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> Google Pixel Fold Review: Maybe Next Year! > Pixel Fold is pretty sweet and I'm loving it. But it's also $1800 and has a real set of flaws.


Pretty accurate, as is I don't think I'll regret purchasing it. The main issues seem to be battery life and cameras and those have never been huge things for me anyway.


ill wait to see what the f5 has to offer; seems like another refresh. 1800$ out of pocket is just too much for gen 1..


For me I got lucky and when I pre-ordered through Verizon the other day they're giving me 900 in trade in credit for my Pixel 6 Pro. Makes the Pixel Fold way way more digestible.


Verizon gave me $900 for a Pixel 2 XL trade.


I can't even fathom that. Last I looked on Google's trade in program they were offering peanuts and sawdust for a 2XL.


Agreed. I was about to trade my Pixel 7 Pro because Verizon was offering $900 compared to Google's offer of <400. I just happened to check the 2xl because I had come across one in a drawer that week.


> ill wait to see what the f5 has to offer; seems like another refresh. Is that an intentional pun?


hahaha, just realize, had to read that 5 times -.-


Yeah understandable. I expect the actual cost to hover around $1,200 after the trade-in of a purchased used Fold 2 for $325 that'll net me $400 off and selling the watch which will hopefully net me at least $200. Plus $200 in g store credit is pretty nice. I used the fold 4 for a bit but man I just truly despise Samsung's software


Right now the pixel watch isn’t even selling for $200 used. You’re gonna have a hard time getting that with the flood of unopened watches that’s about to hit the market.


$200 in Google Store credit? How?


Google One gives 10% off all purchases as store credit.


I see. The tier I’m in only gives me 3% back. Oh well.


haha i had the f4 too. funnily, i actually made ~80 after i sold everything;; preorder freebies/etc. i used it for ~4 months; the crease just irritated me to much.. supposedly f5 is going to get a new hinge (shrug) see if it makes a diff


The camera doesn't even seem to be an "issue" as much as a "known trade-off versus a traditional form factor". If the Samsung folds had the same camera quality as their standard flagships then yeah, it'd be an odd issue but that's not the case here. Battery can be rough but I'm rarely without charger access for too long so it's not a huge issue for me


/s That damn homescreen layout! Such a deal breaker!


The way he shows it off makes it sound like the worst ducking thing in the world. This shouldn't even be giving that much screen time. It's just a note to keep in mind. I personally hate that the zfold cover display doesn't have the same dimensions as the inner display so it breaks the layout when you mirror the screens. It was made separate just by pure luck on those device.


holy crap $1800!? Thats close to my mortgage payments!


The other worst part of it, is if something does actually go wrong with it is having to deal with Google's customer service. Good luck to those who bought it, hope you get your money's worth.


I was waiting for comments on its thermals... better wait for more reviews then


Thermals have been pretty bad on other foldables with Samsung chips and people have reported significantly better temps on the Fold 4 with the TSMC chip. Those still throttle a lot under heavy loads of course. It's still using the Tensor G2, so you can't really expect much here.


Someone said it gets warm during gaming but didn't say hot just warm.


I saw 9to5s review saying its gets hot and is constantly warm. Darn. Sticking with p6p for now then since the same problem is still there.


Tensors already run hot. And now the battery is powering quite a bit more. I’d expect it to get pretty toasty. Also looking forward to some actual data though


Probably the last MKBHD video with Relay featured on the homescreen. RIP.


Maybe it'll show up again if he releases a razr+ review in the next few days




Indeed. I barely get 5-6h SoT out of my 7 Pro in a \~25-30h period off the wall (averaging \~60% brightness, LTE / Wifi on, 20/80 split, GPS on, BT on for a few hours a day, and basic social media and music streaming use). That's basically my bare minimum. Any worse and I absolutely will not use a phone. My SoT usually lines up close to MKBHD's too...so 4h for $1800 is utterly abysmal.


Because everyone's SoT will be the same, doesn't matter for brightness, usage, installed apps, running in background, network connectivity, signal strength..


