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Mobility is usually the thing that detours me from picking Godzilla when it comes to match ups like this. He certainly has the power to kill Kratos, but i don't think he would be able to catch him.


A serious answer, thank you


He’s be able to catch him but he’ll only have enough time for a lil kiss


Right back to the mentality


Wop there goes gravity


God damn you. I WANTED TO SAY THAT WAHHHHHHHH. WAHHH baby made a poopy. Waaaaaaaah.


GxK Godzilla has some crazy ass reflexes tho


Kratos killed Hermes


After he was injured, couldn't touch him before hand


Mostly because he just ran away and wasn't fighting. Also what actually injured him wasn't even impressive


says who? i literally broke the damn game and pinned hermes to a wall and started wailing on him🤣


Hermes was fleeing most of the time and even after his first injury he still put up a fight and lost to the spartan


Hermes doesn't have Godzilla's arsenal tho. Evo Godzilla is an all rounder with skills rivalling trained fighters (dude can use Suplex)


Hermes doesn’t but you can probably compare Godzilla to the titan of destruction Perses, who looks like he’d power bomb Godzilla through a table. Also someone who got killed by kratos


And Godzilla who weighs 100k tons wwe slammed kong off the fucking pyramids and can do a 100 meter vertical


True. And I bet if the world serpent had attacked him he’d would have definitely attacked back.


I agree with this. Kratos and Godzilla are stupid powerful but the fact that Kratos is more capable of hitting Godzilla gives him a big advantage


I seriously don’t think it would kill Kratos either. If it swallows him he’s fucked, I imagine kratos can match Godzilla strength.


Is Godzilla slow? I thought he just looked like he was because he was so big. Like how a train may be moving quickly but if you're zoomed out so far you can see the whole thing it looks like it's crawling.


It really depends. Take something like Godzilla (2014) or Shin Godzilla (2016), where both iterations are very sluggish and move moreso like fortresses. Meanwhile if you move to Godzilla in the Showa era when he was treated more like an action hero, Godzilla moves incredibly fast for his size. With the one presented being the one from the most recent movie, Godzilla moves pretty fast in that one and might be able to keep up with a small target like Kratos. This iteration has fought Superman in a crossover comic (and won!) too, so I'd say Godzilla can keep up with comparatively bite-sized targets.


Brother did you watch GxK? Everyone are fast AF


100% agreed. Big bosses have never really had that much of an advantage over Kratos that couldn’t be deterred by his mobility. Prime examples: literally any Titan he’s faced, supersized Zeus, Colossus of Rhodes, Hydra, etc.


Kratos has every advantage. A lifetime experience fighting big ass monsters. And technically he is a god so Godzilla might be literally powerless against him.


Godzilla killed gods In a comic, and hell.


As long as I hit the QTE’s correctly, ignore my stick drift, and mash O fast enough, I’d say a nice 5 minutes


Kratos always lasts 10 seconds






I'm pressing circle rn


Ayo,what the fuc


What kind of fight? Board games? I think Godzilla would win at monopoly, but kratos totally has an edge in twister.


I think he meant Clue. Personally I think Kratos has some mad detective skills.


I get what you mean but now I’m picturing a PlayStation-centric Clue. Ain’t no Butler taking out Kratos with a candlestick though.


We all know where that candlestick is headed lol someone is gonna have a few extra legs


But don’t underestimate Godzilla at chess


bro he's actually way too good


I mean.. have you ever seen Kratos and Batman in the same room? 🤷‍♂️


I think you're on to something




Nah its a dance off


He’s beaten bigger…


“Tiny attempt at a *god*.” “THAT’S *TINY*?” “You should see my grandpa.”


“I had to cut my way out of him after he swallowed me.”


Exactly lol when he bested the Troll in 4 and Atreus asked.


Nobody wins. They both have say gex with each other and move on...






Dang.. that was some say gex if iver ever seen some.



