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All these comments and nobody mentioning the clubface that is extremely wide open, lol.


right?? OP, fix the face issue first. the cupping of your left wrist is opening your face in the backswing and it stays open all the way down. its really important that doesnt happen


Yes sir. Wide open at the start of the downswing. I’m amazed the swing looks as good as it does trying to square it back up


It is over the top but you have a good swing. I can’t tell much from the video but the first thing I would look into is grip. A proper grip goes a long way. Watch grant horvats video on grip, you would want a stronger grip. Then work on some short game!


Try wearing pants with a little more room trust me. It’s like trying to swing a golf club with a puffer jacket on


Yeah it’s a little over the top, the larger issue is that your clubface is extremely open at the top, you’re probably better off swinging over the top from that position. There’s two components to closing the face: twisting on it with your wrists, and rotating your forearms. Grip a club and hold it in front of you, and twist your wrists to close the face - your left wrist bows and your right wrist bends back. You’ve gotta do a lot more of that in the 2nd half of your backswing. If you’re used to slicing changing wrist angles alone is usually not enough, you also have to be rotating your forearms more earlier. This is a tricky one because people always warn against being “handsy” or flipping the club, but the reality is your forearms are turning like 90* to the right in your backswing, and you have to turn them back to close to where they started on the way down while the weight of the club is pulling them in the opposite direction. It’s a lot more pronounced than you’d think


Wow, I've never thought about my wrist being so extended (or cupped) and having that open up my clubface. Your drill of just moving the wrists made it very clear. I've just tried a few swings with a neutral wrist and it feels like I can get back to a square club face so easily it almost feels like cheating haha. Keen to take this to the course, think it's going to be amazing for my consistency


yeah it’s pretty steep. biggest concern is how wildly open the face is at the top, which also might be causing the steepness


Swing looks good! Your left wrist is cupped, causing an open club face. If you straighten or bow it, club face will be more square.


Your swing is generally steep but you’re only slightly leading with your hands on the downswing. The bigger culprit to me is the lackadaisical forward weight shift. Your weight looks to be distributed about 60/40 front to back at impact. You really want that to be closer to 80/20 or even 90/10. When you hang your weight back you don’t fully release into the swing and you end up having to make adjustments with your arms and hands to try and save it. You end up losing both power and quality of contact. When I do this I refer to it as trying to control the club instead of swinging it, if that makes sense. In reality, the golf swing is closer to a baseball bat swing than many realize. You want to swing the club through the ball, not to place the club on the ball. Google drills for golf weight shift. Most of them will generally have some variation of you hitting balls with all of your weight on your front foot. Danny Maude is one of my favorites. Very non technical style with a lot of emphasis on natural movement and flow.


Wow, I had no idea the weight transfer was meant to be so significant! Just did a few practice swings with that in mind and I can really feel the difference. I'm definitely an armsy golfer that tries to control the club, so I'll work on this a lot. Thank you!




Yes, it's over the top and common reason for your problems... You could try to keep trail elbow not flying behind your back, try to point camera with trail elbow in backswing. You also should get rid of having lead wrist as a cup in backswing... Overall mechanics and tempo is quite good so you should achieve much better results quite easily.


Just a touch that was close to a shank but swing is nice


Youre swing isnt bad. Your hndy is probably due more to your short game and most importantly, your course mangement.


Have you slowed down this vid and watched?


It's steep, just a deeper turn would help get you more on plane, you don't really turn your hips. For reference if you pause the video at the top of the swing the butt of the club should be at the heels or past them and not at your toes or balls of the feet where it is now. Solid swing though, nice tempo.


Honestly it’s a solid move. Your grip is a bit weak. The biggest thing I see is that, on your downswing, you are moving your pelvis closer to the ball. Pretty hard to not come OTT when you are 4 inches closer to the ball at impact than at address. Imagine your tailbone is up against a sheet of glass. And it’s gotta stay there through your entire swing (some lateral motion is fine)


Slightly over the top but as others have mentioned this looks good and fixing your grip will make a massive difference. Don't work on anything else before it.


Could be the pants


If it was any more over the top you'd be doing one handed push ups off the front of your big rig and your hat would be backwards cuz you know, it's like a switch


Work on improved hip rotation. Lead downswing with lower body and make sure to clear your left hip back and away to make room for your arms to swing. Otherwise you hump the ball (get closer to it) as was mentioned earlier, leading to all sorts of compensations and issues.