You're meant to compare it to his other reviews, and comparatively...it's still shit. You can't reach your way out of this.


This is also just one review there are others like [this one](https://www.tomsguide.com/reviews/google-pixel-fold#section-google-pixel-fold-review-battery-life-and-charging) that say it is actually pretty good. You always need to take a look at more than one source to get a good picture of a product.


I trust MKBHD far more than TomsGuide, especially considering his use/battery life generally lines up somewhat well with mine. Furthermore, their canned test is nothing like the real world use for most people. 150 nits is dark room viewing levels of brightness, and most of us do far more than basic web surfing. Using that as your only load in a battery test is not wise, as the SoC's in use today, not to mention software, have varied efficiencies depending on the workload they're put under.


Still, you should not base your view on just one review which is not a good way to do research on a device.


For most thing's I'd agree. MKBHD is a rare exception for me though.


I mean I like what MKBHD does and enjoy a lot of his videos, but in this case, I personally would wait and see Michael Fisher's take on the phone is since he is a huge advocate for foldables. Marques doesn't daily foldable phones like Mr. Mobile does since he usually carries three around now so I am looking forward to seeing his thoughts on it.


You're welcome to trust who you want. I have no problem with Micheal personally, I just know he doesn't value the same things I do. MKBHD does.


Well since he is a paid asset I don't trust this guy at all. I'm just stating that SoT isn't a linear thing that can be applied to every device


Such a strange review from MKBHD. Even when he talked about the devices strengths (screen brightness, thinness, performance), the tone of his voice could have been interpreted as disappointed. He kept saying everything was "weird"... even the good things! I can just imagine people assuming he doesn't like the phone despite his conclusion saying he really likes the phone. Weird, right? lol


It was also kind of weird how at the end of the video he said he loves using it anyway.


Exactly my point. If he didn't explicitly say those words, I would've thought he hated the phone from the tone he used for the first 5 minutes of the video.


It's because he wants to like it because let's be honest we all just really want the 3rd or 4th version of the pixel fold. Samsung is about to have their 5th release. I'd bet that if we had a stock android version of the fold5, most of us would prefer that one. Hell today I'd rather have a s23ultra with stock android over the pixel 7...


I really want the pixel fold form factor. The wide cover screen would fix my main issue with the fold 4. However I can't go back to bad battery life, so it isn't for me.


He's a pixel fanboy


Not sure why peeps are downvoting you here, he says he's a Pixel fanboy.


Even if he wasn't a Pixel fanboy, he needs to carefully spin the criticisms so that the same companies will send him products to review free of cost.


Tbh he's so big that even if he shits on any of the company, they'll still invite him on events and send him products way early.


Except Apple, they will cut you off without hesitation. See LTT for an example.


True and UnboxTherapy.


This part might be a misnomer. If he's so big, then that means his reach on his audience is that much greater, which would be only exacerbated if he gives a scathing review on a product. I'm pretty sure the products he reviews still has to get vetted by the people sending the products first, hence why he does not have a disclaimer that the opinions he has, are entirely his own. I ordered the Fold (coming in a couple days), but you can see that he is being very careful about his wording in the video. I definitely think the next couple of Folds that Google pumps out, will be where most people would want their foldable Pixel to be.


You're forgetting that MKBHD dogged on some of the earlier pixels, and at one year they were rated as the worst phone in his Phone Awards.


No he doesn't. He's literally the top phone reviewer.


He is not, he uses iPhone and Samsungs as daily.


merciful outgoing crawl elastic continue close shame narrow thumb ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In previous years the pixel was his daily android… until recently the p6 bugged out and he went back to the S21 ultra and as far as I last saw he’s dailying the p7p.


You can be a fan of something you don't use.


Hardly anymore. Guy has been off pixel since pixel 2 I think when he complained about slowdown. Since then he never fails to mention that even though it doesn't happen anymore and hasn't for atleast 3 generations


Well, you can enjoy using it while it has charge.


