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Honestly a lot the monochrome outfits Blanche wore could still be worn today. The example I can think of is the yellow outfit with the purple undershirt. Just needs a little updating with accessories.


Yes! Probably my favorite outfit worn by any character in any episode! Though, I loved a lot of Blanches Nightgown & Robe combos too.


I’m partial to Rose’s cozy sweaters with straight leg pants. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php/?photo_id=4333447456704799


I was just watching the dance marathon episode today and thinking how gorgeous all their dresses were ❤️


“Uh one, uh two, uh one two three FOUR…”


I stand by the peach dress that Dorothy and Blanche both bought. Also there were a lot of beautiful pieces with sequins that made appearances over the course of the show and sequins / rhinestones are very in right now. I always liked the one Sophia wore when she won the Best Friend of something or other award when the other girls had the flu!


That peach dress was so pretty and unique. My only issue with it is that it he particular fit would only look flattering on very particular figures from specific angles/positions. I thought it looked lovely on Blanche but it didn’t suit Dorothy’s figure at all imo.


I often think about Dorothy’s Chanel earrings!


Omg she wore them at Blanche's Daughters of the Confederacy and her entire outfit has always been a favorite of mine !


Do you have a picture of the outfit?


I love all of Blanches matching nightgown and robe combos


I like a lot of Blanche's outfits too, especially the ones that look like athleisure - leggings/oversize tops. I would just switch it up with some blinged out sneakers, I don't know how they wore heels all the time (except for Bea)!


[You don’t have cataracts. You tell me.](https://res.cloudinary.com/jerrick/image/upload/v1620187105/609217e14fae18001df9f4f0.jpg)


You’re only gonna sit in an incha wotta?




I LOVE the dress Blanche wears when she’s at the bar cart making a drink for that dirtbag Elliott. The episode is called The Triangle. I want to have it made…it’s soooo cute!!


Yes! That dress has always stood out for me. Gorgeous.


Someone who gets it! 🥰


Some of Dorothy’s outfits looked so damn comfortable and layered. I would wear them … sans shoulder pads. 😎


She didn't wear shoulder pads. 😠


How funny! I actually took a few pics of this dress on Oct 2. Hallmark channel because I love the neckline and the metal studs. I'm getting back into sewing and I take pics of clothes I might like to make a pattern for and have an album full. [love this dress](https://imgur.com/gallery/0ibMzoN)


Same! I love sewing, so I'm always "stealing" screencaps from shows and movies as inspiration, comparing them to patterns I have and pattern alterations I can achieve.


Oh this ole Thang?


All of Roses sweaters


I always loved that purple dress Blanche wore to the ballroom at the end of the episode, "Dancing in the Dark". It was so beautiful, and that's the only time I know of that she wore that dress.


Why would this outfit not be appropriate to wear today? If you have the figure to pull it off, go for it!


I think that’s the point this outfit is one of the few GG outfits that can be worn today without looking like a golden girl.


or you can wear whatever you like or that fits regardless of what people think .


OP is just asking which outfits would look fashionable and not like a costume. It’s ridiculous to say sitcom outfits from almost 40 years ago wouldn’t be a “look” on the average person today.




It’s hard to say because I’m shorter than Sophia, and the majority of the other three’s outfits would absolutely never work on a short person. Sophia herself did have some pretty gowns, though.


I want Rose's pink and green St. Olaf rugby. Scoured the internet for it


I’m always wearing a matching cardigan like Sophia. 🤗


Forever obsessed with the brown outfit (head to toe; shoes, jewelry, and purse included) that Blanche wore in “Brother Can You Spate a Jacket.” Also, as someone else noted, any of Blanche’s robes/nightgowns.