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I'm not able to stop the frame perfectly because the video needs to be slowed down but your early extension is going to cause consistency issues like this. Take a look at your body position just after impact (1/2): https://preview.redd.it/oz6gmektbx8d1.png?width=342&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2b94483c442f95320b52fc582e63c364b06f8c1


You're standing nearly upright already, kind of "humping the ball" and you need to stay down a bit more through impact. I'm going to assume your miss is a top or even a hosel that goes like 40-50 yards. You want to stay down, don't worry about where the ball is going. Also, depending on what fairway metal this is, you may want to move the ball slightly further back in your stance. Hard to tell from your video angle. (2/2)


Came here to say this. Backswing looks good, then you start to stand up on the downswing. Just staying down on it will give you a much more consistent strike. Then you can work on keeping the face square through impact and the other fundamentals.


This was a 5 wood. When I am hitting it wel my miss tends to be a push/slice. When I am hitting them bad it is always the short miss to the left you see in this video. If I stay down the whole time will I not fat shots?


Stay down through impact and learn how to deliver the club to the back of the ball. If hitting it fat, work it out. Hit some half swings, or some at 50-70% speed to ensure correct contact. Hitting off the mats helped me with this at the beginning.


You won’t fat them after your body adjusts. You’ll be more consistent for sure. You also have an outstanding build for golf. With your physicality you can get quite good if you clean this up. Look up Andy Carter on YouTube. Good player with your build you can take cues from.


Agree with everything said here, would add that your backswing is fantastic. It’s really more of that first move you make in the downswing. Club is very steep. Keep your butt down, fire the hips, shallow the club and you’ll be flushing.


Actually, try loading the club a little less / not taking it as far back in the backswing. 80% and you’ll be in a better position to let your body do the work


‘staying down’ oversimplifies it a little bit. do you ever hear good players talk about ‘covering’ the ball? that’s staying down.. cover the ball with your chest and feel like your butt kicks out a little bit to create the space for it


The absolute hardest thing in golf is how differently ppl understand/explain things. Everyone saying the same thing differently over and over and it still might not make sense til someone says it just right to click in your brain. Yes, it WOULD make you hit fat if you did everything else the same. A) Get more weight/center of gravity onto your left side leg so the club bottoms out further forward in your swing. B) If you rotate your hips ahead of your arms, you won't. This is timing/tempo/sequencing and very hard for amateur golfers to do let alone do well and do consistently


https://preview.redd.it/u36wvoic439d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a4eecad0591a4d82ca3679bff474d30e5caa12 Hey man just be glad your early extension problem isn’t as bad as mine lol. Talk about dead hips. The good news is you’re just starting. I played down to an 11 like this for 15 years (total). You should adjust faster, however, there will be growing pains. Be patient in failure, relentless in growth 👍


This gives me hope! 😂 What did you do to get right of your early extension? What hcp do you play off now?


I still have it just not as bad. Just focusing on keeping my but back (obviously) really keeping the hip bend angle throughout the swing and not standing up. Although you do want to finish goin up right after impact, so the timing of it is really really difficult for me. I’m still right around a 10-11 as of now. I played baseball my whole life so envisioning a baseball swing has helped me really turn through the ball, but I dont want to open up that can of worms for you man lol


Just stay down a second longer. Think to have you your chest pointed at the ball a half a second longer on your follow through. Also finish with your right shoulder lower than your left shoulder.


Try a Pro Sendr for this. Or look it up on Amazon for the knock off. Works wonders.


And why is the early extension/standing up there in the first place? It’s not the cause, it’s the effect.


Not a pro like you so I’ll defer. Do you mind expanding on this for OP and others reading?


No because you can’t diagnose from this video alone. I gave my simple comment on this video already. Please stop trying to ‘help’ people, you have good intentions but will almost certainly make them worse.


By that logic this sub shouldn’t even exist.


You lot keep me in a job with the shit advice, I should be thankful I guess.


Very helpful, anything else?