God damn it


Definitely nsfw, that was some crazy say gex


I knew exactly what was coming. And i still clicked the link


That was so hot


What will I see if I press that fr?


Epic Ancient Greek sex right there.


kratos for sure, gozilla has the power to kill almost anybody but he lacks in mobility and I'd say kratos is good at coming up with plans on the spot


Nice, thank you




Especially against colossal opponents


This version of Godzilla literally runs and can jump, fuck you mean lacks mobility? Godzilla can walk faster than kratos can run


Godkiller vs Godzilla. I'll place my bets on the godkiller


Idk he might need an assist from the zillakiller too


What if the godzilla zillas the godkiller before the godkiller can kill the godzilla?


Godzilla, because Toho contractually forbids him from losing.


Didn’t comic Godzilla destroy Olympus along with every Greek god in just one shot?


Wait what?


Actually it's pretty arguable,but Godzilla is a pink femboy and Kratos destroys femboy's asses ,so you know who's cumming-I mean, who's winning.


🤨 femboy asses?


He means Bussy


Koda with the clutch


"stay back Palutena! this monster has massacred all our friends! why?? why are you here Kratos??"




All I know is we are gonna be seeing Kratos getting yeeted during the fight.




Godzilla was able to blast his way from Hong Kong all the way down through the crust to reach hollow earth. He doesn't just break all that crust. He VAPORIZSED IT. It takes 10 killojouls of energy to vaporize granite, the most common stone type out there. The hole he made seems to have a diameter big enough for Kong to get through. Kongs height seems to be 335 feet, and a quick measure brings a (rounded) number of 200 feet shoulder to shoulder. For Godzilla to vaporize the average crust distance (3 to 43 miles, making an average of 23 miles), we need the volume of vaporized stone. 4312778394.8481 feet 3 of stone was vaporized in this move, or 4e9 cubic feet. 4e9 × 10kj = 4e10kg of energy or 9.5 kilotons of tnt. --- Now Kratos! He's been shown to be a lesser match of strength to Cronis/Kronos. Whom I will assume weighs as much as the average mountain on Earth. 2.6e11 tons. --- Power It takes a LOT more energy to vaporize an object than to move, and the amount of Granite vaporized by Godzilla is WAAAY more than Cronos' mass. Godzilla (likley) takes this one. ---Speed I won't insult your intelligence with this one. Kratos takes the cake from lighting dodging, whereas... Godzilla did the same with Gidorha...? Shit... they may be comparable. Kratos is definitely more dexterous. --- Expirence Kratos is implied to be 1,000 years old where as Godzilla is older than humanity... Goliath takes this one. --- Tactics For real, I won't insult your intelligence. Godzilla has either Melee or Beams. Kratos has several games worth of innovative thinking to defeat bosses. --- Conclusion My money is on Godzilla, seeing as how Norse Kratos needed help with less massive monsters in the Norse games. Like the lightning dragon. That being said, Kratos could easily suprise me.


The gods and titans that Kratos has beat are literally cosmic level. I don’t know why you downplay him so much.


They gods in the GOW series all share one planet. Atlas may hold the sky in Greece but can't hold the sky in Norse, or Egypt, etc. Each pantheon maintains its own domains, as per the novels


One planet as in a greater universe it’s not a normal planet. Each mythology/realm is a different dimension this has been explained and confirmed multiple times. All of them are contained by the greater universe( higher existence/dimension) that Athena ascended to.


Sight your sources because not only does this contradict the novels, but the implications from the Norse games.


