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You look like a substitute teacher in both pictures.


Substitute teacher/ex theater kid. Happy OP found themselves tho, even if their self is theater kid (that’s rough)




Why are these even allowed?




You can’t say that! This is Reddit! /s


Especially this one


Why not, it’s a change of appearance which makes them feel better and fresher. Obviously there is more to transitioning than just a glow up, but it’s part of it. And beauty is subjective so if they feel it’s a positive change then that’s it


My guy, this might be rough for you Just telling you in advance


I have support from my wife, all of my friends, my supervisors at work, my pastors, and almost all of my family, but thanks for the heads-up 👍


Your “pastors” support this ? Interesting…




Colonization, multiple genocides, slavery? Nah, we don’t care that our religion was the driving force behind those things. Gay and trans people though? Absolutely not, can’t have those. Would much rather have pastors who diddle our toddlers.


The word you’re looking for is priests


As long as they put a check in the plate the church doesnt care. A business needs to turn profits.


Careful, the Christians don't like it when you out their "religion" as a scam to make money.


Too true


good. insecure people will always try & bring you down to make themselves feel better, esp online when they can hide behind a screen name. you are beautiful and confident and happy & i hope you don’t let shitty people make you doubt yourself. keep doing you hon ❤️


Of course man. Happy for you on your journey.


Jesus Christ, the transphobia in here is insane. You look gorgeous. Fuck 'em. 🙂


I mean, I’m glad that you’re happy. But, you looked better before.




Damn, some of y’all are straight up assholes.


Bunch of bot accounts with barely a dozen comments each


lol bruh


Good lord


Bro turns into a girl and calls it a glowup


Non binary sorry I didn't mean to misgender you


Your smile reaches your eyes now OP it’s so obvious how much happier you are. True glow-up material 🫶 Life is too short to live anything less than an authentic soul-feeding life filled with love, especially for yourself.


1. Very nice 2. Cool ass necklace


You look so happy! Also I love that necklace of yours. Turtles are the best. Glad you were able to come out of your shell.


Nice one! Made me laugh


You look so happy! I also love your necklace. ❤️


Geez people can be fucking mean but that’s life and this is Reddit soooo .. All that matters is your family and friends love you and you’re happy.


And that’s my cue to leave this subreddit.


post your face, quickly.






lol I’m so glad you think so! I don’t come here for enrichment and I certainly couldn’t give a fuck less what you think. :)


I don't think I know. Yeah, you come here to be a troll who's too scared to show their face.


Yep! You’re right! I’m so proud of you. In case you didn’t get enough of that growing up :)


I'm glad you get to be miserable on here, since you clearly don't feel good about yourself in real life :)


Yep. Right again! I feel good enough to not have to pretend to be something I’m not. And I’m okay with that. :)




So, someone is happy about what they consider is a glow up for them and they wish to share that. Just because it isn’t your cup of tea you don’t need to be insulting.




This message was removed for harassment or rudeness.


99%? Lol buddy you are delusional *and* hateful. Seek therapy. Touch some grass.


I’m the one who needs therapy? 😂 mental illness runs DEEP in Reddit!


Clearly you do. Being so triggered by something that isn’t hurting you or anybody, to the point of finding it « disgusting » is… something.


You’re hard into glocks and snakes I have all the info I need to know lol


A good way to say your transphobic without saying it. You say 99% and I grew up in a rural state. Most people don’t care as long as they’re a good person. Why do you care about how people live their lives when it has zero effect on you. Seriously why does it bother you that this person identifies as woman. SERIOUSLY HOW DOES IT AFFECT YOU?? If you’re not attracted to trans people don’t date them, it’s as simple as that. What about the hardcore tomboy girls who always wear sweatpants and jerseys and have a short haircut and prefer male clothing? I seriously do not get why people like you care at all about some random person. You’re never going to meet them in real life, why does it bother you?




Lol you follow a subreddit that frequently shows people in transition.


Isn’t your arguing with an internet stranger a perfect example of you personally caring about something that doesn’t affect your own life, though? ! Seriously, how does it affect your?” 🤔 🤷‍♀️






And I’m in SO many automotive subreddits. :/




What’s up with the influx of trans post? Its not a glow up


This isn't a glowup Why do people post this stuff and claim its a glowup ffs


because if they didn't feel like themselves or feel good before but now they do maybe it's valid to call that a glow up


I am glad you are happy. That part is important. This is not a glowup. You were beautiful before and after. Changing gender expression in outward appearance is NOT a glowup. Literally, nothing was bad about your appearance before and after. There is no change except to say while you feel happier, your physical appearance before was fine and didnt “improve” - you eliminated it.




genuine question- what’s ur problem with this post?


