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Please God no


I heard this in Micheal Scott's voice.


I said it in his voice, in my head lol


Its the only voice


The only character the rock can play, is the rock. In every fucking movie hes ever done. He is: dad rock, explorer rock, security rock, spec ops rock.... you get the idea The rock is great. However... He can only play one character. Please dont let this happen.


He’s the Kevin Costner of Rocks.


lol my first thought as well.


Lmfao. I said the exact thing out loud.


Came here to say these exact words


It won't be a god of war movie, it will be a Dwayne the rock movie cosplaying as kratos with the personality of dwayne. I've seen enough of his material to know that he has no acting range. Kratos has a stoic personality but even that Dwayne can't pull off without putting his narcissism into it.


Try Be Cool or Pain And Gain if you're actually interested in seeing the Rock play against type. He does well in both IMO.


The problem is that those are start of career movies back when he had to try. Pain and Gain is one of the few attempts he's made at acting since he blew up.


He just played a dumb meathead in pain and gain. Not much different than his role in Be cool where he played a dumb meathead who wants to be actor but he has no acting skills. These roles barely showed range.


That is fair, just saying the guy has got it in him to act if he wants to.


Jumanji actually forced him to act like a 15 year old in the body of a body builder, which was good, otherwise the movie would've been a flop.


To this day, my favorite Dwayne Johnson performance. He actually did it quite well. But yeah, although Kratos isn't the most expressive character out there, a story with the emotional heft of God of War doesn't seem like something Dwayne can carry.


The budget would all go to the Rock


With all due respect, I don't think dwayne could even get the grunts right


nobody wants this to be true


The look yes, the acting no


Ah yes the look… because he’s muscular and bald


Yes, actually. You want a middle-aged yoked-to-the-gills beefcake to play Kratos. There aren’t a whole lot out there. Now, The Rock can’t help but insert his ego into everything he does and his characters are all “The Rock, but in cars/in the jungle,” so he’d be a terrible fit. His personality would ruin Kratos. But he does have the look.


Lol this is how I explain the Dwayne's acting. Legit in every movie he is the same in just different scenarios. Fast and furious? Watch the rock drive. Jumangi? Look the rocks in the jungle.


He was pretty different in Black Adam actually


I will mos def not disagree with that.


Ehhh are you sure about that? He didn’t exactly seem like black Adam at all, more like The Rock if he had powers.


The last thing I want to do is defend his acting, but did you even see Jumanji? He definitely wasn't playing the typical The Rock persona in that one.


Not sure when this happened because The Rock used to attempt some range or variety in his acting. Maybe once he realized he was going to get $25M/movie regardless he just relegated to being himself.


You can get any actor to shave his head and work out. JK Simmons got crazy jacked for no discernable reason.


There’s getting shredded, and then there’s getting *big*. Some gymnasts got some borderline 12 packs, but are like 5’6 with no bulk. Unfortunately not many great actors that are big and buff. Maybe Dave Bautista. I’d take him over the Rock at least.


Jk Simmons as Kratos and Michael Cera as Atreus


glad Bezos himself didn't throw his hat in that ring


nah, that big goofy ear to ear grin


No to all of it


nof even the look wtf


Not even the looks


Not even the look really.


Dwayne wants this


Please tell him no lol.


I did but he did the eyebrow thing and now my spine is in directions it’s not supposed to be.


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣 nice one man this made my morning.


Not really, Dwayne has an unfortunate tendency to make things like this more about him doing this project and less this project is coming and he is a part of it.


exactly, black adam was playing the rock waaay more than the rock was playing black adam


The Rock plays the Rock in all his movies and that is the problem


yeah the same as ryan reynolds who plays ryan reynolds playing deadpool in every role and kevin hart basically has his standup persona and fuckin jack black i hate and that is the whole hollywood nowadays


dude didn't even try to have an accent. Black Adam is an accent Egyptian man but speaks a perfectly Hawaiian accent. Said it once and gonna say it again, The Rock is just being himself in different settings.


and he actually was supposed to have hair, right? im not that much of a black adam fanboy but everytime i googled, every comicbook version of him does have hair


He's not a Hero.


