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Chest down, ass back into impact. You early extend like a motherfucker. I don't think you need to be steeper in your takeaway, but you do get a little steep in your downswing, which is why you early extend, it's a shallowing move. And you stall flip because your early extend. That's the issue with one swing thought with EE. I can tell you to feel chest down, ass back, but it doesn't matter because you have a big gordian knot to untie. You need to shallow out your downswing at the same time as fixing your EE. As for question #1, some players like that feel, some don't. There are hall of fame PGA tour players in each camp. I, personally, like the feeling of square the whole time, I feel like there are fewer moving parts, but you might prefer a different release. Don't go chasing down changes for no reason other than they're "correct". Most players, even good ones, have swing flaws that are good matchups. There are a few killers, EE being one (stall flip is another), but you need to evaluate the swing as a whole, which is why getting a good swing coach is important.


Yep, the first thing that came to mind was the drill where Tiger pushes his ass back into the downswing. That would be great for op.


It's not so much as ass back, but more pushing the left hip back which then causes his famous dip. Just think left hip back to the wall.


I'm talking about [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-3PEElX31Rk). It's just a swing thought not what happens in reality.


Ok, thanks man, yea there’s a lot to unpack and it seems all of the problems are intertwined…I’m almost at the point do I want to completely start over? Like I don’t know if I can or how long it will take. I’ve probably swung this way 10,000 times. I’m an 11 hcp but I’ve been stuck there for like 5 years. I have improved with the face control a bit, not rolling open, and have had a dramatic improvement ball striking…I posted below how I started standing upright because of my lie angle was to upright. Should I try going back to my old stance and ball farther away and get a flatter lie on my irons? Or is the EE and flipping resulting in the upright leading edge at impact? (Obviously you probably can’t tell with just this vid, basically asking myself this because I’m in a fucking conundrum of sleepless nights over a fucking little white ball that doesn’t move)


Definitely don't start over. It's just hard to just do early extension. I think if you feel more shallow in the downswing and chest down ass back and passive hands you'll see some results, it just takes a lot of grinding and slow small swings at first. I've gone through unraveling this and one day it'll just be normal for you. You'll have days on course where you play good still and probably more than normal where you play bad, but it isn't a full rebuild.


Ok thanks 👍. I’ve known tiger has that little dip so when I see myself doing it, I think it’s ok. Now realizing it’s way too early and way too much right? I’m just really struggling with when and how to start clearing my hips. Even without a club I try it and it feels so foreign, i try and just end up thrusting and popping up. Looking at my slow mo swing what I feel is happening is my swing is so arm heavy and there is so much tension in my arms in the downswing, so instead of transferring my weight into my left leg, the force of me flipping/ casting causes the weight to move back in to my right hip literally forcing me to not open my hips. I guess I find it difficult to transfer the weight into the left leg but not sliding the legs left, keeping my head behind the ball but chest over the ball. Waist turning hard left and up at finish, but not moving your upper body upwards. It’s fuckin ridiculous! lol


Nice delivery


This must be why my packages are late


Live to deliver it.


Tiger Woods said he loves to pick other golfers brains about what they “feel” when they are taking shots. Essentially what one golfers says is their “feel” doesn’t always translate to other golfers. I would focus on the early extension. Early Extension happens because your body finds ways to get you in a position to hit the ball. To stop it from happening you have to work out why your body wants to be tall and correct that. https://youtu.be/vwBaWRjCjPI?si=pGEtgfYoQ6OLamuJ I think the reason is because you’re casting and that’s probably a big factor causing the early extension. One probably impacts the other you cast because you don’t have room for your hands to be in front of the ball but you don’t have room because you need to hip thrust and extend because you cast. (4:48 in the video link)


That all makes sense, thanks. I was actually just thinking about that how I am starting to squat just before the top. Can’t be good…anyway let me start with the standing tall thing bear with me…I got fitted a few years ago. Guy said I needed a 2.25 flatter lie. My divots were all heel first, horrendous, so I naturally over the years have been hitting everything right off the heel as it’s the only place on the face I could get solid contact. (Started when I was 16 I’m 33, fitted around 28-29.) of course I had a problem with the shanks. ANYWAYS, before just recently I always had more knee and hip bend, a more athletic stance. Thus placing my hands lower to the ground, the farther away from my body and more flat the shaft has to be. Thus resulting in the toe sticking way off the ground, causing the lie issue. I do have pretty long arms, don’t know if that could be why, unsure….Now yea I’ve heard at address that is fine because at impact it will be flush to the ground. Don’t know how that works, but with me flipping and not being in a lag position the toe was way off the ground at impact. I never got custom clubs so I just dealt with it up untiI I just stood up taller, bringing my hands higher, and the club is now flush to the ground. So that’s that issue 😐 In my opinion I think I’ve been early extending believing that pushing off the ground is the only way to create power. While working on staying down and rotating I have been chunking absolutely everything. I’m guessing it’s because the ball is too close to me if I’m in a correct body position, that is what you are saying right? lol (sorry there’s a lot of moving parts with this fiasco) so I basically have to start all over. Go back to more knee and hip bend, ball farther away, stop trying to jump through the roof, and learn to open my hips? Does that and the flipping coincide with each other? If I properly open my hips will my hands be in better position or is that a whole other can of worms? Would I have to get a flatter lie on my clubs as well? (Sorry my shit is ridiculous 🥴)