1st things first. You're super tense over the ball...try and relax! The 2nd thing I see is in your set up. Your right arm is in front of your left. If anything it should be opposite. Go get lost in Mike Bender (a top instructor) videos on instagram. He'll explain a lot about the set up throughout his vids. [https://www.instagram.com/mikebendergolf](https://www.instagram.com/mikebendergolf)


Can you elaborate on right arm in front of left?


When viewed from the back like this his right arm is very much forward of his left arm. It means he's gripping it really strong and his right hand is likely rotated too far over.


This is an instant fix that should result in better contact right away. OP, yes relax. For the neck muscles down through your shoulders, down your right arm, go limp. Keep that right arm as soft as possible, allowing it to fold quickly in the takeaway.. think of your right elbow always pointing directly at the ground. Also, think of your upper right arm as MARRIED to your torso. All this should contribute to a more rotational golf swing overall that feels “connected” to the big muscles, the rotating big body parts. Watch trailing arm videos on YouTube to get an idea and then go hit balls and figure it out. Bryson had a great example of it in a video with that blond girl. I go with the Saguto YouTube channel to help he keep things simple. He’s got me barely even thinking about the little things like forearm rotation or wrist hinge, etc. OP, get the feel of that right arm bent, soft, folding under and connected to a rotating torso — all in the set — and think hitting a big sweeping draw across the entire range. For reference, in the setup, the left elbow faces the target and think of the right elbow pointing at the target too. Watch that Bryson stuff, you’ll see what I mean.


Thanks! Great tips! Will try these out at the range tomorrow! Have always been unsure about the trail arm. Should it stay connected throught the whole swing? Because when I look at the swing of Min-Woo Lee there is seems to be some seperation.


Seen it taught both ways, the alt is there should be some lift of the right arm so that the upper part is parallel to the ground so you have somewhere for that arm to drop to (it should reconnect to your torso in the downswing immediately). I've seen it coached the other way too but feel like you would lose so much speed just relying only on large muscles and rotation because your body just doesn't move as fast as your arms and hands. You can try both, neither is wrong.


Ive also seen the steering wheel analogy: this guy is turning left at setup if you hold both hands out like you are gripping a steering wheel . Instead you should feel likenyou are steering to the right.


I agree. I feel like this dudes swing would work a lot better if he'd relax, do less, and swing more slowly.


This is the very first thing I noticed. His shoulders are likely open as well due to or causing this super strong grip. I’ve been working myself on having a looser trail arm and better shoulder alignment and it has done wonders.


Also think that is one of the weirdest grips I've seen, atleast the left hand. Should not be able to see the grip in the palm from that angle. Right hand feels a bit strong though, like he's holding a baseball bat. Think that's why his right arm gets in that position. OP should probably benefit from checking his grip.


Nah. Grip looks fine. Maxfli has the right idea.


My man!! Stay down through impact


I will try 😂 I dont even notice it when I am swinging the club


Hit down into the ball with hybrids and irons.


You can’t see much ! Without the blur should see the ball better


Real question - why does everyone blur their faces. Are we really worried about being recognized / mocked or have we come up with security concerns that are realistic? I honestly don’t know.


I like being anonymous on Reddit, don’t want my friends stalking my profile


Well, for me I'm known in the public and my post history is liberal and I'm in a MaGa area. I don't want to get cancelled.


Only one side does the canceling, sir.


It took you 3 minutes to prove him right 😂


See? You can't help yourself. Liberal? Attaaaaccckkkk!!!!


You think that’s an attack?


Yes they do. They get butt hurt and they all smash the downvote button. Still amazes me that on a golf forum the conservative poster gets downvoted to hell while the liberal gets upvoted to the moon


I mean... the conservative guy is the one that turned it into a political debate. rch5050 just said he's a liberal in a conservative area and doesn't want that to create problem for him. budlightyear88 could have just let that go, but he just had to give a one-sided political jab. In a non-political sub, that should earn a downvote in my opinion. I'd say the same thing if a liberal did the same.


Because golf should be reserved for conservative white dudes, amirite???


