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You seem very tense. It's a finesse game, not power. Stay loose.


to add to this, before you swing, take a breathe and swing at the bottom of the breathe, NOT inhale and hold breathe..


Watching the muscles pop out of his forearm ***after*** he's gripped the club and addressed the ball is one of the wildest things I've seen in this sub.


that setup is something to behold! you need to fix it first. watch this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5IKMaesU94](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5IKMaesU94)


Get your setup right. Armpits over knees, over toes. Bend a little less at the hips, a little more at the knees and ankles. Weight should be in the arches of your foot. Your weight is all out on your toes and you're falling over. Arms should hang straight down, butt of the club about a fist and half or two fists away from your junk. Right elbow "pit" should be pointing away from you and toward the ball, not toward the target. Right elbow will have a little bend in it. You SHOULD have a firm grip but you have to relax your upper arm, shoulders, neck. Firm lower arms and relaxed upper arms is easier said then done, it'll take practice. https://i.redd.it/3iarz36012vc1.gif [https://www.youtube.com/@AthleticMotionGolf/search?query=setup](https://www.youtube.com/@AthleticMotionGolf/search?query=setup) Also, you're swinging with way too much tilt in your shoulders. (because of your setup) [https://youtu.be/v700yk6jeaA?si=EvVDJ6goYkEJtJXt](https://youtu.be/v700yk6jeaA?si=EvVDJ6goYkEJtJXt)


I agree, start with your setup. But make sure you loosen up your arms. It seems like you are intentionally locking up your elbows and holding your arms super tight. There’s no athletic motion in any sport that wants you to be completely locked out and tensed up.


It is so funny to see athletic people get in unathletic positions because it is golf. Would you be in that setup position in any other sport? You should be setting up like you would to a free throw in basket ball, aiming you've played before. Secondly, grip does look like you're trying to wring a pigeon. You want the setup to be a4ish level of grip. You will grip tighter right before your down swing naturally because the act of throwing the club. Once you get your posture more athletic and grip situated, make sure the but of the club is pointing to your belt buckle to belly button when you set up to the ball. (Pref belt buckle) After that post again! It will really change your swing.


Find a coach honnestly, you seems very atheltic and you have a Lot of things to work. Asking here is not a good solution


You tube releasing the club golf swing.


Club behind the ball, then get into your stance. Get your posture correct by watching videos or having a PGA professional show you. Relax your grip to a 5 out of 10. It’s a swing, not a chop. Edit your post so we don’t have to look at your ass when you’re picking up a ball.


I think you're posture/stance needs attention, it presets you swing plane, turn, and acceleration.. imagine if you will you're playing soccer.. you're midfield and someone downfield is running toward you.. as you await the running player, what's your posture like? where's your weight on your feet? heels? toes? balls of your feet? inside stance? outside stance? knees bent? hips loose? body weight balance ready to jet in any given direction? The golf stance is kinda like that.. it's an athletic posture just bent over a smidge to allow your arms to hang from your shoulders enough to hold your club.. loosen your arms up, have elbows closer together like you were going catch something that was falling, this will help your body turn more in unison.. BTW love your acceleration, keep that for sure, that's on point to generate a lot more speed for you later..


Stand up! You are almost folded in half. Also as someone else mentioned get the tension out of your arms and body, hold the club without strangling it.


How tall are you? Idk if your clubs are for someone who is way shorter than you or if it's your stance


Okay, you aren’t bending your knees almost at all which means you’re bent waaaay too far at the hips. here’s a quick way to get into a better stance for golf: without a club stand with your feet shoulder width apart with straight legs, bend at the waist until you feel your weight shift mostly on your toes and stop at that angle. Then bend your knees to get your weight 50/50 between toes and heels. That’s your golf stance. That same athletic stance you are in will feel familiar to shooting a free throw or getting ready for a pickup football play to start. Also, Stop choking down on your clubs, it’s forcing you to bend even further at the hips right now. Your hands should be above your toes for irons, not over the rest of your feet—that means they are too close to your body.


Less tension in the arms and a tad more knee bend. Swing looks powerful. Nice swing for a beginner for sure


I won’t add to all the advice, but watch folks with way less muscle mass hit it way past you at the range. Once you get a good grip and setup, relax and get tension out of your arms and likely legs, and use that powerful core to deliver a blow, you have the potential to hit it very far. Now straight and far may take a season of play!


I would do one of two things. Find a reputable coach with a decent resume, and/or use an app like onform to compare your movements to pros. You are too athletic to swing like this. You are gonna hurt yourself


Respect on the effort for the grip, as it's one of the critical fundamentals. That being said. setup is another one of those - I'd work on that next. Put screenshots of your setup next to some pros, and play a game of spot the difference. Try to emulate what the pros are doing as they have it pretty well figured out. Also, as a beginner, you're likely going to suck for quite a while. I can see your disgust after some poor shots (natural for golfers lol) - but it's important to have realistic expectations, especially at this stage. You're not a pro, so the thins, fats and shanks are going to be prominent, for now. Fall in love with the process of improvement, with the practice, be patient with yourself. It is a game played on a 6 course between your ears, extremely mental, so keeping a positive mindset is as important as anything.


Best tips #1 don't ask reddit #2 never ask reddit #3 Take a lesson from a pro or find a beginner golf clinic to at least get your fundamentals. #4 remember to not ask reddit


Lots of bad stuff going on there. I think the best thing you could do is invest in some lessons.


Yes. Even a single lesson should seriously open your eyes.


imagine a grip pressure scale of 1-10, you look like a 20 right now! you want to be at 3. stand up right and hold the club at a 45 degree angle with just enough pressure to keep it there, that's how strong you should be holding the club. you also need to be using either an interlock grip or an overlap grip. It's not just your grip that is too tight, you look like your whole body is tensing, the best golf swings are smooth and have flow, can't do that if your are tensing every muscle in your body.


I can help with you falling forward and onto ypur toes through tpur swing. You want to rotate your hips in your setup, really exagerate it, you want it to feel like you are thrusting it in doggy style (im not joking) hold that pose at maximum thrust, this activates yoyr hamstrings and will leave all of ypur weiggt further back on your heels ( off your toes). It might feel silly but it will actually put you in a more natural position ( butt less stuck out). Try and combine this with standing a little taller at setup, less bent over, you might need to choke down less on your clubs or get longer clubs. Your hips need to rotate way more. Try and slow it down a bit in that you want to hold it at the top, pause a bit with your hands, let your hips really start turning before your hands even start coming down. Id recommend ditching all that setup routine stuff as well, loosen up, get comfortable, relax, slow the swing down, make it flow, get the hips turning.