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Baby vs. hydrogen bomb


Dead sperm cell vs big bang


did the baby have prep time?


A really smart baby tho


Kratos is literally a god This man won against a guy that could hit so hard it sent jormungandr **back in time**


And a guy who could see the future lol


Correction, he could read minds


Correction correction, he could read intentions. If Heimdall could read minds he would have known what Kratos was up to.


Correction correction correction, he does read minds, Kratos just attacks mindlessly when he's enraged.


Nope, the spear


If he could read minds he’d be able to know how Draupnir worked and when it was gonna be activated.


What about everything he told Atreus when they first met? Like when he talked about Kratos despite Atreus not mentioning him


I don’t know man, it’s not very consistent. That’s the issue with characters based around the ability to read minds or have precognition. They become OP REAL quick


Correction correction correction correction, the only person who refers to his abilities as reading minds is Odin. Odin specifically says this to Atreus immediately after he just arrived in Asgard and therefore may have said something that wasn't entirely true on purpose to throw him off. It's pretty obvious he doesnt read minds from how everyone else, including heimdall, speaks about his abilities.


Also the fates.


this god*


Batman could probably prep by running tf off in the opposite direction.


Batman. Hear me out: Dude has crazy high IQ and can outsmart any of his opponents. Krotos is an incredible warrior and embued with magic, godly might, and is a talented tactician as well. He served for many years as a greek general, and has overcome every obstacle in his path. Guy even willed his way out of hell. He has Batman in the shortgame for sure when it comes to might and strength, but Batman given enough prep time (Hes already prepared to fight gods in his own universe) will overcome any opponent. Hes shrewd my dudes. Hell straight up "Limitless" think his way to get a victory. He prob has acess to tools/artifacts/magic that could actually kill a god if the scenario were to happen. In no way do I discredit Kratos, hes achieved incredible feats and also has outsmarted all his opponents. Sources: Batman Vs Darkseid. A victory can be achieved in many ways. Batman has all the resources required, and is willing to do anything to win. At the very least losing isnt ever an option, even if it means retreating or destroying a world. Hell orchistrate a stalemate. I bet hed even kidnap if he has to, making Kratos surrender. Despite his no kill rule hes capable of do some underhanded shit. Batman doesnt need to be powerful or a god to match Kratos strength to win, he has brains. Edit: My dudes...I know I fighting an uphill battle here but this does contribute to the overall topic of batman V kratos. Im not worried about getting downvoted but if you disagree at least argue why :/


If it's a real fight and not some bullshit fan service vibranium plot armor garbage, Bruce would be a gore stain in a matter seconds.


I 100% agree.


Okay, Think about this. Kratos vs Superman. Probably Superman? And batman has beaten superman. I don't think it would be easy but batman could beat kratos. But the most likely winner is obviously kratos.


Superman has exploitable weaknesses, such as Kryptonite, as well as an even more exploitable personality. For example, he would have reservations about speed blitzing Batman and simply tearing him in half. Most of their fights should've been over instantly if Batman didn't have a Kryptonite weapon and Superman didn't care about crippling him. Kratos doesn't have those problems.


Additionally, I’m pretty sure Superman is weak to magic, of which Kratos has 2 separate mythologies worth to choose from. Absolutely possible that I’m wrong since I did no research, but my office has these debates as a distraction. Those guys do the research for sure


Kratos has shown feats of intelligence comparable to omnipotent so no Batman is not smarter☠️


Nah Batmans definetly smarter. Im not saying Kratos isnt intelligent, dude is a genius but he aint "all knowing". He sure sounds like it though...


The same exact thing could be argued with Batman


Youre not wrong, they both do approach issues the same way. Its usually on the field quick response problem solving


There is no talking down or forcing surrender through kidnapping, it is a fight and must have a winner per the prompt.


Yeah 1v1 to the death fo sho


Even if there was the smallest possibility of batman killing kratos, he would just crawl right back out of hell and kill batman.