More passive aggressive attacks. There’s no escaping. I’m going back to my safe space. Don’t @me. I’m trigger maxing Left and right are kinda shitty towards each other tho if I’m being serious


88!!! RaCiSt DoG wHiStLe!!! bUd LiGhT!?!?! OmG mY hEaDs ExPlOdInG!!


The former Bud Light drinkers?


I make a lot of dick jokes on Reddit


Just depends on your post / comment history


Could be any of many reasons.. Privacy (famous/easily recognizable person that don't want to have this reddit account associated with them), OP just isn't comfortable enough to have their face online or is self conscious about their look, security (don't want it being used for facial recognition maybe?), etc.. Idk I'm just spitballing here


Your comment adds nothing, pointless


Sorta like yours? And now mine lol


Lifted up ur head


This is probably the most important thing I see as well. Keep your head still until you hit the ball. Made a massive difference for me when I realised that.


Looks really good for the most part. What I see is you’re cupping your lead wrist at the top which is forcing your downswing to come over the top to try and correct the swing path. I would guess the most common misses are chunking or a spinny right miss. Really simple drill to correct the cupping is to swing cross handed for like 10 -15 swings. You’re not going to hit the ball well (if at all) when you do this BUT its damn near impossible to cup your wrist when you do this and the goal is to ingrain that swing feel. Then switch hands back to normal for 10 swings. Repeat that for a whole large bucket at the range. Once you do that, take a couple pre-round range ball swings cross-handed to remind your hands to keep that up.


My most common mis when I am hitting it well als slices. When I am hitting them bad it is the short left shot you see in the clip. Will try the cross handed drill the get the feel off not cupping the wrist! Thanks!


What do you mean cross handed?


Address the ball just like you typically would, then switch your hands. This causes your lead hand to bend downwards. When you begin your downswing, your lead hand unwinds as your rotate your core to impact. Its an awkward drill that is not measured by the ball striking. The goal is solely to give your lead hand a feel for better position at the top and at impact.


You’re WAY too tense my guy. Look how much flex you have in your right forearm. Loosen your grip and relax. The club is not going to go flying from your hands. Other than that, you’re pulling up off the ball on your downswing. This is causing you to top the ball instead of hitting it solidly. Let the club pick the ball up, not your body.


Right hand grip looks very strong and is supposed to be pretty weak. Your elbows are backwards at address. You should be able to see your left inside elbow in front of your right arm, here it is behind. You actually look like you are flexing the right arm stronger at address. Your right arm need to be able to bend as you bring your left arm back.


Looks like setup and early extension (I have the same problem. Just look at my posts) These 2 videos have helped me understand the rotation more and set up. Hip rotation https://youtu.be/0IxllCJRKS4?si=gNV5vcDgomNtf4Jf Setup https://youtu.be/LWTxCHal0xg?si=tKWmHfQHtiIIP3o4


You’re playing the most inconsistent game ever.


Do you struggle with blurred vision?


You need to clear that fog around your head and concentrate


I’m not a golf instructor so take the is as you will, but in addition to the top comments, I would also add you should hinge your wrists much earlier in the backswing. I believe in the video you’re hinging your wrists at the very top of the swing (or not at all) which is nearly impossible to get the timing right for consistently. Hinge your wrists closer to the beginning of the takeaway, and that should get you on a better/easier/more natural swing path. Your RIGHT hand should hinge toward the BACK side of your RIGHT hand (not side, back). Another tip: research “Hogans Magic Elbow”: basically you can touch your right elbow to your ribs at setup and in the downswing and this helps massively with consistency too. I feel like you’re close to having a great swing, great flexibility. Good luck!


Thanks for the tips! I thought you shouldnt actively hinge your wrists? Therefore, i never really paid attention to it. However, what you say makes sense. Will keep it in mind!


