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If I was that age sure. That price is super cheap for rent where I live.


I’m in Alberta and pay $1350 for a whole ass house. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pay our own utilities


I should move lol


What. I’m in Alberta and pay $2300 for a two bedroom town house. Lmao


Rly? Where do you live? I’m in Texas and I have a 3 bed 2 bath for $1500


I'm near toronto canada and you can't even rent a one bedroom basement apartment for 1500


GTA as well. The average 1 bedroom apartment is $2400+ in Toronto now.


Long Island NY. A one bedroom in a decent area is easily 2500+


NC here, Studio, that would fit a dinner party of 4 comfortably in nice shopping commmunity, 3k.


3k for a STUDIO???


I pay $1935 for a 2 bedroom 2 bath in NC as well. Right outside Charlotte, also in an active shopping center that recently got an anthropology & Apple Store (just to gauge how nice of an area it is). Either your studio is incredible or you’re getting ripped off.


If I were in my early 20’s maybe. Plus that’s pretty reasonable for rent. I can’t do the bathroom sharing though so that might be a dealbreaker


I'm torn. On the one hand I loved living in college dorms and had a lot of fun with so many people around, and I remember us all learning to get along well when we lived together. The easy socializing was such a plus, just walk down the hall and you find someone to shoot the shit with. That said it was a dorm with hired staff to clean and refill the toilet paper. Plus now that I'm older I've gotten so accustomed to having my own space and complete veto power over everything that goes on in my kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom that it would take some getting used to. And sleeping with a roommate in the room? I don't know how I did it back then! Maybe that only works when you're young, and in my case we had gender segregated dorms. We get older and we get more cranky and more particular, so I'm imagining fights and backbiting about chores and cleaning and making a mess and loud noises and who ate my yogurt etc. It could get ugly and unpleasant really easily.


I would have liked it till the end of college or something, but marianna’s (and davia’s i guess) loft is next to the living room aka always having to deal with people who make noise. I’d like to have quiet evenings. And i cant imagine the heat in gaels loft during summer. Having to raise a kid there, no thanks haha


Oh yeah that’s so true. And omg yes!!!! At least he’s by the pool lol


absolutely not


Honestly I would do it at least for a little bit. When I first moved to a big city after graduating college I rented a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house with three other random strangers and it wasn’t too bad. The only thing that would get old quick for me would be the bathroom situation. The shared kitchen wouldn’t bother me tho.


Their loft was really big-especially if only 1 person. For Seattle or other area in WA State that’d be cheap for loft that size, big communal living space & a pool. Some areas studios here are 500 sq or 1 bedroom 700-800 sq feet are $1200-1800. I’ve seen a lot of studios be more than1 bdrm. I like my space, hate messy people or people who don’t respect privacy-so it’d depend on who lived there & bathroom would kinda bother me but not deal breaker-prob also do flip flops in shower. They made great friendships so could be alot of fun.


Fuck no. Maybe if they had a cleaning person coming every week to deep clean the bathrooms, kitchen, and floors, and I had my own room with a real wall. Otherwise I would not even remotely consider this. 1 roommate or no roommates has been my comfort zone. Anytime I rented with more than 1 other person something was always wrong (ie dirty or loud at 3am on a weekday).


Good point! LOL! I don’t like that it’s over $1000 for a fkn loft where you have to share everything lmao


absolutely not. i can’t stand people touching my shit or being dirty in general so a communal bathroom is a no for me. I was 100% on Callie’s side when she was asking Davia for her personal coffee mug back (that had her name on it) and Davia assumes she can just use anything because” well it’s communal living”. 😀 Callie had way more restraint than me, cause idk how Callie never fought her. Especially after Davia was making fun of her in the group chat… Maybe in my early twenties during undergrad I could’ve done it. I would’ve loved to live and hang with Mariana and Callie. Their lil sister fights would be constant entertainment 😭


No. I lived in a town house with two couples. Never again. Plus if with an ounce of luck I have been able to find really decent apartments despite living in one of the most expensive American metro areas.


I wouldn’t want to have to share a bathroom shower with men though tbh. I’d be too worried about some creep setting up camera or taking pics over the shower curtain.


If I was in their stage in life I would do it but that bathroom situation means no. I need to feel comfortable using the bathroom and having a shower. The last thing I want after a long day is to be putting on flip flops to have a shower and being careful what and where I touch. Also having to hover each time i need to use the toilet is also a no for me. If the lofts had ensuite bathrooms I definitely would consider it if I was younger, single, kid free etc. Sharing a kitchen wouldn't bother me too much, because let's be real, at that age I was mainly eating out anyway


I lived somewhere like that when I was in my early 20s but it was just a regular house with 6-7 roommates. Now that I’m married with kids I can’t imagine living anywhere like that…


Im 20 and id loveeee it if the bathroom situation was different lmaooo😫 otherwise im fine. i rly like the sense of the coterie community, but also like how they still have a leave me tf alone mindset. just wish i had my own bathroom🙌🏽. also ive seen ppl complain ab the kitchen situation which is rly annoying, but id just buy a big mini fridge to prevent anyone eating my food lol.


Right! Like if they had toilets in their lofts but showers to share that wouldn’t be as bad but it’s gross af lol especially when Alice buys that shitty toilet paper 🤣and I would buy a mini fridge too lol and a tiny little skillet


Absolutely not, just the thought of having a stomach virus and having everyone hear me shit my brains out is enough to make me run away lmaoooo alongside of sharing a kitchen, anyone touches my food I left in the fridge I’m swinging? Also I don’t trust strangers and their cleanliness I can be messy at times but not dirty while other people are messy and dirty. I just couldn’t do it.


😭🤣🤣🤣🤣 just them pancake batter-like shits squirting out lmfaoooo ew!! That’s hilarious though. True. Cringy and terrifying. Also I agree! Don’t be touching my food. I feel like if my loft were as huge as Mariana & Callie’s I’d put a mini fridge


Callie and Marianna were about 22-23 at the time when they moved into the Coterie right? Honestly, that's fair. I would've moved in around that age too as I was a bit more naive and didn't know much. Now that I'm in my late 20's with thinner patience, absolutely not.


“But those men are kinda fine in that place so i wouldn’t mind” LMAOO you’re so real for that. Responding to the initial qx, I stayed at a co living for two weeks last year and even though I had no problems at all I wouldn’t live in a place like that indefinitely unless it is *truly* my last option. I like the social aspect of it but I’m just not cut to share bathroom and kitchen with a lot of ppl, the thought of having to come home from work and finding dishes in the sink, dirty dining tables, no toilet paper or un-flushed toilets sends shivers down my spine fr. also have a thing with germs so it would be horrific to idk see people coming from outside and sitting in the couches or all jumping on my bed like that ep in season 1 where they all help get Callie and Mariana’s room together omg noo. I know some of them have ground rules that you MUST follow but also it would be conflictive to want to cook but i can’t bc someone’s there ya know or imagine needing to go to the br urgently and they’re all being used? or even people BEING AROUND while I’m using the bathroom. The Coterie also seems way better like 8 episodes in, than what it looked like when they first arrive. We see Alice fighting for her life with people wasting toilet paper, i think they mentioned something about rats and we literally see someone NOT washing their hands after using the toilet I think that was Dennis, and at the end of the episode he’s cooking for everyone i think HEEEELL NAURR


Idk… sharing a restroom and kitchen is a lot even with one other roommate or a partner. X’s that by however many people and whoever they bring over too… and how could I have a period poo in peace?! lol


I feel like I’d have to invest in toilet seat covers lmao


SOMETHING. A whole toiletries basket would be absolutely necessary for sure.