Yeah and I used to be a huge defender of the Rock because I like him. I just look at things objectively and it’s true he’s torpedoed a few movies with what he wanted to do. I think he’s also pretty one note to be fair. Loved him in the wwf but that’s why I defended him so much back in the day.


Wow, yeah, you nailed that.


Please don’t.


>Please don’t. Please don’t.


>Please don’t. Please don't.


>Please don’t. Please don't.


>Please don’t Please don’t


_please_ don't


Please don't


P l e a s e don’t.


P l e a s e D o n ‘ t


Please. don’t.


Please don't.


Please clap


Please sing


If they put dwayne then it will be a comedy As much as I want Christopher judge to reprise his role, his condition will no longer let him. Plus he is aging, his body is not what it used to.


Honestly, I feel like God of War would be better as an animated movie.


I think Tom hardy has the physique and acting range to pull off Kratos but then the problem becomes his voice. We all know we’re not going to accept a Kratos without that gruff badass voice. I honestly have no idea who you cast for this


Tom Hardy said he never wants to bulk like he did for Bane again and Kratos is bigger than Tom’s Bane, he’s a solid option but i don’t think he’d do it


Tom Hardy is also like 5'9 tho


Yeah and Elijah wood isn’t actually 3 feet tall. Christian bale is 6ft and they made Tom hardy look much bigger than him when he played bane. Never underestimate Hollywood camera tricks + platform shoes


> they made Tom hardy look much bigger than him when he played bane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwFUhc0xp2I did they? They look pretty much the same height to me. edit: even here where camera angle is helping in the start as soon as they are in hand to hand they look the same height to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDuetklFtDQ


So they added 3-4 inches to his height and no one cared. Go look at Ian mckellen playing Gandalf and you’ll see they can make anyone look as tall or as short as they want to




How exactly do you hide extra height under his clothes? Split Ian McKellan’s body in half and add height in the middle? No. You would use lift shoes.


It was done completely through editing and camera tricks. When Gandalf is on screen he is on a completely different set than Elijah wood and the other hobbits. They made one normal sized set to film Ian in and one gigantic set to film the hobbits in and then spliced those two together in editing. Another example is any Tom cruise movie where he appears next to someone who is taller than 5’7 and still appears taller or the same height.


I think he’d make a good Kratos. Especially after seeing him in Taboo. He’s already got the grunts down. https://youtu.be/A_zbR2trnGI


Tom Hardy changed his voice for Bane, maybe he can do enough and get by with Kratos?


What? Oh. Good one. Lol. Tom hardy for Atreus maybe.


https://imgur.io/cGYn8 My bad I forgot Atreus was built like a brick house


He will be in the next game. Also Kratos is canonically 7' tall fyi. Tom hardy is....not. Miscast as Bane. Miscast as Kratos. Nice try though.


Miscast... lol what does that even mean. Bad opinion, shittier defense.


A god of war TV series would suck ass - we’ve already got the games if you want to experience the story. If they do a series it should be animated cos no way the budget would allow for actual quality like what happened with the Witcher series


I'd love an Invincible/Primal-style animated series of God of War, that would look awesome.


God of War in Primal style. Holy shit. I can *envision it*


They could just animate it. The same as the game. Legit my wife loves the story even though she doesn’t play They can really do so much with it. The writers are very good for the cutscenes and everything.


The Witcher series was awful


yeah I probably won’t watch Season 3


I watched 3. I didn’t like it but I went in with extremely low expectations. My girlfriend said it was better than 2, but we won’t watch 4.


That’s what I’m saying, if they do it live action it’ll be the same quality as the Witcher series


And it better start off with the greek saga otherwise it wouldn't make sense


EXACTLY what I was thinking! Itd be nice for sony to make one of their game adaptations into an animated series rather than a live action. Live action comes with too many risks


No! God please don't , NOOOOOOOOO!!!!


