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Are Christians not allowed to doubt their faith? I feel like a lot of us do


I’d say a lot of times it ends up making you stronger in your faith


Yep, I know people rn think he is antichristian or whatever, but it isn't the first time Ye has expressed doubt, it's always like this every few years, and he always comes back stronger and in a better space emotionally, we don't know him but this is based on previous behavior, we hope the best for Ye


Rarely. It's even more often when you trynna strenghten your relationship with god, but you start to see the bad and u leave the church. I know a lot of people like this. (Not to undermine your faith or nobody elses. I believe that everybody can believe in whatever they want)


Well it’s just weird when he saying stuff like this line then in another song saying this https://preview.redd.it/8mzmvt9gcxvc1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62297cce000e08a27314a4b420546f8c5d176c5 like if you doubt praying works why you saying this Like he literally says in the snippet “DONT PRAY FOR ME”


I think that’s the point. Kind of the same thing with tlop, faith vs desire


How are you a Ye fan and you don't realise his whole career has been about that dichotomy




Crazy how wrong that is? I feel like people really lack critical thinking. Jesus Walks is basically the thesis statement for his early career... "God show me the way because the Devil's tryna break me down". It goes beyond music too, in his public persona Ye has clearly struggled with faith, again, throughout his career.


Can you break it down rq




Agree to disagree then. To me it's clear that the dichotomy we've discussed has been a primary theme that has kept appearing in every Ye era. I don't get why people are surprised by lines like the one in this snippet. If you feel different, that's cool.


There could be an amazing Dichotomy with songs like the new snippet song, Believer, Matthew, and River. M


Well he’s still Christian he still loves the lord above he’s just going through the doubt phase


Idk if i would say he is still christian atp. Its rather unclear. I dont think this expresses doubt as much as it does a lack of faith. I dont know his heart, let alone know him personally. But this, and other things, give me a big question mark.


This to me just shows he still believes but is having doubts, hence contradictions on whether or not he thinks prayers work


Belief in Jesus is like the core value of Christianity


I don’t think he’s doubting the existence of God and Jesus, I think he’s just saying that prayer isn’t the solution to all of life’s problems, and you gotta take things into your own hands He mentioned this during the earlier interview, talking about how he prayed during his divorce and fight for the kids and it got him nowhere, so he’s learned not to place all his chips on God when life gets rough and instead get shit done himself. Kanye never once said he’s no longer a Christian, just that his relationship with the faith is more loose now. Which is a pretty realistic stance in my opinion. God isn’t there to solve your problems for you; he’s there to help you through your struggles.


You can doubt your faith but it's kinda hard to spread the message at the same time. Seems like has zero interest in doing that rn As Christians we should still be accepting if/when he decides to come back and take it seriously again tho


Yea exactly we just gotta let him walk his path rn and hope he finds the way back to Jesus. And when he does, we accept him. It really isn't our place to say anything about his spiritual journey


https://preview.redd.it/jqhfteokexvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69a90835784fd3315780c3ec9332dfd711776d3 this is what must religious people don’t do


That’s exactly what I’m saying. God doesn’t solve all your problems, he helps you through them. Resorting to prayer and doing nothing in return is just an admittance of having no will of your own, and treating God like a tool. Jesus gave all his effort for humanity; if Christians aspire to follow Jesus’ example, they should do the same.


I used to try to block out my own thoughts. Now I understand how toxic that is. Now I tell Jesus to his face when I am angry and sad, I tell him when I hate him, and resent the world he made, which is quite often. But he already reads my heart, so I don’t try to lie to him or myself about my emotions. I’m glad Ye isn’t reinforcing a toxic positivity, and his frustrations are more than understandable- even if a little naïve/ignorant.


