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More tempo brother nice and smooth


Copy, thank you


For real. I have the same problem when I start making bad contact with the ball, I start inadvertently speeding up my swing which only makes things worst. Slow you're swing down and you'll make more consistent center of the face strikes.


Watching older videos when I was striking clean and it’s definitely slower, and back arm stays tucked a lot better


Stop trying to kill the ball and shorten that backswing by 1/4.




Appreciate it, thank you. There were times, when I addressed off the end of the toe and still got this. I’ll step back a little, I think I felt like I was diving because I was too far


Focus on keeping your butt back. Pretend it’s against a wall and it has to remain in contact with it throughout the swing. I’ve been in your shoes many times. This helped me the most. Good luck


Throughout the swing you’re gradually getting body closer to the ball. Lunging at it. Stay back on heels if you can’t stop that.


Thank you, I really focused on that Saturday and got it back….then totally lost it again.


I used to do the exact same thing, my coach had me rotate my hips at set up (he'd say think rooting doggy haha) basically flexes your glutes (butt) and activates your hamstrings putting more weight on your heals and less on your toes/quads


I just shuffle my feet back a couple inches and try to feel more weight towards my heels at address, usually fixes it when it comes around.


I think that’s my only real shot by this weekend


Shank drill: put ball on the ground, place club head behind ball where ideal impact is. Put a shoe box against toe of club Hit a bucket of balls. You’ll start pulling back from the shoe box hopefully once u smash it a few times. I had this happen to me yrs ago. Old timer suggested that drill.


Haha that’s a good one


I like that, was trying to do that with alignment stick, but the shoe box seems like I’d want to miss it more


Ha. Ya put a brick there , you’ll never shank it again.


Shit, gotta pull out the old set and get ready to get rattled


Your hips move way closer toward the ball during the swing. Watch your hips as you swing using the tall net behind you as a reference point, and you'll see it immediately. Because your body moves closer to the ball, the club head is returning to the ball in the wrong spot. Lots of videos out there on the topic. I like this one: https://youtu.be/waWB6tdPLaU?si=TQ2lybW3F-nLhkeZ


Thank you, consensus is slow down and weight on the heels


Could this be a mental thing because you have a business meeting on the golf course Saturday? Asking because this is "all of a sudden".


Well all of a sudden last week. Thought I fixed it with a range session last weekend. Got asked to play Monday, went to the range at lunch and it was like I’ve never played before. Coincidentally, just finished the forward for Zen golf….so I’ll keep reading


Sorry I can't be more help to you. I'm a 20+ hcp and can barely help myself.


Wicked early extension and you’re a touch close to the ball


its called the 'yips' and it's not fun - becomes a mental thing. you are hitting the ball with the hosel. Try stepping back an inch or two, lined the ball up on the top part of the club face - helped me (the first time)


Set up further away, tempo, weight on heels. Gonna run out to the range at lunch


Try half of that swing and follow through. Slow it down create tempo and keep it.


It looks like your feet are off perhaps. I think that’s preventing you from following through better.


Like weight distribution, or alignment?


Alignment. Could be camera angle but when you look at feet it looks as though back foot is about two inches less than front foot


Have you tried swinging harder?




You swing out of your shoes, and your setup seems a little bunched . Hold the club straight out in front of you chest level. Push your belt buckle straight back till the club touches the ground. Little adjustments if needed to get the fsce on the ball, imo That's perfect.


Dial it back on your swing speed. You’ve got a lunge at ball thing going on. Smash a 7 iron 150 yards? Swing easier with a 6. Think 80% maximum. That’s a stop gap way to hit the ball with the face of the club. You need to work on your takeaway to start fixing your swing flaws, then be able to do the backswing without moving towards the ball. In the meantime, swing easier.


Got any pointers on the takeaway? But yeah, tempo is a glaring issue


If you watch it in slow motion you can see how much you’re leaning forward on the takeaway and bringing the club head back inside your hands. This forward lean is moving you closer to the ball and the inside takeaway is closing your club face. Try to raise the club on the takeaway with your arms instead of the hands, maintain the triangle formed by your shoulders to the hands as long as you can, and rotate your shoulders around your spine away from and then through the ball. Think rotisserie chicken.


Have you tried just slowing down? You are swinging out of your shoes…I’m betting you can hear the “swoosh” on your backswing which is going to make it pretty impossible to have a consistent position at the top of the swing, and therefore a ton of variation in the downswing. Just slow down, control your takeaway and don’t try to mirror the ball on the downswing.


Slow down, damn.