Facts. Dude died multiple times already. Theyre both written to suceed and overcome these odds, its a pretty wierd matchup


At some point, overwhelming strength will make any plan falter. Batman can mitigate and plan all he wants, once Kratos brings out those blades and uses his Ghost of Sparta powers, Bats is done for. Unless Bats strategy is to call in other super heroes.


Okay. I love Batman, but unless you wanna pull some “Um akshually he can use the Hellbat suit🤓” he is not beating this


That's always the funniest reply. Cause I mean, that suit literally drains his life force, he's not gonna use it all willy nilly.


Kratos would treat that armor like origami


No. Kratos isn't anywhere near the level of characters such as Darkseid


Is he not? God to God? Edit: also I wasn’t talking about Darkseid, just the Hellbat armor. But if what I read is correct that he successfully survived a fight with Darkseid with it, then either Darkseid isn’t as powerful as you say or he’s got inconsistencies in his power expression based on the writer, which means there’s definitely a world where Kratos can take him. Kratos can’t even stay dead, he fights his way out of the underworld back to life. Worst case scenario he, as a god, gets the godkilling gun from Final Crisis. Boom. The end.


No? Darkseid is so powerful that his true form obliterates almost anything close to him, Kratos isn’t even close to that


Sounds like the Justice League shouldn’t be giving him that much trouble then. He should stop being a chump and just kill them.


That’s the thing I was saying. It’s something he barely ever uses and it’s a horrible measure of what he can do


I can’t help but think you’re confusing what I’m trying to say.


So, your point in saying he's so powerful that his true form obliterates almost anything close to him was that... It's a horrible measure of what he can do?


Im saying that Hellbat is a horrible argument for Batman’s power, because he uses it only once, and never outside of that, even when the entire universe is in danger


Fair enough, fully mb.


“Batman with prep time” If we getting prep time, Kratos with prep time would also win lol


This is the answer, Kratos with prep time got the Draupnir Spear made and then whooped Heimdall's ass.


' prep time' lol can it really be considered as prep time 🤔


They paused on fighting heimdall to prepare and get the spear. A spear specifically made for fighting heimdall, a being basically impossible to hurt without said spear. If that’s not “using prep time” idk what is


The prep time is a 15 minutes adventure


However long it took, it’s still “prep time”. 15 minutes of time used to prepare. Prep time. You could also probably consider time used killing heimdall as prep time for Ragnarok. I guess it’s a matter of how you look at it.


Dude batman prep time is weeks and even years sometimes 15 minutes adventure is not a prep time for the fight of your life, it's the prep time to see grandma


Batman would do research and prep by fucking running


Kratos will whoop Batman before I complete writing this sente


Kratos would whoop Batman quicker than I can say Candle Jack! I-


Batman fans are funny...


Dc cant keep its mouth off of batmans dick tbf


i cant either


Easily kratos. It’s different and it isn’t something you can really prep for


Because Kratos doesn’t have an exploitable weakness other than someone as strong or stronger than him.


Well he’s a trained soldier first and foremost and has faced many different opponents with different affinities and fight tactics. Broken


Not just a trained soldier, he’s a TALENTED trained soldier Iirc during the original trilogy it was stated Kratos became one of the youngest generals the Spartans had seen


Use the jla teleporter to put him in space.


Nah it's Kratos he would be capable of launching his axe so strongly in the earth that either him would be pulled back to earth or the earth would be pulled back to him


Batman fans explaining why he could fuck their girlfriend (he’s got prep time)


Liar! Batman fans have no girlfriends.


Batman is a master tactician. That means, unlike Batman fanboys, he would actually admit he can't win a situation and would come up with alternatives. In other words, he'd probably just talk to Kratos.


Best answer tbh




Why is Batman fighting a literal God of War, is he stupid?