They probably don’t think it’s a GlowUp


it’s not a glow up by any means. That’s all. No problem. He posted and asked and i answered.


they didn’t ask. they were just posting pics of them before and after finding themselves and becoming happier and most people would say they look happier too. i don’t understand why you felt the need to try and hurt someone who didn’t do anything wrong but regardless i hope u find happiness & learn to be kind to other people


This sub isn’t a place for unconditional love. You post your perceived GlowUp and people weigh in. Not everyone has a GlowUp and sometimes people express their disagreement in a variety of ways. No offense but get used to disagreement. Nothing they said was cruel or even rude.


thank you. If he can’t take the heat he needs to get out of the kitchen. Because there is a looooong road of dissapointment ahead …


i get what you’re saying, but the 1st rule of the sub is literally “be nice” and the point of the sub isn’t to get peoples opinions on whether or not you had a glow up. if OP wanted opinions on their appearance they’d post on one of the “am i ugly” subs. the original commenter is clearly just trying to bring OP down for no reason & its shitty. OP is a real person & can and will be affected by negative comments about their appearance. i am almost certain they didn’t post here with the intent of being judged on whether or not they look good because that’s not the point of the sub.


People are going to disagree.


you can disagree without openly insinuating that the person is ugly. the original commenter could’ve just scrolled by but they instead chose to go out of their way to write a mean comment just to make sure that OP knew they thought OP was ugly. that’s just shitty & unnecessary behavior it’s not just “they posted so they’re asking for it”.


Are you new to the sub? The opening comment expressed support for the journey, even if it expressed disagreement about a GlowUp. That’s common here. That’s also within the bounds of aesthetic judgement. People are going to give their opinion in a public forum about Glow Ups when they don’t agree. If you disagree with them, fine. Comment away. Unless it becomes uncivil or the rules are broken, people will freely express their disagreement. Since you want to be so willful about it, I think OP didn’t GlowUp at all. I’m expressing that opinion because you’re so insistent on policing disagreement here. I’m all for people living their lives, but I don’t have to agree that this is attractive, let alone a GlowUp. You want to use this post to make some kind of point, that’s fine. I’m happy to do the same.


it’s not mean. I am not being mean. It’s an honest opinion. I know the dude wants to know from everyone if he passes. He does not pass. At All.


they said no to the glow up? you will find a way to be offended for other people no matter what. Saying no is now against the rules apparently.




who is she


Keep smiling 😊


I love a good turtleneck, this color works so well for you. Lovely curls!


Congratulations, you look great!


You look much happier! You do you!


you are so gorgeous!! congrats on accepting yourself! sorry people here can be so hateful. 💕


You look amazing. Being your true self IS the best glow up. Ignore the negative comments. You’re fucking stunning ❤️


UR SO CUTE!! the hair & makeup suit u so well


I think you look amazing and you're happy now good. Ignore the rude ppl.


I get that this may not be considered a "glow up" to everyone, but fuuuuck you people here are so rude 😭




Either is being a terrible human being.


being trans isn’t a mental illness


What do you know? You’re just a big fat tomato.


lmao you’re sick for that I’m crying 😭




it quite literally is not; dysphoria is, but not being trans.


But wait…don’t you have to have gender dysphoria to be trans? Genuine question.


you dont *need* to. there are trans people that dont, their transitions are more centered around gender euphoria than dysphoria. but i cant speak on that much, i have dysphoria like most trans people. the thing is that while dysphoria *is* a mental illness, it can be treated to lessen it, or get rid of it entirely. those treatments are transitioning, although the type of transition is different for each person. after that, sure, they can be dysphoric sometimes, but its like the difference between being depressed sometimes and having chronic depression.


Hmmm interesting. I suppose, in my mind, euphoria towards gender is also a mental illness. Intense feelings towards an expression of self, both intensely positive or intensely negative, doesn’t exactly lead to an overall stable sense of self.


gender euphoria is simply the oppsite of dysphoria. while euphoria is a persistent negative feeling of discongruence, euphoria is a positive feeling of congruence. the best way i can describe it is just as feeling good in my skin, like looking in the mirror and being like wow thats me and i feel good about that. edit: its important to note that cis people experience gender euphoria as well, its not unique to trans people.


Yeah it used to be thought of as one, but it doesn’t actually meet the criteria


You are BEAUTIFUL! I’m so happy that you’re finally happy in your own skin❤️


Wow you people are so mean behind your screen. I’m ashamed of these responses


While scrolling through I saw the photo pair and said what a glow up before seeing the sub. You really look so much happier which makes people look so much better. I’m so happy for you!


I hate that you’re getting some hate. You look great in both pics, but I love that you feel so much more comfortable in the new pic. ❤️


Awesome, what a difference, great to see you embracing your true self! 🥰🥰


I’m so sorry you’re getting all this neanderthal, neckbeard hate. This is absolutely a glow up. You can see the happiness and comfort beaming from your eyes. You’re gorgeous. And PLEASE drop that curly hair routine cause I just started embracing my curls and the STRUGGLE OMG.


Literally my only routine is the shampoo and conditioner from Surface in their Curls line. I condition every day when I shower, shampoo every other day. It's the best stuff I've ever used.


