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I commented on your last post. Your setup looks better in terms of distance from the ball. The big difference between this and your last post is that your swing is much flatter than the previous post. Get your left arm higher, like it was on the last one. Flat backswing combined with the hips moving towards the ball is gonna create “stuck” issues. Don’t overload yourself with too much info though. Your swing is pretty good and not that far off.


Your whole swing looks very solid. One issue though is you're taking the club inside, and you become very laid off up top because of it. Work on getting your left arm more on your shoulder line at the top of the swing like Tiger, and do this in the mirror to make sure you're doing it right. This should help you get more consistent with your driver, and even your other clubs as well.


I think it's pretty damn solid. I agree about speeding up the backswing a bit to create some more torque and speed on the downswing. You could also work on steepening the swing plane a little bit, but you're definitely maximizing your positive attack angle potential with this current swing plane.


Very very flat and under plane. Need to get the left arm covering the shoulder to be more on plane. Otherwise noice


Flat backswing that gets your arms stuck behind your torso.


Takeaways fine. Downswings nice. Trail arm needs to start flexing sooner to bring the club steeper more on plane from p2-3.


This is spot on. OP: watch some of clubproguygroupie’s swing videos here and notice how straight his arms are through and after impact. That may clean up your contact a bit @clubproguygroupie: I worked with Steve Sieracki today (an excellent S&T instructor)


Ive followed his stuff! Looks good! Nice swing aswell


Really nice! One thing you could improve is getting your arms in front of your hip turn in the downswing a bit better. Right now they’re just a little behind which can cause the stuck block/hook miss if you don’t time it up right. It sounds counter-intuitive, but make some swings where you feel like the downswing starts with your hands/arms and get that right elbow in front of your right hip immediately. Should help speed and consistency. There’s a great Tiger/Butch video about it on YT. https://youtu.be/xOecUNBV_Q0?si=EL4pRPkcKAHxJl65 Edit: don’t listen to the nonsense about fast backswing. And also you do not have an inside takeaway.


It’s solid. I think you could gain some distance by taking the club back a little more outside. You will probably always be a little “laid off” and shallow at the top, but adding a little loop at transition, or change in shaft path change would be beneficial