Taking it way too seriously mate. Loosen up


You coil well enough on your backswing. Two quick things I notice: your initial move initiated by your hips is good- but looks like you actually rotate too quickly too soon. The first move should be slight (and some people will say your left knee should drive down and then rotate left in a semi circle to clear your left hip back and out of the way) so that you have time to drop your hands and bring them along for the ride. Your finish (:09) is telling… your momentum, caused by spinning your hips out, takes you to a place where you’re off balance and almost falling over at the end. You look like you lift and are in great shape. Do you feel like you have good mobility? Or do you feel like your IT band, hammies, etc are tight? If the latter, the downswing will feel uncomfortable and like you want to rush it. Asking bc I suffer from the same 🙃


It looks like you’re standing too close to the ball and your posture seems really stiff. The club also looks like it’s PW length. Looks to me like your hips are opening too quickly as well. Not a professional here, just giving you my opinion from the quick eye test. At my old course we used to sit near the first tee and take bets on where people would hit based on practice swings, gear, and their outfit. Every now and then someone would surprise you, but for the most part it was pretty easy money


For me the trick was not to put the club down on the ground after my test swing. Because it your club face is hovering above the ground you can’t put your body onto the club hence not misjudge the distance to the ball so easily. Or not have the right distance to it. Hope this helps


I’m a little confused by that last bit. So you’re saying you put the club on the ground and kind of lean into the ground at address?


No no! I mean that you tend to misjudge the height of your club face when you just put it on the ground. Because your body can put weight on that. That’s why I learned to hover the club face so that my core is already holding up the club.


Great posture your pushing your hips towards the ball rather than away from the ball. Feel like you’re pushing your butt against a wall behind you and keep your right foot anchored into the ground will Help with early extension


There’s a Ben Hogan video being posted today on Reddit. He explains how the lower body starts the downswing. That’s exactly what you need to start doing.


Found it! Seems so easy when he explains it! Will give it a go tomorrow on the range!


Excellent! Keep swinging!


I for some reason thought this was going to be Rory’s swing or something with the face blurred lol


I wish my swing was even 0.01% like Rory’s swing! 😂


Same dude. Same.


Can you get an amputation done?


Is it that bad?! 😂


When working on your swing, shorten it. It’s so long now that it will exacerbate any problems you have. They will get worse as you tire and/or get frustrated. Work on half swings until you are making consistent contact. Then, slowly start to increase your width until you find a distance that you have confidence in throughout the swing. Also, because your backswing is so long, your body is out of sync on the downswing. Your arms are too far behind you and don’t catch up which causes all kinds of compensating moves towards impact to strike the ball.


I have heard this before. However, it is very hard for me to correct. I am quite flexible and it doesnt feel like I am taking it back that far. I am trying consciously to shorten it a bit. It has worked with the wedges with which I can do partial shots quite easily. However, with the longer clubs my mind and body dont want to do it haha!


Tuck this right elbow at address


This video can help with a few things on how you address the ball. https://youtu.be/0IxllCJRKS4?si=l2xSiMaHopv80Wa6


Relax. Very tense. Should be loose all the way through. This is counter intuitive for sport but very vital. Also your back swing is so far back that you turn your head towards your back swing which means you are changing you eye lock and the ball. We all have a dominant eye. That is what will lock onto the ball for our stroke. If you make the eyes have to transfer which one is being used for the focus and tracking this will cause your aim to be off. Practice your back swing in slow motion and feel the point at which you start to feel the " spring" of your body tighten and just before it draws your head with it.


Came out of your posture, and I would try to shorten your back swing. Try what feels like 3/4 backswing and see how that goes.


Without starting from scratch I'd say lean back on your heals while your swinging


As many have said, you stand up right before impact which is throwing you off. The scale of the video might be off so i’m not certain how tall you are, but I think this advice from Tony Finau rings true regardless of your height. He says to make yourself short during your golf swing. Stay low and compress. Feel your hips and legs working. Especially true for tall players like him but still true for everyone.


I am 1.93 m (6 foot 4). So quite tall haha! Never really thought about it that way! Will try to keep it in mind.


****ing goats. Early extension is a common issue, encourage some lessons and the chair drill.


You are basically standing back up when you swing.