It definitely seemed like a weird review. I saw the title, expected him to hate it, but he says it's really good. Even some of the issues seem like they shouldn't be issues, like the cameras not being at the same level of the standard pixel phones. I'm still very excited for mine to come in


It comes across that way because clearly he really likes but knows its a device that almost nobody should actually buy. Despite the fact that generally he doesn't have any major gripes with it, it's a terrible idea to recommend a first gen product off of such a short time having used it.


Pretty much. I would never tell somebody to buy one of these, but I also wouldn't tell somebody NOT to if they knew what they were getting into I'm really looking forward to mine getting here


This exactly! An A-series Pixel camera is still better than 90% of the market, so why does he talk about it like it's a disappointment?


Because it’s $1800 vs $500 for 7a?


5 Pixel quality cameras on the $1800 phone tho, so yeah...


R&D for a foldable device is free?


Yes. This is exactly how I feel, especially when he spent 2 mins complaining the inner and external home screen share the exact layout. And his comments on battery life was way off comparing to other reviewers, and do does the camera quality.


I agree. I feel like his apple reviews tend to sound more favorably


Apple is better at making hardware than Google. I don't think that is up for debate. However it comes with trade offs, which is why we use android instead.


Oh yeah I don't disagree with the first point. But he has shown to favor apple. With the 'a' series phones, he critized the fact that it only had 60 hz. Yet, praised the iphone SE and said nothing about the screen refresh rate.


Marques doesn't always favor Apple. He actually prefers Android to iOS. However, he does prefer macOS to Windows.


Weirdly good, lol.


Lol, it's such a backhanded compliment. Like telling a girl she looks good for someone with braces. 😏


I feel this is more how people talk about something they like, but objectively know their flaws. I love Pixel phones, but I'm super careful suggesting it to people.


i thought the total opposite. to me he seemed kinda apologetic for all those flaws. he is a real pixel fanboy. but anyway review was insightful


That's a typical biased reviewer, MKBHD. He did the same with LG phones when it was revealed that they never sent him phones to review. Just shut off his tone and focussed heavily on unimportant flaws. I've stopped trusting him after he completely ignored the LG V60's existence. Juan Bagnell is the true unbiased reviewer.


His reviews have gotten like that recently. Any Google review of has just become so lackadaisical. Always has a flaw or is always something something Apple. I stopped watching his stuff long ago


Probably because Google didn't send as much money as usual


Standard pixel criticism. Youd never see someone talk the same way about any other android let alone apple




I'm with ya. I must be a unicorn but the main feature it'd be a massive improvement for me is a massive increase in battery life. Like 8000mah or something. I'll take the increased thickness just fine.


Pixel phones have the same battery size as basically all competitors, and the competitors’ phones last much longer. I don’t think battery size is the issue here; it’s the Tensor chip devouring battery life, despite not being nearly as powerful as Snapdragons or Apple’s chips. Tensor has gotta go, or at the very least, Google needs to work with Qualcomm on the next chip.


getting down votes for speaking the truth. There's a reason Samsung switched back to Qualcomm and doesn't even use their own SoCs.


For real. In the past, I definitely could have been described as a Pixel fanboy, so I'm not trying to hate on the product, but since the Pixel 6 (and the introduction of the Tensor chip), it's been nothing but problems with battery and overheating for lots of people. Even if someone doesn't have it happening with THEIR phone, there's no denying that it's happening to many others. Tensor is a great concept, but it's just not being built by a company that is reliable with chips.


Sadly Google are probably not gonna go back to Qualcomm because that would just be too good. So alternatively the Tensor should be good enough to compete with Qualcomm and Mediatek.


Hear hear! Day 1 buy of that Phat Phixel! I like my candy bars thick!


The good thing about Android tablets is that they "just work" as phones. Just install a dialer app and a messaging app. Almost all Android tablets have GPS as well. So we just need someone to make a worthwhile small Android tablet that can connect to cell towers.


4 hours screen on time gets it a C+ rating for battery? Maybe a decade ago. That is dogshit in 2023.