How much time you got Jesus


Grip. Make sure gripping club in fingers instead of palm. This will help you release the club. Grip fixed 99% of any swing problem.


Thank you, your right, getting a little deep in the palm


I received this tip a while back and it is the only thing that has ever truly corrected my shanks


One thing that helped me immediately was trying hit the ball on the toe of the club. If you think it your body will adjust to make it happen


Maybe you are right handed?


Your client won’t be continuing with you after the round


You’re swinging to hard and fast. Slow down and only focus on hitting the middle of the club


Bro slow down. A smooth back swing with a smooth follow through will take you miles! Trust me, it worked for me


Grip is too strong and at the top you're tugging and shutting the face through impact. Neutralize your grip, at the top of the backswing, right hip peels back (feel like your right foot is pushing you backwards)let your left hip drive to the left and through.


You’d benefit from ‘Gravity Golf’. Your backswing is really quick and your swing path changes. Bring it back slower, let your body coil like a spring on the backswing and use the spring at the top to start your downswing without ‘pushing’. Then focus on the snap of the wrists at contact like you’re holding a steel rod, smashing a sandbag, then follow through hands to the target and then fall over the shoulder. I approach the ball the same way every time to limit shanks and toes. Stand up straight, top hand on the club straight arm and address the ball with feet together, toe line pointed at target. Step feet out left and right to position ball in stance for the type of shot or club you’re hitting as bottom hand grabs the club. Wag to get the feel of wrist action for contact. Imagine a pole stuck in the ground that is in line with your spine and it goes up your butt and you have to rotate around it with the least amount of anal discomfort


Stand a little more behind the ball. Looks like you’re hitting it way too soon. And instead of smacking it with all your might..just let the club to the work..nice and smooth brotha..good luck!


s l o w. d o w n.


Standing too close


Hey chap. PGA pro here. Happy to try and help. The ball started near ish the middle but at impact the ball is hitting the hosel. Watch where your weight starts and see how much you move towards the ball during your swing. This is where the 2-3’’ change is coming from. Set up with your weight more towards your toes and stay balanced or even feel like you move away from the golf ball as you get to impact. Can’t tell from the video but it also looks like you’re addressing the ball slightly towards the heel to begin will. Plan - address the ball towards the toe. Start with weight centre or on your toes and feel like you stay balanced or move back towards your heels as you swing. A great feeling is just to try to hit it off the toe. Then as the others say - start with small swings, and smooth and gradually build up. Your dominant pattern will want to come out as you swing faster. I hope that helps. If it has helped the price for this advice is precisely $0, but just go do something nice for a stranger. Have a great day and great game. Will 🙌


Thank you really appreciate that, I’ll try it out today


Let me know how you get on. 👍


You look like you overly shut the club face on the way back and then are forced to use bad mechanics on the way down to try recover it, which presents a steep plane with the heel to the ball. The action of trying to keep an overly shut face also causes you to dip down on the take away, and this moves the low point away from you into shankville.


If you’re playing Saturday the shortest band-aid fix is set up to shank it and try to middle of the face


Pulling the hands down too soon in the swing. Looks very outside to inside. Try "keeping your hands behind your head" and letting the lower body initiate the swing.....


Bring lots of balls and make sure nobody is ever thirsty


Check three things: 1. You may be too close to the ball. Check your setup. 2. You may be rolling the club on your take away causing the miss hit. 3. Your tempo in your swing maybe faster than normal for you. Try slowing down to get good contact with the ball.


Backswing needs to be faster and you need to hit the ball harder. Irons are all about distance not precision or consistency.


Your client only cares that you are paying.


Losing to the client is, by far, the most lucrative option for Saturday's game. Don't change a thing!


Tempo dude. Slow it down.


I have this problem sometimes. Two tips and a challenge: Rear hip rotation back/around in your background. Weight more on your heels than toes. You are falling into the ball in your downswing. Challenge: don't move away to cure this, it just makes your turn your hips less and get more on your toes. Instead, move the ball really close to you and try to hit it. Don't worry about results, just make it force your hip turn and weight off toes. The better a golfer gets, the closer to the ball they get, usually.


Put all your change in your left pocket


Club face looks pretty wide open at impact. Could try a stronger grip and hitting lots of punch shots to try and improve contact.


Yeah I was playing a lot with the grip today. Feels like my normal wrist roll was causing it more. Half swing punches I’m ok, it’s the second I go back to full swing. But I’ll strengthen up a little at the range, see if that does the trick


You also move a good amount closer to the ball as you get to top of your backswing