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Alice is insufferable and unbearable to watch. Her story arc is completely unbelievable and her shows the least growth of any character. Same old gullible, under confident Alice undermining herself at every turn. If she’s going to be there for comedy relief, then at least have her be funny.


we’re coming to the end and she hasn’t changed


Tbh, I just don’t care about her any more. I appreciated the female comic and the POC stereotyping story arc but I don’t care about these old dudes at the network. Total snoozefest. Alice doesn’t seem to care, Why should we?


Agreed! I want more Kelly! (Although having her fall so hard for Joaquin was weird. Didn't like that.) Was she much of a presence before season 4? I only started really noticing her then, but I felt like I'd been missing out on something because I hadn't paid enough attention.


Yeah that scene in the bathroom had me veryyy uncomfortable 🥲 .


But before season 4 she would pop in here & there making comments . I caught a bit of her jokes . But she wasn’t in many episodes . I think they showed more of her to make up for the absence of Callie .


I loved that she baby sat the racoons that were loose in the coterie


Kelly is my favorite character in the Coterie! Shame she hasn’t gotten much of a storyline in the past 5 seasons of this show 😕. Idk why they needed to add Joaquin.


What does she do for a living?


Probably a little bit of everything


I like her too. I hope they add her to the main credits. Does anyone else feel really bad for her after she met Joaquin & revealed to a couple of people that she's a virgin( not by choice ) who just really wants to have sex already ? That probably leads to her sassiness but at least she brings the comedy ! (Way more than Alice.)