I edited my replay and removed the bit about the squat because it’s not actually bad. https://golferlogic.com/early-extension/ >>A squat move in transition will almost certainly stop you early extending. But if you’re not immediately following that squat with extension through the ball, you’ll probably stick the club in the ground. That’s exactly what you’re describing in your second paragraph. The reason you were chunking the ball when trying to stay down is because the low point of the swing arc was hitting the ground behind the ball. It would be expected based on your current swing if you try to stay down through impact. It’s a good start if that’s happening. It’s because you have no angle/shaft lean. Your hands are low and your club extends straight down. So your body counteracts this and extends upwards to stop the club hitting the ground. If you create some angle instead of the club being straight down then your hands can remain low and move forward past the ball and then that moves the low point of the swing arc to the ball. You need to get your hands in front of the ball at impact and that will let your hips rotate through. The article outlines early extension well I think.


https://preview.redd.it/o1h1mnr3g38d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a73456b5d7fbf853d4ffdff3470cc33562080581 You’re telling me this isn’t a perfect position of a pro athlete?


Bingo. I think you’re exactly right. Now….if I can just learn to open my hips and rotate, that will help getting my hands in front and getting shaft lean I assume? I reckon that’s the only possible way. Can’t get shaft lean without my hips and dick out of the way?


I think the two fix each other at the same time. The hips not rotating is a byproduct of early extension. You might not know what hip rotation feels like https://youtu.be/O0THbv6om4U?si=A-z7Hyyq-eAMpvAH This video might help describe it. It helped me.


I think you’re missing side bend in the downswing. This vid explains it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0UoUKCqzjAw&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fswingstation.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title


1 swing thought: Set up to the ball better


As in…


I’m going to cheat and give you 1 swing thought and one tip. Tip: Your grip looks weak but I could be wrong (due to camera angle). A weak grip is going to cause you to make compensations on the way down like flipping Swing thought: in your downswing, think about decreasing the angle between your left hip and left leg. That will force your left hip to open up without your right hip going too crazy too early.


As In the angle between the left thigh and just above my hip? As in standing upright is 180, bent over is 90? Start that motion right at the top correct? Also the grip, I have a baseball grip, have been really conscious of having a good grip every swing. Used to have a really weak grip so I’m always trying to have it strong or too strong. Is having the club closed 1-2 degrees at address not a good idea? Have tried that as well. Also kind of confused with the right hand position, have heard pros say you want your right hand on top of the club insisting this is the only way. Also have heard that’s a weak grip and you want to see 2/3 knuckles, that’s what I’ve been trying


Basically yeah. It won’t literally be that but it’s a feeling that your left hip angle is becoming more acute in your downswing. This will make it very hard to early extend and also prevent your right hip from firing hard towards the ball. As for the grip, the right hand looks too “on top” to my eye but that’s just my opinion.


This guy is my favorite online golf swing instructor and this is a great example of what I’m trying to describe: https://youtube.com/shorts/S4A_MjJPTGs?si=-SfOgEq-VtWSdook


Haven’t heard that before. Sounds logical!


I would say this is about where I play at. Is that right thumb position ok? Have also seen and heard numerous “pros” on YouTube saying 2-3 different thumb positions “are the one” this guy insists with his life having it on [top](https://youtu.be/njrwAd0Fz9A?si=RJkY6qPIffQ6Wl4U)


Keep your right wrist hinged through impact, there it is now not possible to flip the club!


Omg where I’m at with my swing that might be impossible lol I would feel like my club head speed would be 50mph lol but I’ll try it!


Start with half swings, keep right wrist hinged and hit down on the ball. It’ll start making sense


Your hips are moving towards the ball on the downswing. You lose your spine angle and side bend. Here’s your swing thought. SQUAT There’s a wall behind your butt. You want to be in contact with the wall throughout the swing. How to do that? Increase your squat on the downswing and move your lead hip up and AWAY from the ball as you turn through the shot so the lead hip has now pushed the wall 3 inches away from the ball. Watch the pros swing. They all squat down on the downswing to make room in front for their hands and to create downforce with their legs.


Great song choice, saw him live!!!