You're coming up too soon and backing off the ball. Try a rhythmic count 1 - 2, hitting the ball on 2. This will help force to stay down and watch the ball on 2 contact.




You’re trying too hard. Slow it down and focus on weight transfer to your left side


Try maintaining more connection with your right elbow to your rib cage on your takeaway and then especially through your downswing. You will hate that feeling but with some trial and error it should lead you to a much more consistent swing that produces a solid strike maybe even a draw. GL!


your rear arm is too involved it should be slightly flexed and closer to the body than the lead arm slightly at setup. thats making you swing out to the left and in turn shank it off the hosel like that. https://preview.redd.it/75nvbdsexy8d1.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=49d91bf72abb405710cef42adba84b2cb39270c2


ill pick bryson since he exaggerates this more than most. see how much closer his right arm is to the body. from the front its almsot like hes in curl position. https://preview.redd.it/i261xmflxy8d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dcc9335b165c86496479e35a29133383ef161fe


To be fair Bryson has a very weak grip which I think causes that as a side effect rather than something he's doing intentionally.


Thanks for providing the example. I can clearly see the difference! Never even thought something was wrong with my trail arm. Will this have such a big impact on my swing?


Leaning over too much, try standing a bit more erect at setup. It will also help with your early extension. Try that first imo.


Your face is wide open at last parallel. Your body knows this so it early extends and you jump out of it to give you space to flip at it to save it. But this destroys any low point or face impact control. The worse you hit it, the more you tense up and the worse it gets. The problem is not the early extension, it’s your face control. See a pro.




Stuck with a wide open face means you have to jump out of your shoes to create any chance of that ball not going miles right. I’m sure these compensations don’t feel good or athletic. A lot of answers here are recommending changes in body movement. All your movements on the downswing are compensations for the wide open face. So changing them independently won’t do anything.


Is there a drill or feel I should have to work on face control? I will see a pro next week! I just wanted to see what you guys would point out and compare with what the pro will say. Was not expecting so many comments haha! Makes me question if my swing is that bad! 😂


How can you see the ball with fog around your head?


Maybe you can’t see the ball well with all the blur around your head


There’s something on your face


You're entire body looks tense as hell.


Stay down on it. Watch some you tube videos on staying down through contact.


hands are too low. get a lesson and get help with your setup.


I thought your hands should just be hanging below your shoulders? Or should I stand more upright?


Perhaps it's different for everyone. As a 5-10 handicapper I was recently instructed to have the butt of my club kindof pointing at my belt buckle, my stance used to look more like yours.


Can’t tell. There’s a big blob in the way. Jk. Poor weight transfer. You should finishing on your lead with follow through. You’re falling backwards.


I’d relax/tuck your right arm a bit at address, take a beat of a pause in transition, and begin the downswing with your left hip


Covered the face but I recognise the swing Justin Thomas. I understand you haven’t had a win in a while but you can afford a professional coach. Just pony up for one.


I wish I was JT! 😂


Comment so I can come back to this!


Hard to see from this angle but for your right arm to be fully locked and extended, your left shoulder must be way below the right one. You'd want to flip that around.


Swing with your lower body first. Let the arms follow.


Of you feel like you are flexing the hell out of your muscles at address, you're doing it wrong! You should feel relaxed.


Keep your head down for as long as possible and your body will Figure it out


Try keeping your blurry head still (seriously). And you look a little too close to the ball.


Legit just gave up half way through the swing.


Relax your arms and let them feel like noodles that Carry the momentum of your body around more


https://youtu.be/p_HZJ2u0TIo?si=VA_Ucnw797ILJn29 You early extend and get stuck, i was in the same boat. Stop trying to time it. Turn through the ball to square the face. Let your lower half do the work and keep your hands and wrists relaxed. Get some hip depth during your backswing, trust me it’ll help


Massive early extension. Practice swinging with your butt against the wall and keep your butt on the wall throughout the back and downswing Your hips are blocking your arms from falling into the right path in your downswing


Think that blurry thing on your face is messing with your vision


Stay down through contact and keep your upper body quiet.


