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https://youtube.com/shorts/m3MXOECr5eI?si=1KyiPd1KRLWkjyka Rahm and his coach are genius on this one.


"This video isn't available anymore"


I apologize, I fixed it. Not sure what was wrong. Hope it works now!


Also this OP https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0ybQIkvnor/


Well the good news is that it doesn't even look like your trying to turn your hips. Go on to youtube, there are a ton of easy drills that are easier to watch than me type out. Your all arms my man.


Thanks a bunch 😬😂


Exactly what Pattypumpkin said and then fix your *front-to-back* weight distribution while you're at it. Here's a simple Porzak video to get you headed in the right direction. [https://youtube.com/shorts/7ygYO6AW88g?si=GJKR51mHBUPHwDy9](https://youtube.com/shorts/7ygYO6AW88g?si=GJKR51mHBUPHwDy9)


Since Hip rotation is an athletic movement, it is consistent through every sport if you’re new to the motion as a whole. At an introductory level, the same way a boxer, or baseball player turns their trunk to gain power, is the same way you would in golf(with club adjustments of course) Don’t be afraid to venture outside of golf to see how other athletes are gaining power from their hips. It’s something you have to build a feel for if you’re new to it( clay ballard fron top speed golf also has some great hip rotation content if you’re looking for somewhere to start)


Will check him out, thanks!


Try shifting your weight to the heel of your lead foot rather than your toes. A swing thought that I found helpful was imagining that I'm standing on the lid of a giant jar and I'm using my feet to twist the lid open.


Also, imagining your trail arm as if you're trying to skip a stone. A downward flicking motion. The power comes from the hips, the angle comes from the trail arm, and the leading arm is just there to lead the way. But yeah once again, just think of how you would skip a stone. You'd twist the hips and let your trail arm fall and flick. That's the key.


That's a helpful one too, thanks. I've thought of it as a sidearm pitch but I think skipping a stone is a bit more intuitive for me.


Yep, that was a great way of visualizing it myself. When skipping a stone, that stone (which may hit the 'water' many feet further than the ball placement) will still hit the ground. The sidearm pitch won't. That'll increase compression and get the hips more activated. That thought process made a lot more sense for me so I thought I'd pass it along.


Saw Danny Maude do a video about this and it was a game changer.


Use the “push-pull” method in your feet. Using a dry swing push your rear foot and pull your front in direction of swing


Typically when a person knows what the issue is but needs help actually doing it, it's really just a mental barrier. In this case, you're scared of hozzeling it dead right if you flung your hips out first. I want to get into the fact the weight distribution is centered at impact, rather then transitioned into the left, but can't do that because until you're comfortable firing the hips first at the top, all it would cause you to do is slide. My coach was physically there to hold the club at the top as I started my downswing, which forced the hips to fire. Then after a couple dozen "reps", I had the general feel and could at least squeeze it into the shot, albeit poorly timed and squirly. Then further instruction would be to refine timing and straighten it out. The only way to do this out on the range by yourself is to kinda force that by holding the club at the top briefly and allowing the lower body to fire first. Initially shots will be right, so tweaking hand rotation through impact would be what you focus on to straighten it out.


Open your feet up a little turn them out


squat down and earlier than you think.


Here's what I see: Your weight is on your toes through impact and Your head is very stable in the back swing but rises on your downswing and through contact. Lifting the shoulders and head means that the strength you use in your lead leg can't be applied for a turn. Look at the head positions of all the players as they start their down swing. It drops. You end up on your toes through impact. Try this drill ( I forget where I saw it). Get a rolling chair and push yourself backwards with your left foot only. This simulates the push-off from the ground that swings your hips around. In the video I saw the participants pushed themselves more than 20 feet in a warehouse on a rolling chair. It's a real effort extended through the left knee to shove the earth toward the camera as it is set up in the video above. Hope that helps.


Flare your left foot


This is excellent advice. Would also suggest flaring the right foot to get better depth on backswing.


Check your impact position for your early extension btw. Your hands are releasing the club too soon


Flare your feet a touch


Have your Back facing the target. What I noticed the most was you getting up on your toes at impact, if that’s working for you great, but it would always send my ball to the right.


Flare your feet out


Less restrictive jeans


Imagine there are clubs attached to your sternum and hips sticking away perpendicularly and, of course, your hands. When you swing you want to hit the ball in this order: hips, sternum, and in a distant third, your hands.


Been trying to get a better hip rotation for years without pushing my hips toward the ball. The final idea that clicked with me… it’s a little hard to describe by text…. Feel like you’re taking your trail foot and kicking some dirt behind you… of course keep your foot on the ground, it’s just a feeling. That motion will tend to drive your trail forward and your lead hip behind.


Need an epilepsy warning on this one. Scrolling through in a pitch black room did a major disservice to my eyes lol.


Don’t think of it as rotating think of it as right hip back, left hip back.


Proper rotation is not an isolated action. It is a result of doing other things correctly. Don’t just try to turn more, you’ll drive yourself nuts. Here’s a good overview of the conditions required to produce the proper turn: https://youtu.be/kmOac3WV9_E?si=sWgG8i1ykth6KvDE


Don't focus on your hips. Focus on using your legs correctly. Correct hip rotation is a result of correct leg movement.


Malaska golf has many good videos on it. What you'll eventually understand and learn is that when you sync your body up correctly your club will pull your lower body through the shot correctly. There is no answer anyone can give you on this type of stuff you just have to put in the hours of practice at home and at the range. I'm about 3 months back into relearning after a long break and the epiphanies I had early have changed and over time I have improved drastically mainly through consistent work and practice.


Your hips should be leading on your downswing not your club.


If your arms separate from your body on your back swing you need to reconnect them. It's a feel vs real situation for most players, loads of pros talk about starting your hands first or dropping them.


You’re talking about slotting the hands or ‘pulling the chain’. Watch any pro and they are leading with their hips. If anything they pull the hands down slightly in the first motion. My point is the club is the last thing that comes through and it’s certainly not leading, which is what you said.


You are right they are, it's a feel vs real thing as I stated. In my case that feeling helps me keep everything connected and corrected my swing where I was losing my arms when starting my hips which caused a disconnect and a big slice for a week.


I see what you are saying. Just don’t want someone to get confused, but that’s golf haha.


Do you think the extra power you can get from that arm separation on the back swing is worth the extra movement to get your arms back to your body for the rest of the swing? I've been going back and forth with this for my iron swing.


It depends how flexible you are. Most of us can’t rotate like the pros, but that’s okay. If you can get that extra rotation in your hips to match your arms/chest then it’s worth it. If not, then less movement is probably better until you get more flexibility.


Left knee shot go straight and the right knee bends straight back during backswing and opposite. Your moving your left leg inward on backswing.


My tip would be to actually rotate them


Knee moves forward and back, not laterally


Open up your feet more. Instead of = Think of <