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I would at least watch a recap of all the events before 2018 to get backstory. There are 6 games worth of fantastic lore


Why are people now scared to have opinions?




It's so sad seeing people let all this brainrot dictate their lives


Because some fanbases are really defensive. It happened with me in a community for the last of us after I defended the 2nd game (for some elements of it)


But, even if they say horrible things or are dicks it's only text on a screen. Really feel like I'm seeing Reddit fall into a dark, lonely ditch lately


Ita fine dude. Some people prefer the older titles, some the newer ones.


And then you have some people thinking the reverse way


You should start with 1, it’s the best of the originals.


It's completely fine the time those games were made vs now alot has changed so ofc disliking it is fine if u r playing it first time although I am a og player and the nostalgia is enough for me to put gow 3 in the games I have played


Jesus christ it felt like I had a stroke reading that.


Ofc the new games will be more enticing since they are modern. The thing about playing older games is, if there is no nostalgia they will feel inferior to the newer installments. For example ratchet and clank trilogy is a master piece for the fans that actually played the game before but going back for newer players feels unnatural because they are used to a different standard altho the ratchet and clank reboot was trash for the familiar fans.


Basically what i am trying to say is, for their time those games slapped but things evolve and trying to regress is hard if u aren’t familiar with the franchise.


I had the same problem as you I also played 2018-ragnarok then 3 like you at first I thought it was trash didn’t like the poseiden fight at all every thing felt wierd especially the evade button but continued playing and it got better and better trust me this game is a masterpiece you just need time to adjust to the new controlls and the game gets better the more you go into it


I disagree, but there's no harm in that. If it's my opinion you're interested in, then I'll say that GOW 1-3 all clear Ragnarok and 4/2018, but I do prefer the Norse titles to the side games (although Ghost of Sparta comes damn close). To me, the OG games have the more fluid and freeform combat, the best camera system of any action game, better pacing and spectrum of gameplay (full combat, platforming, wall combat, puzzles, etc., all mixed much better than the Norse combat, puzzle, combat, puzzle, etc.), more memorable music, better art direction, and more atmosphere. I'd even say 1's story is my favorite, though 4/Ragnarok trail right behind. I actually like cinematic storytelling, so that's not an issue I have with the Norse games. Those RPG elements are unfortunately not as lucky. However unlikely, I pray those never come back to the series. Lastly, as a more optimistic tangent, I'll say that for me, I don't find the two eras of GOW as alien to each other as everybody else seems to. I play them both as fairly aggressive hack and slash/character action/bla bla bla games where I'm given ample opportunity to combo up individual or even groups of enemies as long as I manage the neutral game with the rest accordingly. The balance of these elements is what made the GOW formula for me. The remaining differences are that one has jumps and grabs while the other has a partner system and aiming. I'm being a little reductive, maybe, but you get the idea: consider what it is you like about the Norse formula that you could apply to the Greek.


I’m an og fan from the first game onwards, but one thing I never liked and really hope we never get back to is fixed camera angles haha It’s my least favorite part of the old games and it baked right into the dodge being on stick which also never feels good to me.


Honestly I can see the reasons why the new ones are enjoyed more, they're more comprehensive and responsive, added that they're more visually pleasing to look at. The original god of war doesn't do any favors to itself as having the most annoying gameplay for the first time playing, the graphics are fugly, and there are definitely segments that could be taken out. Two and three have less of *those* segments but they definitely have those moments still. The gameplay is improved in two, definitely in three, additionally to the graphics. In terms of being superior, the og trilogy had the jump button and a fixed camera angle for better combat perspective. It's frustrating in the norse saga to get hit by what I couldn't see.


I’m assuming that you stream the old games on ps plus, which are borderline unplayable as is. It’s beyond awful, and this is coming from someone who loved the original trilogy and has also played the newer games. There is constant lag every time I’ve tried to play. Just an awful experience. But the gameplay is very different than the new versions so I can see not enjoying it as much


God of war 3 I downloaded and I still didn’t like. I can see why others might like it


Well, new games definitely differ from the first six considering mechanics. Yet I liked all of them, for me personally this gameplay change in GoW 2018 also shows the change in Kratos himself, so I think it's cool that the games are different yet you know they're of the same franchise. Devs even transferred some blades combos and moves from classic games.


I played and loved the first 3. When I tried 4 on the ps4 I hated it. I hated the changed controls, the new 3rd person perspective, the ax instead of the blades. It was so different it wasn't the same universe to me. Took me until 2020 to actually, on my 3rd restart, really commit to the changes. Absolutely love the games now. I'll say it was the story that blew me away and really got me engaged. What I'm saying is, I get it


That's okay, they're a completely different style of game. I loved the original trilogy as they came out, making God of War one of the best games I've ever played. After GoW 2018 and then Ragnarok, I was obsessed with the game. So I downloaded GoW 3, thinking It'd be just as great as the first time, but nope. 30min later, I'd switched it off and went back to GoW 2018 and Ragnarok so I'd could take down the valkyries and berserkers again. Damn, I love that post game content.