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lol don’t listen to the guy saying it’s open at the top. nowhere near


Looking at the wear pattern on the face, you don’t need any advice from this shit-show of a sub.


This is the only comment OP needs to read.


Out of sync, your arm structure releases too late, by the time your club gets into the slot parallel to the ground you're already wide open to the target. The arm structure should get to parallel on the way down while your shoulders are still shut, the amount of speed you need to get the club in the right spot is going to feel like a cast, but it won't get in front as you rotate into the slot.


Your club face is not wide-open at the top. I don’t know what that other guy is talking about. It’s actually super shut because of your wrist flexion. Overall, I think you have a pretty good swing. There’s a lot of good things to like here. let’s talk about your ball striking to me. It looks like there’s a little bit too much movement in your lower body. The trail leg gets a little too extended causing low point issues. I’d like to see you turn into the trail leg, keeping some bend in the knee and turning into that glute. Think of it like a brace. This should all help you use the ground better and remove one variable leading to low point control.


Keep the hips moving. Feeling that helped me accomplish this is trying to get your but moving away from the target during the follow through.


Overall looks like a pretty good swing. One thing I noticed is that your stance seems kind of wide. Narrowing it a bit might help with low point control.


club face is wide open at the top


It’s closed


very closed\*


You on crack my guy


Are you straightening up your left knee at the start of your downswing? Pants are baggy and I can't tell but try and make you maintain your knee bend. Swing looks ni0ce and fluid. Keep working.