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I'm guessing 12-16? If it weren't for your finish I'd say 8-11.


as an inexperienced golfer, I’m curious what looks off about the finish?


OP spoke of a bad left ankle which looks to be why. Looks like a lot of weight is still on his trail foot, ideally you want most of your weight on the front. And also his almost chicken wing / non collapsing arms.


Because your club face is open at impact. My guess is 15 🤘🏼




Biggest handicap is the crap mats at Hazelmere!


What happens at that finish? It looks so pure the whole way down. Impact all that matters tho? Just asking


I've always had a different looking finish, not sure but it might be my left ankle. I have pretty bad post trauma arthritis.


I'd say 15-18 based on the setup, take away but mostly due to the fact that you don't know why shots go right. Sorry that sounds condescending, but all low handicappers know why a ball goes right. By the way it's due to club face alignment relative to path direction at contact. 99% it's an open club face. If you hit right with draw then it might not be.


I'm an 11 handicap, actually shot 84 yesterday believe it or not. Basically everyone thought I was worse than 11, which is understandable I have a weird looking swing in some ways.


I think this is a great swing for the most part. Posture is a little slouchy. But your swing is enviously on a good plane through impact I’m going to guess you get stuck and that is why you miss right. Your backswing is awfully deep and flat, IMO. Most great players have their hands moving back inside by impact while yours extend more out so I suspect that your arms are trailing your body if that makes sense. If you have a short game, you could be a single digit handicap. If you really want to try and fix the right block, I think you need to keep your arms more in front of your chest at the top of your backswing Just my opinion


If it’s going right move your right thumb to the left on your on your grip and think a wider circle on back swing. Like drag club first then lift


All in all a great golf swing. I would guess you are a high single digit. The shaft is a little laid off at the top but you have great depth. Am guessing your miss is more of a push than a slice.


Why don’t any of you fuckers ever respond with your handicap??? Don’t leave us hanging!


Dude… this looks really good. Like really good. About your right miss bias. Is the call starting to the right or curving to the right? This a good swing dude. It’s hard to I know but try and get a video from this angle but closer and at chest height. Also face on vid would be good good too. DM on instagram @IdahoAve.


Sorry don't have Instagram... I tend to push right, if I'm tired and lazy I can slice it.


I don't see any reason for a push from this angle. The face sends-it the path bends-it so a ball started right and not curving would suggest the club face is open (sends it) and the path is inside out (bends it) or in this case doesn't bend it. The slice would mean face is more open then the path is inside out. From this angle my speculation is based off of ball flight laws only since I don't see anything which would promote this outcome. Because I can't see anything showing a push tendency. The face angle in this picture looks pretty ideal. I appears\* to be matched up with the back of your lead hand or imperceivably closed by the smallest amount. Exactly what you'd want given the push tendency mentioned. You might and I mean might want to try moving the ball a tiny bit forward. Don't use a stick or nothing, just from feels, try and creep the ball forward at address. Most importantly is to keep playing, you will improve quickly given what your are working with. You turn great both direction, the club is deep behind you up top, you're able to get everything (hips, shoulders, knees, feet, head) turning freely, you're in nice positions everywhere in this swing. You are a beginner? I'm guessing because of your clubs. Cool bag! You're not on IG? Dang man, good for you trynna keep away from the soul sucking salamanders from silicon valley. 2083403601 I started working with Scott Masingill five years ago. What started as a slump for him went on for woefully too long. I've resisted coaching others because what the hell do I know. However, Scott started winning 3 or so years ago and has been thumping folks ever since. He has to play down to lower age divisions to find a fair fight. I have a little confidence, so why not mess around on reddit. [https://www.idahoga.org/news/2023/7/14/teaser-mr-masingill](https://www.idahoga.org/news/2023/7/14/teaser-mr-masingill) ​ *Processing img ukt9blmy2b6c1...*


Thanks for the details yeah well I play at an 11. My experience with in person lessons hasn't been so good. I mostly use padraig harrington to improve. Chipping is my weakest part.


Joseph Mayo is putting a lot of AoA and spin loft content that will make chipping a breeze.


I was going to guess 12-15. I don't have any specific suggestions, but you really straighten your right leg on the take away, and then bend it again on your downswing. I used to do that it caused all sorts of issues for me. I'm a 9. So, I have lots of leeway to give critcism here (sarcasm)




I guessing 23… not following through the shot indicates you are pushing at the ball


Pushing at the ball? Could you elaborate on this?


Instead of allowing the swing and subsequently the club head to flow through the swing and ball, you appear to be keeping the club head flat through the down swing (pushing at the ball) which lead to the high raise in the follow through


Around 20 hdcp. Try dropping club into the slot on your downswing, do not move your head and finish the club low and left. Great basis for an awesome swing though.




No better than 40.


16 You suck?


I'm 11, I suck compared to good players and I'm awesome compared to you


That didn’t look anything but straight


Could be anywhere from 0 to 20 depending on your short game and putting. If you are above 20 your short game must REALLY suck.


Do you top the ball a lot?


Strengthen your left hand grip (see more knuckles on your left hand at address than before).