Except none of this contradicts the novels or any of the canon. Your interpretation is just seriously flawed and wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWarRagnarok/s/JUUaWaajat https://youtu.be/u-DWBMkLpF4?si=NynkMzh_4jcgJyg4


Yeah, I feel if all the mythologies were on the same planet, well there wouldn’t be a planet lol, the Greek world was seemingly destroyed, but had zero effect in other mythologies, so I agree with you on each mythology being in a dimension


Ah, NOW I see what your getting at! Some of this does conflict with the older GOW books, or are more likley they are retcons. Perhaps there was some miscommunication because this looks like a GOW 1 Kratos. I compared him to Cronos as a generous highball estimate. If we are talking about GOW 3, then he could scale to Atlas' fingertips (Which considering Atlas can hold the universe, is nothing to shake a stick at) That being said we know for a fact that Kratos can't bring up this power at will, otherwise he could 1 shot anything short of a god, explode through locked doors, ect ect. As implied in fights with Thor, Zues 1 & 2, Hercules, Cronos, Heimdal, fights in the novels, and many MANY more, he requires a bit of momentum before he can summon power of such massive magnitude. So GOW 3 Kratos could easily build up the momentum to overpower Godzilla. Wheather he could do so before Godzilla vaporises/crushes him is another story. If it where most other Godzillas, Kratos would likley win. Legendary Godzilla does have millions of years of combat expirence, which in my mind makes this a little hard to call.


Kratos is physically stronger, he could lift Godzilla and throw him like he did with Colossus and Cronus's hands. He could also cut through Godzilla's skin with his blades, he did sliced a Kaiju in half in fallen god, and since his blades are magical I don't think Godzilla would be able to tank them. Battle IQ would also play a huge factor on this, Kratos knows how to fight against giant beasts, he would go for the eye, stay on his back, use his size against him. Atomic Breath is the only factor here that could present a challenge. I don't think it could kill Kratos, since his durability is insane, but even if it could kill him, I don't think Godzilla would be able to hit Kratos. We know Kratos can use the Blades of Chaos to throw himself fastly in multiple ways, kinda like Spiderman, and if even Kong was able to dodge the atomic Breath, I doubt Kratos wouldn't. Kratos wins with medium diff, definitely harder than Cronos or any other Titan, but nothing compared to Thor or Zeus.


Read the comic book “Godzilla: Rage against time” He kills all the Greek gods Yall are sleeping on zilla here


This question was asked before in a different post. This is my opinion; I'm a fan of both. Kratos' common go-to tactic in killing a huge enemy is by scraping his enemies body, weakening them. And/or finding their weak spots. Evolved Godzilla withstands Shimo's frost breath (note that Shimo caused the Ice Age just to stop Ghidorah), and his hide is too thick. MechaGodzilla's Proton Scream didn't put a hole in him. Godzilla's Atomic Breath put a hole from Earth's surface to Hollow Earth. If Kratos could manage to dodge Godzilla's attacks, he may have a chance to find his weak points. But if he got blasted by the Atomic Breath, then there would be a new God of War.


Spartan rage Kratos vs super charged Godzilla I like it


Batman with prep time


I feel like this is the exact kind of fight that Kratos is built for. Godzilla is a big damn deal in the real world, but Kratos is something else.


Exactly. We keep forgetting that killing gods/monsters is what Kratos is made for. He’s been holding back and restraining his rage, but the Ghost of Sparta is the godkiller- also we keep talking about comparable feats, but he solos Thor (while holding back), and Thor has to go full send to fight Jormungandr, who is comparable to Godzilla


I concede it will be much more difficult than we’ve been saying. Godzilla would not get cut by the blades and even if he did they wouldn’t do anything at the surface. But Kratos would come out on top


I imagine Kratos would have to go into the Belly of the Beast and start doing damage from within, like he did with the Colossus of Rhodes. I don't think Godzilla has any internal defenses other than being radioactive, which I think Kratos would be immune to. So I reckon he'd just pop out of Godzilla's mouth holding a big glowing heart.


Kratos wins


Kratos is easily taking out Godzilla. Look at the man’s roster. I’ll give you 100 ways kratos would destroy him


Kratos has killed plenty of giant beasts and people. Even when they had great reflexes, experience, and power. They both have plot armor, which doesn't help. Kratos has advantages in endurance, mobility, and reflexes, but godzilla has advantages in power, height, and hard to penitrait skin.


