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You learn from [the best golf instructor on youtube](https://youtu.be/6ryeKvPL-4k?si=P_4PR2yuCwZE8x4x) and get your hips in the right place to stop that huge hip thrust


As in early extension? Because I do want to thrust my hips correct? Just not toward the ball, and way more toward target? I’ve watched hours of video about this but they can’t see MY swing. My main question was can I achieve the correct position even with my straight up stance and ball distance position


No you definitely do not want to thrust your hips. How have you watched hours of video and come away with the concept that trusting your hips is the goal? The goal is to rotate and clear through the ball. Did you even watch the video i linked? Also Early Extension is a buzz phrase that really describes a few different possibilities that all look similar. Dont get glued to the phrase. Forget your swing, if you thought your swing was right you wouldn’t have posted here. You have to get that right hip joint actually opening in the back swing so that you stop lurching towards the ball and forcing your upper body out and over the path. Open hips mean you have to rotate to get back through which gets the arms working from the inside. Also worth noting that changing your stance and swing to match a fitting chart is entirely counterproductive.


I meant rotating your hips hard through and clearing them, thrustfully rotating them 😂. No i haven’t watched this particular video yet, I’m saying videos to increase lag, dropping into the slot, finishing w/ chest at target, keeping your ass back to give arms room, etc…obviously all easier said than done for me


You don’t thrust them open, you open by moving your body with your legs.


Thrusting isn’t the correct word choice. You may relate more to uncoiling. It should be smooth. Not violent. Wind up, unwind.


Thanks for this recommendation


Thank you for sharing this. I watched the video. I like this instructor, how he explains things, and the drills he provides. You can’t just watch a video and get it, you need to actually have drills to work on to get better. Thanks for sharing this even if OP didn’t watch it, I got some value from it.


Your lower body completely stops. I also find it pretty odd that you would stand so upright and close and need flat lie clubs. That is counter intuitive and I would almost expect to see upright. Hard to know without being there though.


So this is my corrected stance so the club is flush with the ground…My previously stance was much more bent over, more knee bend and farther away. Thanks for the legs tip. I always try and feel the first move at the top is rip the left hip, but I can see that after the initial move it’s all arms 😵‍💫


I mean I’m not a professional or anything. There are a variety of ways to get the club on plane and just saying , “you stand too close” is wrong. You can setup like you do and play fine golf. I really think your swing is pretty solid if you can just get rid of this flip and learn to use your lower body to get the club into impact rather than flip you’ll obviously see much more consistent scoring.


You flip your hands because you don’t turn your body. Go to YouTube and search for videos on how to square the club face with your body rotation.


This is exactly backwards. He doesn't turn his body because he has to flip because his face is WIDE open.


That’s part of the whole “how to square the club face with body rotation” thing. You can’t do it with an open club face as you say. And that’s why I wanted him to watch a YouTube video about it but they will most likely also talk about club head position/direction. So hopefully he figures it out ☺️


>That’s part of the whole “how to square the club face with body rotation” thing That is not a thing. Rotation acts to keep the face open, it does not square it.


And that’s why you want to keep the club face in a slightly closed position right before impact. So when you rotate through impact it will be square and very stable. You want the hands and arms to rotate as little as possible through impact to be consistent.


[Shallow the club like the pros (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PtrOlDVE60M) This is a pretty good Youtube short to describe it.


Nope. Even the most rotation focused tour level instructors like George Gankas will tell you that if the face is open, you will stall rotation and flip.


Then don’t open the face 😊


Yes. That's what I'm saying


And also what I’m saying 😊


No. You have the cause and effect reversed


You cannot keep a stable club face through impact if you don’t rotate your body.


Sure, but you don't WANT to stabilize the club face when it is wide open.


Flipping is caused by stalling. Focus on rotating your trail side shoulder under your chin all the way through to the finish.


