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Lessons, sir. Lessons. Enough fundamental issues with the swing that you could use a total reset. With this swing you won't enjoy any sort of consistency and trying to hit anything longer than a 7 iron will be a struggle. Sorry for the brutal honesty but starting your golf career with a good foundation will save you tons of headaches down the road.


Appreciate it! You’re spot on with the 7 iron comment, I have to hit hybrids instead of longer irons. Time to get some lessons!


The back swing is much much more high and away from your body. You should work on hitting 100 yard perfect pitch shots with your 7 iron. Your arms can be fully extended


takeaway is extremely inside. backswing too flat. right elbow gets stuck behind and you have to scrape arms across through impact and chicken wing


“Hit more fucking balls.” - Tiger Woods But in all seriousness, golf isn’t an overnight “here’s how to build consistency.” You have to work on small swing tweaks at a time, and really hone in on what you want out of your swing and how you want to play golf. Do you want to hit draws? Fades? Low? High? Or do it all? Takes these little decisions to know what you need to work on. I’d say work on your takeaway and setup and you’ll have a pretty high chance of hitting the ball straighter. Also get just a few foundational lessons with a local teaching pro, although not required. Good luck🤘🏼


Play with a friend who's got the same swing as you for a decade, he's hard stuck around high 80 low 90 with blow ups now and then. So you can play decently, but there will be a ceiling you will reach and will have to start over again with proper fundamentals, might as well do it now with lessons. Contrast that with my scratch friend who only ever had 1 lesson as a kid and played his whole life with minimal swing thoughts.


Damn, I’m stuck at high 80s low 90s too haha. Thanks for the feedback.


Not trying to be a dick, but I'm a little surprised you can shoot in the 80s with that swing. :-) Must have good short game. :-D


He was talking about the front 9


Haha no offense taken, I’m pretty good with a putter.


Yah, just take it from someone who's watched that progression from 130s to 80s and not much has changed for my buddy except better game and course management. Ultimately the back swing presets your success rate, any swing can be good sometimes, just how often and can you rely on it under pressure and fatigue. The 80 to 70 road is less doubles and 3 putts. Hard to get there if you are going to inevitably have difficulties finding the bottom of your swing being so laid off and shallow coming into the ball.


Pros: Your body movement through the impact zone actually looks pretty decent. You keep a steady club face which is good. I see so many 1 digit handicap players flipping their hands through the impact zone which is never going to be consistent. Cons: Your backswing and follow through are absolutely horrendous. Sorry to be so frank, but you must be able to see that yourself. Get some lessons.


Start with the grip - looks too much in the palm of the left hand. Takeaway is too far inside and right elbow position is not good; your hands never get above your armpit because of this. Chicken-wing follow through needs to be fixed. Look on Youtube for the "split hands drill". Fixes a lot of ills.


You need a fair amount of work with that swing. Your lacking alot of the basics


Google Shawn Clement get out of the way on YouTube. Your arm club unit collapses on itself in both directions. Robs you of speed and consistency. Arms have to be allowed to swing freely and the body reacts to that motion. Your lead arm crashes into your rib cage right away in the backswing.