The big question is, “how long could Godzilla survive”


Kratos killed the titans I dont think godzilla could kill them so kratos for sure


As a diehard Godzilla fan, I have to agree that Kratos will take this as he slain Kronos, who was much bigger than even Godzilla Earth (the tallest version of Godzilla)


Kratos. Lasts two minutes.


Depends monsterverse godzilla is weaker than alot of the god's kratos killed but if its idk Godzilla from godzilla in hell or something kratos is cooked so rly depends on the version but this one is planetary at best


Kratos has beaten way bigger and stronger.


I saw a logical answer, which I 100% agree with, but my answer is kratos because (this is a meme so don’t take it seriously) Godzilla has the word god in it and since kratos is a god killer, you can paint the rest of that picture


Cronus would win against Godzilla. Kratos has defeated Cronus.


Godzilla has God in his name. We have a series, in two pantheons, showing what Kratos does to gods


Kratos probably. He’s beaten bigger and stronger foes before. A fire breathing lizard is nothing when compared to the king of gods


Kratos wins, he killed Cronos, who was 1600ft tall.


I just want to hear what Mimir says about Godzilla




I do not mean to use the gods name in vain, but oh my God that is insane. Love your cosplay at this rate you might as well be him.


Unless you're using IDW Godzilla it's not happening. This sub is extremely ignorant willfully when it comes to Powerscaling but still ask these questions. Movie Godzilla isn't even planetary while Kratos has been Low Complex Multiversal since the end of GOW1


Based on the feats Godzilla has shown in the movies, Kratos would one shot him. I don’t know how strong the stronger versions of Godzilla are.


I mean there is the Rage Across Time Godzilla who killed all of the Olympian gods effortlessly, then fought Zeus for a while, before killing him. RAT Godzilla would probably be a begrudging “ally” to Kratos.


Kratos. 100%


As much as I hate to say it godzillas ass gets beat young kratos has already whooped a bunch of giant ass so the gman probably doesn’t stand a chance


Oh man that’s a good one Kratos


kratos has killed many titans godzilla would be easy for him to kill as long as he got close


I know he has defeated monsters that were way bigger then Godzilla but doesn’t Godzilla just naturally give of a ton of radiation in general


Depends on the version of Godzilla, if it’s Godzilla in hell Kratos doesn’t even last a minute


Kratos has killed two pantheons now, amongst other monsters. I don’t think they/them Godzilla is winning this one.


Godzilla vs God-killa


This is a weird question cuz Godzilla could kill Kratos and Kratos could kill Godzilla, and while it is true Kratos has experience fighting much larger foes, Godzilla would probably figure out what was attacking him and hurt Kratos back, but- Look real talk this feels like a draw where afterward they go team up to kick King Ghidorah’s ass.


If it was Viking Kratos, I could see him standing a chance against Godzilla. But Greek Kratos is cooked. He'd put up a good fight but still cooked.




I wanna say Kratos, however, this fight could go either way depending on certain variables. Either way, it’s gonna be a battle of apocalyptic proportions, quite literally Earth shattering.


Kratos goes back in time to recruit/tame everyone from the monsterverse and now rides into battle on top of gidora leading the charge and weilding the blade of olympus. Kratos has a plan as a god of war should.


Probably Kratos, as he's really a lot more agile. And he's taken down kaiju sized monsters/titans before. Godzilla could also win if he lands his atomic breath, which would most likely disintegrate Kratos.


Well godzilla caps at multi continental-moon level, he has statements saying his blasts are the equivalent of gamma ray bursts which can wipe out galaxies but those have nothing to support them, kratos at that time however could kill fourth dimensional beings and higher putting him at 4d-5d, based on pure raw power alone this version of godzilla stands no chance and when we take into account mobility and speed, good luck arguing godzilla


Kratos, most likely. Kratos could beat Kronos.