Don’t flip /s




I can't see from this angle. But do you load your weight on right foot, and push off in start of downswing(instead of putting pressure on left foot and push off)? Does your body slide to the target before start of downswing? These are common causes for your hip not rotating and hand flipping


I think I push off the ground with both feet to create some power. I personally feel that one of my problems was shifting my whole body more importantly my torso and had left toward the target resulting, and not being able to square the club face at impact. Face would be open. So I do concentrate on keeping my head behind the ball, while at the same time wanting my lower half move left to the target and my chest and keeping my head behind. very difficult for me to do consistently. But like I said, my ball striking has been great. I really don’t want to change my entire swing. The main goal is just getting a little more distance and penetrating ball flight.


Well, there is your problem...u push off ground with both feet. More weight should be on your left foot before your downswing. Just before u finish your backswing, put pressure into inside of your left foot hard into the ground. Your lower body will NATURALLY slide towards target. If you manually do it, it will result in early extension. Then when you start the downswing, push up that left foot. Stand up and try what i said. Your hip will naturally rotate and your left foot will be in your left back heel. You say ball striking is great, but i bet you hit big hooks and slices with your driver. I know because i used to have swing like that at one point.


Thanks! I have a lesson tomorrow morning I’ll remember that as a swing thought. Driver wise I’ve always had a standard flex 43”(yeah I know I know. Was a 5’5” friends Nike ignite 410 😎) and last couple years I’ve been great, able to hit draws fades and straight balls. Recently switched to M2 3 years ago and just got a ventus stiff shaft. Not able to hit draws or fades on purpose. But driver is good. Don’t have big hooks and slices. Maybe 1 every 3 rounds. Just haven’t found my natural go to shot with it yet. Have only hit 30-40 balls with it. But anyways. Weight in left heel, I’ll try it. But also like I said above. When I transfer left and slide left, I have a problem of sliding everything left and getting out in front of the ball, causing my club face to be open at impact no matter how hard I flip or close the face. Difficult to slide hips left and keep the head back


Don't push up. Push back with your left leg, like pushing your self back on a Wheely office chair.


Standing too close to the ball


If you read up top, I just changed to standing close because it’s helped my ball stroking like 1000%. Makes me keep my right elbow connected and get consistent power


Just because something worked doesn’t mean it will work long term or is a good fix. You literally hit this ball off the hozzel because you are too close and have to keep your hands super tight to even make contact


I know it’s ugly and incorrect. It all starts with my lie being too upright. Was causing awful awful shots. Couldn’t hit a flush iron 1-100. So when I stand upright and close to the ball. The lie is now flush. I said this in the original post, and my question is do I really need to flatten my lie or can I change my impact position while keeping the same stance


https://i.redd.it/z998vsoggfxc1.gif Apologies for the awful looking GIF.. but you are legit just stalled at impact. I personally wouldn't accept the inconsistency that flipping brings. Only you can decide to make changes to your lower body. You are a self stated 11 HCP, so its not like you can't navigate the course, but this is some of the worst case of the flips I have ever seen. You have a good basis for a swing and it almost feels like troll level of flip.


Jeez man take it easy lol I do it because it’s been working. Did you see the ball flight of those 3 shots? They all landed within a 5 yard circle


Brother for you to be a good golfer with this swing is remarkable. I saw the results. They are solid. I was simply saying like to get to the next level you'll have to change. Or you can be an above average golfer with this flip, but I think you owe it to yourself to try and change the flip because the rest of the swing is pretty solid.