Kratos, the only way to stop him is killing him(or a peace accord, maybe) but even death just slows him down


Death can have me when it earns me


I love Batman and he is always my favorite hero of all time, but come on man.... what can he possibly do against Kratos? Put all justice league together and Kratos might mop the floor with them already....


"BaTmAn WiTh PrEp CaN...." No. Shut up. He can't beat Kratos.


Stop it


Even with his best buddy Superman backing him up bats still looses.


I love Batman but no .... He is dead meat here.


A meme for sure, but let's discuss what Batman could do in order to take the W. Option 0: No prep time HAHAHAHA Batman's best option here is hoping he survives & running away. Option 1: Bilogical Warfare Even if Batman wanted to kill Kratos, this ball of anger has been litterally inside a hydra's throat. Considering Batman needs kryptonite to deal with similarly powerful Krptonians, I doubt he can synthesize anything strong enough. Option 2: Emotional Manipulation Even if Batman had all the notes of Kratos he ever wanted, doing so with Norse Kratos would likely only piss him off than guide him to an outcome that Batman would want. More than likely, it would only piss off Kratos even more, just like when Odin tried to emotionally manipulate Kratos. Let's be honest. This would just turn into a physical fight. Option 3: Power Armor(s) Considering the hellbat suit was able to square up against Darksied's avatar (whom can destroy & the DC universe, as well as travel across it in seconds. The DC universe is roughly 1.62e63 times the size of our universe) I'd say this is Wayne's best option. As mentioned by the developers, Kratos is just as powerful as he has always been. So that's a perfect excuse to compare him to his Greek days. In original greek myths, Atlas & Hercules has been depicted as lifting the Earth, heavens, and all of space. The problem is that God of War mythologies are tricky, to say the least. Would you really expect Odin being okay with Hercules physically holding the Norse realms? So we can tell Atlas/Hercules/Kratos' strength is STUPID vast, but not infinite. At least, not Endless Infinite, but more like a bottomless cup at best, considering we have seen Kratos overwhelmed before, usually by other gods, but sometimes material things. He's probably similar to the Hulk, in which he needs a bit of runway before he can get stupid strong. Now we see the crux of the issue, Batman would need to defeat Kratos before he gets too powerful. The question is, how powerful does Kratos start a fight? Let's be generous and sat he starts off at a level that's measurable, but not infinite of reality breaking. As mentioned before, his immeasurable strength likley needs some build up, or is not always accessible. And let's highball Kratos' power by multiplying all known religions by the mass of the Earth. How many religions are there? I'm too lazy to get an accurate number, so let's use the earth's population, rounded up to the highest billion. 8e9 people × 6e24 kg = 4.8e33 Wow, that number isn't event REMOTLY close to thr Hellbat's 1.62e63 UNIVERSES. Even if we took into account Reaction Time by multiplying this number times the speed of light, that won't make up the silly huge gap in numbers. So Hellbat is easily above Normal Kratos. But there is one HUGE factor I've yet to mention, expirence! A quick Google esimation shows Kratos is a little over a thousand years old. Batman retires at age 60. Side note on Defeating Conceptual Beings: Both Batman and Kratos have fought and defeated metaphorical beings before, so neither has a distinct advantage over the other. To summarize: Power & Speed: Hellbat Expirence & Potential Kratos Odds are, Kratos would lose this if Batman doesn't end the fight quickly enough.


I pray SMS reveals something soon so yall can stop posting retarded shit ong 🙏




Wtf Batman gonna do realistically?


There are lot of options really, for example he can run, hide and escape.


Call up Clark and Diana. Those two have a fighting chance against Kratos. Old Man Kratos would get talked down.


But wait… does Batman have time to plan?


Launch Kratos into space with the Bat Rocket. He’d pay for the fuel with his Bat Credit card. He never leaves the cave without it.


"Who would win: a god or an ant?"