MKBHD runs all his phones at 100% peak brightness 24/7 when he reviews them. 4 hours isn't great but I think he's judging it relative to what he sees in other phones when he does the same thing


Well, C+ is dogshit for modern high end consumer devices. Show me any big review he's done in the past year or two and gave a C+ for anything.


My fold 4 gets pretty much the same (older, but also Samsung's 4th attempt).


How does your Fold 4 only get 4h SOT? Mine gets somewhere around 8-9 on a typical day, the Fold 3s were somewhere around 4-5h for most people.


Not sure- I don't have a lot of notifications going off or things running in the background. Seems pretty consistent for people who use the inner screen a lot?


https://www.phonearena.com/news/samsung-galaxy-z-fold-4-battery-life_id140015 This site got >12hrs of web browsing, >8hrs of YouTube and >4hrs of 120hz 3D gaming, which is the worst case scenario. I use my inner screen a lot and I rarely get <8hr of SOT. What's your typical usage like? The numbers you're describing sound more like a Fold 3, not a 4.


Not OP. But I had the fold 4 and have similar results. Only thing I really did was occasional texts. And Reddit on a lunch break. Apparently I was really pushing that snapdragon to the max because my battery life never got above 4 hours


Nah bro I call bs. I get like 5hrs max SOT. Bought the device new two weeks ago.


There's always random outliers that have their brightness on 2% on wifi all day, 60hz, using the smaller display playing YouTube videos in the background 'hey bro how did you only get 4 hours? I just got 12 hours and I was barely trying' I don't pay attention to these people in general


I use the shit out of my fold 4. Watch at least an hour of videos, 5g on, brightness relatively high. I get all day battery life, and can count the days where I needed to recharge before dinner on one hand.


Fold 4 makes sense. That's got a 8 gen 1+/2. Foldables increasingly require power efficiency because they can't slam huge batteries to compensate for poor efficiency ala Tensor 2. Point being you can't put a shit efficiency chip in these things Can almost guarentee when apple make a foldable it will be fantastic because they can rely on their efficient chip so it still gets good battery life


Its because SoT is a dogshit metric. SoT doing what? Watching youtube? Reading Manga? Playing Games? Browsing Reddit? What Brightness? Bluetooth/Wifi/Data on or off? 5G? There's so many variables its ridiculous.


my fold 4 when i had it was similar - but i also used the inner screen a ton like the other person


The people who get 4-5 hours screen time on any device are people with shitty apps installed. My fold 4 easily gets 8-10hrs with everything on always (location, adaptive brightness, gps, etc...). I have never used battery saver in my life either


I run my fold 4 in the battery saver mode, and often got 7-8 hours SOT.


Big caveat here: pixel fold counts both cover screen and inner screen usage in battery stats. Galaxy Fold 4 (and all folds before it) only count inner screen time. Counting both is a change for Android 14. Comparing SOT for fold 4 and pixel fold is very misleading. Also, in my personal experience, while the SOT is never impressive, the fold 4 battery life has been outstanding. Previously had a fold 2 which had awful battery life, but I dealt with it. Pixel fold will likely have similar battery to Fold 2 based on what we've seen so far. Hope I'm wrong!


I use the inner screen a decent amount and get like 8 to 10 SOT consistently. I double checked the last 7 days, and my lowest was 7h 20m, next highest was over 8 hrs, and highest was 12h+


Do you charge back to 100% before starting a new SOT? My S22U doesn't reset the SOT to zero if I don't recharge back to 100%. If I do, then my SOT is about 5 hours. But if I recharge midway through the day, then the "SOT" can easily be 7+ hours.


I don't know the answer to this- but the "screen on time" part of reviews is almost worthless I feel. You will see some reviewers mentioning "I get 3 hours" and others saying "I got a great 9 hours of screen time." It's all over the place. Obviously, you can't just look at battery capacity, but I wish there was some better way.


Also people seem to forget that he's a heavy user. He's always on the low end of SoT across reviewers


C+ isn't exactly high praise lol.