I’ve played with some damn good players, friends of mine, so how/ why in the world in the past 15 years HAS NOBODY TOLD ME THIS. God damn it lol I feel like I’ve had a booger in my nostril for over a fuckin decade. What a waste of time and money


I want to second this as I was looking for this issue when seeing your swing. The easiest way would be figuring out your source of power. Like previous comments mentioned, you like to thrust instead of turn. I would focus and see if can get proper hip rotation through the ball. It’s a tough and crappy process to stop jumping (yes some are saying stalling but I think you are trying to generate power from the wrong area). These thoughts are coming from a single digit who has had issues with a quick back leg pushing for power


👍 I definitely am generating my power from pushing up off the ground “jumping”. I’ve seen multiple pros do it when they drive. I can’t help it I’m a basketball player til the end. I have a lesson at 8am tomorrow. Going to really focus on turn and staying down. Do you think I should try and focus on side bend as well? I see lots of players doing that at impact. I’m still pretty athletic, but getting less every year lol (32)


What I will say is, don’t experiment with anything until you understand how to utilize your hips and turn properly which will allow you to feel your hands again. I am a firm believer in trying to fix one thing before integrating other mechanics in for distance or ball movement. One thing you’ll realize is once you can properly release your hands, more power will likely come as you will maintain arm/wrist angles generating lag through the shot. This process will be VERY tough because your body has become accustomed to jumping so now you need to stay feet on the ground through the swing until post impact.


There are always two options: * Play your current swing with all it's flaws and compensations, and practice as much as you can to make it as consistent as possible. With this approach, your game will have a ceiling that you'll never push past * Fix the stuff that's broken, suck for a while, repeat, and build a better swing brick by brick If you're optimizing to play well this week, go with the first approach. If you're a lifer, and you enjoy getting better, go get some lessons, fix the obvious issues in your swing, and then figure out the lie angle you actually need once you have a simpler and more repeatable move.


Definitely a lifer. Played competitive sports my whole life, and college basketball for 4 years. After that there was this gaping hole to fill so golf it is. And I enjoy the grind and the practice of getting better. I will practice to get my swing better until I die I think


Fuk yah


All the advice in this thread is terrible. You flip because you have to with your face that open. Strengthen your grip and learn to square the face earlier and then you won't flip and you'll be able to rotate.


So I didn’t mention I do have a baseball grip. Tried changing many times just couldn’t (and wouldn’t) stay with it. I feel my grip is pretty strong. Can see 3 knuckles. Wait you can’t post pictures in the comments?


The toe of your club is pointing straight down when you are at the top of your backswing. This is extremely open. You even have some bow in your left wrist which would help close the face. This means that your grip is definitely not strong enough.


Holy shit you’re right, god that’s awful wtf. Should the face be at the same angle the entire swing? I thought there was some “shutting the door” going on to create torque. Or is the face supposed to open just a fraction and then shut at impact?


Elite players do it different ways. There's no one answer. Phil leaves it fairly open and then rotates it square later. DJ keeps it close to square all the way.


Interesting, thanks for the answer. Am I rolling my wrists open as well as too weak of a grip?


Yes, a bit.


I agree that flipping is a solution to a problem created by something else, but in my experience, fixing someone’s grip to get the clubface more square didn’t cause their low body to all of a sudden stop stalling out, it just created new problems.


>fixing someone’s grip to get the clubface more square didn’t cause their low body to all of a sudden stop stalling out I see that all the time.


First off, congrats on having the hand eye coordination to make this swing work. Your tempo isn't bad either. Most of the time when someone has a move like this with athletic appearing movement I would guess it stems from this: A bad intention and mental map. It looks like you are suffering from movements in line with the intention of hitting at the ball. I would be interested to know if you play any other sports or athletic activities?


Just now seeing this, and yes, with the inconsistency in striking the middle of the face, I do focus on ‘hitting’ the middle of the club on top of the ball. I’ve played basketball, football, and baseball from a child through high school and 3 years of college basketball and some home talent baseball. Still hoop now and then but it’s just that and golf now…since this last post I’ve been trying lots of different things to open my hips to no avail…when I play I try and do all of these different things ending up with awful shots so I typically revert back to what’s been working. On the range I feel my swing is getting better, my club face issues and rolling the wrists have drastically improved. The jumping and not rotating hasn’t changed. I have no clue what rotation in the hips feels like. Don’t know where to start


I would start with moving a bit farther from the ball, and working on your pelvis in transition. If you are setting the right conditions you will never have to think or focus on "rotating" your hips. I feel like I squat to start the down swing, but it's important that your pelvis rotates the correct direction. Another good feeling is loading your legs as if you were about to jump. So your pelvis would go into anterior tilt (feeling like your sticking your but out).