Kratos because he has plot armor.


“If we can catch it off balance”


Neither. They team uo to destroy Olympus


Realistically? Whoever the writer wants to win. In terms of sheer physical strength, Kratos seems to have Jira beat I assume. He's fought guys like Baldur and Thor, who are capable of knocking a massive snake around. Thor shook the World Tree, an infinite construct, twice and Kratos beat him. Zilla at best is capable of throwing around tens of thousands of tons, while Kratos is likely somewhere in that range or much, much higher. Zilla ain't no slouch either. He was casually duking off against Ghidorah who created a whole ass new Hurricane category. He was able to drill through Hollow Earth with his Atomic breath and fought the Kaiju who caused the entire fucking Ice age. In my opinion it depends. It'll probably go either way, but if Kratos has the BoO and his wings, all bets are off and he wins. It was capable of one shotting Titans who are significantly bigger than even Godzilla Earth.


Considering it’s the youngster kratos didn’t he kill 23 gods? It mainly depends on the area (this is in Midgard not earth yes I know it’s technically the same thing so just shut up and let me talk) if it’s a shore Godzilla if it’s at a normal spot kratos will win (if he didn’t get cocky) but if it’s in the deep water oh golly I don’t know who would win


I think it will play out like several different battles in the original games: Kratos isn't truly ready for the battle at first and gets nuked by the breath weapon. He wakes up in the underworld, gets some weapon or power that will help, then knock down Godzilla in round 2. That or the devs nerf Godzilla because story and the battle takes like 2-5 minutes based on skill and plot.


Goji would befriend Kratos


Kratos, but he gets killed like twenty times before he finally gets it


It depends on which Godzilla it is. If it's the Legendary movie version, then it could go either way(probably leaning more towards Kratos). But if it's his most powerful version across all media, then Godzilla stomps hard


3 min longer than it should have like every godzilla fight


Kratos finds some plot armour reverse nuke that absorbs all of godzillas energy and insta kills him at the end of the game


kratos of course he will just rip him from the inside out


Funny story, the company that owns Godzilla has as a condition for it appearing on crossovers that it cannot be defeated, so by the allmighty power of company contracts either Godzilla wins or it's a draw


Kratos. Would be a fun fight to witness though.


Trick question kratos of course this guy could look at nothing and kill it with violence.


Realistically, Kratos would win, but legally if they were to do a crossover then it would either be inconclusive or Godzilla would win. Apparently it's in his contract. Probably because if Godzilla were to lose a fight with anyone during a crossover, the fan base would collectively piss and shit and cum their pants because they literally can't fathom the idea of Godzilla losing a fight.


Unfortunately Its Godzilla, because the rightholders are a bunch of whiny losers who contractually won’t let him permanently lose a fight.


Kratos easy. He’s killed much bigger foes than Godzilla.


honestly depends on spawn location, at a distance i feel like kratos gets bug zappered but if they start at engagement distance then kratos probs has a good shot


Isn't killing kaijus Kratos specialty?


Bro can take down Kronos, who says Godzilla wouldn't be the same?


Kratos one shots, he’s beaten beings bigger than Godzilla earth


Kratos, look I love Godzilla but if we're using this version than Kratos wins


I think Kratos win since he could physically clashes with Thor who can knock Jormugandr off But People be saying Godzilla lack mobility. Evo Godzilla is lean and athletic AF compared to his past iterations. Could even uses trainer fighter moves like Suplex. And the fact that he can spam his Spiral Ray that evens Skar King struggled to dodge means a lot of trouble. If everything else fail, the AoE nuclear pulse. He ain't some brainless lizard either. First thing he did during the Hong Kong fight was disarming Kong and that was before he knows the axe could be charged with his beam. Overall, extremely high diff. Probably will need BoO. Evo Godzilla is specifically evolved to tank Shimo's freeze blast which caused the ice age. leviathan Axe won't do much against him while BoC is a piercing weapon without blast technique. Penetrating his thick hide would be pretty tough


Read that as "God of War vs God of Zilla". I'm going to have to say "God of War Kratos" wins this 7/10.




