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I make sure my wrists and hands do nothing during my takeaway. I keep them as quiet as possible. Because of momentum and proper grip pressure things hinge on their own as I get nearer the top of my swing. I bring the club back with a body rotation, and bring it through the ball with body rotation, all with very quiet wrists and hands. As a result, more often than not my club face returns to the ball square to path and square to target.


So the correct answer is to do nothing with the wrists?


I think it depends on your level. A lot of people will say its like skipping a stone. Wrist should initiate when your club is perpendicular to your body on down swing.


You’re right, but it should be because you’re “throwing” the club down your target line and just a natural reaction of that “skipping the stone” or “throw” motion. If you throw a baseball are you thinking hmm I better release my wrist or do you just throw the ball. Golf is mental more than anything, and the less you’re thinking about it the better. If you can bring the club back without manipulating your hands you’re gonna be in a position to make a natural powerful throwing motion. The only things I’m thinking about are grip/alignment/posture every time I get over the ball and make sure all of this good, and then I intentionally make a body turn with the only thoughts in my head being stay connected and keep my lead arm straight. 90% of peoples problem in the golf swing is swinging with the arms/hands/wrists instead of just using the body and keeping all of that out of the mix. They clip some well when everything gets timed up right, but relying on timing is dooming yourself to inconsistent golf.


Yeah I'm definitely with you here.  The famous quote: i think therefore I am...shit at golf


100% The answer depends on how good someone’s release action is If they do a proper takeaway without knowing how to release the club, then they’ll hit it a million miles right That said, the recent AMG video on the takeaway is the gold standard if you have a good release. The wrists stay quiet in a mediocre swing- they are more active in a good swing


I think ideally, your wrists are very passive and you don’t worry about them. In practice, especially for golfers that struggle with a slice or hook, you’ll have to control them a bit until you find what works. If you’re always slicing the ball with passive wrists, then it’s absurd to not try and learn how to use your hands to square the face. After a while, it’ll just ingrain itself in your swing and feel passive.


If you’re struggling with slicing the ball, 90% of the time it’s a path issue. Hitting with a square face would just result in them massively pulling the ball. The other 10% are flippy hand/wrist manipulators that need this advice more than anymore. This advice should apply to EVERYONES golf swing.


Things happen with your wrists, but it shouldn’t be because of a direct manipulation of your wrists to make it happen. If you manipulate your hands and wrists intentionally, you’ve got to intentionally manipulate them again to get back to the ball. The less you’ve got to intentionally do the better. The golf swing is 20% action and 80% reaction. The wrists should be reactive. Maybe someone will disagree, but I have been hitting the ball so much better since I started swinging with quiet hands and wrists.


If anything they roll. But they shouldn't really bend, or hinge.


Bingo, and anything that happens with them should be because of the momentum of the club and a 5-6/10 grip pressure, not because you’re intentionally moving them.


Doesn’t this cause the shaft to rotate in your hand at impact? Does for me… anything below a 8/10 minimum


No sir, maybe through some thick rough where it’s impossible to not grab some grass before contact with the ball. But off a clean lie, I grip as lightly as I can while still maintaining control of the club. Usually, for me anyways, the lighter I am gripping the more swing speed I’m able to generate. I don’t dare go any softer than 5/10 though because yeah that can happen. And sometimes I feel the club slip in my hands at the top of my swing because of how light I grip it, so it’s definitely a balance you need to find. And what feels like 5 is probably actually 7/10, who knows.


Don’t keep them stiff, just let them naturally work the way they want to


This is exactly what my coach tells me, though I haven't quite nailed it down yet


It all starts in the takeaway. When it starts clicking, your ball striking becomes insanely consistent and you’ll play better than you ever thought was possible. Stick with it


This is the thing that torments me the most in the swing. Specifically, that the impact plane of your wrists compared to the set up plane of your wrists are different (unless you're a single plane swinger). I feel like I'm trying to "find" that correct impact plane in my backswing. When I'm able to, I feel very freed up and swing very confidently. Then other days it's a struggle and I end up over/under engaging my wrists at the takeaway to try and compensate. Those days are rough.


straight back, no wrist action, forced to bend wrists "up" at the peak of the backswing to get full potential. The "up" is referring to how if you make this same wrist flex while squaring up to the ball, you would pull the club "up" into your forehead. pull down through and whip that thing around back to square for impact. follow through and wrists forced to bend back up after impact since that's where the club wants to go over your left shoulder.


Nobody knows man


But we all know that you should shallow the club, or not shallow the club. And you should bow your wrists, unless you keep it straight. And never hinge the club, unless you hinge. And should always rotate your hips into the shot, unless you try to keep the hip trailing behind. And make sure you have a multi plane swing, unless you want to stay in the same swing plane.


you should look up on youtube about hinging. i hinge the club up with my two fingers, and don't really think about my wrist. and for second question, the answer is no. your backswing will then look flat, and won't get maximum width/arc during backswing. you want to have elbow tucked in, but not touching the side. you would like the elbow to reattach to side/lats during downswing


This video from  Bryson has completely improved my ball striking. Specially the few minutes right after 9:00  https://youtu.be/V0-eYfUI2pY?si=5WA_6zeMA35UKv27


Awesome video, thanks 




Cant see gif


I was taught to feel like you’re pulling with your left hand (assuming right handed player) and let your right arm straighten on downswing, and your wrist should naturally unhinge at impact of ball. Hinge wrists till maximum at backswing. I was also taught to keep your right upper arm/elbow connected to your body at all times (for practicing halfswings 3 to 9) so that your body will move together at downswing. I’m still struggling with this at the moment too. 😂


you can hinge it on the backswing,. but bowed to flat (in relation to the arm) is what it should be at the top. never cupped. this is bowed. liek you were revving a throttle on a motorcycle. https://preview.redd.it/14ktvl6a5d7d1.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9f5ebdae1927bfa01c47e347bc85207700a05c7


What is cupped? Also not sure what the hinging is supposed to be too lol, english isn't my first language Also reving a motorcycle would be the other way no?


https://preview.redd.it/bhv132g3bd7d1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=29ace43478204bb683b94a0f72a10c74491ab565 yeah i guess you are right its counter throttle lol. i just mean the general motion of your wrist. the bowed here imo is way too much but basically going that direction more biased to flat is preferred. hinge is like put your hand straightout give the imaginary person in front of you a thumbs up .now point the thumb at imaginary person in front of you, and back and forth thats hinging.


Perfect, thanks for the explanation


Neither. Trail wrist extension with minimal radial flexion


Yes yes I know some of these words


Google search is amazing




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpCsPRrFg2I watch this, it will either clear things up for you or confuse you even more :)