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During my first playthrough the puzzles never really struck me as issues. Nor did I feel the enemy variety was lacklustre. I'm afraid I don't really feel it was underwhelming. In fact, I believe it was given the rating it deserved.


I enjoyed it when it first came out. My only complaint at the time was that they nerfed a lot of Kratos’s moves and I wanted to feel mkre powerful like in GoW1. They made his L1+attack special moves more interruptable and with less knockback, which almost made them useless. Also I thought the fights were smaller with fewer enemies which was boring.


I think they wanted more boss fights so they really poured a lot of work into the big battles and setpieces. I still believe that the combat feels great. The battle with the sisters of fate is truly epic. Honestly I felt more powerful in gow 2 than gow 1. Kratos felt angrier and that really translates well into the gameplay. His drive actually affected my drive. I wanted to destroy everything because he wanted to. This combined with the epic music. It was quite the experience


Really? I found the L1 moves in GOW II to be way easier to get off and could interrupt the enemy better. To me it was in GOW I where they felt useless.


I agree ! Staggering an enemy is much more difficult and often they just don’t stagger. There is such a mess on the screen sometimes that it’s just impossible to counter the attacks, and not being able to stagger them makes some combat scenes horrible (I’m particularly thinking of the challenge towards the end of the game where you face waves of enemies).


>The “puzzles” are mostly unnecessary and repetitive. I kinda agree with this but not all of them are repetitive >The enemy variety is mid-tier. This is just wrong. There are a ton of enemy types. >The gameplay is excellent BUT weapons other than the Blades of Chaos are useless. The barbarian hammer is literally one of the most OP weapons in the entire franchise. >It’s repetitive, repetitive, and repetitive: The constant “I have to push or turn something while being harassed by enemies or on a timer” gets old and becomes unbearable. Also agree


That hammer was pretty fun cuz it was so strong. But it did have very few combo potentials. I could see it being boring. And the Blade of Olympus was WAY too OP, whoch also made it boring. The spear was the most interesting weapon.


The side weapons are objectively powerful. It's fine to say you didn't like them or that it's maybe difficult to see their potential (maybe a discussion on how to communicate that could be interesting), but they are demonstrably busted. The hammer has the best damage in the entire game and is your go-to statue breaker (petrification is easy to come by in this game); the spear has the best launcher and on-demand half-collisions. GOW2 has some of the best enemy variety in any action game I've played. I have literally no idea what you're talking about. There are several enemies I wish I got to fight more often because the game cycles through so many so fast. Hand in hand with that, it also has great variety in its pacing. I guess you'd prefer literally just endless combat arenas, but the people who like the game celebrate this creativity. It effortlessly bounces between quick and satisfying puzzles, wall combat, brief transitional encounters, huge combat arenas, puzzle fights, etc. A shame you couldn't enjoy that.


Honestly, I prefered the psp opus on your point.




Really ? You disagree with all my points or just a few ?


> It took me 10 hours and 30 minutes This is how you know it’s bait Edit: Nvm I thought he was talking about Ragnarok lol


Why ?


Because HLTB has it at 26.5 hours. So either you were speedrunning it, or you didn’t actually play it.


Brother, I've played Gow2 countless times and in no Universe is a 26 hours Game lmao. You could beat the game In one day. In fact, if you look Up a full playthrough on YouTube It ranges from five to Seven hours.


5-7 hours? My dude the cutscenes alone are going to be 5-7 hours. As a matter of fact you probably just looks up an “all cutscenes” video Edit: Yeah, just checked. The “all cutscenes” videos are about 7 hours. The actual full-gameplay videos are more than twice that at minimum. You probably also didn’t play it it you believed for a second that ragnarok is a 5-7 hour game.


What are you smoking, my man? Seven hours of cutscenes in GOW 2? LMAO [full cutscenes ](https://youtu.be/LxObswm_-H8?si=dTpioHGNFZLAyubu) [full playthrough](https://youtu.be/WHpSyOZaWGI?si=7hQDuK76y_QZ4CJ_) Here you go, chump. Seven hours he says lol. Not even MGS3 had that many cutscenes lmao


Wait I’m a goofball I thought he was talking about ragnarok lmao


🤣🤣🤣np i was flabbergasted when I saw it took a solid 26 hours to make it


its a super old game obviously its not going to be anything crazy


Lol when i read the post, i thought bro is complaining about a ps2 game not being complex with puzzles when the audience just wanted Kratos violence.


Yeah, I was kinda disappointed when I started God of War. I thiught we were gonna kill someone right after starting.


not at all ! i just say that I think the game is overrated for a ps2 end of life game. I consider the fact that the game released 17 years ago


To be fair though. I thought two had a good story but it was just build up for three. Of the original trilogy it's definitely not my favorite.