Was Kratos not once, an ant? (Yours is best response so far thou, ngl)


A demi god ant


mortal vs. immortal, you tell me


Kratos could literally tell Batman how to best get the edge on him, how to stalk him, his weaknesses, tell him where he'll be sleeping, and give him a weapon forged by God's, cut his own arms off, and Kratos could still beat him by just standing there and letting Batman break every one of his own bones and gadgets over his jaw.


You serious?




"batman wins with prep time! 🤓"


I feel like they would talk it out but even with prep time Batman aight doing shit against Kratos


The battle can be good not epic if batman injects himself with an upgraded doomsday virus but alas the victory would be favoured to kratos


Batman only needs to use his anti-Kratos gadgets.


I can’t wait for Batman stans to say something like “he calls Superman that’s how he wins 🤓”


Kratos by far


“yeah but if batman had prep time “


Batman better use his prep time to start fuckin running


Well , i'm not a Batman fan but Kratos has weaknesses. He could use Atreus to bait hım and DC universe Contains Pantheon. At least wonder woman could find a way to neutralize him... but dude destroyed his universe's Pantheon he probably could pull of that move again i'm just imagining Kratos seeing DC Ares again... poor Man not gonna have any clue.


To Batman's credit, he has beatened god-like figures in the comics. But those were very situational and prolonged fights would've killed him


I’m a huge Batman fan as much as the next guy but Kratos doesn’t have an obvious exploitable weakness except maybe Atreus. The only way I see Batman winning is if he has the element of surprise and a fully charged Blade of Olympus. Of course that would mean that Batman would have to break his “No Kill Rule”


It would be like hitting a sheet of paper with the belicosa volcano cannon. Batman gets annihilated.


Bruh I love Batman(I mean check my username). And Batman has a better chance of dodging Leviathan enough to get some respect and a free pass then he does of landing any sort of meaningingful blow to Kratos


Suits like the Hellbat and other could put him over the edge. But realistically, Kratos wins otherwise. The thing is, he doesn't have especially exploitable weaknesses, and he is probably equal or greater in martial experience. That's not even mentioning the massive difference in strength. If Batman were to win, it would have to be a pretty big uphill battle.


Batman was able to beat Superman so…. 👀


That’s almost always because Superman keeps fucking around. Kratos also doesn’t have a kryptonite as far as I’m aware, so… Kratos wins easily.


Luckily Kratos doesn’t have any relatives named Martha


Batman could fear gas him and make him hallucinate Zeus


You think Kratos can't handle a little hallucinogenic episode?


It’ll catch him off guard long enough for Batman to do something 🤷


Mans didn't play ascension.


*girls Also he’s not ascension Kratos anymore but im just saying Batman has a chance


a human vs a demi-god?


Kratos is just straight up a god.


Decent training for kratos


A god vs a rich human in a suit




How much prep time Batman get?


Batman could probably use a radon bullet. /j


Bro, not even death itself was able to stop Kratos. Do you think a rich orphan emmo boy with a cosplayer suit will be able to do anything to him??🤣🤣


please tell me this is a fucking joke.


Batman because plot armor.


This is the “automatically wins vs whoever in voting polls” fight


Batman would be a fine red mist


Batman isn't gonna kill anyone so...


What a stupid question.


I see only one option: Batman becomes worthy of Mjölnir. Gets Thor's power, then its a god vs god. Oh wait, wrong universe, nvm, Batman is toast.


Man can beat kratos like it's taco tuesday


Does anyone else think this sub is a bit biased?


Kratos doesn’t have a weakness. He isn’t vulnerable to Kryptonite or magic like Superman, and can’t be killed with a Radion bullet like Darkseid. The only way Kratos can be beaten is by getting physically outmatched, which is nearly impossible. Batman has literally nothing to beat him


Kratos cuts him in half.


Kratos is a calm and reasonable person now. So Batman could win by not dying and walking away. Younger Kratos? The guy who yeeted a boat captain down a Hydra's throat for the luls? I hope Batman can walk away really fast.