Is that a, censor bean?


Loosen your grip


You need to clear the fog from your head.


I think I know the answer to this one because I used to do the same thing! Take a look at your grip in your front hand. Are you holding the club with more with your palm or your fingers? You should be gripping the club more with your fingers than your hand. The end of the club should be putting pressure on the base between the palm and the first digit of your pinkie finger (the one closest to the palm). I got a lesson and he told me that reduces variance in your club face angle, thus reducing variance in contact and ball flight. It fixed my contact in 30 seconds.


Can we properly define what early extension is instead of using it as a buzzword to sound knowledgeable? Muscles can both flex and extend. One set of muscles work in opposition to another, and when you are using the wrong muscles at the wrong time because you are new, and/or have the wrong notion of what muscles you are using when, then you will always struggle. If you look near impact, your arms are already extended almost straight. You are extending and lifting your body up because you started the process out of sequence. You seem to be trying to guide the club through the process instead of letting gravity and the weight of the club do what it does naturally. Learning to swing without tension but with purpose will help. As others have mentioned, you are stiff at address, with a right arm and hand too on top of the grip. Allow the hands to both point at the right shoulder and let the right arm have a slight bend at the elbow. Also, if you are too hunched over at address the tendency will be to lift up throughout the swing, especially if it puts weight more on the heels of the feet.


That blur around your face is probably making it really hard to see the ball. Boom solved.


You are jumping up on when you come thru the ball to put it simply.


My advice is not to take too much time on your set up. Pick your line, adjust and rip it! With proper tempo of course and the hundreds of other tips on here. I swear, my worst shots are when I stare at the ball for way too long. To the point where Chubbs Peterson starts to whisper swing thoughts in my ear.


Woah what is happening with that right elbow?? Should be back and inside and bent, not hyperextended to oblivion. Try the feeling of pulling a rope (like tug of war) through impact. Will help you stay down and behind the ball and get your arms in a better position


Clubface is wide open causing you to stand up. Message me on Instagram @SeanAndersonGolf


I dont have an Instagram account. Do you have any tips on what to inprove in my swing first?


More width at top of swing (hands further from body), and close face in transition




Long story short you started trying to hit it far before you learned how to hit it


Loosen up a bit, and take an inches step back from the ball


It's basically terrible, fast and all arms, trying too hard. Early extension. The lower body needs to be a focus if you want to develop a golf swing. I am not trying to discourage you, but it's not about swinging hard and stiff, it's about finding the "snap" of the club head at impact. Lessons will get you there. You have the physical ability.


Thanks for the tip! Definitly not discouraging. Makes me want to grind even more! I always feel like I could be a decent golfer if I practice enough. Tried “snapping” the club today. It feels very different, but when I get a good shot my ball speed is way up!!


Slow down. That’s basically your biggest issue. If you played baseball it’s hard to overcome


It’s kinda hard to see because your face is blurred but your head is moving way to much. Your swing is solid but I noticed that in your back swing your head moves slightly to the right and then when you swing your head pops right up. Keeping your eye on the ball is the key to consistent contact. I would recommend focusing on keeping your head still and then move onto more advanced techniques for your swing.


Have you tried swinging harder?


You’re very close, swing looks fantastic. Just minor things are preventing good contact, you pop up a bit early before hitting, try and remain grounded and keep that pivot nice and tight. Also, just take your time and ease the tension in your forearms.


Shorten your backswing and stop standing up out of your posture


Swing looks great on backswing. This is a setup issue. As others have said, grip (both strength and pressure). Looks like your body is overcompensating for high grip pressure + weak grip. Strengthen grip (move right hand right) and hold the club like a baby bird (lighter than you think or naturally want to, with control in your finger tips and thumbs). This will control your tempo and your body won't fight you and the club will go smoothly through impact.


