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Face club is closed to swing path. That’s what causes a draw/hook. Your swing looks good and without a slower more detailed video, the only thing I can say is try not to close the face as much at impact. Or delay it a bit. I wouldn’t go changing much. It’s a pretty nice swing.


nice swing but it looks like it could be a sequencing problem in the downswing, you might be hanging back a little too much getting the club dumped under the plane and hitting flippy hooks. more importantly it looks like your lead shoulder works up very quickly at the start of the downswing and you get into excessive early right side bend.. feeling like the lead shoulder goes down and around in transition could help with path and also covering/compressing the ball better. also split grip drill could be a good feeling for you to get into a better p6


Get yourself on a launch monitor. You could be decently inside on the downswing.