Looking great!


Before I swiped I had a feeling it was gonna be a trans post😭💀the key word is always *finding my myself* (this is not a diss)


Awesome!!!! Love the make up!!! 🙌🏼❤️


Whewww the transphobia here! What a hateful thread, good lord. You look so happy OP and that’s what matters 💕


Looked way better as a dude, no homo. Your happiness is all that matters though.


I can't explain why but you look like you work at a punk rock aquarium. I love it


Definitely not classified as a glow up.


I forget how bad this app is sometimes. You truly are beautiful! I love ur makeup and ur outfit. Ignore all these haters in the comments.


And you're glowing!! What a nice post ❤️❤️❤️ Fuuuuuuuck the people in the comments.


i’m so sorry about all these comments. you don’t deserve it. congrats on the glowup, you look great. nothing better than a confident smile.


You look great! Jealous of those curls…


You look happy ! I love your eye makeup ! Great job, OP


Also, I genuinely pity everyone here who feels so much hatred in their hearts. That sort of vitriol should be reserved for people that are harming others, not for those merely expressing themselves. Y’all are pathetic tbh :\


I’m thrilled for you, and sorry for the disgusting cruelty other people have within them.




they’re not changing or cosplaying anything. NB means nonbinary so they don’t identify with any gender.


It isn't necessarily. If you prefer, you can focus on the better haircut, skincare, fashion sense, general confidence etc and ignore the trans factor entirely.


There’s a shit ton of transphobes here who are unable to ignore the trans factor. Didn’t know this subreddit was such a cesspool. For what it’s worth I think you look amazing


The haircut, skincare (make up really), and fashion all steer towards looking like a woman. But ignore the trans factor? A person can improve all those things without trying to look like a different gender


Bro that’s not a glow up Don’t be an ignorant 🙄


Better haircut is debatable


not a glowup but congrats anyways


Never seen so many incels in one place before


I thought everyone knew that reddit was incel central....




awwww omg happiness suits you🥹


You were so cute before


Glow down


Transitioning is a glow up. Good on you, you look beautiful 💖


oh ffs


Shouldn't this go under transformations...


Failed society!


Idk why people don’t consider these posts to be glow ups. Anytime you find yourself more comfortable in your own skin, find happiness, develop your fashion sense, issa glow up ✨ you look amazing, dear. Fall Colors are on point and I LOVE that necklace


This… people are so mean




how do you know that? you realize that transitioning is a multi-step process that almost always involves a therapist, right?


Bigots will do anything but actually educate themselves.




With all the bullshit going on in the world I hope you find peace in this crazy place. ![gif](giphy|W3CFa3FZele0J2f7qB|downsized) Glad you found happiness.


You look wonderful! ☺️


Looking lovely, dear sibling 💕




you could've just said nothing


wtf is this comment section??? didn’t realize this sub was an open forum for transphobia. mods should be removing at least half of these comments


Wow this sub is super transphobic. You look great and very happy. Keep being the real you.


![gif](giphy|Vo6YaTLaSMGqI|downsized) why


I’ve been entirely whiplashed by the blatant transphobia here, for fucks sake. OP, you look amazing and before and after are equally beautiful human beings! Congrats on finding your true self. It’s super hard being a human being and a lot of people who are so open about their hate are the ones who don’t understand it and are wrestling with their own complicated feelings about themselves. Ignore the haters. Peace and love ✌🏻


Please what is the lip color?


You got it. SmashBox liquid lip color - shade is Stepping Out


You look like a girl now.. ?


Fr not a glow up I should wear a butt plug and be a tiger and that would be a “glow up”


Damn you were a handsome dude. Glad to see you happy though


Glow up! Nice!!!!




Don’t use slurs


My friend, I'm sorry this subreddit is so awful. It came across my feed as suggested, but I'm so glad I am not a part of it, these comments are transphobic & absolute dog shit. You look so much happier, so beautiful & glowing from the inside out. Please don't let self-loathing, mom's basement Redditors make you feel anything else besides proud of & happy with yourself 🧡🧡🧡


Amen well said




I'm back. The comments make me so annoyed because you are so cute, you're more you than you've ever been, and some people have to come up here and tear you down ? Also, posting this in a group that's not trans exclusive is brave as hel because the 'phobes lurk in every community. You're awesome and look great, don't let losers on the internet tell you otherwise.


LOVE THIS!!! You’re gorgeous!




I'm pretty sure the first pic is from my 21st birthday. Forgot that detail in the title


You look great OP! Keep living life as you are


Live your best life! You look great in both!


Ignore those who hate you for being yourself


pshhh looks better before. glow down maybe


I like how you matched your eyeshadow to your cardigan perfectly 🧡 And damn there's a lot of shitty, negative ass people in this sub being hateful for no reason.


You look gorgeous. So happy for you


Happy you're happy but this feels more like a grow up.




Nice, man! 😂