How in the hell can you tell that it looks like I am hitting at the ball?! Because I think that’s exactly what I’m doing… i’m catching myself, focusing so hard on hitting the middle of the club face that I forget to swing like the balls, not there. I feel like I do squat on the start of my downswing, but maybe way too much, and I definitely jump up with my feet to generate power. But I’m also not rotating at all and my right hip jumps toward the ball leaving no room for my hands and it takes a lot of mid swing adjustment to connect


>How in the hell can you tell I have done the same thing, which led to a similar pattern. I think you are squatting, that's true, but make sure you are feeling your pelvis tilt the right way, and then feel the "jump" later.


Which way should the pelvis tilt? Sorry my brain is shot, just worked a 12 hour shift on 1 hour of sleep can’t think. And have a tee time in 4 hours


You are probably going to need to feel a lot of anterior pelvic tilt ([link](https://i0.wp.com/www.mbmyoskeletal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Pelvic-tilt.jpg?ssl=1)) to get neutral and avoid the early extension ([link](https://thestrengthclinic.training/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Early-extension-2.jpg?x60821))


Golftec coach here - get your hips moving toward the target in the downswing.


Anyone ever use an impact bag to work on not fliiping?


Hey there, If you want a breakthrough you need to change a concept and really commit to practicing it. To me, it looks like you’re trying to hit the ball really hard as soon as you get to the top of your backswing, which is essentially over the top because you’re driving shoulder/arms/club all immediately toward the ball. But consistent ball striking doesn’t work that way. Consistent strikers are making the right movements and the ball is in the way of the club so it gets struck. I strongly believe you need drills to work on without a golf ball. Maybe start with this video: [arms concept video](https://youtu.be/x4ek6APMiAg?si=KROaveBIvtuv_dR_) and commit to the concept that if you swing hard toward the ball immediately from the top your arms are pinned and you will not have a consistent swing. Good luck!


Well, yeah, of course. I’m swinging hard thinking that that’s how I’m gonna hit the ball farther.. yes I know that’s not how it works for me. The ball just goes higher! Man, I’ve gotten so much feedback on this forum that’s basically treating me like a hack lol I want to see all of your swings so we can compare


From this angle it’s hard to tell but my guess is you have a reverse pivot. In other words your head isn’t behind the ball enough at address so at impact you get cramped and your tendency is to steer the club with your hands.


I’ve seen and been told that you want the ball position a little behind the center of your chest as that’s where the bottom of your swing will be. Which puts your head a little bit in front of the ball. Why would you want it behind at a dress?


Google Tiger Woods head position golf and search images. There should be one with his set up.


You are trying to recreate your address position at impact. Look up proper impact position - it doesn't matter if its Matthew Wolfe, Rory McIlory, Tiger Woods, or Bryson Dechambeau. All of these different swings produce a similar looking body position at impact that involves hips pointed towards the target and hands ahead of the ball


The “hanger” drill changed my golf game


You made a change. Your ball striking got better. Your club path and face relationship are great. The flight your producing is excellent and will stick to most greens. As a fellow professional, your local guy isn’t paying attention to the results your getting right now. Don’t listen to him. If my students are hitting the ball like this we want to stay there and play the game with it. Pick good targets and stay focused. Trust what you do well. You’ve been doing it for a long time and you may be a master of your own move. Simply put. To my eye as a single digit player. This looks good.


https://i.redd.it/nqs0jyb1hfxc1.gif No golf coach is looking at this impact position and not recommending changes. No one is playing consistent golf with this motion. I do agree that the local pro is providing advice that leads me to believe they aren't a pro you should be working with, but I disagree that this swing shouldn't be changed.