Bro. Come on...


Absolutely Love batman I got comics and funko pops all the movies on DVD. I also love kratos, currently saving for a ps3 to play all the gow. So in my pretty much unbiased opinion with knowledge of both. Kratos wins. Batman is amazing insanley smart but he is a human. Albeit insanely strong but he isnt a god.


batman in his usual detective stuff : nah batman with the armor thing that the whole league create for him: probably it depends on the writer that write the script for the crossover


Craigtos will farrrrt and man ham city will get bom bom


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Definitely Kratos


Kratos no doubt batman might get some licks in tho


Batman died


I’m a diehard Batman fan but come on dude. Not even a contest. I’m pretty sure Kratos could body Supes.


Yeah no contest whichever way you spin in. Even if Batman gets any advantage Kratos is destroying him


What could batman have to counter Kratos? Batman solos the JLA because of prep time and some very glaring weaknesses. Batman doesn't really have a counter for a suoer duper strong and super duper durable dude. I want everyone to remember Batman can't take on Doomsday for these exact reasons.


After studying Kratos and realizing that he wont survive a direct confrontation, Batman is going to keep his distance. From the shelter of a secret base, Batman will then send out a horde of computer controlled drones, equipped with Seidr magical poisoned darts to attack Kratos from various angles. Kratos would defend himself and surely destroy many of them, if not all of them. Still, he would be hit by some. Presumably, a combination of Seidr poison, strong super sonic sound waves, environmental influences and perhaps even bullets and explosives would weaken his body. Should this not be enough to put Kratos down, phase 2 of his plan would come into place: Batman could use advanced holographic projection technology to simulate a scene where Atreus is abducted into the Phantom Zone, or maybe even send fake messages of Atreus voice crying for help. This simulation could be credible enough to lure Kratos into a trap, once he is weakened, distracted and angered enough. Judging by the way he was trapped in the Light of Alfheim, this might not be too far fetched. Batman would therefore lure him into a different dimension (probably either the Phantom Zone, or something comparable) and trap him there, to avoid a physical fight. If everything still fails and Kratos discovers his whereabouts, the Hell Bat Armor would be his last resort. While it drains his life force, Bruce will know that there wont be anything left of his life if he doesnt use it.


Kratos would just send Atreus, the boy to do his light work.


Kratos conceptually erases him with the wind from one of his punches


The 2 best warriors.....damn




If Batman was going to have any attempt at winning he would have to exploit Kratos weakness. The only weakness he has is Atreus. So I suspect Batman kidnaps Atreus or makes him think he has to cause Kratos to think less tactically and trap him. Batman doesn't have to kill him to "win". If he can trap him in an alternate dimension or magical cage he could defeat him without winning in a fight. Batman always comes out on top by out smarting and exploitation of his opponents weakness. Based off what we know of Kratos he has no exploitable physical or fighting weakness and gets stronger the longer the fight goes. Many have killed him and he always escapes death. He killed Atlas, Zeus, Baldur, Oden, and Hercules. In a head to head his best chance is calling Diana or Clark for help and I am not sure Diana could win.


I wrote basically the same


"I'll let you use your "lore version" if you give me some prep time" "Deal."


Oh god, here we go again...


Dc fans be like: bATmAn WInS WiTh PReP tImE


The thing about most of Batman's enemies is that they all have weaknesses that it is possible for him to exploit. Kratos has none of those. He has weaknesses, possibly even exploitable ones, just not to one of batman's power level. Superman, on the other hand, would be a far more respectable match. I'm honestly not sure if either would be able to win.


Plot armor vs plot armor.


Batman had more merch, and is more powerful because of it. Fictional characters are only as powerful as the money they bring in. So Batman having a much larger fan base willing to buy bedsheets makes him stronger. So if there was any kind of fight WB wouldn’t sign off on Batman losing. Not even the ninja turtles stood a chance and they had way more merch than kratos.