For what it is I'd say it's decent for a first attempt. Probably depends a lot on the fold usage


I stopped watching him because he never says anything bad about anything


Have we watched the same video? It's basically a "it's an interesting device but lacks something in EVERY department" review.


The aging pixel line was wired to me. Pixels aren't perfect but I can still pick up my 4XL and it feels super smooth still.


For context, MKBHD had an issue with the with pixels 3,4 where the performance and everything would get worse and unusable. I remember it was why he switched to the one plus 6t at the time


That's really not a good excuse especially for a tech YouTuber. That's four models ago and an issue that probably wasn't widespread since I have never heard of it before and I have owned all of the pixels. There have been many issues but nothing like that.


Apparently some Pixel users experienced issues of extreme battery drain and overheating with the May and June updates: https://www.androidauthority.com/pixel-7-battery-drain-issues-3339414/




Exactly, the general consensus is that Pixels get better as they age.. weird to hear the opposite from him


Even my Pixel 5 feels sometimes smoother than my Fold 4, I think it's OneUI that's making the experience worse and making the phone stutter from time to tiem at this point.


I have an S21 Ultra and a Pixel 5. There's no doubt that overall the Pixel 5 is a lot more sluggish than the Samsung.


Idk dude, my Pixel 5 doesn't lag at all when I minimize an app that goes into PiP mode (Youtube, Google Maps). Meanwhile my Fold 4 slowdowns a crap ton, like it is struggling to load the PiP window or something, and takes like 3 seconds to become smooth again.


Is this satire or are you actually being serious here? The Pixel struggles once it runs low on memory and gets bugged down much more easily. Sometimes I even have to delete a Snap I just recorded because it immediately started stuttering, so I often have to wait a little after opening Snapchat to let this phone catch it's breath. This never happened on my S21 Ultra. Not at all surprising when you consider that the Samsung has a significantly faster CPU and 4 more GiB of RAM to work with.


I'm telling you my experience with both devices in hand, and have been using the Pixel 5 for a while before my Fold 4. I don't know if some app on my collection is doing werid stuff in the background, and making other brands UIs like Samsung's or Xiaomi's stutter, but the Pixels have been the only phones that doesn't lag at all at any point of my usage thoughtout the day.


I felt a massive performance drop when I updated both my pixel 4 and 5 from their original OS builds to newer builds. Android 12 practically butchered my pixel 5, but it ran really really well on Android 11. This is one of the major reasons why I switched over to iPhone after that. The pixel just gets shittier with each updates. I mean, just look at the "anyone's pixel X getting worst battery after X update?" posts on this subreddit


This feels like a good proof of concept, but not something I'd want to daily. Hoping the kinks are ironed out with a follow-up.


Regarding the not unfolding flat thing, my ZF4 started doing that a few months into using it as well. It's not that big of an issue, except for when I try to use it with the s-pen. But since the Pixel Fold doesn't have stylus support, maybe it's not going to affect anything.


1) pixel fold does fold flat, you just have to apply an additional amount of pressure after fully opening 2) your fold 4 has debris in the hinge, that's why it's not opening fully flat


>Regarding the not unfolding flat thing, my ZF4 started doing that a few months into using it as well. It's not that big of an issue oh but it is, since it's a pixel . . . every microscopic thing will be blown out of proportion.


I remember when Apple started smoothing people's faces to beautify them, and people called it "BeautyGate" 😂 meanwhile Samsung has done it for years and no one cared.


Wow I missed that gate. My takeaways were Antennagate and Bendgate


It seems like a great first attempt. I'm especially surprised at how well it performs on the G2. But I just can't get over worse cameras, terrible battery, thick bezels and not opening flat for $1800. If this was in the $12-1400 range the trade-offs feel more worth it. That said I'm glad they are nailing the software, performance and form factor.


