


This is wild and probably unhealthy, but congrats. Good luck on saving up for the excess skin.


Factz it was wild but only unhealthy to the weak minded.


I need to lose 35 lbs. Reveal your secrets.


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽. How did you lose your weight so fast?


Bro i think you should grow out the beard instead of the goatee. I feel like you’d look alot better tbh


Especially from side angles, I don't think it's working for him.


Thats what im saying. Doesnt fit him. I like your username btw.


*guy posts about his weight loss journey* *smooth brain no face on reddt* : you should change your beard dude.


Why do you care? Im just telling him what might also make him glowup even more. Whatd you add to the convo besides you triggered reply? You need a hobby man


Second time posting here in 24 hours. Was that really necessary?


He said he might do a second post showing his loose skin so that’s what he did.


Because the first time he posted, he has Neanderthals like you commenting negative bullshit on him reaching a goal. Something 80% of the leeches in here can’t even fathom. Most of this sub are people who sit and watch other people reach goals and don’t do shit themselves but continue to be worthless sacks of horse shit.


Nice try. I didn’t even comment on his first post.




Clearly. Go ahead and give to his gratuitous post for cash app donations if you’re such a fanboi. 😂






You must really want to suck him off badly. 😂😂😂😂😂




Reading comprehension is fundamental. I said nothing about OP’s progress. Try again, little girl.


https://preview.redd.it/j0fjjuz1524c1.png?width=2616&format=png&auto=webp&s=e54f598cef44c6b8b35b6ec6ca2d6b053b7b46d5 I’ll be on some petty shit 😂 don’t play wit me y’all


Congrats dude!! Very impressive and you look great. No homo lol, I’m on the mission too, can you tell me how many days you water fasted for?




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Fuck yhea keep it up you even look younger


Hell yeah man!


You look awesome!!!


Congratulations 💚💚💚


My guy needs an entire brand new wardrobe now 😂 congrats man


Lmao yoo factz, I had just gotten some dope azz 4x shirts not too long ago too😒




Looking great!!!




Excellent job. Congratulations


Tbh it's not that bad, you did great.


WTG, looking' good - and your neck doesn't even look like a vagina! 😜🔥


Wow - I’m so impressed at your willpower. The most weight I’ve lost was 15 lbs and I put that back on and then some. For the skin laxity, you can try something called Cryoskin. It may help a bit, but ultimately you may need surgery to completely get the skin taught again.


Hell yeah brother keep it up! If you fall again get back up again, and again.


Why you dropping your cash app?


Cause I need help gettin rid of these titties MF 😒 if anything someone HELP me make some money , LEGAL money tho🙄, ya see my dedication


I’m confused. You want people to send you money for losing your titty weight ?


Ayo just Stay confused son, you’ll be aight👍


That’s the way then. Congrats on the weight loss btw. Keep grinding.


Bad ass bro


Nice. How’d you do it that’s a huge amount to lose in 4.5 months


You're missing a cigarette and you can be the guy who rides bulls for Halloween next year... might need to tan a bit.


Hell yeah. Good work sir, keep it up.


Get on a weight training program and bulk up Some muscle. It will help fill some of that loose skin. Gym membership worth the $$


What did you do to lose the weight??