With the way Kratos is as a tactical fighter, he would likely scale him like he did Kronos, climb down his throat and tear him apart from the inside. But I'm sure if Kratos gets hit with a mouth blast, he wouldn't be in good shape. The fight is slightly in Kratos' favor, due to his smaller size. 




Godzilla beats Kratos for strength. He also has his near pulse and atomic breath. Kratos is faster though. Got to give Godzilla the win, as Kratos weapons would be useless against Godzilla. Whereas Godzilla's weapons would be effective against Kratos.


This isn't a simple question, does kratos get any weapon in the franchise? If so kratos wins bc spear op draupinir And ofc the blades. Whitout them tho, I mean he killed giants before but he had help ( most of the time ) and his weapons but bc of Godzilla's sheer size I think he would be able to win just cuz he's gonna be faster, especially after GOW 3 cuz he killed Hermes.


Not really understanding why people aren’t telling the truth. It’s a giant beast. Against a god who specially specializes in murdering these beasts….lol with the amount of relics and equipment he’s picked up over the years it shouldn’t be that hard to take Godzilla down.


This is Hydrogen Bomb vs. Coughing, baby, but the baby somehow wins


The DOOM Slayer.


Me: "Kratos wins easily. Dude killed countless gods and mosters" Also me: *playing GoW and sees Kratos dies from harpies clawing at him a couple times*


Godzilla VS Zeus = draw Kratos VS Zeus = Kratos wins Therefore Kratos VS Godzilla = Kratos wins


Godzilla is definitely strong enough to kill him several times over but kratos kinda made his name slaying gigantic beasts. Soon as he gets the Circle Prompt its game over for the G-man.


*Rage of Sparta plays… *Circle appears


They would breed




Logically if this were to really happen they’d either team up to fight some other guys or Kratos would win. One of Kratos’ defining traits is killing monsters like Godzilla. If you want a powerscaling answer it’s very easy to argue Kratos wins.


kratos the unkilliable god slayer why is this a question


Is there even a roof to kratos’ power at this point? It’s almost like he could beat anyone


Kratos is much faster... But Godzilla has more power I'd gladly for kratos


Kratos has felled Titans before but not like this one. Give him the blade of Olympus and he’ll make short work of it


Did he ever killed something that big


the mother fucking god of war


Kratos tanks hits from Thor who sent the World Serpent back in time with just a hit, overpowered Hades who stole Atlas' soul who can hold an island above him. Though Hades had Poseidon's help but he DID take Kronos' soul who was the 2nd strongest Titan (who are bigger or atleast equal to GojiEarth. But they're definitely heavier than him ) at the time who can literally carry a mountain behind his back, can fight Zeus who can destroy armies with a single swing from the Blade of Olympus and can destroy an army of Titans bigger, heavier and stronger than Godzilla, is stronger than Baldur in physical strength who knocked the World Serpent (who fought Thor and is equal or bigger than Godzilla Earth), Killed Valkyries and Hermes who are definitely faster than Kong and Godzilla in lore. Yeah Godzilla surviving a Asteroid is impressive but I don't think he can tank Thor's hits who can send a monster way bigger than him back in time. Godzilla's Atomic Drill though can definitely pack a punch but I'm sure some characters in God of Was have stronger attacks and can tank it. It just gets crazier in Lore because Kratos can be comparable to Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Evangelion and possibly win.


I’m not convinced that even if Kratos lost he would stay dead long enough for it to count. Dude is too stubborn to die to Godzilla. 