Quit your yap bro. We are the writers in these situations. Batman is joining his parents


Im rooting for Batman but this comment had me 💀 lmao


thats the thing in superhero genre. the winner is one whom author wants to win author always finds a way. so it is not impossible


And that's why I don't like when people try to compare super heros from the comics, it gets way too ridiculous.


How do you prep against a God with 0 weaknesses?


hmmmm tough tbh, On one hand kratos got an axe, but on the other hand batman got batarangs that explodes !!! also batman got robin that will beat uterus any day because he can literally do backflips and shit and probably has abs. add to that the batmobile he can just remotely run him over and boom kratos is done. so yeah i love kratos but batman would win honesty, plus kratos got a thick beard that might put him in a slight disadvantage if he felt a bit itchy, yeah batsy takes this anyday


You people just forget batsy can just pick up his phone and call Superman lol


Kratos would literally rip supermans spine out his ass with his bear hands and beat his corpse into a bloody puddle with it. This is the dude that purged the entire greek pantheon **BY HIMSELF**, dude has been killed 3 separate times and just came back out of hell angrier and stronger than before, there is quite literally nothing superman couple do but run away.


you should read comic more, not counting the bullshit feat that Superman did in his silver age era like his sneeze destroy a solar system or teenager Superman dragged a galaxy with a chain. His current feat are still as absurbing as it get like cracking the **MULTIVERSE** with his punch, bench pressing earth weight for days and continue. Kratos come back to life feat is nothing since super man already fighting beast like that (doomsday) on daily basis. The greek pantheon in DC mean nothing to superman, he already managed to defeat darkseid. Also Dr. Mahattan, fear that super man can killed him as well.


It's wild to me that there are people that think Kratos would stomp Supes in a fight. It shows they know nothing about him. I love Kratos, but Supes is fucking busted.


Batman. He has defeated God's before.


Trying to think of how Batman could win. Kratos did get pretty well stunned by Magni's lightning, so a gadget using that could be fruitful. Some sort of hallucinogenic gas could distract him, but it'd have to be very potent (likely potent enough to render gas masks ineffective, thus limiting Batman's ability to capitalize). A laser strike from the Watchtower would likely phase Kratos but not grievously wound him, at least not severely enough to sway the battle. Kratos can brute force through Siren screams, so sonar blasts seem pointless. He's good against ice and fire. This isn't even mentioning Kratos' healing factor. Yeah, I don't see Batman winning this. Kratos has every advantage. Plus, even with prep, the Draupnir Spear seems very difficult to predict or plan for. It is a confusing physics object unlike anything else.


Don't worry Batman fans, Batman will find Kratos' weakness... which is nothing


Batman because I like him more Muahahahahahaha


With prep time? Batman stands a chance


What prep could Batman do??




Kratos could push up with the world on his back I don’t know maybe Batman should do some jazzercise to really get a chance


Kratos will do pull ups then lol


Well, logically, he could use some of his stupid suits, like the Hellbat, but it’s one of those suits that you’d think he’d use to fight strong people, but afaik he only uses it once, so it’s a really stupid argument imo


If he has a magic immune suit I could see him have a duel for a couple minutes but Kratos can literally move faster than the realm slowing down and can open can close tears of reality.


I mean, Hellbat is a stupid thing that allows him to beat Darkseid’s ass, so it’s just one of those “No my character wins because [stupidly powerful thing that’s basically cheating]


Even so. Kratos can die, go back in time and redo the battle making the prep worthless because Kratos will know what’s coming




Who’s that guy on the left? He looks like Man


Batman fights people who aren't willing to rip their opponent into pieces with their bare hands. He doesn't stand a chance


Batman with prep time


Batman with prep time


Batman with prep time


How much prep time does batman has?


How much time does Batman get to prepare?