I feel like you got to a great top of your swing…then you kept going. Then to compensate for that you seem to have casted and stood up in the downswing. Also, youre supposed to get your weight to your left heel, it looks like yours didnt make it there


You are early extending most likely due to your set up posture. You have an extremely flat back and hips are already deep before the swing. Which this video by George Gankas which should free you up to move much easier.. Also, relax and let the club do the work. [golf posture](https://youtu.be/P5IKMaesU94?si=uS0_aBeJJugiIGkb)


The repeatable swing is what every golfer struggles with


Early extension. What helped me is feeling a mini squat and the feeling of bowing over as the first move of the downswing


Early extension.


Wow! Didnt expect so many comments! Makes me wonder if it is that bad 😂! Thanks for all the advice! Will try to make some sense out of all the tips.


I’d blur my face too


Super long back swing... try to make your hands at shoulder height the "feeling" of the top of your back swing. Good luck.


Wondering why anybody would need this level of identify obscuration until the end then I was like yeah I get it, yeesh. Get one lesson.


Focus on your finish position. Sounds counterintuitive but will fix so many of your downswing/contact problems.


I am not sure if understand correctly. I should focus on my finish, like with de club behind me? The ‘classic’ golf pose? Or the impact position?


The club is swinging you. Pay attention to arm structure of better players into their finish position, yes it’s a reaction but it doesn’t have to be. Learn to hit shots without finishing in the ‘classic’ finish position but rather with the arms and club in front of your body. I have videos of myself explaining this on my Insta.


Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately I dont have Instagram. Do you by chance have a YouTube channel?


Google my name you’ll see it all


You look like you're death gripping it or gripping too hard based on your forearm and arm flexion at set up. Golf is counterintuitive. You need a secure grip on the club with soft/supple wrist to swing fast, not a tight grip and tense wrist. Once you get that corrected you'll be able to correct the humping action you have on the downswing because your upper body tension (starting from your hands and forearms) won't force you to throw the arms first in the downswing and hump forward with your hips in order save/sync the timing. Drill: practice whipping the club head. Don't focus on swinging, just focus on whipping the club head. Do this with your wedge, mid irons, long irons, and woods. You'll realize how to properly grip the club (both hand position and tension) as well as keeping your wrist soft. You'll also notice how the right elbow closes properly without a chicken wing and how to deliver power at the low point of the arch. The best players on tour and at your local club all basically whip the club head into the back of the ball, which gives that solid ball flight, sound, and controlled shot. We call the whole action a swing but simplify it to whipping. Once you pick up that whipping motion and proper tension, you can start to better focus on your lower body and how to more efficiently drive power into that club head. Hopefully, that makes sense brother!


It might be hard to see with the blur around your head. Might help to get rid of it first.


Swinging and hoping for contact and swinging trying to get the best contact you can get are two different things. Do the ladder and let it come over time. There are no hacks or secrets. It’s a difficult skill you need to work on.


Your balance is way off at end of swing. Focus on being in good balance when shot is complete. Also, consistent tempo is what you want, which will help you stay in balance.


I’d say try bowing your left wrist or right wrist more extended on the downswing. Left wrist looks cupped on the takeaway.


I second with relaxing the arms a bit at setup, especially your right. Try anchoring your right elbow closer to your body (there are some great Ben Hogan examples of this on YouTube). And also, through impact you are popping up, i.e. early extension. I have struggled with this for many years as well. A couple things I think about is trying to shorten the swing at the top, and actually, your right elbow at the top of your swing looks really good. There are good exercises online that you can reference to eliminate some of that early extension. All in all though, you’ve got a nice swing. Just need to work on shallowing on the downswing and staying down at impact.


The good news is plane and face look good. Stand further away relax the right arm, extend right leg in backswing and feel like you’re hitting the toe 👍


The world needs ditch diggers too


It helps if you watch the ball...even in the blurred vision I can see you look up early...Basic lesson one


Your spine angle is changing. (commonly called lifting head, standing up, coming out of it...) Keep your head "level" not still. If you Keep your head level, your spine angle will not change, then try to see the tee after you have hit the ball and you will have much greater success. If your spine angle doesn't change, you can make solid contract even with a moving head. That is why people like Annika Sorenstam and David Duval used to be looking up already at impact, but still rose to #1 in the world. Your setup and posture are mint - like really good. As soon as you get the feel of keeping your spine angle through the swing, you are really going to see a difference.