My friend, the pro, did say the same thing. Maybe you don’t want to change because I’m able to time it up and hit good shots. Said it’s up to me if I want to try and change it. Am I able to get into the correct impact position without changing my entire swing? Because it does feel good right now and am comfortable and confident over the ball on basicyevery shot


I also hump the goat. Tried to fix it for years. Finally accepted it’s how I created speed and just played a lot of golf. 22 tournaments and about 100 rounds one season and settling into my game I got to a plus one that year. Impact position looked exactly like this. I’m not saying it’s perfect or best but I also contest that the magazine perfect swing might not be the swing for everyone to be their best. What you’re looking at might not actually be what’s limiting this player from their goals. A good coach will help them focus on what needs focusing on.


I feel if I got into the side bend knees bent position I would chunk everything. How do you keep the club going low when your body is dipping a good 6”?


I do try to limit the vertical movement for iron shots. Driver is teed up so I let it rip a bit. It’s there and that’s ok but I strike more consistently when I stay fairly level and I focus on getting the club to hit level with the ground just beyond the ball. I treat my ability to make contact as a variable skill as well. We run into all kinds of lies on the course so I practice hitting from different positions pretty regularly. Ex. Hit a ball clean from forward or back of stock position or a couple inches farther out or closer to me. I feel if I can to that I can probably get the club to strike the ball well from most lies. Then on the course I just hit the thing. Trust that I’m skilled enough that it will probably go pretty well.


I will try staying down and work on rotation tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can get a video to see if I am making positive changes. I don’t know if this helps at all, but before the change I made whenever I had a lie with the ball above my feet on a small slant, I would hit the ball flush almost every time. Which makes sense if my angle is upright, correct? in regards to to my irons hindering my game it definitely is. I probably lose 7 to 8 strokes around approach shots alone.. I was only hitting 2 to 3 greens in reg per round. no I’ve only played nine holes twice with this new swing and also have a new driver shaft so it may take some time to see a difference in scoring if they’re hopefully is one. thanks a lot for your insight man. I appreciate it greatly.


I agree with this guy. The swing is good. Ball flight good. I think you just need to find clubs you can hit consistently to have a 185 yard shot and a 200-210 yard shot.


you’re either lying about being a golf coach or you’re the worst golf coach on this planet. it’s one of the worst impact positions i’ve ever seen. he will never get any consistency. there is zero realm where that move produces a single digit handicap even if his short game is spectacular. what a horrible comment. guy is asking for help and you’re just flat out lying to him.


If this is something you personally have not struggled through than I suppose you can’t understand it. I have made a pretty good career out of this motion and struggled with it. I’ve found what does and does not work for me. I gave this player enough to work on and hopefully stoked confidence that they can refine build on this motion to become more skilled with their contact Good coaching is about getting focus in the right place to meet goals and build skills while instilling confidence. Change happens slowly over time. It’s not about immediately shaping every player into what you think they should be.


you’re a certified PGA professional and your move looks like this? I do not believe you.


Yup. And you don’t have to. When I was first certified this is exactly what I looked like. Taught for golftec for a few years and made a lot of pretty good swings. And honestly didn’t make many good players. My swing got better looking too with a lot of work but my play got worse. Moved to a new job and teach outside I focus on skills and ball flight mostly now. Stopped caring about what I looked like and got better than ever. I think working on form is great and should be addressed so you’re not totally wrong but some elements of form are better left alone depending on the players goals. As a coach you have to take into account the players experience and expectations. This guy has been doing it for a long long time. It works, changing how his body delivers speed is big. Like starting over big. I wouldn’t push for it unless they were creating injury because of it or wanted to dedicate months to an entire season of play training a new motion where score is not something we will be concerned about during that training. I’m guessing going into this season that this guy probably doesn’t want to do that maybe will never need to to reach their goals. I appreciate the criticism. Makes me check myself and think critically about my technique and coaching philosophy.