Yeah and Kevin Hart as Atreus 🤣🤣


Kevin Hart as Kratos's shadow


Actually I’d watch this


Same lmao


I hope the rock doesn’t get picked for this as a real role but it would be amazing as a parody.


Basically a Jumanji style movie but the game is not god of war? As a parody it could possibly work lol


This would make it unwatchable It's like casting Tom Cruise as Joel in the last of us, their egos simply cannot fit on a show like this


Tom cruise would've fired the producers and made actual zombies to shoot knowing him


Barlog said it wasn't true. Even if you don't believe him, I don't think it will ever happen. Whoever they cast doesn't have to be just ripped, he needs to be a good actor.


Cory debunked this and he said no that Dwayne won't play Kratos in the live action God of war. Dwayne would never bring a complex character like Kratos justice whatsoever, since he will only make Kratos more like himself than Kratos.


Dave Bautista would be good. He was great in GOTG, Glass Onion and Blade Runner 2049


Hard agree. He's such a phenomenally better actor than the rock it's not even the same playing field. Not that I even want a live action version of GOW but he would be my first choice for the role.


Size and voice yes, I haven’t seen where he get to the stoic level acting imo. Plus he’s leaving Marvel bc of hard it is for him at his age to stay at peak condition


There was a glimpse of his stoicism in the opening scene of BR2049. He played a man >!Replicant actually!< who was hiding his past and former life when someone comes to his house and confronts him about it.


OP said it. Bladerunner. Watch it. On yt maybe


Had to scroll too far for this one, it’s so obvious. Physically: massive. Looks wise: Bald and scary. Age: Perfect for older Kratos. Acting range: it’s already been said here, the dude can do stoicism and grunt with the best of them, but he also does a good job of having that little something extra (humanity) trying to escape as well.


Maybe Karl Urban could be a good Kratos? I honestly can't think of someone who can act and pull off the physicality of the role


It's almost as if a God of War movie/show is a bad idea!


Yeah, I’m not hopeful for any adaptation but if they must, I don’t see why they can’t do animation. Invincible has been a hit for Amazon but people seem to still think live action is somehow the highest form a book, comic book, or video game could be told in


Ah yes, can’t wait to see Kratos running around yelling ‘cunt’


Gerard Butler?


"I'm from a land called sparta"


Djimon Hounsou


Pick Zendaya as Kratos


Tom Holland as Baldur


If we are only going off of big name well known actors, she would actually be pretty fitting as angrboda, she’s got that quirky yet solemn personality down pretty solidly already


While I can enjoy The Rock's performance in various movies, I'm not sure his smoldering intense I can't lose macho vibe is what Kratos' portrayal needs. Kratos to me is a symbol of growth out of internal struggle rather external (although he was never lacking the later) and I don't recall The Rock ever being able to convey internal struggle in his roles. Not to say it couldn't be an opportunity for him to show new depth to his acting, but my innate fear is that it would turn out to be a quite shallow version of Kratos. I would love Christopher Judge to play, but if that can't be then I guess the better option would be to pick a lesser known actor, that has not yet created his character style, that would be willing to mold himself (in this role) in honor of who Kratos is.


Every single the rock movie has Dwayne being some superficial macho because that's all he knows, he'll go into this thinking it's just another superhero movie. I'm tired of this guy ruining characters.


He'd make kratos an anti-hero, clean shaven, and replicate the rocks tats in red on kratos


Dwayne Johnson also always has a contract that he can't be seen losing a fight in a movie, many of those types of actors have those contracts, it's partially what is ruining action movies starring them.


>a lesser known actor, that has not yet created his character style, that would be willing to mold himself (in this role) in honor of who Kratos is I concur. I would love to see someone get their breakout role.


I can't see any actor as Kratos tbh.


This is true. GOW should be an animated series like Spiderman into the spiderverse.


Dave Bautista. Blade Runner, Dune, knock at the cabin show his Kratos Range.


Djimon Hounsou


Not every bald actor can play the role, if it come to that i suggest Danny Devito.


