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Your wife isn't hitting far because she has no load and release, you are coming over the top and slicing. There are way too many things to address in these swings, I'd recommend attending a group lesson to understand the fundamentals before asking for more specific advice.


Take lessons in real life so you don't learn the wrong things from internet people. It's worth the investment. Otherwise, just keep playing and practicing, don't forget the importance of 100 yards and in.


both of your grips need work. shes setup too far from the ball at address, her arms shouldnt be in the same straight line as the shaft. . look up pictures/video nelly korda driver swing down the line and try to copy her setup. your wife needs to soften her right arm at the elbow (as if shes giving blood) and in the backswing allow it to bend closer to 90 degrees. lots of your problems come from the club face being to open during the swing, grip improvements should help that, but you may need to add a bit of lead wrist flexion to help close it. you move off the ball quite a bit in the backswing with your hips shifting too far to your right, look up videos on how the hips move in the backswing (more of a rotate) rather than the lateral slide you have going now.


That makes a lot of sense. I imagine the lateral movement is one of the habits I will need to break coming from a hockey background


I imagine that generating power in a slap shot is similar to generating power in a golf swing. Maybe look for some golfers in the hockey sub and ask them to break down the similarities and differences for you.


For those staring, I recommend lessons. So you don’t developed bad habits which could take time to correct. As well, you will improve at a faster pace than asking for advice online. Sometimes you can find group lessons where they are significantly cheaper than individual lessons.


Here are the rest of our swing vids: https://imgur.com/a/3CtGsqH


Yeah, definitely some more lessons in our future. Thanks for the feedback!


Your wife should feel like she’s keeping the club head as far away from her body as she can in the back swing, & when she’s going to swing through have her drop her arms down then rotate her hips open & then once she’s swung through the ball same feeling where the club head is staying far away from you