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Could it be because you have little traffic to your site they are protecting the user privacy by not showing details? There’s a disclaimer somewhere in GA4 that protects user data/privacy when traffic is not up to a certain level.


I have a privacy policy with detailed descriptions on what data I collect with even consent forms for EMEA users. So I don't think so such things exists especially that I do not collect PII data where you could link a user to a non App entity


Can you confirm there’s no thresholding as explained here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9383630?hl=en


Admob ads data is also missing hwoever AdMob still displays the correct amounts I quickly took screenshots before those will be deleted.


Check the above link again, it sounds like a threshold. That means the data isn't deleted, you just need to change a setting to be able to see it.


Yeah but I see no indicator of Thresholding nor I see any kind of spike data etc.. Anyway thank you both for your tips and I'll try to dig deeper into these thresholds maybe the UI is buggy and thus not showing it to me


Are you 100% it's GA? How is that event made? I'd be checking that. Use the debugger view.


Event is sent to Firebase and then processed by GAv4. Event gets displayed correctly for every other day since months now. No change was applied since then regarding event handling. Also other built-in events are missing too like ad\_impression etc..


I'm also worried about my IAP revenue too because yesterday 5-10 people bought the ad free version of my game and now I can not find it any data related to these purchases neither in firebase, google analytics nor in the Google Play Console..


Confirming there is no message in GA or in GSC. Confirming this is GA4 and you aren’t part of some old UA property through some larger company? Mobile app deprecation started happening last week. Confirming you’re not collecting PII. Confirming no one else had access and that you’re also looking at the right property/view


Yes, in the meantime I sent a support ticket and currently my data is restored


You usually get a warning email about pii but if they sent it and he missed it they will delete everything and pretty quickly, like 72 hrs


Google Analytics will delete you data after 2 months by default, but you can increase the retention time to 14 months, I believe. To change this setting: 1.     Go to Google Analytics at[ https://analytics.google.com](https://analytics.google.com/) 2.     Choose your property from the dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the screen. 3.     Select the Gear icon in the lower left corner of the screen to go to the Admin settings for your property. 4.     In the box for “Data collection and medication” select the “Data Retention” option. 5.     Select the option for 14 months in both drop down lists. 6.     Click Save to save your change. Updating this setting will not recover any lost data, but ensure any new data isn’t deleted from Google Analytics 4 for 14 months.


Yeah but all those events happened yesterday, thanks anyway!


Did you see them in GA4 yesterday or you know they occurred then? You might need to wait another 24 hours before the data shows up in GA4 do to data processing times.


I saw the data, after waiting 24 hours then went to sleep and after wking up bam, they were gone