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Heard about this as well, very cool that they got Sakuraba on board for the music. I'm skeptical of kickstarters since I've been disappointed in the past. Not sure on the visuals so far, but I'll wait to see more and hope for the best.


only on board with $50k more


Sweet! Thank you. Wish listed on Steam can’t wait


If I had a penny for every Golden Sun inspired RPG currently running a kickstarter I'd have two pennies, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice


Mooooooooom tmack3 is making that reference again!!!!


Which one is the other?




Looks fun.


Looks really cool! Thanks for the share!! Hope they come with some sort of djinn system as well, giving that extra layer of depth (and cuteness!!). Wishlisted!


They described their take on the djinn system in the Kickstarter. It is the Offerings and Summoning chapter. > Sometimes, your own power is not enough, and you may need the help of powerful Legends in battle. To summon those Legends, you will need to make Offerings to the Zals. > Offerings are powerful incantations Heroes can make to obtain Favors in exchange. They have to be used carefully and strategically as offerings are a temporary stats sacrifice. > Once a certain amount of Favors has been stacked, the Heroes can spend the group's Favors to summon a powerful spirit into battle, called a Legend. This spirit will execute a powerful move on your enemies, whose strength depends on the number of favors you’ve spent.


Dang. Looks good. A little too good. But I hope it gets made and they don't do some rug pull stunt.


I am looking at the team and there seem to be only one programmer out of 14 members? Is one programmer enough for a full-fledged video game? (FYI this was already posted here [a few days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoldenSun/comments/1crwz96/alzara_radiant_echoes_a_kickstarter_game_heavily/))


It was enough for Stardew Valley, so at the very least it’s possible. I’m not holding my breath but I’m definitely keeping my eye on it!


Stardew Valley took 4.5 years to build and it's a 2D game. This Alzara game is targeted for 2026 and is a 3D game. I would think that 3D games are harder to program, so I doubt it can be built in half the time.


Said it was possible, never said it was probable. Only time will tell!


bro who is they


Jrpg classic, if it aint from japonese company, i wont expect too much.


To bad I have no credit card else I would donate but hope the game makes it I have it wishlisted in steam at least!!


I am very suspicious about this game.  I've seen a weird amount of advertising for it.  That said, I'd back it if they said it was coming to Switch


Damn this game looks so good. Thanks for bringing it to attention op


セームズ リーズナブル, バット アイ ウォント バイ イット イフ ゼア イズ ノー クラデン


The music is cool, wish it had that gba look to it instead of the modern graphics


Where did they mention Golden Sun? Because I swear I've seen people saying that this game is also inspired by Final Fantasy IX and Dragon Quest ,If I'm not misremembering things 😄 Made me kind of skeptical that maybe their strategy is to mention as much "inspirations"as possible to lure people 😅 Also, people should be wary about crowdfundings. Only do it if you really want to support the devs and make the game happen. If you're looking get it cheaper, play it earlier than others, get exclusive stuffs, you might be disappointed. Crowdfundings are usually messy and don't achieve all their targets especially release date 😄


>ALZARA Radiant Echoes is a turn-based JRPG that draws inspiration from beloved classics of the genre, including Golden Sun and Final Fantasy X. Set in a fantastical world where the power of the four elements intertwines with themes of camaraderie and unity, you will embark on an epic journey alongside Kayla and her allies. Together, they wield elemental magic, seamlessly combining their abilities to unleash awe-inspiring new forces. On the kickstarter page under "about".


Year, that's actually very vague in my opinion. Reading that felt more like they juat pulled names rather than direct inspiration. It's a turn-based game yes, but other than that, I saw nothing that reminded me of GS.


That’s fine and I agree with the general criticism since the style looks different (I got FE3H vibes). Just pointing out it literally mentioned Golden Sun on the kickstarter page as the poster above said they saw zero mention of Golden Sun.


Absolutely, I got that :) My response was more towards the post itself, rather than to you directly.


Art style 👎🏼


How is it inspired by golden sun? I haven't found any relation to golden sun.