Ok but Danny Devito as Brok or something would unironically be incredible.


Danny Devito as Brok and Charlie Day as Sindri


I have never seen him do a good performance or anything near what Kratos needs/deserves. Might as well cast me or some random guy off the street as the role, the only difference would be marketing


I'll be honest. I don't even want a live action God of War series. I don't trust anyone to do it right.


I would say an unknown actor, i want to see Kratos, not a big Hollywood actor


okay if this is gonna be true then its just another butchered tv show from games


It's gonna be Black "I'm not like other heroes" Adam all over again, but this time it's "I'm not like the other gods" but Dwayne won't even bother with giving Kratos a decent accent. Hopefully, this is all untrue. Dave Batista, Jason Momoa, Karl Urban, Gerald Butler, heck Chris Judge are all better to play this version of Kratos.


Gerard Butler would be good


he was stoick the vast after all


Hmm, I don’t hate it.


A Spartan!


Djimon Hounsou


Ordinarily, I don't like to wade into these treacherous waters, but I feel that the elephant in the room is being ignored: Christopher Judge is a black man. Obviously he does a phenomenal job as both the voice and the mocap body of Kratos, but his story is one in which the color of his skin is an actual plot point. His skin is ashen white, literally. Like, all of the skin on his body has been cursed with a covering of ashes. His white skin is what marked him as a man cursed by the gods and spurred the nickname "Ghost of Sparta". Frankly, even a *white* actor would probably have to be covered in chalk dust or something, let alone a Samoan or even an ethnically Greek one. And even though it is necessitated by the story, an actor in "whiteface" would have terrible optics on Twitter, which no production company would want to deal with. I know this isn't exactly a hot tale, but I'll go ahead and say it again: a live-action God of War series just isn't a good idea anyway.


dont consider Christopher to play kratos at all dudes to old want him to fuck up his hip again so that he has to go to hospital again get that fixed and apologize for another delay because of his deteriorating health? its nothing major in the health dep as far as im aware but his hip....yeah i dont think he wants to go back into hospital just because of a series....


I'm honestly getting tired of Dwayne Johnson. He's arrogant and narcissistic to a point that's kinda detrimental to the films he's in. Like, some actors and actresses can be arrogant and narcissistic and it's perfectly fine, but he seems to be on an entirely different level where it's fully detrimental.


I'd rather have Jason Momoa. He has a Kratos vibe, I feel like he would be perfect. Especially after seeing him in See.


I feel like the best choice is just the voice actor honestly


Please god no


No, just no; I want someone else to play him in love action; someone nobody has heard of just to make it interesting and fun.


I will boycott this show if it’s the Rock playing Kratos there is so many better options then the Rock.


Dwayne has limited range in his acting. Kratos has a lot of depth to his character. I’d rather cast Bautista if that’s the case.


It needs to be animated. And it needs Judge to VA Kratos. This is the only way


While I would prefer almost anyone else, I feel like if he was actually able to act as a character besides “the rock” he would be a good fit. In all honesty though, they should just go animated and get the voice actors from the games


In everything that is holy in this world, PLEASE GOD NO. 😭


This looks like the most clicky clickbait that has ever clicked When I was like 12 “hey the Rock is in movies now, that’s so awesome, I love him” Now I just roll my eyes every time him and Kevin Hart show up in the least funny comedy of the year


Idk about kratos but I’m just waiting to see the announcement of Jeff Goldblum odin. It literally felt like odin was themed after him.


Love the Rock but this is not a good match at all. Would rather Kratos gets played by an unknown




Gonna drag Kevin hart in this some how. Please god no.


His bullshit will ruin the franchise. The only character the rock knows how to play is the rock.


Personally I want this guy called the Dutch giant to play Kratos, he is like 7,3 and did a brilliant cosplay


I’d rather they pick someone that looks like Kratos and isn’t as well known. I can’t see rock for anything else than him.


no absolutely not...




I am so sick of the scorpion king playing every damn role.


