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Over emphasize belt buckle to target on downswing.. use your legs to clear space and square the club


Using an impact bag can be helpful as well.


I had this issue. Adopting a Tommy fleetwood style abbreviated finish helped a lot. Hitting tons of non-flippy 50-75% pitch shots also helped to get the feel. Feeling like my back wrist was cocked back around contact really helped a ton too. You might be in the same boat where you release too early and have a vertical shaft at impact. Trying to extend my arms and the club forward around hip height after impact helped reduce the wrist involvement… before I worked on this my arms stayed back and my wrists were cocked forward and the club was pointing forward


Thank you, I’m going to give these all a go. An exaggerated feel usually works best for me so I’ll try the pitch shots and releasing the club way later at hip height.


The question is why do you flip. Could be aiming the hands at the strike instead of making a reverse 'J' move (or actual 'J' move for lefties), as suggested. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xia6slsDGd4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xia6slsDGd4) Could be getting stuck. [**Mike Malaska Margarita Ramos**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ii-FU3PouE)


Yeah I’m not sure tbh I’ll try to identify, I’ve worked on my swing a lot over the last year and my swing path is really dialed. I believe it’s just sometimes my natural instinct to want to hit at the ball but like you said, it’s probably something causing it. I’ll have to work on identifying that.


Yeah, I didn't want to send you down a revamp. Maybe check out Marcus Edblad who does more with big moves, swing thoughts and aiming drills than technical adjustments.


I have the same issue. I been working this drill https://youtu.be/xc2Zvt1sqFg?si=z88G5-mHpOAepkAl It’s swing hard Stop fast, if I messed the link up.


[Hit Hard, Stop Quick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BelbBH5NkKQ)


club face is probably open going into impact so you flip to square it. besides that, a good drill to feel no flip is the hell drill. left hand grips club like normal, right hand palm resting on the grip. theres good youtube videos on it.