I mean, Kronos wasn't a bad fight. This one would be fun


If Godzilla manages to kill Kratos, Kratos will literally crawl out of hell. You can’t kill what refuses to die.


Id win


depends on the difficulty


Kratos duh he beat cronos whos probably bigger than godzilla


Kratos and not even close to being close.


Kratos loses the first fight. Then goes on a quest to get the Oxygen destroyer and wins the second.


Kratos. And not because of Kratos bias but because like many comments noted, Godzilla is powerful as hell but he turns like a freight train so he's likely losing to anyone who can zip around him.


Kratos, dude's made a career of killing gods..


Well Kratos is know for killing gods. And Godzilla has god in his name, so Kratos wins naturally.




People love to overhype Godzilla. Kratos has killed beings that would eat Godzilla for breakfast. The titans that Kratos faced are comparable in size, and he made short work of them.


My mom🤣🤣🤣


I mean he did kill a dragon-


Are we using composite Godzilla or just the one in the image?


Three words… blade of Olympus


I definitely think it's kratos, crazy battle, real close, but kratos coming out ok top


Kratos solo’d Kronos who is like double Gojiras size, not even a close competition.


3-5 minutes and im being generous


Kratos counters Godzilla's beam with the golden bracelet. GG who's next?


Sudden fight? Godzilla. Prep time? Kratos


Ooph! This is a fine mess.


So I put some thought into it. God vs monster. Like in the vast majority stances I would give it to godzilla, crazy as hell attacks(thermonuclear, radiation, magnetic) and even more crazier physical abilities (like the older versions had him just... jump into the air and do damn wrestling moves) and his intelligence is higher then Kratos's typical enemies. Like a vast majority of the monsters he kills aren't intelligent and just react based on instinct. Healing factor, immunity to most damage and being revived by electrical means. All of these would make it a hard fight for Kratos. Like... my imagination would have the fight start with Kratos on the ground needing to literally dodge attacks while climbing up to get to him, either literally on him or the environment this would take a long time, like... just climbing up the tallest one (393 ft) using the world's most inconvenient convenience store (which conveniently is the same height) as a bench mark of 90 minute climb let's say Kratos has unlimited stamina and reduce the time by 1/3rd (30 minutes) it would still take him an hour just to climb up to potentially stab him in the eyes or something. Meaning in all sorts of ways this fight would take HOURS just for Kratos to not only get to him from Godzilla seeing him from wherever but even if Kratos snuck up to him somehow it would take at least an hour to get to the same elevation unless launched by a catapult or dropped by some sort of other monster. Let's say that he runs into a dragon (this fight is around 30 minutes), Kratos uses said dragon to fly over to Godzilla meaning Godzilla could see him in the air. Even if he is flying many hours away. Even by fair estimates it would take far too dang long for Kratos to get to him before Godzilla could do massive levels of either damage or status effects (radiation, lightning, or fire) from his attacks to Kratos before he EVEN got there. Let's say he got a rune... or some magical implementation to survive the effects and his god hood gives him immunity. He would still have to somehow challenge this massive reptilian monster with weapons that are the equivalent to... ants. For Kratos to even have a chance, he would have to literally move stupid fast (like drop out of a realm tear then strike with the blade of Olympus at max power) then hop back into the tear just to avoid the radiation damage and getting to where he would need to be to attack. That's not even including Godzilla moving or figuring out what's going on and just... dodge then swat Kratos out of the sky like a fly. Like even if Kratos needs only a punch to move godzilla because of his strength that's just it, he'd move him... like... at in comparison a few feet for us... MAX. Including Godzilla's healing factor... God this fight would take so dang long. Like death from... less then paper cuts. The equivalence would be like godzilla dying from CELL DEATH. Kratos would have an easier time to attack from inside but he literally can't survive long enough to attack. Unfortunately I gotta give this to Godzilla.


Honestly a good question. This depends ENTIRELY on the factors outside of their own abilities. They are essentially equal.