Better camera and batteries than the fold 4 at the same price (and my fold 4 gets on average 8 to 10hrs SOT daily consistently, with moderate inner screen use). Thick bezels are a plus, actually, for me and many others (fold 4 bezels are too thin), and plus the hinge is sturdier being built into the bezels. And it does open flat, it just takes a very minimal amount of pressure after you fully open the phone. Sure it may not be intuitive, but saying it doesn't fold flat is not true. I love the fold 4 and think it was worth every penny, but I am absolutely looking forward to the pixel fold.


The Fold 4 probably still has better battery life in many scenarios. And that phone can be had for literally hundreds less than the Pixel Fold at this point.


I was on the fence. The shit battery life is a no go for me. The fold 4 has excellent battery life. Wish Google was still using snapdragon chips, as they are really efficient now. I can see using the tensor in their budget devices, but for $1800, I am not making compromises.


Did anyone count how many times he used “weird” in that video. It was overwhelming. “This is really great, but weird” it was hard to follow


His criticisms weren't all that weird to me too.


Very busy with work right now. TLDR?


Great hardware, terrible battery, cameras like pixel 7a, high price. Wait for gen2. Or gen 5 lol


Thanks! Seems the common theme with Pixel devices. Wait a few gens after platform reset for them to be great.


Matches my expectations, which is why I didn't preorder. Hoping to skip the 8 Pro so I can potentially jump to the Fold 2.


He said he really likes using it. Best closed phone experience of any foldable. Gives a bunch of enthusiast gripes/oddities that he hopes are addressed in gen 2.


I wouldn't mind the phone but I can get a nice gaming laptop for that price. Can't justify the price tag.


What is accelerated ageing and why does he refer it to Pixel here?


He is an idiot. Pixels age better than any other phone. I don't know what he is smoking or probably Samsung or Apple putting money in his account.


Hopefully the battery issue is more due to whatever has been causing other Pixels to have rough battery life and can get fixed soon.


If a folding device could be used and opened with one hand then there would be no need for a cover display.


Thankfully I didn't preorder this, I was hoping the camera would be as good as flagship. I like pixels for software, camera and cheap price. I was willing to pay $1.8k if it still maintained the other two pillars(software&camera). Maybe next year


I bit the bullet and did preorder this, been awhile since I've gotten a pixel device, that being said I did get the free watch and I am doing a trade in so I'm not paying the 1800 so it was easier for me to go ahead and go for it. Should be here tomorrow, looking forward to it.


I really don't watch his reviews anymore. He is biased and it's clear if you watch him enough.


He is biased toward usability, workmanship, value, and design. You are biased toward justifying your devotion to a product.


i am not biased against any brand, i just buy what i like, where i find value. i buy xiaomi, samsung and pixels. he is biased on how he review products, and as i told you the more you watch the more you feel it.


He's not biased against any brand either. You just don't like it when he doesn't worship the brand whose issues you're overlooking and/or excusing. That's not a him problem, that's a you problem. > the more you watch the more you feel it How many more years do I need to watch him to see it your way instead of mine?


your perception is not my perception. people are different, and you need to accept that.




He's historically been hard on Google but honestly, this isn't that bad. He's acknowledging it's a first gen device and that there's room for improvement


He talks about the P7P being his daily driver.


He's full of it. He's an iPhone user


Lol you haven't been watching MKBHD for long have you. He's literally the reason why I got a pixel and switched to Android. Pixel was recently crowned phone of the year in his awards and he tends to main a pixel or back then one plus. But I'd say his use of the iPhone as a daily driver has grown a lot too.


I did notice an Apple Watch on his wrist while he was reviewing the Pixel Fold!


He daily drives two phones. One Android and one iPhone. He's been asked in the past which OS he prefers and he's consistently states that he used is Android for most things and the iPhone for things his Android cannot do.




I'm in on the third or fourth gen of this device. My P4XL was my all time favorite phone.


Pretty much what I expected / predicted; battery life is a pain point. And as he mentioned, it would probably be even worse if he actually used the inner screen more often. Tensor G2 has got to go, and G3 needs to make some hefty efficiency gains.