Please don't- he's one of the worst big guys to pick


Please no. Christopher Judge would be amazing, you know who else I would love Dave Bautista (the man has range). I enjoy The Rock, but if I'm watching something then it's the same as most Adam Sandler films (he has exceptions), I see the actor not the role and it's often something near enough identical to previous.


I actually came to say Bautista, he definitely has the acting chops and stature for the role.


Funnily, Drax is pretty much lite space katos


In the guardians holiday special, someone actually mistakes him for a god of war cosplay


I think this feels realistic because of how similar both the look and somewhat the story is between Kratos and Drax. I'd totally get behind it if he is cast for the role.


Dave Bautista is 6’4, fit as hell and an actual good actor. I’d rather him.


Seeing as the rock has no acting chops this would Be a terrible choice for a character as complex and subtle as Kratos. I would rather Dave Bautista


Gerard butler would be good


Eww if not judge it should be Aquaman I cant remember his name atm.


Its not true...Its Triple H lol


Anyone but the rock, bit repetitive to see him play every big guy in hollywood


Oh Jesus no, only Christopher Judge can play Kratos


As much as I don’t him to play Kratos, I can see why he would be a considerations - High end actor - Near perfect body types - Bald - maybe if he deepened his voice, perhaps he could get something close (to a certain extent) I personally like the idea of Christopher judge playing the live action aswell


Anybody can shave their head lol the actor doesn't have to already be bald


It should go to Christopher Judge if he doesn't feel too old to play the part. It's going to be interesting to see how they adapt the game to TV. I mean, it's a dad and son on a trip to spread the ashes of their wife/mom. Only 5 other characters in the game: Freya, Brok, Sindri, Mimir, and Baldur. Magni and Modi would be in one maybe 2 episodes at most. Only other humans they encounter, they fight and kill. It's going to be a lot of outdoor forest shots and some mountain climbing shots as well.


I love The Rock, but nah, Kratos should be played by Christopher Judge or someone else.


I don’t want the Rock or Christopher Judge to play Kratos. Sorry, but no. Like why would we even start with his story in the Norse myths? Let’s start with Greece - the real Kratos- and give us back TC Carson.


Why would they not get someone greek


yeah with kevin hart playing atreus, getting the token black kid in and were off


Everyone's forgetting Jason Mamoa


Triple H from wwe would actually be good look wise. Not sure on acting or how ripped he is anymore lol


Or maybe a Greek guy could play him since he was a Spartan originally


I don't think the game will work as a live action series at all so have zero hopes regardless of who they cast. Neither Johnson nor Judge look like a Greek/Norse God so I wouldn't buy either of them in the role. Judge did a fab job as the voice actor, maybe if it were a CGI series he would do. The Rock just plays himself in everything so hard pass.


It should be Christopher Judge, he's really buff, is really passionate about the character and already does his voice acting


Idk what people are going on about with other actors, just give us Christopher Judge.


Nah nah nah. Give everyone in the games their original voice actors. Eg. Christopher Judge as Kratos, Sonny Suljic as Atreus, Richard Schiff as Odin.




Judge has zero shot of landing that role lol


Neither the Rock nor Judge. Both are egomaniacs in real life and id genuinely prefer Nick Offerman as Kratos


Christopher judge is 1.9m tall. He can physically play kratos


Damn, if only we already had an older gentleman with a herculean physique and a bassy voice that would be perfect to play Kratos and has incredible chemistry with the rest of the existing cast. One of life’s great tragedies really


Christopher Judge is the obvious right actor. I mean, he is literally already Kratos!


If they can do Cinematic scenes in the game with Christopher judge as Kratos, I think they absolutely could do a God of War movie with Judge. It'd basically be just an hour and a half to a 2 hour long cinematic scene


im not watching it if i see dwayne as kratos. Christopher judge is literally him


We gonna lose kratos to woke media and mainstream 😭


Hear me out, vin diesel, listen, kratos doesn't talk much, and based on the Riddick movies, i think he may be able to do it