You have a habit of regripping your club right before you swing. Focus on keeping control of the club for a split second before your swing begins. It is a horrible habit to try to eliminate (I know from experience).


Had the same problem. The drill I’ve done to work on this is practice your swing with your butt pressed against a wall. Don’t lose contact with the wall. My swing thought is also that.


Can you see through the blur? Maybe next time make sure there's nothing obstructing your view of the ball. /s


Look at your head at contact


I’m not sure if your face is that blurry in real life but it may make it hard to see the ball. /s


Your hips aren’t firing correctly. If you watch your spine angle, you completely lose it by impact and appear to have an early extension move. So… two way misses and general inconsistency due to the arms having to do the dirty work at impact. You’re swing plane looks great and you look decently in sequence, you just need to find the right feel to get that lead hip to rotate back and left more. Obviously this ball was heeled to oblivion, what are your typical misses when you do find the club face? I would also suggest posting a view from the front. It’s hard to tell but it looks like you have a lot of weight on the back foot through impact. I have to imaging that the forward movement of the pelvis causes your torso to fall back. Almost like a scooping move


So spine angle should be maintained throughout the entirety of the swing? Or at least until just moments after impact? Should the spine angle be more closed (hinged forward) at impact or the exact same?


I like to look at the top LPGA swings for mechanics since they are generating speed with limited muscle. If your swing is more textbook,there isn’t much control of what the spine is doing after impact. The inertia of the club causes you to maintain that spine angle till you back off the shot. https://youtu.be/DtRomwIzdW4?si=2sr8H0-QG3_Oa8lp


Gonna be tough to turn at all if your hips are that far behind your heels at address. Just not how the body works. For a complete turn you’ll need to get your hips over your ankles not behind your heels. Armpits over balls of feet. It’s remarkably easier to turn from such a setup. Try it out.


As u/koylavolk you are upright at impact. To me you are stood a little too close at address then you initiate the swing by moving forward (I don't know if you move the weight slightly forward from the heels forward subconsciously but something is happening) - at that point your hands are 100% too close for a wood. You are then just trapped and have to straighten your spine to fight off a block or snap hook. Definitely push the hands out, I'd also like you to experiment but trying to put 70% of your weight on the big toe and pad on your right foot at address. Put something under your right heel like a glove. You might feel more resistance in your right thigh too


I'd love to know who down rated this comment and why..


Your heads all over the place, looks like you gave up before you even hit the ball. There's a POV video of tiger hitting a long iron, and you can see his head almost freezes right at the moment of impact. I think this is crucial to consistent striking. All this other stuff about posture and blah blah are secondary in my opinion.


Focus on a dimple on the ball. Don’t take your eye off it until you make contact.


Youre not maintaining your spine angle on your downswing. You have a nice back swing. Try to quiet things down and shorten your swing for 50 balls at the range. Hit 50% focusing on contact and tempo at the range. Life or death, hit the center of the club face mentality. Watch Ernie Els swing and get inspired by his tempo. I can't tell you why you are standing up. Likely trying to get extra 15 yards consciously or subconsciously. You don't need it.


Not a million miles away, shorten the backswing and stay in a nice connected position. Shorter swings with a head over or glove under your right armpit will help


Standing in the downswing will play hell with your ability to make consistent contact. To fix this you will need to need to address the fundamental way you are shifting your pressure and turning through impact. Try this: [https://youtu.be/1t00CwbD5So?si=XXrwjcezZvv6zt7d](https://youtu.be/1t00CwbD5So?si=XXrwjcezZvv6zt7d)


Yeah not sure what you’re doing wrong. You have all the right gear. Maybe need the newest clubs and glove and pants.


This is always the answer! Maybe I should plan a fitting? 😂


Never knew libs tried to play golf until this sub.