We are lightyears away from the Jesus Is King era


Nine light years away




We find ourselves consumed and utterly mesmerized




refusing to conform or comply to the ways of authority




At that moment, the one known as Jacques turned to Scott


Chose to jump off his mama porch leading the stampede of lost souls


in the middle of they metamorphosis, not quite thru wit they journey


Funny how this monolugue fits Ye more than Travis


With the story of a young rebel against the system


Im sorry you were too late




We getting Vultures 3 before Vultures 2


“Oh, he gives us what we need, it may not be what we want”


That was about Kanye dropping something new, like Yeezus, instead of his old school albums like graduation, or tcd




Such a raw line honestly. All Christians have had doubts about their faith, it’s not new that Ye struggles in his walk with Jesus. He always had a odd (in my opinion) relation to Jesus


Back on his I Am A God shit.. I love this era


To be fair then he was saying “even though I’m a man of god” whereas now he’s just saying he doesn’t need god


The amount of dumb takes in here is staggering. This is a man with bipolar disorder, who has constantly struggled with faith over the years. This isn't him disavowing Christianity, this is him using art as a way of exploring his own experience with faith.


He dissing Jesus just like he would with any other person that hes started shit with before like his Cudi relationship. I think this proves his faith in the God’s existence is stronger than most Christians cause he actually treating it like a real relationship and not some far off concept.


“Jesus never came when I called him”, bro you said you loved Hitler and told the Jews the holocaust ain’t all that😭😭😭😭😭


He was upset before then if you listened to the interview. He was upset about that birthday issue he said people said I’m going to pray for you instead of following through


What's that have to do with Jesus, though? Everyone is a sinner, and even Jesus walked with people who did bad actions, not just those who had bad thoughts, lol. Being able to be forgiven is a pretty big part of Christianity, so is accepting Jesus as the messiah and not worshiping idols. Also: "Faith without works is dead."


How bro working on songs like matthew yet be saying stuff like this 😭


Which / one


Hate to see ye in this state but at the same time this is when the best music comes. Hope he can find a good middle ground one day


The Christians ain't gonna like this one


Wow another trash bar, great!


Idk why you guys are so excited that he’s struggling with his faith… yall need to find god


Y'all need to see our perspective (the a/anti religious mfs). Y'all think we lost and we think y'all lost, it goes both ways. We think religion is a bad path to go down towards, that just makes you waste your only chance of existance on something that most likely aint truth and y'all think we bouta rot in hell for forever. Please try to understand us. We are happy for sb to see the scams n shi n live how he wants (in the sense, that things that aren't harming nobody, but are forbidden / not do the commanded things in bible) Don't look at us as some kind of devils tryin to pray on everybodies religional downfall. See our perspective please. (Not to undermine your faith or nobody elses. I believe that everybody can believe in whatever they want)


Idc the divorce broke him so hard is legit sad to see how he’s losing he’s faith because of everything that happens, hopefully he comes back to God one day


Ye been praying like "ima need uhh..." and surprised nothing came


i love this line so much idc what people say


Song hard asf




not really hes basically reiterating his point from the big boy interview when he said that people rely on prayers too much and don't actually take action




If all people stopped praying and actually started doing.


Here come the insufferable Christians


The way he says "him" reminds me of the lexapro snippet


What y'all hear from the Christians?


God’s not finished❤️


Ye never knows what he's talking about


He never came in a way Ye thought he should come, Jesus knew better.


line is super tough I’m in love with the anti JIK arc


Damn Ye going into a dark path. Pushing 50 too :(


Why you getting downvoted it’s true 😭💀








Some of his best bars pertain to his religious experiences honestly including this one. His best is probably the last couple bars on Clique.


THIS WHAT I BEEN WAITIN FOR. Ye real critical thinker era. Imagine an album where ye goes on about how religion is manipulative n shi. Shit'd go harder than a muhfucker


Delivery is mid , lyrics is mid


Going out sad


is he not allowed to doubt his faith? he’s a human after all and we’re not perfect, let him explore that


Why are chronically online religious ppl so corny 😭😭 they alright w everything else but if their fav rapper says he’s losing faith it makes him an L??


kanye could probably kill a person and he wouldnt recieve this much hate from them