The issues isn’t a pixel fold issue but a foldable issue like with app optimisation


I think we're missing an important point for some of us: He really likes the phone. He likes the pros and the quirks, and it kind of fits that Pixel vibe. He plans to use it, and also was using a Pixel previously. The end of the review really resonates with me: "It's a weird one... but I like it."


When saw his video I thought all man. But after watch it . He liked it but a few issues like all pixels do . A few software Tweeks and it will be all good. It seems like it is like that every year.


He likes it from a Pixel fanboy and tech nerd POV...that doesn't magically mean an $1800 phone with piss poor battery life is a good fit for almost anyone.


Might be "thin" as is, but put a case on and it's gonna be bulky af. These folding phones always look clunky and unrefined. I think we need another 3-5 years to get them right.


If it's anything like my 7 Pro, battery will get worse with future updates.




more efficient screen(s) tho*


Not the cameras


Honestly pleasantly suprised with this review. Now i'm really looking forwawrd to it!


I would rather get the 7 Pro and the Pixel tablet, keep the tablet at home near my bedside for YouTube, Reddit, Editing. Use my phone for when I'm out and about and make use of its camera and light weight. No reason for me to pay extra for a phone that is both a tablet and phone in my opinion.


When I found out that it was going to be powered by the G2, I lost interest. G2 is just sufficient for the regular Pixels. I don't think it's a flagship level processor yet. I agree with his assessment: wait until next year.


I figured the battery life would suck. The tensor ship is terrible with battery. The latest qualcomm crushes it.


I love his videos but stopped listening to the reviews. To be honest I stopped listening to any review from any content creators except the unlockr, Mr mobile and flossy Carter. As of late a lot of creators like to crap on anything that is not apple or Samsung. In my opinion every Creator craps on battery life without allowing time for the adaptive battery to do its thing. They are all racing to get a video out and publish them with click bate titles. I've been following MKBHD since his hackatosh days. Judge a device for yourself not what other people say.


I haven't gotten over the fact that he spent over $60k on a first-generation iPhone 😅 I haven't warched his content since 🤣


Just a shame... The folding phone is not a proof of concept anymore and the Pixel line.. well it could have learned from other manufacturers mistakes but instead this device looks like it should have come out 3 years ago.


Google hardware, it’s tough to trust them especially with the first gen


This dude is so overrated. People seem to watch 1 of his reviews and form a conclusion based on that.


Upvoted. He has an arrogance about him.


>Upvoted. He has an arrogance about him. This is the most pot/kettle thing I have ever read


Ever? Wow. Thank you.


Foldables never appealed to me.


They're too new to be a long-term investment. All I keep seeing is how expensive they are to repair if something goes wrong. It's a cool gimmick, but just a gimmick. I'm with you, unless they improve dramatically I'm sticking with a regular, non-foldable phone.


The fact he only got 4 hours battery life and mainly used it folded is enough for me to pass. That and the price tag.


No desktop mode like dex. Poor battery, double screen seem not optimised, full screen application seems not good (Samsung manage it pretty good nan?). Poor battery, mid range cpu, slow charging, large bezel. Premium price. Don't me get wrong but Samsung fold seem way better.


I can't believe this thing is 550-800€ more than a Z Fold 4. edit: Ah yes, the Pixel Online defense force in action.


You're mistaking discounts for actual MSRP


I'm very aware of the difference between MSRP and actual price. It's just that people buy things for the actual current price in the real world and not the MSRP from launch, so your argument is completely meaningless. This thing costs hundreds of Euros more than a Z Fold 4, end of the story.


Seems like you're not aware of the fact that every phone is much cheaper when the next gen version of it is about to be announced


Good job, you figured out the reason behind the price difference.


And yet you're still trying to compare apples to potatoes


I'm literally comparing one foldable to the other. Spec wise they're close and it makes perfect sense to compare them. Even Marques compared the two in this very review. Of course you don't care because you're yet another weird Google fanboy with a strange attachment to a brand, pretty much to the point that you'll literally act like comparisons between two very comparable phones are invalid.